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Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
11 Jun 2024   #121
Really Milo?

Wouldn't you hate the return of a "Germany First" arrogant, egotistical, super proud German?

Be honest! ;)
Novichok  4 | 8667
11 Jun 2024   #122
Since the loss of a World War under that motto?

I don't mean hitting the streets and screaming slogans.

I meant that if a German disagrees with "Germany First" as a matter of logic and policy, I have a right to ask: If not the first, then which?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
11 Jun 2024   #123
If not the first, then which?


Germany was just completely supplanted by in "Europa first".....
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
11 Jun 2024   #124
Wouldn't you hate the return of a "Germany First" arrogant, egotistical, super proud German?

Be honest! ;)

I will.Germany first in Germany is fine by me.As opposed to say, Germany first in Poland,France,Czechoslovakia,The Netherlands,Belgium..... you get my drift ;-)

There is nothing wrong with patriotic pride within ones own nation.

Germans need to stand up and be strong!

But just don't invade your friends and neighbours..... LOL!!!
Lyzko  44 | 9722
11 Jun 2024   #126
According to today's NYT, regrettably the AfD's beating the Greens in the polls.
Novichok  4 | 8667
11 Jun 2024   #127

OK, let's try this...

A Brit, Swede, German, and a Pole are downing. You can save only one of them. Which one will you save?

Please don't tell me the one with the biggest tits.

According to today's NYT, regrettably the AfD's beating the Greens in the polls.

You are lying.

NYT did not say "regrettably".
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
11 Jun 2024   #128
....a blonde maybe? :) the German a Leftie?
Novichok  4 | 8667
11 Jun 2024   #129
....a blonde maybe? :)

Go for the tits. Anybody can be a blonde for 10 bucks.
You can ask her if she is a leftie after you are done.

I meant done pulling her out of the water
Lyzko  44 | 9722
11 Jun 2024   #130
It didn't have to, Rich.
Clearly anything other than the stay-the-course path of the current administration
would be a step in the wrong direction for Germany, above all Germany!

If the AfD gains any more ground, that is indeed regrettable.
Novichok  4 | 8667
12 Jun 2024   #131
that is indeed regrettable.

Who will regret it and why?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jun 2024   #132
Who wants to argue at 1 a.m. and why ?
Novichok  4 | 8667
12 Jun 2024   #133
Just asking...

BTW, the best way to expose morons is by asking...It's been 9 hours and Lyzko is still thinking...How the fvck do I answer that one...
Lyzko  44 | 9722
12 Jun 2024   #134
@Rich, do want a return to the Nazi Era? A simple question
with a simple answer NO/NEIN!!
Novichok  4 | 8667
12 Jun 2024   #135
We are already in the NAZI era...

When doctors can legally remove healthy breasts from the body of a healthy girl that's Mengele 2.0.

When an American despot can open the US borders to let foreign hordes in and we can't do anything about it, that's Hitler 2.0.

When you get fired for saying that trans women are not women, that's NAZI era...
Tacitus  2 | 1269
12 Jun 2024   #136

Show some decency for a change and don't compare your misgivings with our liberal societies with Nazi Germany. You are downplaying the suffering of the people who actually had to live through those times.
Novichok  4 | 8667
12 Jun 2024   #137
Based on what white woke globalist morons are doing to Europe and the US, I am forced to actually dislike NAZIs less...

NAZIs were as diverse as the German society is today. Not every NAZI was gassing people in Auschwitz. Many of them were better patriots than Angela, Greens, and other German leftist scum.

If you think that to the Russians you are much better, you are nuts.

Actually, that makes you worse than the NAZIs under Hitler. Those NAZIs had to go to kill Russians or be executed for disobeying orders.

You help kill Russians because you want to. Or because your American pimps told you. At least they, the pimps make money. You lose money.

