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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

jon357  72 | 22955
1 day ago   #691
Reports of what? Nobody is being press hanged, and any country deals with draft dodgers. Try it in r*SSia and see what happens.

And yes, under the Nixon regime, they jailed people who didn't want to participate in americas cruel invasion of Vietnam.

We can only hope these men are given the same option.

Why? I'm my OH's 19 U.K. year old nephew can put a uniform on and defend his country, nightclub lounge lizards certainly can. It's that or r*SSia coming closer to winning.

Anyone thinking the US

One reason the main NATO states are increasingly moving away from that declining country. Even the Pentagon accept that they're losing influence and goodwill.
mafketis  38 | 10908
1 day ago   #692
And then, it would not be the response some here think it would be.

In other words.... WWIII is already here.

The sides are those who say they are for individual freedom (however imperfectly) vs dictatorships whether oligarcho-criminal (russia, belarus) religious (iran) or communist (china, north korea)

A lot of countries in the middle (like Turkey and Brazil and India) are waiting to see which way the wind blows.

Had the united western world come down _hard_ on russia in feb 2024 things might look better today but weak leaders and policies of 'deescalation' have emboldened the new Axis in showing the weakness of democracies....
PolAmKrakow  2 | 942
1 day ago   #693
@Bratwurst Boy
I dnt think Americans hated "German people" they hated the Nazi movement but wouldnt have gotten involved if not for Japan. There is still a deep seeded dislike of Japanese people for what they did in Pearl Harbor. Too many Americans of German ancestry to hate them.

When you start using words like "cruel" the argument is made on emotion and not worth pursuing. ANyone not volunteering to fight has the right to sit in jail or not fight I agree. The idea that any government will focibily determine how any person values his own life or the lives of his family members is simply so stupid it cant be put into words.

NATO states moving away from the US? LMAO Its such a big move they are ordering more and more weapons from the US. And they hang on every word of the upcoming election. Thinking the Pentagon or the US people value any other cuntry's "goodwill" is a mistake. Russia is not a threat to the US. China is only a competitor economically. No one is going to invade the US so the US does not need NATO. Imagine the EU without the US in NATO having to face Russia. Thats not something anyone wants to do.
cms neuf  1 | 1750
1 day ago   #694
So in other words WW3 will be between slaves and free men.

Who do you think will win that ?

And it won't take long for Brazil, India and Sourh Africa to pick the winning side
mafketis  38 | 10908
1 day ago   #695
the US does not need NATO

Who needs supply chains, anyway?
jon357  72 | 22955
1 day ago   #696
When you start using words like "cruel" the argument is made on emotion and not worth pursuing

It's not an argument, and why isn't emotion "worth pursuing"? Emotion, compassion and altruism are what separates us from other animals.

The idea that any government will focibily determine how any person values his own life or the lives of his family members is simply

Who 'determines' that? We all have a duty to the society we live in and the people around us. Otherwise it would be everyone for themselves like in r*SSia.


Yes, you always write crap like that when you're on the back foot. It does you no favours. Whatever you do, don't try to become a lawyer.

If the sharpest minds at the Pentagon put this in writing, that influence and power are waning, they're worth listening to. Or do you also L your A off at published Pentagon Briefing Papers which refer to the "post-hegemony world"?
Novichok  4 | 7778
1 day ago   #697
And the award for the best post of the month goes to...PAK!

Russia is not a threat to the US. China is only a competitor economically. No one is going to invade the US so the US does not need NATO.

...artillery and tanks...

The question of the month is mine...

How does China stay safe without having a mil base in every other shithole? No 10 aircraft carrier groups either....A miracle!!!!

Almost forgot...Our mil budget is 4 times China's...We should ask them how they manage this amazing feat...

Who needs supply chains, anyway?

Q: Who needs brains?
A: Mafketis

Supply of what? Polish kielbasa or pierogi?
johnny reb  46 | 7601
1 day ago   #698
someone may dare to think that it is time to exterminate globalists...

I second the motion.
Joe Biden is igniting war everywhere. He is throwing gasoline onto every fire there is.

The Democrats love war because many of them in charge profit from them quite nicely.
Half of the country doesnt want to support Ukraine at all.

More than half.
Like Trump said, "every time Zelenskyy comes to he U.S. he leaves with 50 billion dollars. Enough is enough."
Novichok  4 | 7778
1 day ago   #699
Children, today is your chance to see the difference between a genius and a moron...

PAK, the genius, posts facts in a well-written, to-the-point, short opinion piece.

A moron., aka maf, instead of responding to it, asks a stupid and unrelated question.

