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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

AntV  4 | 712
11 Oct 2024   #601
the international community have that duty.

It does? Should the international community intervene in Ethiopia, Sudan, Nicaragua, Armenia, Zimbabwe, Haiti, etc.? What is the criteria for the international community to perform such a duty? Is it selective?

Do you not want Ukraine to be free of r*SSians?

Has it ever been? I really don't care if it is completely free of Russians. I do want the war to end and a strong eastern NATO flank.
Velund  1 | 510
11 Oct 2024   #602
Foremost to China itself.

Only to financial elite, that bought by US, wholesale, and believe that their personal future cannot be divided from US financial "kings" future. Those who constantly act against Xi.

To the rest, it may be only temporary decrease of workload, until new market and new products will be found that require cheap mass production.
jon357  72 | 22958
11 Oct 2024   #603
Should the international community intervene in....?

Of course. Why not? Is it not a role of the free world to reign in the excesses of reactionary authoritarian states?

What is the criteria for the international community to perform such a duty? Is it selective?

Why don't you ask the ICC.

Good that you want Ukraine to win and r*SSia to lose.
AntV  4 | 712
11 Oct 2024   #605
Why don't you ask the ICC.

That's not the ICC's job. It has no enforcement capabilities. It only can only make a ruling.

Is it not a role of the free world to reign in the excesses of reactionary authoritarian states?

No, it's not.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
11 Oct 2024   #606
Ukraine is beginning to have more and more success.

Russia is losing this war.
jon357  72 | 22958
11 Oct 2024   #607
That's not the ICC's job. It has no enforcement capabilities.

Don't be obtuse. It is for the free world to act as necessary. That or allow the evil of authoritarianism and tyranny to flourish.

Ukraine is beginning to have more and more success.

Sometimes without even trying as happened last week when the r*SSians shot down millions of pounds worth of their own tech. Quite shrewd of Ukraine though to start destroying tank farms and other fuel stores rather than refineries.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
11 Oct 2024   #608
Russia and Russian supporters need to understand that UK and NATO support for Ukraine is increasing.
Russia does not scare us.

jon357  72 | 22958
11 Oct 2024   #609
UK and NATO support for Ukraine is increasing.

And certainly with contingencies in case the Mango Mussolini got back in across the Atlantic.

Very interesting that President Zelensky was in London this week and that Mark Rutte of NATO turned up quietly, Even more interesting about where he visited afterwards, several European countries but conspicuously missing out Berlin who apparently weren't even told about his travel plans for security reasons due to their leaky 'intelligence' service and military.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
11 Oct 2024   #610
This is my last post on this thread tonight.
I have to admit that I am warming to Donald Tusk.
I have called him a traitor in the past, seems I was wrong, he is more of a patriot than I expected.

jon357  72 | 22958
11 Oct 2024   #611
I have called him a traitor in the past,

He is a very able politician.

I was put off him when he said that awful thing about going after a particular football referee, and indeed the ref's wife was hassled in Tesco and several people with the same name in the same town had their houses damaged.

He did at least have the decency to apologise though.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
11 Oct 2024   #612
He is a very able politician.

That was never in doubt.I just felt that his loyalty to the EU surpassed his loyalty to Poland.
Seems I was wrong.

But I am incredibly proud of what the Poles are doing now.
Ukraine is fighting for Europe now(with some help) but if Putin is ever stupid enough to attack Poland or the Baltic states, he will maybe not even live to regret it.
pawian  219 | 24771
11 Oct 2024   #613
seems I was wrong,

No, there is more to it than being wrong - you are an imbecile. I pointed to it many times before but you never listened.
Thank you for admitting I was right. Better late than never.
AntV  4 | 712
11 Oct 2024   #614
Don't be obtuse.

I guess one man's rational thinking is another's obtuseness. Still, how is it the job of the ICC to determine what is authoritarian and tyrannical and which authoritarians and tyrannts should be brought before them? There are issues of jurisdiction and that kind of stuff at play.

Speaking of the ICC. Did you know that Ukraine has or is going to sign the statute to include them into the ICC thing...but with a caveat. The caveat is that its nationals will not be tried for war crimes for seven years after ratification or something close to that. Raises some interesting questions.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
11 Oct 2024   #615
No, there is more to it than being wrong - you are an imbecile

You really are an idiot aren't you?
The fact that I realise I was wrong,(Maybe I will be proved right at a later date) shows that I am not an imbecile!
But you are.......
pawian  219 | 24771
11 Oct 2024   #616
I am not an imbecile!

