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Will PiS be happy if AfD wins elections in Germany?

OP Alien  25 | 6424
8 Nov 2024   #391
Are you really a German

Do you think there are no Germans in Germany who are satisfied with their lives?
jon357  72 | 23490
8 Nov 2024   #392
They should count their blessings. Life is harder in Turkey, Brazil, former z Yugoslavia etc.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
8 Nov 2024   #393
Do you think there are no Germans in Germany

Over 83% are not.....after the latest poll.....and how can one be happy with all the bad me.....

Life is harder in Turkey,

They are not happy either, I guess?

Thing is that our neighbours had the same problems but came out's definitely bad government!
OP Alien  25 | 6424
8 Nov 2024   #394
definitely bad government

Wir klagen wie immer auf hohen Niveau.
jon357  72 | 23490
8 Nov 2024   #396
had the same problems but came out's definitely bad government!

Maybe their economies are more adaptable; we came out well because we responded efficiently.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
8 Nov 2024   #397
we came out well because we responded efficiently.

Main points/differences....

Merkel (CDU) made left/green policy and did set everything on the cheap energy from Russia and did the one stupid thing no one else did, started the ending of our nuclear plants as the Greens we are left with figuratively NOTHING....our whole highly developed industrialized country is now de-industrialized, energy starved to death....everybody now: THANK YOU!!!!

So...after that surge to the left under Merkel we truly need a surge to the right again, but that only means a more natural positioning in the center of the politics again. The whole green/leftist thing was really truly bad for our country! Only hardcore leftist can see anything good innit....and of course the trans people....but everybody else suffers!
jon357  72 | 23490
8 Nov 2024   #398
Merkel (CDU) made left/green policy

She was a Conservative.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
8 Nov 2024   #399
She was a Conservative.

No....she was an Ossi!

For us Ossis the west Parties like CDU, FDP or SPD and later the Greens meant not the same....not the same historical bonding, the same politicial understanding. After the wall fell it was like a Bazaar.....and people chose for many reasons....Merkel was as much CDU as I would be a was a way for her to make a career....and because she was seen as catholic....but that all had not the same meaning or importance like in the West....hence the new eastern party PDS later....

Merkel made politics after the polls and only as far as she could see the horizon, she didn't care for anything and anybody, no principles, nothing....and at that times the Greens were up and rising....and that thinking took hold and gained support....and it was so easy....Nord Stream 2 was being build, nobody thought Putin would become a ourselves a slave of some other country, why the hell not? If it gains me the next chancellorship too...*shrugs*

PS: CDU, SPD, FDP and also the Greens are still seen as purely western parties, with barely any members in the East at all...curiously the AfD is seen as more of an eastern party, even as she was founded in the West too...the only truly eastern Party, the Linke (former PDS) is probably actually dying out, it's members are getting to old!
mafketis  38 | 11165
8 Nov 2024   #400
nobody thought Putin would become a warmonger...

I can understand Wessis thinking that.... there's no excuse for an Ossi not seeing russia's imperial ambitions and not preparing for them.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
8 Nov 2024   #401

Exactly the opposite is true!

For 40 years one half of the country got nothing but anti-Eastern education....anti-commi....anti-russian....even anti-eastern-German....anything pro USian!

Fo 40 years the other half got nothing but pro socialist Soviet/pro Russian....anti-western....anti USian....

West-Germans did learn English in school...Eastern Germans did learn Russian in school.....West-Germans did live together with USian to know them....East-Germans did live with russian troops together....did got to know them (even if not at the same level at the Wessis and their Amis)

West-German schools had friendship with western schools in western countries....West-German towns had partnerships with other western towns and cities....East-German towns and schools were bonded with eastern towns and schools...lotsa contacts with russian people over the times...

Don't forget that!
jon357  72 | 23490
8 Nov 2024   #402
No....she was an Ossi!

For us Ossis the west Parties like CDU, FDP or SPD

Definitely conservative.

Which current party do you prefer?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
8 Nov 2024   #403
Definitely conservative.

Merkel? Well....she destroyed the CDU as only someone from the inner core did Schröder before for the SPD, and he too could only do it as leader, as Chancellor! And as the SPD it will take ages for the CDU to get over this, to repair the damage....without Merkel pushing the CDU so far to the left, there would be no AfD today....not existing and surely not as powerful.
Most of the current AfD voter are former, before-Merkel, REAL conservative CDU-Voter!

The damage this woman brought us has no end.....but asked how she thinks today about her rulership she sees nothing wrong with it.....what a *****!

