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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
2 days ago #691
@cms neuf
Ok. What ever your issue is with facts being reported, its your problem. But when Ukraine took some villages in Russia it was a big deal.

Whether Russia wants to negotiate, or not makes no difference. They are planning to fight through 2026 according to what Putin just said. Ukraine will run out of men before that. So Ukraine and Russia will be forced to negotiate eventually. And yes, they probably will break the deal in a few decades. But there is no need to kill off another million men while trying to predict the future of Russia.
Velund  1 | 532
2 days ago #692
Curious, is this ukrofile simply brain damaged, like some "colleagues" here, or it was hired by SBU to kill Trump?

  • img
Velund  1 | 532
2 days ago #693
In Dmitry Medvedev Tg channel... Few minutes ago...
On historical memory and inevitable revenge

Recently, all sorts of vile scum like various Johnson, Borrell and other Russophobic scum have been actively calling for strikes "deep into Russia" using NATO capabilities. It is obvious that even now there are no limits to such strikes on the part of the West, and it is necessary to prepare thoroughly for their reflection. But I want to say something else: the need to remember the criminal calls of certain Western freaks and to prepare for retaliation.

mafketis  38 | 10857
2 days ago #694
other Russophobic scum

shorter Medvedev: waaah! waaah! why wont' those mean people just let us kill Ukrainian in peace? waah! waaah!
jon357  73 | 22621
2 days ago #695
That rant from the drunk Medvedev is a clear a sign as any that thinks are going very badly for r*SSia...
Novichok  5 | 7693
1 day ago #696
why wont' those mean people just let us kill Ukrainian in peace? waah! waaah!

Memo to Ukrainians: GTFO of Russia and you will be safe.

If you are not sure if you are in Russia post your exact location on PF and Bobko, Velund, or I will tell you.
cms neuf  1 | 1759
1 day ago #697
Well I am definitely in the old Tsarist empire today :) lovely weather, peaceful smoke on the square
johnny reb  46 | 7390
1 day ago #698
Those sneaky Ruskie's are at it again.
Traces of radioactive Cesium-137 have been measured along Norway's border with Russia, it was revealed today.
The radiation levels remain relatively low but are higher than normal, and the cause of the mysterious spike is unknown.
Anyone want to take a guess ?
Crow  154 | 9177
1 day ago #699
Anyone want to take a guess ?

A fart of Svetovid that enveloping Scandinavia. How about that?
Novichok  5 | 7693
1 day ago #700
Anyone want to take a guess ?

Saddam hid his WMDs in Norway.
Crow  154 | 9177
1 day ago #701
Sadam always looked demonic to me. USA was right to behead him. But it wasn`t enough. USA had to cut him in minces like was done to Che. That would be proper end for the demon.
Novichok  5 | 7693
1 day ago #702
Sadam always looked demonic to me.

We can read Pravda on a Moscow sidewalk from 200 miles up there but couldn't detect if Saddam was constructing nukes without sending 500,000 armed guys to check in person.

Must be the clouds over Iraq...

Oops...I forgot that it never rains in Iraq.
Crow  154 | 9177
1 day ago #703
See, people like to shoot at something.
Novichok  5 | 7693
1 day ago #704

Russia Bombs Makeshift 'NATO Base'; Stunning Details About Attack In Poltava

The video speaks for itself. Now some comments:

Macron said, he wants NATO boots on ground.
Yes, he can go and collect their boots now.

Russia warned, those NATO trainers were going to be a target

It was NATO vs Russia since Feb 2022. Poor Ukrainians was forced to fight this Zelensky war.

Russia has thousands of informants in Ukraine. Ukrainian and Russians are the same people, a great number of them want to be part of the Russian Federation, not of a vassal western state like Ukraine.

So how much fun is it to die for another guy's "freedom and democracy", NATO morons?
amiga500  5 | 1479
1 day ago #705
Here's a playlist to make our russian comrades feel good about being in Ukraine. The first song is very catchy.
amiga500  5 | 1479
1 day ago #706
Zelensky vs. Sikorski meeting.

Time to turn the screws on these Ukie f*ckers. At least the ruskis apologised for Katyn.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1379
1 day ago #707
He argued that Poland should not raise this historical issue.


Sikorski advocated for the exhumation and dignified reburial of the victims of the Volyn tragedy.

