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Mateusz Matyszkowicz, executive director of Fronda will lead TVP Kultura

Borsukrates  5 | 129
8 Jan 2016   #1
TVP Kultura is a public TV station focusing on cultural matters.
Mateusz Matyszkowicz is a an executive director of "Fronda Lux" and "Teologia Polityczna".
Mateusz Matyszkowicz will now lead the TV station. Another "Fronda" editor, Jakub Moroz, will take care of the channel's development.

This is wonderful, excellent news for everyone with strong right winged views who is Catholic. If there's a more extreme right winged magazine in Poland, I'm not aware of it. For reference - Fronda, Tygodnik Poświęcony (Sanctified Weekly):

I don't count Radio Maryja, TV Trwam etc because technically it doesn't follow The Bible.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Jan 2016   #2
This is wonderful, excellent news for everyone with strong right winged views who is Catholic.

It's the kind of news that can only help the opposition. TVP Kultura will become an absolute joke, and it confirms what we've all been saying - that PiS will simply turn the public media into PZPR-bisTV.

And again, he has no experience with teleivison, not much experience with the media and is yet another PiS crony.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Jan 2016   #3

Strange conclusion? It was UD, UW and finally PO that became a safe haven for those from PZPR nomenklatura families and constitute the bulk of today's trough-defending "opposition".
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Jan 2016   #4
Strange that many ex-PZPR members found their way straight into PiS and now into many governmental positions, isn't it?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Jan 2016   #5

Delph has a great tactic designed to delude those with little knowledge of Polsih history or who believe it started 8 years ago. To understand what's happening today one needs to analyse the round-table process that allowed commies to rebadge themselves as social democrats and democrats and not only survive but thrive, advance and imrprove on the perks and privileges they enjoyed in PRL. At the same time many Solidarity activists were unemplyoed, reduced to poverty and never got to enjoy the benefits of transformation. .
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Jan 2016   #6
I think one has to begin by understanding what PiS are doing in Poland. They are filling up almost every single governmental position and state company position with people that are loyal to them - mostly young people with little/no experience or older people who were prominent members of the Polish Communist Party, the PZPR. These people are not "Solidarity activists", but rather the kind of people that look east to Russia rather than west to Europe.

Matyszkowicz is a perfect example of this. He doesn't have any experience in TV production, doesn't have experience in management (a small fringe publication hardly counts) - but he's a loyal PiS member that can be trusted to produce the Party line.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Jan 2016   #7
with people

With people who are not on the leash of foreign corporations. I know that's painful to those who were getting hefty kickbacks and now stand to lose them. Also the post-nomenklatura kids who found safe haven in the PO camp may no longer dominate things. Isn't that sad? Boo-hoo, sob. sob....

Thanks to PiS normal Poles have received a new lease of life.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Jan 2016   #8
With people who are not on the leash of foreign corporations.

Nice try, but they're just very much on the leash of Jarosław Kaczyński and PiS. Given that the party has very strong links with the PZPR and has just signed a very unfavourable deal with Russia with oil, I think we all can see where this is going.

I know that's painful to those who were getting hefty kickbacks and now stand to lose them.

Any proof of your allegations?

Also the post-nomenklatura kids who found safe haven in the PO camp may no longer dominate things.

Given that PiS is controlled by the nomeklatura...

Thanks to PiS normal Poles have received a new lease of life.

A new lease of life in which Party membership is required for any sort of career advancement in public life.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Jan 2016   #9
Jarosław Kaczyński and PiS

But Kaczyński is not a exploitative foreign interest group and PiS are the most pro-Polish party that exists.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Jan 2016   #10
Kaczyński is all about power at the expense of the nation, and PiS are only "pro-Polish" if by that, you mean "orientated towards Russia", just like Hungary these days.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 Jan 2016   #11
all about power

Every politician is about power, except somem use it for the benefit of a foreign bankster/corporate elite. Tell me, do you really look forward to a Petru-ruled Poland? After the 8-year PO bankster episode maybe Poland deserves a breather.
jon357  72 | 23482
9 Jan 2016   #12
TVP Kultura will become an absolute joke, and it confirms what we've all been saying - that PiS will simply turn the public media into PZPR-bisTV

Indeed. Basically they've appointed an outspoken and fascistic religious extremist - aside from the impact that will have on the once good TV station, it's just another step that discredits them.
Librarius  - | 90
9 Jan 2016   #13
Basically they've appointed an outspoken and fascistic religious extremist

And what is the name of that guy?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
9 Jan 2016   #14
with people that are loyal to them

And the SLD and PO government filled postions with people disloyal to them, eh?
Are you living on the Planet of the Apes or what?
pawian  226 | 27401
18 Feb 2020   #15
and it confirms what we've all been saying - that PiS will simply turn the public media into PZPR-bisTV.

Nobody really predicted what PiS would do to state public media. The truth is they are even more propagandist than communist. Shame on those neobolsheviks from PiS.

Home / News / Mateusz Matyszkowicz, executive director of Fronda will lead TVP Kultura

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