I am a natural CDU voter....but first Merz has to prove that he isn't a Merkel #2!
mafketis  38 | 11165
8 Nov 2024   #404
the other half got nothing but pro socialist Soviet/pro Russian

Poland got the same pro-socialist pro-soviet/pro-russian stuff but it never worked here.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
8 Nov 2024   #405

Eastern Germans felt privileged compared to the here stationed "Ivan", we didn't felt especially opressed by them, rather pitied I grew up the GDR was better off than the "Motherland of the Socialism"...we had a higher living standard as even seen in Moskau, were better fed....that wasn't your usual "occupied country", I guess....especially not compared to what we Germans did in our "zones of occupations" only a few decades earlier.

I don't want to paint a to rosy picture here, there were surely difficulties, but then came Perestroika and especially Gorbatschow and Germany, yes the whole of us, East and West, just fell in love, you can't explain it otherwise...and frankly said, if it were only about our leadership we would still suffer that drearyness of Honecker and his gang of arseholes...but Gorbatschow didn't want to send the Panzers even as East-Berlin asked him too to save them and we will never forget that...

Yeah...Germans! :)
Novichok  4 | 8538
8 Nov 2024   #406
but Gorbatschow didn't want to send the Panzers as East-Berlin asked him too and we will never forget that...

So those Russians are not all Stalins and Berias...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
8 Nov 2024   #407
....not on a personal level....and it's that which makes always all the differences!

PS: I later heard several times that a stationing in the GDR was seen by the common Russian also as the main Lottery prize! Hard to get, especially without connections...:)
mafketis  38 | 11165
8 Nov 2024   #408
the GDR was better off than the "Motherland of the Socialism"...we had a higher living standard as even seen in Moskau

The same was true in Poland... even during the crises and rationing....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
8 Nov 2024   #409
The same was true in Poland... even during the crises and rationing....

Looking back and comparing....that WAS unusual in the european history, wasn't it....the occupied being better off than the occupier!

But the near-western-standard-land-of-our-dreams hat been always Hungary, the #1 in the whole socialist bloc, for Germans at least....for Poles too?
mafketis  38 | 11165
8 Nov 2024   #410
Hungary, the #1 in the whole socialist bloc, for Germans at least....for Poles too?

More like Budapest, Balaton and maybe some a couple of places in the West (Hungary, like Poland, has a west-east prosperity divide... maybe even more extreme).
I saw a tv report circa 1986-87 about a Hungarian-American visiting and being impressed by Budapest and saddened by the dilapidated falling down villages not too far away...

I think the DDR was overall the most economically well off.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
8 Nov 2024   #411
I loved Budapest....still do.....heh:)

...okay...end of that travel down the memory lane....back to the thread topic...don't wanna get warned again...
OP Alien  25 | 6424
8 Nov 2024   #412
..back to the thread topic

Don't worry, AfD won't win in Germany for now.
OP Alien  25 | 6424
21 Dec 2024   #413
This attack yesterday may help AfD to gain more votes in the upcoming elections. 🙉
Lyzko  44 | 9717
22 Dec 2024   #414
In the light of that most recent attack in Magdeburg just prior to the Christmas Season,
there are sadly more and more public calls for deportation of refugees within Germany!

The new chancellor certainly has plenty to contend with.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
22 Dec 2024   #415
Israel should take in deported "refugees" especially with all that land they are illegally annexing in Gaza, The West Bank and Syria.

Sadly everyone knows they won't.
Lyzko  44 | 9717
22 Dec 2024   #416
Actually, Israelis show slightly more hospitality to their Muslim neighbors than
they do to American Jews:-)
Poloniusz  5 | 969
22 Dec 2024   #417
slightly more hospitality to their Muslim neighbors

Only because they know it is certain that the Muslims will shoot back.

But not all refugees are Muslim nor are they from countries neighboring your promised land.

Israel needs more diversity and must live up to its promise and its obligation to be the crossroads of the world.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
22 Dec 2024   #418
Israel needs more diversity


Diversity sucks! It's deadly! It kills!
Novichok  4 | 8538
22 Dec 2024   #419
Diversity sucks! It's deadly! It kills!

It's strange how naive whites don't learn this until just before they are decapitated, raped, or hit by a car.

Next day, the survivors switch from "it's so awful" to "not every Muslim" mode.

It seems that the 9/11 seminar went to waste.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
22 Dec 2024   #420

Why not? Israel and its stooge supporters always portray that place as a Western country and the only democracy in the universe.

The mantra from the controlled media and occupied governments all across the Western world was that to be Western and democratic meant being diverse. No exceptions.

As a result, most European countries have not only been expected but have also borne the burden of proving themselves by allowing anyone in for any reason, with no expectation of responsibility, let alone gratitude, from the 'new' Europeans.

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