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Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany?

Lenka  5 | 3484
16 Jun 2024   #181
With the rise of the far right the immigration issue will be tackled, they will make sure of that!

The thing is while they mind the dark skinned/ Muslim immigration more, they are not that keen on all immigration, including from other EU countries
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
16 Jun 2024   #182 Germany it seems to be the other way around....immigration/asylum yes, when they are Europeans....that includes Ukrainians.

To many people from outside Europe make just to many problems...that gains them votes!
TheOther  6 | 3596
16 Jun 2024   #183
It isn't meant for always....the current net recipients are expected to put in their share into the common pot, sooner or later.

That's the point: "sooner or later"... . If I look at countries like Greece or some of the East Europeans, I'm starting to believe that "sooner" will never happen and "later" will be somewhen in the year 3000. I just looked at the stats from 2023 for net payers and recipients, and was really surprised. Why on earth is Poland getting so much money? Is there a reason for it?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
16 Jun 2024   #184's all speculation now anyhow....lets wait and see....

The current attack from the outside (Russia) did put alot of life back into our unions, be it EU or NATO.....who would have thought of that before!
TheOther  6 | 3596
16 Jun 2024   #185
That is true. Enjoy it while you can because Trump, should he be elected, will end NATO as you know it. Now off to watching Fußball...
Novichok  4 | 7809
16 Jun 2024   #186
Trump, should he be elected, will end NATO as you know it

...because NATO has ZERO to do with the defense of the United States.

In fact, NATO and all that mutual defense crap is a curse to the US. It spreads our military resources thin all over the globe - including places where we are illegally. With the US base in Syria, we have no leg to stand bit*ching about Russia in CDL.

In the meantime, unvetted hordes are overrunning the country.

Iron is right...Shoot to kill is the only response...
TheOther  6 | 3596
16 Jun 2024   #187
NATO has ZERO to do with the defense of the United States.

NATO is the instrument to keep wars away from the homeland. Give up military power, isolate yourself on the global stage, and the days of the US$ as the world's reserve currency are over. That's the day when the US finally becomes a third world hellhole.
Ironside  50 | 12333
16 Jun 2024   #188
There is only one way to go.

BB we have been over this before. Let me illustrate this with a little dialogue I made up:
a this and this need to change.
b, why? it is perfectly fine
a, you only say that because it works for you but it doesn't work for me
b. don't be silly of course it works for you look around you
a, don't you think I know better
b, actually....yes
a, I see, in that case, bye
b, hey wait a second let's talk about it.

United States of America = one nation

Now, not at the start. As usual, you pretend you know better when you have no clue.

At least you and I both agree

We both agree only about the fact that you are a troll.
TheOther  6 | 3596
16 Jun 2024   #189
Now, not at the start.

At the start there were colonies. Is Poland still a colony of Germany?

There is still a lot of controversy to this very day about the blue states bailing out the red ones. Until now people were okay to help their political adversaries because we are citizens of the same country, but that is changing due to the political climate here in the US. You have so many issues in Europe (immigration, cost for the EU leeches, nationalism et al) that you will never even remotely come close to political unity as in "one continent, one nation". The EU is a temporary construct. It will sooner or later break apart for financial reasons and rabid nationalism in its member states.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
16 Jun 2024   #190
Let me illustrate this with a little dialogue I made up:

Hmmm.....interesting idea....but let's face it, we both have not really all the insights how Brussels works, right?

What I know is that the EU parliament is a good mirror of the politics in its member countries....means they are all there, nobody is clearly forced to stay out. You are eligible to get voted for in your home country, you are eligible for Brussels!

Then there are these fractions...groups with common ideas, and yes, also common interests are able and invited into fractions, where your party finds like minded politicions from across Europe....with the goal to support and strenghten each others cases!

After last sunday they look like this:

Polish parties are everywhere:

ECR - European Conservatives and Reformists Group 27

PiS Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (razem z Suwerenna Polska i Republikanie) 25
SP Sovereign Poland 1
SPZZ Solidarna Polska Zbigniewa Ziobro 1[/i]

EPP - Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 16

PO Platforma Obywatelska 1
PSL (Coal. KE) Koalicja Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe 2
Ind. (Coal. KE) Independents 3

S&D - Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament 7

NW Nowa Lewica 5
SLD Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej - Unia Pracy 1
Ind. Independents 1

Renew Europe - Renew Europe Group 1

Polska 2050 Polska 2050 1

NI - Non-attached Members 1

Ind. Independents 1

So....first I would look which faction would be right for me and my party....there I would find surely people agreeing with me, and then the work begins...making plans, detailing, building a stable, legal proposal....looking for supporters in other fractions....making deals and compromises...."scratching other peoples backs so they will scratch mine"...the whole drill the same as at home...more or less!

