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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

Korvinus  2 | 560
2 days ago   #331
If Russia isn't Soviet Union, then why does Russia have a seat at UN security council? Why would Russia have a claim to any lands like Crimea? Why it was Russia who got all the nukes from all republics? Etc.

Russia is a direct descendant of Soviet Union, it received all international perks of being Soviet Union, all international belongings, seat at security council and nukes. The US fought a war to not be called British America. Russia didn't fight a war for independence from Soviet Union, that would be absurd, Russia was a colonizer and benefactor of being a Soviet Union.
Bobko  27 | 2124
2 days ago   #332
You are talking utter bollocks

Have you ever met Russian liberals/oppositionaries? They begin their conversations with "Sorry!"

Russians have nothing to apologize for. These assh0les have no right to go around apologizing to people on our behalf. Nobody authorized them to hand out apologies.

Their constant apologetics in regards to Russia make me want to vomit.

Russia has no need for advocates. Our main advocates are our fleet and our army.

If somebody doesn't like what we say, they can always make their position known, and it will be duly registered.

The worst are the Russians that have settled in Kiev during the last three years. I want Putin to drop bombs exactly on their apartments.
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #333
@Bobko, really? And I thought the worst RuSSians are those Putinists who settled in New York and are telling from the comfort of their armchairs who should get bombed.

Have you ever met Russian liberals/oppositionaries?

I've discussed with them for 7 years, just like with Putinists and some real nationalist nutjobs.

They begin their conversations with "Sorry!"

No, they don't lol
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 days ago   #334
Our main advocates are our fleet and our army.

Poland's best ally: Polish army. Damn, we're so much like each other... I never thought I would say that but I'm glad we lost in 1612. If we were in your place, with all the power, resources, nukes, etc. ... we would be worse.

Some people watch interviews with Russians (on YT 1420 channel for example) and say that they are evil. Bullsh*t. If we had the same power, and Poles were interviewed, we would say worse things.
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #335
If Russia isn't Soviet Union, then why does Russia have a seat at UN security council?

Exactly. RuSSia wasn't just "a part" of something bigger, as Bobko is trying to convince us here. RuSSia was the RuSSian Empire and RuSSia was the Soviet Union and RuSSia was running/dominating the smaller parts of those entities.

If we had the same power, and Poles were interviewed, we would say worse things.

No, we wouldn't. Speak for yourself.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 days ago   #336
Speak for yourself.

I am Poland, through and through, for better or worse, hence I speak for Poland.

One day, when you're older, you will realise that I was right.
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #337
@GefreiterKania, no, you're not Poland and you don't speak for Poland. You're a nationalist and that means you're on the fringes of Polish society.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 days ago   #338
It is rather you and Pawian who are on the fringes. Good people at heart, I suspect, but on the fringes.

You know who's roughly mainstream in wider sense? Korvinus, Grunni, Iron, Amiga, CMS Neuf and I. We can have different political sympathies but we're alike. Do you think that given all the power we would be better than Russians? Think again.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
2 days ago   #339
Your fleet - at the bottom of the Black Sea

Your army - pissed out of their numb skulls on home made vodka, 8 km from Pokrovsk

Got any other advocates ? Preferably sober
pawian  219 | 24592
2 days ago   #340
Do you think that given all the power we would be better than Russians?

Nonsensical musings you are doing now. If the auntie had balls, she would be your uncle. Does your auntie have balls???? No. So stop stupid comparisons.

Your army - pissed on home made vodka,

The army of toilet seat thieves, let`s not forget.
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #341
@GefreiterKania, both me and pawian are centrists and the coalition that we voted for is currently in power in Poland. Also, usually all the polls that I see concerning the views of the majority of the Polish society align with my own views and observations. So how am I "on the fringes"?

You know who's roughly mainstream in wider sense? Korvinus, Grunni, Iron, Amiga, CMS Neuf and I.

Cms_neuf is an American and he doesn't belong in your group anyway. Korvinus and Iron support Konfederacja, as far as I remember, and amiga and grunni support PiS, so they're not exactly in the same camp either.

Do you think that given all the power we would be better than Russians? Think again.

If you're talking about yourself and your nationalist and rightist comrades - then maybe you'd be just a little bit better than RuSSians, I'll give you that :)
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 days ago   #342
the coalition that we voted for

... is the coalition that I voted for too. The world is not black and white.

Cms_neuf is an American

Is he? I always thought such level of Russophobia is achievable only by us. :)

not exactly in the same camp

I wrote "different political sympathies", haven't I?

maybe you'd be just a little bit better than RuSSians

No, we wouldn't. We would be PoliSSh. I promise you that.
cms neuf  1 | 1721
2 days ago   #343
I'm not American

I don't even think I'm Russophobic - I'm just opposed to Nazi bullies
pawian  219 | 24592
2 days ago   #344
We would be PoliSSh. I promise you that.

Go and check if your auntie has balls. Grab her strongly in the crotch like Dundee to make sure. hahahaha
mafketis  38 | 10869
2 days ago   #345
In the first instance, we were ruled by Germans

Goalposts.... moved!!!!!

