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Lukashenko - removes graveyard - AK resistance fighters

Kashub1410  6 | 580
5 Jul 2022   #1
Wprost added at 10:00 today that Lukashenka hasn't only dececrated a graveyard for AK Polish resistance fighters but completely removed it by digging earth over it with tractors.

Memorials are one thing, but graveyard?

Lukashenko be dammed for all eternity!
Bobko  27 | 2130
5 Jul 2022   #2

I will violate my vow of radio silence to say this is absolutely disgusting if true. Idiotic, wrong, and embarrassing.
Novichok  4 | 8748
5 Jul 2022   #3
Idiotic, wrong, and embarrassing.

After all the insults from here???
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Jul 2022   #4
After all the insults from here

Don`t be silly. Where did you get your education? In Moscow, RuSSia? You should know better that insults are not a pretext to destroy a cemetary.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
5 Jul 2022   #5
Razed to the ground... pure barbarism...,103086,28655317,bialorus-zrownano-z-ziemia-kwatere-ak-w-mikuliszkach-na-grodzienszczyznie.html

Simple soldiers' graves... not commanders, not officers... razed to the ground. Mostly soldiers who died in 1944 "Ostra Brama" operation, fighting to liberate Vilnius from the nazis. One of the operations in which Home Army cooperated with Red Army against Germans...

"The Polish attack on the morning of 7 July stalled almost immediately under heavy fire from German positions. At mid-day, the first armoured units of the Third Byelorussian Front appeared on the battlefield. From then on, until the conclusion of the battle on 13 July, Polish troops fought on the Soviet side."
cms neuf  1 | 1846
5 Jul 2022   #6
Soviet graves in Poland are not desecrated - on All Saints every Soviet grave normally has a candle on it. I will say that compared to the British and Commonwealth graves, the way the Soviets care for their graves in Poland is disgraceful - they are weed strewn and crumbling, but never attacked by locals.

You assume that everyone shares your mean mindedness and misanthropy - but we are all normal people, not bitter twisted internet warriors
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
5 Jul 2022   #7
the Soviets care for their graves in Poland is disgraceful

There are no Soviets anymore. You surely meant Russians?

Russian attitude and care for their graves changed. A long time ago (sometime in mid-90s), a small village somewhere in central Poland (I completely forgot the name) renovated their local Red Army graveyard - entirely on their own: cleaned and renewed the gravestones, planted flowers, built paths etc. and they thought Russians would be quite content, so they sent an invitation to the Russian embassy to visit the cemetery on the following Victory Day. Nobody came, they didn't care - they didn't even reply to the message. Local folks were shocked. But things changed and a couple of years ago local authorities in Kartuzy notified Russian Embassy of the damages done to their local Red Army graveyard by the trees falling in a storm. Russians not only replied but also financed all the restoration works...
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Jul 2022   #8
There are no Soviets anymore.

Of course there are. They restore Lenin monuments and wave Soviet flags in RuSSist occupied Ukraine.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
5 Jul 2022   #9
I was assuming that Belarus somehow paid some contribution to look after Soviet graves. Maybe not ?
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Jul 2022   #10
No, that solely depends on the host country. And countries use reciprocity rule for each other`s cemeteries.
OP Kashub1410  6 | 580
5 Jul 2022   #11
Thanks for your written words Bobko, no matter which side of the trenches you sit.

I'll pray for him
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
5 Jul 2022   #12
Lukashenko be dammed for all eternity


to say this is absolutely disgusting if true. Idiotic, wrong, and embarrassing

Thank you Bobko.
I look at you in a slightly different light after that posr.
Maybe there are some decent and honerable Russians out there!
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
5 Jul 2022   #13
Let remove that Kacap and his henchmen they have been asking for it for a while now.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
6 Jul 2022   #14
Should we start shooting at his people breaking Polish border fence?
Paulina  17 | 4465
7 Jul 2022   #15
It's unbelievable that it really happened, but it did... Here's a photo of the Polish charge d'affaires in Belarus lying flowers and candles on that site after the graveyard got razed to the ground:

A former ambassador of Belarus in Poland said that it was an act of barbarism completely against the Belarusian tradition.

Incomprehensible... It must've been an act of pure hate on Lukashenko's part or reckless, blind revenge, because I can't explain it in any other way... Especially that there are Poles still living in Belarus - how they've must've felt? We respect the graves, even of our enemies...
Novichok  4 | 8748
8 Jul 2022   #16
Especially that there are Poles still living in Belarus

If they were born in Belarus, they are Belarussians. If they are still "Poles" their Polish asses should have been taken to the curb a long time ago.
Paulina  17 | 4465
8 Jul 2022   #17
@Novichok, then according to your logic, people born in Eastern and Southern Ukraine are Ukrainians and if they are still "Russians" their Russian asses should have been taken to the curb a long time ago :)

because I can't explain it in any other way...

Or... it was supposed to provoke Poles to make some kind of retaliation for this act of barbarism, so it could be shown on Belarusian TV with a proper commentary: "See, Poles hate Belarus and Belarusians for no reason at all..." If that's the case we shouldn't allow ourselves to get provoked by this. Perhaps Lukashenko is trying to put a wedge between Poles and Belarusians...

