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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

Vesko Vukovic  - | 110
7 Sep 2024 #331

Vesko Vukovic  - | 110
7 Sep 2024 #332
Former US Army sniper Daniel Harris has arrived in Russia and is applying for citizenship

Former US Army sniper Daniel Harris has arrived in Russia and is applying for citizenship. Ready to be an instructor. You are welcome!

The war takes a big toll on Ukraine
cms neuf  1 | 1761
7 Sep 2024 #333
Let's hope he doesn't end up like this guy - raped and murdered by his side in Donetsk
Vesko Vukovic  - | 110
7 Sep 2024 #334
sadistic homos like Lindsey Graham want this to continue forever. why do queers love blood and death so much?

🇷🇺🇺🇦The assault group "Center" destroyed the stronghold of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​Novoselivka Pervaya. The result is mountains of corpses of Ukrainian soldiers who could have simply surrendered and continued to live, but chose to die, senselessly defending the regime that had long ago abandoned them to the slaughter.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
7 Sep 2024 #335
Putin endorses Kumala for President of course the Biden admin says he should stop commenting on the US elections when its the Biden admin that has said they want Putin to be overthrown. Pot meet Kettle. Now the left wing media are saying, without any proof that social media influencers are tied to Russian funding. This is how desperate the democrats are to keep this war going, all the while denying Z the use of weapons in long range operations in Russia.

Meanwhile the US MIC is hopeful that people are not reading these reports and figuring out that this is really a war being drawn out for profit.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
7 Sep 2024 #336
There is lots of evidence of North Nigerian payments to these influencers and in some cases they have already admitted it

Complete scum really to get paid by dictators
mafketis  38 | 10861
7 Sep 2024 #337
Putin endorses Kumala for President

She'd probably continue the current de facto pro-russia policy of the Biden administration..... that is, say pro-Ukraine things in public while not actually delivering much help and putting crippling restrictions on the help that does get to Ukraine.

Trump.... it's hard to tell. He's notoriously unreliable about carrying out campaign promises (he built no wall) and bad at choosing people to work with (Jared....).

On the other hand, he began to arm Ukraine after Obama was personally involved in de-arming Donbas (so when the russians arrived they had no defenses).

And putain is a notoriously petty guy who likes humiliating heads of state... Xi visits and says there should be no more nuclear states and a day later putain gives nukes to Belarus....

I can totally see putain meeting Trump and then bombing more childrens' hospitals at the same time....
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
7 Sep 2024 #338
@cms neuf
No one took any money directly from Russia, and thats the narrative people are trying to get out. No one is responsible for how one company receives its funding, in fact, its not their business to know. Just as its not our business to know who pays you and where their money comes from.

I dont think Putin does anything crazy if Trump wins, and I think both sides are forced to negotiate. If Z continues to maintain the position that he wont negotiate, Ukraine will be cut off. Then I believe the Ukraine people call for Z to be ousted. Since his presidential mandate expired months ago, he is not a popular person in Ukraine.
cms neuf  1 | 1761
7 Sep 2024 #339
Where did they think this money was coming from LOL ? Santa Claus ?

These Alpha Males don't even have the balls to admit they are North Nigerian dupes now.
mafketis  38 | 10861
7 Sep 2024 #340
I dont think Putin does anything crazy if Trump wins

Not right away... it will be like minsk... sign an agreement and immediately violate it.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
7 Sep 2024 #341
@cms neuf pretty clear none of the influencers were involved or considered to be part of the scheme. Being told the money was coming from a wealthy european banker. Those alpha males have staff that take orders from supporters, they are not one man operations. Maybe MSNBC should be charged as corrupt for taking so much money from the DNC and not knowing who the DNC gets their money from, while continuing to influence the elections with left wing lies?

Maybe youre right. I still think there is a deal to be made that doesnt destroy Ukraine. I think an organized referendum, is possible with observers, along with reparations, and NATO stays out of Ukraine. I think NATO staying out of Ukraine with EU security guarantees may even be enough for Putin. He may be a killer and delusional about his countries place in the world, but he has to leave a legacy.
Ironside  50 | 12380
7 Sep 2024 #342
EU security guarantees

EU security guarantees are useless and worthless and everyone knows about it.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11756
7 Sep 2024 #343


Seriously PolAm..."The EU and what army?" The only weapon she has in her arsenal are sanctions and closed money vaults....but even here she is not unanimous and there will be always people ready to "help out"....

