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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
14 Sep 2024 #571
Kania possesses a sharp intellect, maybe he can tell us why?

I try.....for the same reasons third world countries are flooding with populations they can't feed!

There seems to be a strong connection between personal affluence and liberal freedoms and the number of children!

poor/underdeveloped = many children

rich/developed = less and lesser children


(I don't want to become a poor, undeveloped third world country only to rise the number of births....there must be another way!)
GefreiterKania  28 | 1399
14 Sep 2024 #572
Kania possesses a sharp intellect, maybe he can tell us why?

No need for sharp intellect on this one. Stability is the obvious answer.

As we say in Poland: było chujowo, ale stabilnie. People didn't have to worry about job stability or basic life necessities (well, at least not always), and the entire culture wasn't aimed at promoting excessive consumerism. Also, there were free creches and playschools and the pace of life was more bearable, so women felt safer. When women feel safer they bear more children. Simple as that.
pawian  220 | 24946
14 Sep 2024 #573
The author wrote that they are "efficiently destroying the occupant"

yes, coz the author adopted the Ukrainian point of view and had full right to it.

It has exactly the opposite effect to the one intended

On Russophiles so it doesn`t matter. :):):)

They really do think we are idiots.

But Russophiles are useful idiots. hahahaha
GefreiterKania  28 | 1399
14 Sep 2024 #574
Russophiles are useful idiots

I already told you, better to be a useful idiot than a useless one. :)
Bobko  26 | 2189
14 Sep 2024 #575
There seems to be a strong connection between personal affluence and liberal freedoms and the number of children!

Well... millions left places like Romania, Bulgaria, and the Baltic States once those countries joined the European Community, or emigration restrictions were lifted.

Those millions were most often the youngest, most energetic, and of child bearing age.

The ones left behind were often older, less ambitious, with less to fall back on, etc.

You complain that Germany is in the same situation, but it clearly is not. I'm attaching below a chart of the four countries demographic history over the past half century roughly - with Germany first.

You can see Germany continues to grow, while the others have experienced a demographic collapse (10% is the smallest contraction). What Japan and Korea are dreading, has already happened to these people, and it's only accelerating.

But now there are millions of Romanian-Americans, Anglo-Bulgarians, Franco-Latvians and so on. Those countries losses, are Britain's, America's, and France's gains.

The best part - those people and their descendants will never come back, except for a few token visits to "see the mother country".

Russia didn't invade any of those places. The EU has pumped them with tens of billions of dollars. And yet - the result is evident to all. So please don't say Germany is in the same position.

cms neuf  1 | 1748
14 Sep 2024 #576
A stable life queuing up for sugar and soap

People didn't have to worry about basic necessities? Tell that to the millions who died in famines

And the risk of death in the Gulag if you complained

And now we have North Nigerians lecturing us on demographic collapse ?
Bobko  26 | 2189
14 Sep 2024 #577
And now we have North Nigerians lecturing us on demographic collapse ?

You can always close your eyes and pretend it's not happening - you're already quite good at that.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
14 Sep 2024 #578
You can see Germany continues to grow,

This curve is not about german's about foreigners wandering into our social system!

These numbers are actually worsening the situation....instead of rising the count of payers it's filling a sea of receivers!

The "pull factor" here being that everybody and his grandmom is seemingly eligible for german "Bürgergeld"....even if not being a Bürger (Citizen) in the first place....that has become known world wide, even in Africa!
Novichok  5 | 7686
14 Sep 2024 #579
..instead of rising the count of payers it's filling a sea of receivers!

Welfare is the only reason why this human garbage floods Europe and the US and we are stupid enough to provide it.

I want Nazis back. I would join today.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
14 Sep 2024 #580
I want Nazis back. I would join today.

...there must be another way! If we repeat the Nazi errors it would be the end of Germany, this time for sure!
Ironside  50 | 12477
14 Sep 2024 #581
..there must be another way

Don't listen to Novie he is dope.
Yankees are even more dramatic and love to use hyperboles and exaggerations even more than Poles.
Crow  154 | 9165
14 Sep 2024 #582

Is that a cage for Zelensky? On bandera (electric pole- in Serbian language its `bandera`)? Interesting symbolism. Or secret message to us Serbs so only we understand that Poles actually only temporarily tolerate NATO and banderists. See???

See, told you. Poles knows what they doing. Our brothers only pretend to be morons, and some irresposnible creatures that endangering their statehood, woman and children. Its only in initial phase. Later they will prove what they are. In the meanwhile they preparing cage for Zeleni.
Novichok  5 | 7686
14 Sep 2024 #583
...there must be another way!

It's actually very simple. Right now, the ruling mobs everywhere steal money from taxpayers to make the invading hordes as comfortable as possible.

My "Nazis" would do the opposite. They would break windows in their stores, apartments, and cars. That's it. Would you come and stay in a country like this? I wouldn't.

The problem is that whites everywhere have been castrated with that "we have to be nice" shlt.

That's why matriarchal societies are doomed. When you are habitually "nice', they will invade you, steal from you, rape you, and kill you. Later, they will outvoted you and outpopulate you.

It's that simple.

Don't listen to Novie he is dope.

What is your plan, azhole?

BTW, how many illegals live with you? None? That's not nice.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1399
14 Sep 2024 #584
... a slightly disquieting question (or two) on late Saturday afternoon (or early evening):

If Russia is the incarnation of all evil and Ukraine (aided by the West) are the noble paladins of good, then why does my every gut instinct tell me that we are being constantly lied to and that it might well be us who are on the evil side?

Are we doomed to being manipulated by propaganda and pushed into blind cmsneufism and miloslawism or is there a chance of people actually opening their eyes and finding their way out of the vicious circle of hatred and prejudice?

