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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

Bobko  26 | 2173
8 hrs ago #751
They hate themselves more than anyone else but can't allow themselves to realize that.

Leave this highfalutin self hate to the Jews - we are not masochists - and not so sophisticated to even know what is self loathing.

We are more like Shrek. Remember, the ogre who engaged in a long adventure, just to preserve his right to live in a swamp unmolested?

NATO are the soldiers of Lord Farquad, while Donald Trump is Princess Fiona (beautiful princess by day and hideous ogre by night).

We will rescue Princess Trump from the clutches of the woke mob, and then live out the rest of our days lunching on human flesh in our smelly old swamp.

cms neuf  1 | 1761
8 hrs ago #752
The donkey is who ? lukaszenko ?
Bobko  26 | 2173
8 hrs ago #753
The donkey is who ? lukaszenko ?

If Kartofel Fuhrer is the Donkey, then who is the Dragon?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
4 hrs ago #754
@cms neuf
You obviously did not read the report completely that came out at 19:45 yesterday. Some pretty good info on both sides in these reports. I like the geolocation aspect they use, not emotional, simply fact based.
Ironside  50 | 12380
3 hrs ago #755
Leave t

How is my rusty Russian Bobko? Do you like the message?
Novichok  5 | 7704
2 hrs ago #756
I like the geolocation aspect they use, not emotional, simply fact based.

I like the geo part, too.

Unfortunately, it doesn't show the carnage, PTSD, orphans, widows, stress, and other forms of human suffering - all preventable but for the US MICC and that British BJ wh0re.

Memo to Russia haters: Before you say something stupid again, post what Z and P were about to agree on in April 2022.

Then we can have a rational discussion of Z-P=0 and why I should get a Nobel Prize for something.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
1 hr ago #757
But paying attention to details doesnt fit the leftist narrative. The war mongers who claim democracy as their flag, wouldnt know real democracy if it slapped them in the face.
Korvinus  2 | 550
13 mins ago #758
Before you say something stupid again, post what Z and P were about to agree on in April 2022.

You don't reestablish deterrence via appeasement. Peace is achieved by teaching aggressors that aggression is expensive. The cost-benefit analysis for this war has to be very bad, so that this and the next Russian government, and other governments observing, can learn not to do that. Its not worth it. We are making it not worth it, by intervening and pushing back.

Putin, like Hitler, has not negotiated in good faith. Negotiations are just an attempt by them to get things they want at a lower cost, but they are more than willing to use force to get it if negotiations don't get them fully what they want. And usually the concessions they try to negotiate enable them to use force in the future with even less resistance.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14
BoldItalic [quote]
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