You are not really alone, and not only one politician (from...say...Germany) decides over your wish to change start with your politicial group and when you find enough support in other groups you will get the needed votes to make your proposal real, if not then not.

I'm not so sure how to make that system better, Iron...
Ironside  50 | 12333
17 Jun 2024   #191
Poland getting so much money?

If you don't know why don't you do proper research and then come back here after you find out? You are old enough and ugly enough to know better.

I'm sick of ignorant people posting their 'impressions' on an issue they have no clue about. Especially if they are outsiders like you.
If you think about it you are an outsider in the EU as well as in the USA, you seem to be detached from reality. Are you kind of a conman as in a hedge manager type? That would explain your cocky attitude paired with your negligible knowledge or input.


The insights on how Brussels works, right?

Well, I wouldn't say I have no clue how it works, that would be a lie. I might have been a bit blurry on some details especially if we talk theory but I grasped very well the basic practicals of that system.



You see PiS is your party here BB. They are the ones that go along with most of the EU policies while trying to maintain some minimum of Polish interests.

See how it was presented in your propaganda? Even you bought into it.
The reason for this is that the ruling elite in Germany and the EU demand unconditional obedience and only the strongest countries' interests are taken into consideration on some level not always,

PiS example showed that any cooperation in the current system with the current elite is futile and it doesn't matter if you ask only for a few concessions for your vital national interest or you are just an anti-EU real full-blown racist movement you are going to get the same treatment by the totalitarian liberal - left.
Novichok  4 | 7809
17 Jun 2024   #192
I'm not so sure how to make that system better, Iron...

The Bolshevik way...Kill them all and start from scratch...
The US is ready for a revolution, too...This pile of crap is beyond repair.

Open border + welfare + deficits = death

We just don't know the date of the funeral.
mafketis  38 | 10911
17 Jun 2024   #193
because Trump, should he be elected, will end NATO as you know it

I doubt it. His centerpiece campaign promise of 2016 was that he would build a wall on the border with Mexico.... he built no wall.

He says anything he thinks audiences want to hear and there's no connection between what he says and what he does.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
17 Jun 2024   #194
You see PiS is your party here BB.

....or maybe an example of "Realpolitik"?

Compared to the example I posted, with EU-elections and working in political groups in Brussels, how do you imagine PiS or PO or any other ruling party in Warsaw will work for polish interests OUTSIDE of the EU....more successfully that is?

That would really interest must have an alternative in mind, yes? After a Polexit....
Korvinus  2 | 567
17 Jun 2024   #195
Enjoy it while you can because Trump, should he be elected, will end NATO as you know it.

Trump already tried to "end" it by allowing his loyalists to stop funding for 6 months.

The idea was that if Biden lost the war, the Republicans would have an easier time in the coming election.

All it did was increase Ukraine's losses and embolden Russia. Europe still funded the war and Ukraine still fought. Turns out not everyone wants to surrender Europe over politics.

No reason to expect it would be any different with Trump in office, especially since he'll probably stop caring about anything again once he's in.
TheOther  6 | 3596
17 Jun 2024   #196
He says anything he thinks audiences want to hear and there's no connection between what he says and what he does.

Very true, but his followers and admirers ignore that. They are the prime example of the stereotypical dumb American. Trump might try to leave NATO, though, because there are some crazy f*uckers pulling the strings behind him that have nothing to do with the military complex.

Trump already tried to "end" it...

Thankfully, he was stopped by his generals who were the only ones thinking straight at that time. The Republicans don't understand that they would kill the dollar as the reserve currency of the world once they give up American power projection.

I'm sick of ignorant people posting their 'impressions' on an issue they have no clue about.

Ah, that's the Ironside I know. No control over his emotions, always a d*ick, thick as minced meat. Love you, too! LOL!
Lyzko  41 | 9563
17 Jun 2024   #197
Troll, Ironside?? I'd never agree about that:-) Agent provocateur, perhaps.
Anyhow, quit projecting!
Ironside  50 | 12333
18 Jun 2024   #198
No control over his emotions,

quit projecting! You can read an honest assessment of yourself, agree or not but that strong denial is simply pathetic. It tells us you know I'm right.


You must have an alternative in mind, yes? After a Polexit.