It's the least that human beings should do. Even Hutu don't oppose the exhumation and burial of Tutsi. Where does that place Ukraine?

Warsaw's relations with Kiev, unfortunately, are in crisis.

About f*cking time!

Kiev is convinced that Poland is so threatened by Russia that by helping Ukraine, it, in fact, helps only itself.

Yaaaaaaawn. Rzeszów-Lwów extensive railway track repairs - ASAP.
amiga500  5 | 1479
1 day ago #708

How to lose friends and not influence people. The Ukies are literally digging their own grave by alienating Poland.
If the war continues it's current trajectory the Germans will start supporting a peace plan where Ukraine is dismembered, and Tusks resistance will be so much less if Ukraine had actually treated Poland with a modicum of respect.

Ukraine EU ascension, Poland will be as stubborn as a bull hopefully, in regards to agricultural and historical issues. If Hungary can play such a decisive role in getting concessions in their national interest so can we, especially if there is broad public support to play hardball which is what Ukraine's actions are leading to.

It's like half the Ukrainian elite are russian double agents..
mafketis  38 | 10857
1 day ago #709
While the usual suspects hate Ukraine and wish for its destruction.... Ukrainians took out a major ammo depot near Tver...

Explosions so strong that the nearby town of Toropiec was partially evacuated.

The explosion registered as a 2.7 earthquake...

A lot of weapons that now won't be used against Ukrainian civilians (to the bitter disappointment of some here, I'm sure).
PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
1 day ago #710
It will be more than a decade before Ukraine is ready for the EU. Regardless of the war, they were never close to an EU standard. They will definitely never get in NATO now. Too many members will vote against it thankfully. Sikorski was talking about Volyn just a few days ago in an English speaking interview, and this was definitely going to come up on the visit.
Velund  1 | 532
1 day ago #711
It will be more than a decade before Ukraine is ready for the EU.

More likely, EU will not exist in present form in a decade. After cutting off cheap energy and plundering manifacturing businneses in favor of USA, europeans should learn how to save to survive, and how to push out migrants families that live for a child welfare, making new childs at a maximum possible speed. ;)
cms neuf  1 | 1759
1 day ago #712
You think our only possible source of energy is to buy it from rapists ?
Velund  1 | 532
1 day ago #713
I think you can import methane from Jupiter - it is totally free there.
cms neuf  1 | 1759
23 hrs ago #714
North Nigeria used to supply 21% of petroleum import to the EU before 2022.

Now it is down to one percent. Your loss.

It would be even lower if it wasn't for Hungary and Slovakia

The lights still turn on and the car has a full tank

It was another one of Putler's bone headed miscalculations.
Novichok  5 | 7693
22 hrs ago #715
North Nigeria used to supply 21% of petroleum import to the EU before 2022.

Why would the EU import petroleum products from Nigeria instead of Russia?

How is the weather in Moronia?
cms neuf  1 | 1759
21 hrs ago #716

Kudos to the Ukies for this strike on an ammo dump 300km into North Nigeria

While the NNs waste their time on corrupting western journalists and pussy politicians the Ukrainians are quietly building their own long range drones
mafketis  38 | 10857
21 hrs ago #717
In more insane russian (but I repeat myself) news... the russian orthodox church (in the form of its war temple) will be sending 'seals of purity' from the game Warhammer to the front after they were blessed by priests...
Velund  1 | 532
20 hrs ago #718
Now it is down to one percent. Your loss.

Now you buying petrol and diesel made from same russian oil from India and some other countries - a bit more expensive. ;) Your loss.
mafketis  38 | 10857
20 hrs ago #719
from India

which apparently pays russia in worthless rubles.... multipolarity.... ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!
Crow  154 | 9177
20 hrs ago #720
North Nigeria

I wouldn`t joke like this at a time when sh*t literally fall from the sky in most different forms. When you are this hater and wants to provoke Russians go in what left of Ukraine and have sex with Rus as much as you want. But don`t joke with them on public forums, pretending you are Polish. You know, many Slavic children in Poland. Many woman. Many innocent. Don`t make them all vulnerable, I kindly telling you. Don`t be brave in the name of lives of others.

Every word count. Believe that. Every word. Those who have power and shape world of tomorrow, take all in account.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

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