Polski Ład (usually translated Polish Deal*) which was intended to be centerpiece legislation by the ruling party (Pis) for the next election has already run into problems with mass confusion on taxes, many people receiving lower wages than expected and a totally unprepared bureaucracy.
The government suggested people consult their local tax offices (which had not been sufficiently prepared) and went into damage control mode by temporarily halting some VAT taxes.
Also, true to form they partially blame their problems on their favorite scapegoat Donald Tusk who has not held office in Poland over six years. This has not stopped state run media from blaming problems on the "podatek tuskowy"
*Polish order seems to be a better translation but Polish Deal, perhaps an echo of the New Deal is far more often used and may be the official translation...
The government suggested people consult their local tax offices (which had not been sufficiently prepared) and went into damage control mode by temporarily halting some VAT taxes.
Also, true to form they partially blame their problems on their favorite scapegoat Donald Tusk who has not held office in Poland over six years. This has not stopped state run media from blaming problems on the "podatek tuskowy"
*Polish order seems to be a better translation but Polish Deal, perhaps an echo of the New Deal is far more often used and may be the official translation...