The only real thing the EU can and will do is dumping Ukraine with money....a rebuilding fund is already in the talks....and preferred trade-treatment and such....
cms neuf  1 | 1761
7 Sep 2024 #344
Putler has already left a legacy

The NN army is a laughing stock
NN now a client state of China and Iran
The oil industry permanently cut in half
NN's economy wrecked by sanctions
A demographic crisis

Any deal has to involve Putler being handed over along with all of his top team of losers.
GefreiterKania  28 | 1379
7 Sep 2024 #345
The only weapon she has in her arsenal are sanctions and closed money vault

Which is absolutely ridiculous.

Considerable amount of this wealth simply has to be spent on becoming a military superpower asap.

Every EU country above 20 million or so must have their own nuclear arsenal. France cannot be trusted with anything, so Germany, Poland, Italy, Romania,
Netherlands and Spain most become nuclear powers too.

And conventional forces must dwarf the US Army in every aspect (after all, we have almost twice the population).
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
7 Sep 2024 #346
@Bratwurst Boy
So, when is the US able to stop being the worlds police force? Why isnt the EU building its militaries with more urgency, and why havent they for decades? Serious questions there, no emotional answers needed.

Why should the US be responsible for Ukraine when after 2.5 years, little has changed on the ground? Ukraine's military is not growing in size. Russia will always have more men to be killed off.

A rebuilding fund? Sorry, Blackrock and Chase bank already have the contracts for financing rebuilding, Z signed them more than a year ago.

No one is hanging Vlad, and no one is handing him over. He will die in Russia, likely an old man in his castle. Russia has the resources to make this war last as long as it wants. Selling oil on the black market with a shadow fleet above the sanctions based prices. Putting China and Russia together as allies, is a stupid move by the west. Iran is proving to be quite stable now after the US released billions a year ago. Smoke and mirrors press coverage by the west is not helping things.
jon357  73 | 22626
7 Sep 2024 #347
Putler has already left a legacy

He's essentially destroyed his country and future historians will look at all the palaces, golden toilets, drinking bear blood etc as ridiculous follies while his orcs ruthlessly commit war crimes. He'll be remembered more for killing hundreds of people in the Apartment Bombings more than for creating 'stability' and more for bringing r*SSia to decades of international isolation and losing his oil/gas exports to Europe than for creating those exports.

He's wrecked Germany as well now, already an analogue country in a digital world and in economic decline which is in very large part to do with their misguided relations with r*SSia.

And now he's running out of orcs to conscript and make dogfood out of.

Plus, China no longer needs his oil and he's failed utterly in his attempts to reduce oil production and export by poorer countries like Algeria, Libya etc which he thought he could manipulate.
gumishu  15 | 6161
7 Sep 2024 #348
and why havent they for decades? Serious questions there, no emotional answers needed.

ask Germans - Poland was on the way of enlarging and upgrading its military since PiS had taken power in 2016 (PiS reverted a lot of policies of their predecessors) - it is Germans who failed to reach the NATO goals of military spending

Putting China and Russia together as allies, is a stupid move by the west

China and Russia were close partners long before the start of the war in Ukraine
cms neuf  1 | 1761
7 Sep 2024 #349
Whoever takes over North Nigeria there is no way Putler is going to be allowed to grow old in a castle. That's just not how it works there.

Handing him over to The Hague might be just as easy a solution as poisoning him or pushing him out of a window. After all it would help with getting sanctions lifted.
gumishu  15 | 6161
7 Sep 2024 #350
I think NATO staying out of Ukraine with EU security guarantees may even be enough for Putin.

in July Putin declared his peace offer - NATO staying of Ukraine was just one of his peace conditions - others being Ukraine ceding of Donietsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Cherson regions to Russia and also Ukrainian standing army limited to 300 000 people

while not actually delivering much help and putting crippling restrictions

as far as I know the US and NATO have severely depleted their ammunition stores helping Ukraine and are running at maximum of their ammunition production capacity to be able to supply Ukraine with further materiel - so yeah it's not all that straightforward
mafketis  38 | 10861
7 Sep 2024 #351
as far as I know

you have sources for that? cause only something like half of what was promised has been delivered and at present IIRC Biden is sitting on a bunch of stuff that could be sent (but probably wont' be).
utin declared his peace offer

was that an offer or a pre-condition for beginning negotiations?
Ironside  50 | 12380
7 Sep 2024 #352
Why isnt the EU