Yes, you are!!! We spent hours bickering over Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk and your moronic remarks were one of the main reasons I had to call Cargo on you and your wife. And now you admit with that stupid grin on your dirty ratso muzzle that you were wrong.
Fekk you, coz you are a double imbecile. Go back to your sewer where you intellectually belong and don`t go out for a year coz your presence on London streets is a disgrace to the city. Brits will be embarassed to find out such a loser hangs out among them.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
11 Oct 2024   #617

Sorry mate. but you are just a disgusting embarrassment to all Poles!
jon357  72 | 22958
12 Oct 2024   #618
guess one man's rational thinking is another's obtuseness

No, just obtuseness.

Still, how is it the job of the ICC to determine what is authoritarian and tyrannical and which authoritarians and tyrannts should be brought before them

Who said it is? Their job is to try war criminals. That war crimes are committed by authoritarian states more often than liberal democracies is self-evident, however it's the duty of the whole free world to deliver those criminals for trial.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1515
12 Oct 2024   #619
I was a bit bored in the morning and playing with ChatGPT, asking it a lot of random questions, one of them being "What is the most likely outcome of war in Ukraine?". For some reason my silly phone changed the word "likely" to "limeryk" (even if I write in English my phone changes some words to Polish ones) and I got this:

In Ukraine, the conflict took flight,
With courage, they stand and they fight.
From cities to plains,
Through loss and through pains,
They hope for the future that's bright.

Sometimes AI scares me. :D
GefreiterKania  30 | 1515
12 Oct 2024   #620
Also, ChatGPT is officially sh*te at writing Polish poetry - here's a Polish limerick on the war in Ukraine...

W Ukrainie wojna wciąż tli,
Ludzie walczą, nie znają chwili.
Z determinacją w sercu,
Stają w trudnym piercu,
A nadzieja niech w nich się nie zmili

... xD

1st line should be 'się tli', and only ChatGPT knows what "trudny pierc" and "zmilić się" mean.
mafketis  38 | 10908
12 Oct 2024   #621
russians being russian....

A mother whose son was killed cries... because she doesn't have any money from him yet. Deadbeat didn't buy her an apartment when he was alive and she hasn't even gotten a payout yet! It's a Tragedy!
AntV  4 | 712
12 Oct 2024   #622
Who said it is?

Pretty sure you did.

Sometimes AI scares me. :D

😀. Me too. Only a matter of time before the machines take over.
Novichok  4 | 7778
12 Oct 2024   #623
A mother whose son was killed cries...

You should be writing tear-jerking novels...A mother crying...stop the world...
Only a matter of time before the machines take over.

A robot looting a store is better than a black thug.

You can unload a whole magazine into the robot.

You have to help the black thug carry the loot to his stolen car. You touch the thug, you go to jail, not the thug.
jon357  72 | 22958
12 Oct 2024   #624
because she doesn't have any money from him yet. Deadbeat didn't buy her an apartment when he was alive

r*SSian society is transactional. Even more than Polish.

Pretty sure you did.

Looks like you misunderstood, perhaps deliberately.

At least you want Ukraine to win and for freedom to reign in Europe.
mafketis  38 | 10908
12 Oct 2024   #625
only ChatGPT knows what "trudny pierc"

maybe it's not from 'pierc' but 'pierzec' which was once a word I think? Maybe it's a reference to the coming colder weather?

"zmilić się" mean.

maybe a synonym for 'odmilić się' (a verb I just made up meaning 'become less pleasant'

Stają w trudnym piercu, (they stand (each) in difficult winter uniforms)
A nadzieja niech w nich się nie zmili (and hope in them does not become less joyful)
GefreiterKania  30 | 1515
12 Oct 2024   #626
Only a matter of time before the machines take over.

Exactly. There is only one step (well, maybe two steps) from limericks to wiping off human race. :-/

not from 'pierc' but 'pierzec' (...) winter uniforms

'Pierze' is a word in Polish but I've never heard "pierzec", and then it would be 'trudnym pierzu' not 'trudnym piercu'.

'odmilić się' (a verb I just made up meaning 'become less pleasant')

Creative :) However, 'zmili' would sound more like an antonym of 'odmili' not a synonym; that is if either of the words existed in the Polish language.
Ironside  50 | 12332
12 Oct 2024   #627
you are just a disgusting embarrassment to all Poles!

Sometimes AI scares me.

Dude, you scare me for the future of Poland. It should be let them fight let them bleed lets us hope we'll get out of it what we need.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1515
12 Oct 2024   #628
let them bleed lets us hope we'll get out of it what we need

There once was a member named Iron,
Whose self-interest often was firin'.
He'd scoff at the rest,
"Only we are the best,
In this game, it's our win I'm desirin'!"
Bobko  27 | 2157
12 Oct 2024   #629

Pay an extra couple dollars for the paid version of ChatGPT. Then you can make images.

The prompt for the below image was: "Produce an image of a baboon dressed in the uniform of a Polish hussar".

Special for Pawian:

GefreiterKania  30 | 1515
12 Oct 2024   #630
Then you can make images.

No way! How cool is that!

Now I'll be stuck with the computer all weekend :D

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

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