I think it would be in the interest of both parties to strike a deal between Germany and Poland as Germany has more to lose in that relationship. Poland can develop better with EU restrictions and regulations that are obvious, Sweden would be a good partner, as is South Korea, and Japan there is still the US left and Turkey and plenty of other options and countries, we don't need to be a hostage to German economical interest and some crazy green policies forced in Brussels together with lobbied regulation which benefits some Gemran or French companies.
Novichok  4 | 7809
18 Jun 2024   #199
he built no wall.

...because the swamp wouldn't let him...Duh!

BTW, a wall with a big wide-open gate where they greet all kinds of scum is a farce.

Berlin had a wall. Israel has a wall. The US is a human waste disposal can where everybody is welcome - criminals and terrorists. We don't discriminate.
jon357  72 | 22979
18 Jun 2024   #200
Very true, but his followers and admirers ignore that.

He knows what buttons to press. Fascists usually do.

they would kill the dollar as the reserve currency of the world

I'd say that the clock is ticking on that one.

Germany tends to watch and wait.
mafketis  38 | 10911
18 Jun 2024   #201
I'd say that the clock is ticking on that one.

Zeihan had a video pointing out the non-starter nature of any other choice as RC... basically no other takers or viable options.

It's like the US's role of maintaining the maritime order... if that's gone you're giving pirates or other malcontents (see houthis) free reign to disrupt global supply trans....

No other country can do what the US does in guaranteeing order (no matter how badly it does it at any given moment) and if the US doesn't even try... it's mass poverty and lawlessness.

of course russia wants that but no sane people do.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679
18 Jun 2024   #202
we don't need to be a hostage to German economical interest and some crazy green policies forced in Brussels

....maybe your wishes will come true in the next years anyhow....with the rising right parties gaining more power in Brussels....who knows what will happen.
TheOther  6 | 3596
18 Jun 2024   #203
agree or not but that strong denial is simply pathetic.

Nice try, sweetheart. Doesn't change the fact that you are one of the biggest di*cks on PF. Honest assessment of yourself, agree with it or not. LOL!
Ironside  50 | 12333
18 Jun 2024   #204
Who knows what will happen?

Crazy acts of politicians both in Berlin and Brussels make the dissolution of the EU as it is today rather certain.

agree with it or not.

I don't care everyone is entitled to their opinions, as it happens I don't care about yours. Also, I'm sure that many people on PF love me.



However, I'm not your sweetheart THAT is offensive.
TheOther  6 | 3596
18 Jun 2024   #205
Also, I'm sure that many people on PF love me.

You can always dream ... ;)

everyone is entitled to their opinions, as it happens I don't care about yours

That's alright, but if you don't care as you say, why on earth do you respond to my posts? You don't add any value to the discussion with your outbursts.
Ironside  50 | 12333
18 Jun 2024   #206
Why on earth do you respond to my posts?

To let you know where you stand. People if unchecked get 'ideas' and you are one of those people who are very prone to be that way.

You don't add any value to the discussion

It is again only your opinion.
I think my posts or a majority of my posts have a lot of value to people who read them and are interesting, informative, or entertaining. If someone is a plank like you that might be different. No surprise there.
TheOther  6 | 3596
18 Jun 2024   #207
To let you know where you stand.

Well, you don't need to tell me where I stand. I haven't changed my position towards right wingers, nationalists and Nazi boys like yourself since I joined in 2009. It's very simple: I can't stand you guys.

If someone is a plank like you

Anger issues?
Ironside  50 | 12333
19 Jun 2024   #208
Anger issues?

If that honest assessment makes you angry that is your problem, stop projecting.

right wingers,

Indeed you are a typical left-whinger, with no brains, and no morals but one who likes to feel morally superior to others, All you have to offer is whining and snarky toxic BS.

Good for you. no one is dazzled by it.
Novichok  4 | 7809
20 Jun 2024   #209
The difference between right-wingers and the leftist scum is very simple.

Right-wingers need police protection when they speak at US unis. They like leftist morons during Q&A sessions so much that they let them ask first and ahead of right-wingers.

Leftist scum never needs police protection. They avoid Q&A like the plague because the scum knows they can't answer the first question - on their own fvcking subjects!!!!

I am still waiting for the definition of "a woman" here...

Hey, Lyzko, how about it...Did you look it up?
TheOther  6 | 3596
20 Jun 2024   #210
Right-wingers need police protection

Nobody likes MAGA, except for MAGA themselves. Why are you surprised?

If that honest assessment makes you angry that is your problem

What an intelligent riposte! Did you come up with that all by yourself? LOL!

snarky toxic BS

Read your own responses and then try to convince me that you are not a psycho...

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