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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
3 Sep 2024 #241
Agreed. Tusk needs to STFU concerning sending Poles into Ukraine or anything that could be seen as a provocation. While I like Sikorski a lot, he also needs to STFU concerning anything close to getting involved directly in the war. Anyone thinking Poland should risk itself for Ukraine is simply a moron. The fastest growing economy in Europe needs to keep its head down and continue going about its business. Poland has done more than enough in taking care of millions of Ukraine people.

In Ukraine, Russia is said to be consolidating its troops for the last two days for a big push into Pokrovsk. And in Russia, Ukraine is digging in defensively now to protect the territory they have taken. All this while Iran is sending boat loads of land based missiles to Russia in exchange for defensive equipment as it ramps up its efforts for war with Israel. Anyone thinking WW3 is not possible is not reading enough news from multiple sources.
cms neuf  1 | 1759
3 Sep 2024 #242
Right - the big push into Pokrovsk. They have been 8km away for weeks.

Who cares about "provoking" these losers. They are the ones who started this senseless war.
Crow  154 | 9177
3 Sep 2024 #243
Go back to the rest home, you are not making sense, mind you, you never did anyway!

And what is the sense in these moronic times, my dear veneric, I mean venerable brate?
Bobko  26 | 2167
3 Sep 2024 #244
@cms neuf

1) Napoleon - June 1812: "I will be in Moscow in three months".

2) Kaiser Wilhelm - Summer 1914: "We will be home before the leaves fall."

3) Franz Halder, Chief of German General Staff - 1941: "The Russian Colossus has been struck down... and will never rise again."

4) Adolf Hitler, Berlin Sportpalast speech - October 3, 1941: "We have only to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down."

5) CMS Neuf - September 2024: "Who cares about provoking these losers."

You are joining a good club, Neuf.
Velund  1 | 532
3 Sep 2024 #245
You are joining a good club, Neuf.

Is membership include good discount on convenient potassium cyanide capsules?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
3 Sep 2024 #246
@cms neuf
I think most of Poland cares. Most Poles do not want another war. Most Poles are already tired of supporting this one through Ukraine. If its "them" or "us", most would prefer "them". Poland has had enough wars to deal with, it doesnt need another.
jon357  73 | 22621
3 Sep 2024 #247
Who cares about "provoking" these losers.

Quite. There's a lot happening right now, and it seems that r*SSia is beginning to understand that it can never win.
cms neuf  1 | 1759
3 Sep 2024 #248
North Nigeria is firing missiles into Polish airspace, burning down Polish malls, interfering in our elections, filling Warsaws restaurants and hotels with their incompetent spies.

Yet you think Poland should be pussified and not provoke the drunkards ? Ludicrous
mafketis  38 | 10857
3 Sep 2024 #249
Anyone thinking WW3 is not possible

It's already started..... by russia (just like WWII).
johnny reb  46 | 7390
3 Sep 2024 #250
This is how Russia is using drones to rain down molten thermite on Ukrainian troops.
Lovely bunch they are.
mafketis  38 | 10857
3 Sep 2024 #251
the video is of a Ukrainian drone used to clear russian held treelines.... (see my post #208)
Novichok  5 | 7693
3 Sep 2024 #252
They are the ones who started this senseless war.

How many times do you have to tell you, you stupid Eastern Moronian, that Russia is in a liberation war against NATO proxies that are still illegally in Donbass?
Novichok  5 | 7693
3 Sep 2024 #253
Memo to Eastern Moronian: Try to go to Crimea or Donbass without a Russian visa and tell us how it went...
mafketis  38 | 10857
3 Sep 2024 #254
Interesting take, not sure if I completely agree, but.... I do partly agree

shorter version: A Trump victory might be better for Ukraine because he'd be under greater scrutiny... Biden's half-@ssed non-support gets no real scrutiny while Trump would be under more pressure to stop russia bombing schools and childrens' hospitals...
Novichok  5 | 7693
3 Sep 2024 #255
Interesting take, not sure if I completely agree, but.... I do partly agree

Putin will take this under consideration. I promise.
Bobko  26 | 2167
3 Sep 2024 #256
filling Warsaws restaurants and hotels with their incompetent spies.

Care to elaborate on this?