Why NAFTA doesn't do something to military dwarf China, and subdue Russia?
In the same way, the EU is not that kind of organization, is not the thing they claim to be, there is a lot of money and propaganda and wishful thinking spent on building the EU is a thing. However, it is not, and won't be.
Because the EU is built on imperialism, colonialism, and domination - those are principles of the EU, with their incompleted idolgcylly corrupt liber elite that sees that moemen t secure their uninrpeted raind over the local, ingenious European pleb.
What more their bold bulling and breaking laws and agreemnst to goe head with their inept plans is further frustted by they economical idiocy, which will run that prejct into a ground.
If they would build the EU upon the foundation of equality of the states and fair play economic practices, it could be reckoned with. As it is, it is just a project of arrogant little beaurcrats with an inflated ego and all kinds of petty interests and cons that revolve around them like flies around mature.
Don't hold your hops high. Some go with Germany which Biden seems to see as a proxy in this part of the world. How silly of him/his people.
pawian  219 | 24570
7 Sep 2024 #353
built on imperialism, colonialism, and domination

Like you beloved Russia..... :):):):)
PolAmKrakow  2 | 911
7 Sep 2024 #354
China and Russia were not as close as they are now. China is the US enemy, not Russia. Everyone wants it to be Russia to maintain old cold war mentality. It was a lot more than Germany that failed to meet NATO spending agreements.

No one is going to overthrow Vlad. Not happening. He will hold onto power until he dies or until he names the next in line. No one in Russia has the balls, and common Russians dont want someone else. White Rissia is not feeling the pinch as much as the rest of the country. Plenty of alleged sanctioned goods and brands in the stores. Sanctions really hurt the oligarchs, not average Russians so much.

Russia gave its demands for peace, so thats a starting point. Ukraine made its demands. So with a mediator, you come to a compromise, and neither party is happy with the outcome, and thats when it simply gets done. No one will get everything they want. Ukraine does not belong in NATO, and its questionable whether or not they ever get into the EU.

Agree with a lot of your thoughts on the EU. All the government regulations are rediculous and the EU laws are left wing bull$hit for the most part. There is no equity in membership.
gumishu  15 | 6161
7 Sep 2024 #355
China is the US enemy, not Russia.

the thing is Russians see the US as the enemy (and I mean Russian society at large) and this outplays in their policies - also Russians are not informed that their state became a junior partner to China which they would probably view very negatively (it would be a blow to their national pride) -

was that an offer or a pre-condition for beginning negotiations?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11756
7 Sep 2024 #356
Why isnt the EU building its militaries with more urgency,

I guess the EU doesn't feel that "urgency" yet!

And she has a point....even with Trump as pres NATO wasn't dissolved and he fulfilled all his duties to keep the US as #1....and there are lotsa arguments that this will stay that way, no matter who sits in the White House.

The EU is a huge union which makes her slow and long-winded (is that the real word?)...filled with lotsa contrary people....she will only move and adapt when there is a majority which feels really and truly threatened.....not before!

(Not to mention that till now all really important decision need an unanimity which is harder and harder to get the bigger the EU grows!)

Because the EU is built on imperialism, colonialism, and domination -

I guess if this were true the EU wouldn't be hindered by all these problems as she actually is....
Novichok  5 | 7715
7 Sep 2024 #357
Hey, Russia-hating azholes, I am still waiting for an official document issued by the US State Department stating that Donbass and Crimea are illegally occupied by Russia.

Can't find any? Or they are shy...
pawian  219 | 24570
7 Sep 2024 #358
I am still waiting for an official document

While we are waiting for a document stating you are obsessive attention sicker who shouldn`t be treated seriously.
Don`t be shy.....
johnny reb  46 | 7393
7 Sep 2024 #359
I am still waiting for an official document issued by the US State Department

Why would they, they are not the dog in the fight.
I am afraid that Putin is going to snap next and end civilization.
Korvinus  2 | 550
7 Sep 2024 #360
And that's why it's better if nationalists don't rule countries.

Actually, the issue at stake is patriotism. We must return to our world and put an end to the Ruskies. All it takes is a few good men.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

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