See what I mean? Learn and don't be morons. It will serve you well in life...
Bobko  27 | 2157
1 day ago   #700
Who needs supply chains, anyway?

At what point in its history did the United States become a superpower?

At the end of WW2? The end of WW1? Following the Spanish-American War? Following the end of the Civil War?

I think, and probably many people would agree, that the United States entered the 20th century as already a fully formed superpower.

At the same time it had practically no allies and lived in splendid isolation.

Between the world wars, it helped industrialize the dictatorial Soviet Union - where famines and mass executions were taking place. Companies like Ford, Caterpillar, GE, Hughes, DuPont and others played an absolutely crucial role in making the Soviet Union an industrial giant.

In the same way, during the interwar years, America did a tremendous amount of business with Kuomintang China.

No sanctions. No lectures about human rights. No insistence on "a flourishing free press" or an "independent judiciary" - just cold, hard business that lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty. That's real American power, that makes people respect the country and want to be friends with it.

In the same way, during WW2 itself, it was the relationship between Stalin and Roosevelt that prevented the start of an immediate WW3 that Churchill was clamoring for.

English and French people trying to sell Europe as "indispensable" to the United States, have been running a very successful racket these past 80 years. The fact is that it's not true.

America became powerful in the shadow of Europe, doing business with everyone that was willing.
jon357  72 | 22955
1 day ago   #701
I think, and probably many people would agree, that the United States entered the 20th century as already a fully formed superpower

I wouldn't. It was probably from WW2 onwards. At the start of the twentieth century they barely had metalled roads between cities.


English or British? People or government? France, btw, has a barely functioning government and is almost on your side, scared of conflict.

One thing that you should have learnt by now; you can't beat us.
Novichok  4 | 7778
1 day ago   #702
No sanctions. No lectures about human rights.

...and no DEI anywhere...
English and French people trying to sell Europe as "indispensable" to the United States,

The US would be better off with Europe turning into European Sea.

Russia excluded. I like Velund and Putin. Bobko is already here.
Bobko  27 | 2157
1 day ago   #703
is almost on your side, scared of conflict.

Much better than the warmongering coming out of the UK, which will be the end of us all.

In general - sanctions don't work - never have. Haven't changed a thing in Cuba, NK or Iran in decades.

Talking to people in a patronizing manner about democratic institutions and corruption - also never brings fruits.

The only thing that's been proven to work, is actual engagement.

Russia did what it did, at least in part, because the relationship with the West was in such tatters that it didn't seem like there was much left to lose. The Germans were always doing it right, but they didn't have enough pull to convince the others.

The German approach of investing into Russia, and working closely with its leaders, should have been adopted by the rest as well. To make Russia a part of the wider family of nations, instead of feeling like a pariah.

An engaged Russia, that feels a shareholder of the status quo, would never have attacked Ukraine.

A Russia being kicked around the peripheries and treated like the poor relation is what led to war.
johnny reb  46 | 7601
1 day ago   #704
See what I mean?

Yes, you want everyone to march to YOUR beat and post by YOUR Standards.
instead of responding to it, asks a stupid and unrelated question.

That is a kind way of ignoring you, Novi.
I do the same thing with Hairy Lazarus sometimes.
mafketis  38 | 10908
1 day ago   #705
The German approach of investing into Russia, and working closely with its leaders

Ended up being a total poochscrew.... the thing is russia hasn't done anything in the last 70 years to _earn_ the respect of other countries and so it's hysterical demands to be taken seriously make it look all the moor pathetic....

What did Japan do? What is South Korea doing? What has Poland done? Those are countries that went from the edge of destruction to prosperity and international respect.... what's russia done?

A Russia being kicked around the peripheries and treated like the poor relation is what led to war.

Do you have any idea of just how psychotic that sounds?

Meanwhile... a russian solider demolishes the myth of 'we don't leave our own'.... this is what you want respect for?
Bobko  27 | 2157
1 day ago   #706
Do you have any idea of just how psychotic that sounds?

What about this is psychotic?

The same dynamics are at a play at a Thanksgiving dinner.

If you want to avoid a family blow-up, you work with everyone.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 942
1 day ago   #707
Emotions have no place in discussion about facts. It always has been everyone for themselves, nothing has changed. The sharpest minds in the Pentagon are manipulating the politicians to spend more money. Influence is not being reduced, their spending power is.

Excellent post. I agree with your take on things. WW2 was the US flexing the muscle th world already knew it had. If Japan stays doesnt bomb Pearl Harbor, we live in a different world today. Unfortunately for Europe, Americans do not believe Europe is something to fight for. 95% of Americans will never see Europe.
jon357  72 | 22955
1 day ago   #708
Emotions have no place in discussion about facts

Why not? Human emotions, decency and compassion are absolutely real and are what defines us as a species. Margaret Mead was asked when hominids progressed to become human. Her reply is that the first proof is when a fossilised skeleton was found with a healed leg bone. Animals that break their legs die of hunger. Humans who break their legs are looked after by other humans through altruism and compassion.