It is really disgusting to be involved in a war that has NOTHING to do with Germany. Or the US.. Or even NATO...
Novichok  4 | 8667
12 Jun 2024   #138
don't compare your misgivings with our liberal societies with Nazi Germany.

Being woke and suicidal does not make you "liberal"...Just a bunch of morons...How many migrants is too many?

I noticed that you have no problems when some faggot here considers Russians as bad as the SS, right? Or when another azhole sees Hitler and Putin as the same?
Lyzko  44 | 9722
12 Jun 2024   #139
Legally, Rich, although with their consent and herein lies the key difference?

Could some poor, non-German speaking shtettl Jew tell Dr. Mengele that he
didn't want unspeakably hideous experiments performed on him??!
Are you mad, Rich?
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Jun 2024   #140
non-German speaking shtettl Jew

there were no non-German speaking shtettl inhabitants - yidish is practically a form of German
mafketis  38 | 11258
13 Jun 2024   #141
yidish is practically a form of German

Was there a yiddish speaking population ever in a primarily German speaking place?

I honestly don't know...

One thing I find weird is that many (not all but probably most) non-super religious Jews didn't have more.... affection for Yiddish and attempts to keep it alive in places like the cccp mostly failed.

IINM it's mostly now spoken in the greater New York area in order to maintain group cohesion and prevent integration among orthodox Jews and maybe some in Israel by very conservative jews who consider(ed?) Hebrew too sacred for daily conversation (though Israeli Hebrew is very different from the sacred language).

It's too bad more people don't know about Ladino (related to Spanish the way Yiddish is related to German).
Ironside  51 | 13083
13 Jun 2024   #142
Germany was just completely supplanted by in "Europa first"....

I think you are easily dazzled by slogans. If you look deeper there is quite another picture. Indeed Germany is no longer rabidly nationalistic but it doesn't mean that German interests do not take precedence.

You say Europe you think Germany you think Germany you say Europe.
To decode it even more - your politicians think that what is good for Germany is Good for Europe and that is not always the case. It doesn't consider the interests of other countries. Here lies a problem.


Are you mad, Rich?

Is that a rhetorical question?
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Jun 2024   #143
yiddish speaking population ever in a primarily German speaking place

I don't know to be honest - I read though that tens of thousands of Jews immigrated to Germany from Eastern Europe, including Poland, following WW1 - there was influx of Eastern European Jews into Germany in the late 19th century (think industrialization of Germany) as well
Novichok  4 | 8667
13 Jun 2024   #144
Are you mad, Rich?

Is that a rhetorical question?

Two forum zeros and their contributions...Wow...
Ironside  51 | 13083
13 Jun 2024   #145

Hey dementia patient what's your contribution, crap? I must say in that regard you produce a lot of manure. Other than that, not so much, nothing of lasting value anyway.

Your emotional reaction to all kinds of events and issues is not interesting whatsoever. What is even worse is that that crap is boring.
Hey as you are an attention-seeking hooker will YOU accept hush money?
Lyzko  44 | 9722
13 Jun 2024   #146
You're correct in that Yiddish is a derivative of Southern German dialects.
However, only if a German grew up in either Swabia or Bavaria would they
be able to understand, at least communicate, with a Jew from the East European
TheOther  6 | 3596
13 Jun 2024   #147
Jiddish is a High German derivative, not southern. There are quite a few Jiddish words still in use in modern German language that everybody understands. Meschugge, Schlemil and Techtelmechtel are just a few examples.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
13 Jun 2024   #148
Meschugge, Schlemil and Techtelmechtel are just a few examples.

I know the latter, but not the first two?
mafketis  38 | 11258
13 Jun 2024   #149
There are a couple dozen or so words of Yiddish that have entered daily US English.... meshugganah (crazy person) schlemiel (loser) are among them (though spelling is not that fixed).
TheOther  6 | 3596
13 Jun 2024   #150
I'm surprised that you haven't heard those before (alter Schlemiel / er ist meschugge). Another one is Schlamassel. You know that one, right?

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