Are you referring to Russian-speaking Ukrainians?
cms neuf  1 | 1759
3 Sep 2024 #257
Generally Polish chancers and desperadoes, but well known not to be too chatty in certain restaurants, hotel bars, strip clubs etc.
Novichok  5 | 7693
3 Sep 2024 #258
Only an Eastern Moronian would send Nigerians to an all-white country as spies...

Yes, children, Poles are really that stupid...
PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
3 Sep 2024 #259
"The exit of Strategic Industries Minister Oleksandr Kamyshin, Justice Minister Denys Maliuska and Environment Minister Ruslan Strilets leaves more than a third of the cabinet vacant after sackings earlier this year." More Z stupidity showing a half empty cabinet. But of course it will be someone else's fault, or they were not doing their jobs well enough, even though there were doing them well enough for the last few years. This is turning into another Russian style dictatorship. Lets not forget Z's presidential mandate expired months ago.
Novichok  5 | 7693
4 Sep 2024 #260
Continuing my odd-man-out role here...Quoting:

"I'm talking to the good people of Russia. We've never really yet thanked them for beating the Germans in World War Two at the cost of 22 million dead," Waters said. "We thank you, people of Russia, for that huge sacrifice that you made. And no, we didn't win the war on D-Day, you won the war on the Eastern Front."

British and American historians have long omitted the Soviet Union's role in defeating Nazi Germany, de facto "erasing" it in favor of depicting the 1944 Normandy landings as the "turning point" of the war.

Russia has always honored the role of the Western Allies in the victory over the Third Reich, making a point of thanking the British and American veterans at every anniversary.

Ruussia vs West...Easy call...West just pays more. All the rest is woke DEI pile of crap...Russia has class...

PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
4 Sep 2024 #261
With Z now saying the will hold the Russian territory indefinitely, Russia starts bombing Lviv and takes out a military school. With reports of fifty dead and hundreds more injured at this school, it sounds to me like Putin is sending a message. I ask WTF Z is thinking when he opens his mouth and says things like Ukraine will hold the territory indefinitely? Why say that at all. Just stfu and hold it and use it for negotiating.

I also wonder why it took Vlad this long to take out this military school? Russia had to know of its existance for a while, so why now? Why start sending missles to Lviv again after a relatively quiet summer there?

Meanwhile Mongolia just gave a big middle finger to the ICC and is not arresting Putin while he visits. Tell me again how important that arrest warrant is again. No one is going to arrest Putin, and he is never going to face a trial. More showmanship from the west.
Bobko  26 | 2167
4 Sep 2024 #262
Kuleba is out.

PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
4 Sep 2024 #263
I wonder, with all the people who have resigned or been fired over the last two and a half years, when exactly will Ukrainian people understand that Z is part of the problem and not the solution. Running out of men to pass the blame onto.
jon357  73 | 22621
4 Sep 2024 #264
Good that President Zelenskyy is reshuffling his cabinet to meet the needs of his country.

Such a contrast to r*SSia where they just kill potential rivals.
Paulina  15 | 4323
4 Sep 2024 #265
with all the people who have resigned or been fired over the last two and a half years

I don't know about others, but as for Kuleba then I don't think anyone will miss him in Poland...

Kuleba is out.

mafketis  38 | 10857
4 Sep 2024 #266
Such a contrast to r*SSia where they just kill potential rivals.

Exactly, Ukraine has more or less normal changes in government.... russia has arrests (with grounds never mentioned) or falling out of windows.... that's why people say it's a mafia state --- there aren't many happy endings for those that get involved in the government.

and that's how russians like it. I don't blame the scorpions in the russian government... how do you expect scorpions to behave, anyway? I blame the useless russian public which enables them. Rather than stand up for anything they cower in fear and scramble for the crumbs their stinking government throws their way... truly despicable.
Korvinus  2 | 549
4 Sep 2024 #267
Maybe Zelensky should vacate his seat, and let you sit at the steering wheel?

If the world had only one great man as a statesman, nukes would have already flown towards Moscow.
gumishu  15 | 6161
4 Sep 2024 #268
nukes would have already flown towards Moscow.

calling someone who would start a nuclear war on Earth a great stateman is somewhat bizarre, if you ask me
Novichok  5 | 7693
4 Sep 2024 #269
nukes would have already flown towards Moscow.

You are a moron.
Velund  1 | 532
4 Sep 2024 #270
Above we see two Poles. One is in the list for katynisation, and other is not. ;)

Rich, not all Poles is complete m0r0ns, make a correction in your papers. ;)

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

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