It always has been everyone for themselves, nothing has changed

No it hasn't. What on earth would make anyone think that? That's a weird and sociopathic thing to write.

the Pentagon are manipulating

Oh, so it's all a conspiracy then... Who's behind it?
Bobko  27 | 2157
1 day ago   #709
95% of Americans will never see Europe.

America straddles two oceans. Unlike the Europeans, it's not all Atlantic for the US... there's the Pacific too.

In some places, like Hawaii or Alaska or Oregon, people know as much about what's going on in Japan as they do about what's going on in France.

America itself is as big as a continent. When Taylor Swift does a US tour, it has as many legs as her European tour.

America is Europe's sitter. Like in an old folks' home.

Because it was born in Europe, America feels it has to take care of Europe during all its health failures.
cms neuf  1 | 1750
1 day ago   #710
North Nigeria was not kicked to the periphery - it was accorded the same rights and access to international institutions as all of its peer countries like the Philippines, Pakistan and Mexico, which all have similar populations though generally a bit richer and with better armies, and of course way better food and supermarkets that don't look like prison canteens.

North Nigeria even has the extra bonus of being on the UN security council (which has basically led to the UN being irrelevant) and the G8 (which they were rightly expelled from)
jon357  72 | 22955
1 day ago   #711
Some pretty good news:

Poland has surpassed Russia in terms of the value of exports for the first time on record, new World Bank data for 2023 show. They also reveal that Poland has risen to become the 19th largest exporter in the world.
mafketis  38 | 10908
1 day ago   #712
The same dynamics are at a play at a Thanksgiving dinner.

Maybe in a dysfunctional and violent family...

Normal person: Happy thanksgiving, Chester. How's the job search going?
Chester: How dare you disrespect me?!?!!? (runs next door and sets fire to the neighbors' house) This is all YOUR fault!!!!!!
Novichok  4 | 7778
1 day ago   #713
That is a kind way of ignoring you, Novi.

His post was meant as an insult to PAK.
Yes, you want everyone to march to YOUR beat and post by YOUR Standards.

Yes. My standard is simple. Respond on points or stay silent.

Single short snarky barks are not responses. Unless meant as putdowns, not part of a linear, fact-based conversation.

Both Bobko and PAK deserve better than this kind of crap.

Just look at 710 and 711. The 711 is meant to insult 710. This Polish POS never tires of his "North Nigeria".
Lazarus  2 | 361
1 day ago   #714
95% of Americans will never see Europe.

In reality more than 11% of US citizens visited Europe in 2023 alone.

This Polish POS never tires of his "North Nigeria".

Trust me when I tell you that here in Poland virtually everybody is tired of North Nigeria.
mafketis  38 | 10908
1 day ago   #715
sanctions don't work - never have

Then you should have nothing against their continuation.

If it's an entirely symbolic gesture then so be it... the symbol 'we don't trade with outlaws' is worthwhile.
Novichok  4 | 7778
1 day ago   #716
11% of US citizens visited Europe in 2023 alone.

...and that's why the US should spend billions on NATO and risk a war with Russia...

If so many Americans visit Europe, why I seldom hear American English at Terminal 5 in Chicago?
cms neuf  1 | 1750
1 day ago   #717
Nonsense - I am merely stating facts about how a medium sized power should be treated by the rest of the world

North Nigeria has nukes ? So does Pakistan
North Nigeria has a lot of people ? so do the Philippines
North Nigeria has an important strategic geographical position ? So does Mexico

Do those countries bully and invade their peaceful neighbors ?
Novichok  4 | 7778
1 day ago   #718
If it's an entirely symbolic gesture then so be it...

Hey, stupid, ask Germans if sanctions are symbolic.
is tired of North Nigeria.

North Nigeria or "North Nigeria"?
I am tired of morons who think that referring to Russia as "North Nigeria" is a winning debate move. Like "ruSSia" from the PF assfucker...
cms neuf  1 | 1750
1 day ago   #719
I thought I was on your stupid list ?
mafketis  38 | 10908
1 day ago   #720
Do those countries bully and invade their peaceful neighbors ?

russians simply don't understand the modern world.... they're stuck in the 19th century 'great powers' era.... problem is there's nothing especially great or powerful about modern russia...

soviet born Vlad Vexler on putin's 'russian world' project, which he says: "doesn't have anything to offer culturally or intellectually"

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