Please, give me an optimistic answer (or two), guys. :-/
Ironside  50 | 12477
14 Sep 2024 #585
If Russia is the incarnation of all evil and Ukraine (aided by the West) are the noble paladins of good

Is that the reason we support Ukraine? Since when? We support Ukraine because Russia F with the wrong country i.e. Poland.
That country needs to be put in it place and that will open many opportunities for Poland to grow.
Russia being bad is just a bonus, it wouldn't be nice fighting against some really good, nice and civilized country but we would all the some.
Is Ukraine good - not really- but who cares? Simpletons?
In politics there is not good and bad criteria, it is only propaganda - historians and preachers will decide who was a baddy and who wasn't. Don't let your little head be concerned too much about that one. lol!
cms neuf  1 | 1748
14 Sep 2024 #586
You think the invasion is justified GK ? Simple yes / no

Do you think that even if it's justified, the Ukrainians have a right to defend their country ? Simple yes / no
Novichok  5 | 7686
14 Sep 2024 #587
Are we doomed to being manipulated by propaganda

That would be a nice excuse: "I was brainwashed and manipulated".

BS. Those guys are either trolls or morons.

I spent 25 years in "communist" Poland. Neither I nor any of the guys I knew were manipulated by propaganda.

We left as soon as it was possible. No Stockholm syndrome.
Crow  154 | 9165
14 Sep 2024 #588
I fu*k you all!

I want Poland to stay Slavic state and not some Catholitia or part of Magna Germania or Terra Vaticania or Eurabia or USA colonial psicho zone!
GefreiterKania  28 | 1399
14 Sep 2024 #589
Don't let your little head be concerned too much about that one. lol!

Ouch! So much cynicism it hurts. You spent too many years in the rotten West, Iron; it did something to your heart.

Anyways, you can consider me a simpleton but yes, it does matter to me who the baddies are.

Simple yes / no

There are very few simple answers in life. But OK - I think there were better ways of solving the tensions but yes, the invasion was justified to certain extent.

Ukrainians have a right to defend their country ?

Yes, of course they do.

Your country, your страна, your країна is something that men have always fought for. German soldiers in WW2 also fought for their Vaterland. But still the question who is the "goodie" and who is the "baddie" remains.
Novichok  5 | 7686
14 Sep 2024 #590
You think the invasion is justified GK ? Simple yes / no

There was no invasion, idiot. Donbass is Russian territory. A country cannot invade itself. Duh!

In Arpil 2022, Ukraine was going to be left intact except for Crimea. Then the British wh0re, BJ, nixed it because the Ameican pimp, pimping for the US MICC, told the scum to tell Zhole to fight.

That was the shortest lecture on what happend.
cms neuf  1 | 1748
14 Sep 2024 #591
That's fine - you think it's justified - because of NATO or to denazify Ukraine

I think it is an unprovoked invasion for colonial reasons and that if successful the Baltics would be next. In addition the invaders have targeted civilians and behaved like animals in occupied areas.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
14 Sep 2024 #592
But still the question who is the "goodie" and who is the "baddie" remains.

The baddie is the loser!

The winner is always the goodie....only defeats make people think and rethink things.....
GefreiterKania  28 | 1399
14 Sep 2024 #593
That was the shortest lecture on what happend.

Here, Novi, something to soothe your aching heart of an engineer...

... and to keep your mind off PF for a while. ;)

you think it's justified

To certain extent, yes, as I've just said above. The reasons, however, are more complex.

In addition the invaders have targets civilians behaved like animals in occupied areas.

12 thousand Ukrainian civilians died, a tragedy in each and every case. However, how many civilians died in American interventions worldwide? If Russians are animals, what does that make our American friends and allies?

The winner is always the goodie....only defeats make people think and rethink things...


So, we always have to learn the hard way, don't we?
cms neuf  1 | 1748
14 Sep 2024 #594
That's your answer ? Iraq and Libya ?

What have the people of Ukraine done to those countries?
GefreiterKania  28 | 1399
14 Sep 2024 #595
That's your answer ?

What's your answer to my question? If Russians are animals, what does that make our American friends and allies? Why do we use different moral criteria for Russians and different for Americans?

Have to go now. See you later, guys.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
14 Sep 2024 #596
So, we always have to learn the hard way, don't we?

Especially concerning propaganda and manipulation! seems we need the hard way....

cms neuf  1 | 1748
14 Sep 2024 #597
I marched against the war in Iraq. I think the invasion was criminal. I thought that in 2003 and I still think it. But it was 21 years ago.

The comparison of good and evil you made in your original question was between Ukraine and North Nigeria

Now you want to compare America and North Nigeria (and BTW even in that scenario it's obvious which one is worse)
GefreiterKania  28 | 1399
14 Sep 2024 #598
The comparison of good and evil you made in your original question was between Ukraine and North Nigeria

It was between Russia and Ukraine aided by the West...

If Russia is the incarnation of all evil and Ukraine (aided by the West) are the noble paladins of good

... and we know that American aid is the most notable one.

it's obvious which one is worse

I envy you your certainty and lack of doubts. It's a comfort, undoubtedly. The comfort that I don't have.

Now, I really have to beat it.

cms neuf  1 | 1748
14 Sep 2024 #599
It is between North Nigeria helped by China + Iranian fundamentalists + North Korea versus Ukraine and all the democratic, free countries of the world.

Ridiculous to compare the morals of the two camps
pawian  220 | 24946
14 Sep 2024 #600
better to be a useful idiot

Hoping for a position in Russian occupied Poland????

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14
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