The comment wasn't about the internal structure of the russian entity (which I don't care anything about) but about the unwillingness of the russian entity to treat other countries as equals
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #346
The world is not black and white.

And me and pawian are not on the fringes of the Polish society and people like you, Iron and Korvinus are not mainstream. Amiga was brought up in Australia and lives there, so he can't really speak for Polish society at all. We're left with grunni - representing PiS voters, the most "mainstream" of the rightist side. Poland, just like the US, is pretty much divided in two, so there's no one "mainstream".

I'm not American

Don't you come from the US?

No, we wouldn't. We would be PoliSSh. I promise you that.

Well, I haven't seen a proof for that so far in Polish history. Poland wasn't born yesterday and was rulling over others in the past and it never reached the level of RuSSian "f*cked-up-edness" as far as I know.
mafketis  38 | 10869
2 days ago   #347
never reached the level of RuSSian "f*cked-up-edness"

What country has?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
2 days ago   #348
We had?

And's a matter of power. Give someone enough power and it's a gamble if he will abuse it....most's the same with governments! It's a human thing....
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 days ago   #349
me and pawian are not on the fringes

Go around and ask people how many of them are willing to apologise first to Ukraine for centuries of "colonisation", and then come back and tell me if you're not on fringes. :)

And rightists are mainstream in Poland. Lewica is weak and in the coalition only to keep PiS away from power; KO and PSL are right-centre (KO economically, PSL in social/conservative terms). In general 80-85% of Polish political scene is rightist, centre-rightist.
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #350
What country has?

I can think of a few...

And's a matter of power.

Only to some extent, imho. What you do with that power (as in - how far you will go) depends on your national character, your history, your current situation, etc. And first of all - you have to have that hunger for such power and the desire to rule over others.

And rightists are mainstream in Poland. Lewica is weak and in the coalition only to keep PiS away from power; KO and PSL are right-centre

If you consider KO and PSL to be right-centre then that means I'm right-centre too and that means I'm mainstream and not on the fringes :)))
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
2 days ago   #351
And first of all - you have to have that hunger for such power and the desire to rule over others.

After my historical learnings it's more of a matter how well you can sell the righteousness of your "hunger" to the people. Just invoke some restitution of some past injustice and even the most peacefull underling will nod and and at least not protest....the rest is history, as they say!

I guess an inclined polish leader would have lotsa examples to promise his people to right past wrongs and use polish power to do so, wouldn't he?
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 days ago   #352
that means I'm right-centre too and that means I'm mainstream

Not necessarily. A lot of people with leftist inclinations voted for KO or Trzecia Droga to keep PiS away from power, and they feared that a vote for Lewica might be wasted if they don't cross the coalition treshold. I told you, the world is not black and white. :)
Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #353
@GefreiterKania, but I'm not a leftist and never was. I've always been a centrist. And as I wrote to you already - judging by the polls my views usually align with the views of the majority of Poles.

people with leftist inclinations

They're in the minority in the Polish society, just like Konfederacja voters.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 days ago   #354
I've always been a centrist.

Fence sitter!

At least tell me if it's centre-left or centre-right. :)

my views usually align with the views of the majority of Poles

So are you or are you not for Poland apologising to Ukraine first for the "centuries of oppression", as Pawian proposes?

They're in the minority in the Polish society

Exactly. Right/centre-right is Polish mainstream.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
2 days ago   #355
At least tell me if it's centre-left or centre-right. :)

Yes, Paulina, time for a bit of honesty from you now even though I already know the answer.

Exactly. Right/centre-right is Polish mainstream.

Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #356
Just invoke some restitution of some past injustice and even the most peacefull underling will nod and and at least not protest....

BB, Poland was under partitions for 123 years, went through a few years of Nazi occupation with death camps in our country, we lost millions of people, half of our lands, the capital of our country was leveled to the ground and then - 50 years of communism under the foot of the Soviet Union and then the 90's crisis due to the transitioning from communism to capitalism. And after ALL OF THAT all we could "muster" was Jarosław Kaczyński and PiS... lol so... some food for thought, I guess...

Miloslaw  21 | 4928
2 days ago   #357

You didn't answer the question.

At least tell me if it's centre-left or centre-right.

Yes, Paulina, time for a bit of honesty from you now even though I already know the answer.

Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #358
Now, don't be hasty, master Miloslaw... I'm on it :)

Fence sitter!

Yes, a great view on both sides from my position :) The most objective view there is, I guess.

At least tell me if it's centre-left or centre-right. :)

I have no idea :) A bit of this, a bit of that, it's complicated. As you wrote - the world is not black and white :)))

Right/centre-right is Polish mainstream.

Tell that to PiS and their voters that KO is right-centre lol I'd like to see their reaction :D
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
2 days ago   #359
Tell that to PiS

I would also tell them that they are closer to leftists in economy, and only their stubborn clinging to Catholic and national tradition allows me to qualify them as right side of political spectrum.

So, what about the question of apologising to Ukraine first? :)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
2 days ago   #360
And after ALL OF THAT all we could "muster" was Jarosław Kaczyński and PiS... lol so... some food for thought, I guess...

Ouch :)

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