Should we start shooting at his people breaking Polish border fence?

Bad idea, I think. Lukashenko would probably want that. We should keep our heads cool.
Novichok  4 | 8748
8 Jul 2022   #18
then according to your logic, people born in Eastern and Southern Ukraine are Ukrainians

Life is not a high school debate. Countries do what they can get away with.
Paulina  17 | 4465
8 Jul 2022   #19
@Novichok, but you're not a country and I won't let you get away with hypocrisy and double standards in our forum debates :)
OP Kashub1410  6 | 580
8 Jul 2022   #20
Then maybe take a seat and listen to the lecturer?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
8 Jul 2022   #21
Bad idea,

Why? He is clearly escalating conflict with Poland. Do nothing can only an idiot or an inept country. We should have well tuned response to all that. Shoot at Belrusan thugs in unforms can be one of those responces. There are plenty of other level of respnsen. I don't see anything being done. That is wrong.

Lukashenko would probably want that.

You don't understand why he did what he did, so you can't guess what he wants and what he thinks. It is only an excuse to do nothing. Poland need to kick him where it hurts or he will never stop.

Life is not a high school debate

Oh really? I bet you haven't graduted even an Ameircan high school.
OP Kashub1410  6 | 580
8 Jul 2022   #22
He views Poland (just like his entire ex-KGB circles aren't communistic, in their eyes evil cause they don't champion for the poor and the working class)

So he provokes so as to show his collegues how bad and evil Poland is...

His fault for not heeding to the lords warning to not say or support those who claim to fight for the poor (cause they abuse the good of mankind) while also not champion for the cause of tyrants (abusing the dark/bad side of mankind) for political gains.

Lukashenko does both, tries to be a champion of Belarus and it's people, fights for an autocratic Belarus and supports Putin the tyrant.

Novichok  4 | 8748
8 Jul 2022   #23
He is clearly escalating conflict with Poland.

What conflict? Lu doesn't like you, Poles, and he can do what he wants. Ps in B don't like it? Move to Poland or deal with it.

tries to be a champion of Belarus and it's people,

Can you imagine THAT??? What a bastard...I wish we had a guy like this here. What a novel concept...Championing your own country...Wow...
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
8 Jul 2022   #24

How is that even matter? What matter is that a-hole attack Poland and Poland do not respond in a way it would hurt him. That is a one of the main reasons he is doing what he does!

The only way to stop it is to react in way and a manner they will leave him reeling. Not by talking or expressing a moral outrage.

What conflict?

Like there is not final ban from this forum, so you do what you want. Was there a final ban, you would act all different. Now scram if you don't know what conflict. Why yapp and flap your faggot lips if you have no clue.
OP Kashub1410  6 | 580
8 Jul 2022   #25
"Tries" he doesn't really do, he just says he is doing it. Just like you, saying your against the swamp. But just talking instead
Paulina  17 | 4465
8 Jul 2022   #26
Why? He is clearly escalating conflict with Poland.

Yes, he is and if he's doing that it means he has a purpose in that, so the smart and logical thing to do would be not to give him what he wants.

Ps in B don't like it? Move to Poland or deal with it.

So, why aren't you telling Russians to move from Ukraine to Russia?

wish we had a guy like this here.

I doubt it - you wouldn't move from PRL to the US then. Belarus under Lukashenko's rule is one big PGR.
Novichok  4 | 8748
8 Jul 2022   #27
I asked a simple question...

What conflict?

...and I get this from you...

Like there is not final ban from this forum,

As I said, Poles seem to have some unresolved mental issues.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
8 Jul 2022   #28
so the smart and logical thing to do would be not to give him what he wants.

What is he want to show to the wrold that Poland is a jocke of a state and even puny little Belarus with a pocket dictator stright from the cartoon can do to it whatever he wants with impunity?

Your thinking is wrong here!

As I said, Poles seem to have some unresolved mental issues.

So you are not a Pole or you are talking about yourslef?

I asked a simple question...

Why are you fallping your vigina about issues you have no a simple clue about? Is that sign of sanity?
I'm not your secretary to fill you in, you are a moron for talking out of trun on the subject you know nothing about. with that in the open you filp it and balme me.

Are even sane or on drugs?
Paulina  17 | 4465
8 Jul 2022   #29
@Cojestdocholery, razing to the ground a cemetery of soldiers who were fighting against the Nazis shows to the world just how inhumane, amoral and unhinged Lukashenko is. I don't think even his Russian masters can support something like that, considering that their propaganda is based on claims about fighting the "Nazis". So, he's embarrassing himself in front of the world, not Poland.

Of course Poland should react, but in such a way as to not give Lukashenko what he wants, while leaving him looking like a deranged savage :)

Your thinking is wrong here!

How do you know?
gregy741  5 | 1226
8 Jul 2022   #30,1,
poland been destroying sowiet soldiers graves for decades. why are you *****.ing now?
you cant live without whining and being victim ? spitting your venom again?,nId,1865342,wojna-z-martwymi-niszczenie-grobow-zolnierzy-armii-czerwonej-w-polsce

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