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The feud between Telewizja Republika and TV Trwam

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jun 2013   #1
It's strange why Polonius hasn't bothered to post this, but this caught my eye recently and I thought I should share - it's a letter from Rydzyk about TV Republika.

The more you preach: Poland - the more let us look at works

I wondered whether to inform you about a certain issue. I decided to introduce her to you to seriously consider. We know that television is formed republic. They met with me people representing the medium and they asked what I thought of their initiative. I said that every good that is created should support and Poland can be compared to a big car. To this car is going, you have to go all the horses pulled.

But I have my doubts and decided to share them with you. Firstly, if this TV is an independent, I ask where to place a satellite? I have been informed that they have been obtained for free from the owner of Polsat. What is independence if you get the free space on a satellite, space - which costs a lot. What are the great affinity of this world, let everyone guess. Let everyone He looked, well back.

The second president of marketing of the television - the editor of "Gazeta Polish" - one of the first interviews for the station posted on the website of Tomasz Lis. Everyone knows the ratio of red to Tomasz Lis patriotism and the Church. Besides - if it is worth - how red Tomasz Lis treats President PiS Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski. Such an environment is going one (newspaper editor), which is called a Polish and a "mouthful of Polish culture."

Encountered a situation that came up to us two people who said they were from the club "Polish Gazeta" and said: "We no longer need a TV Trwam, we have satellite Republic".

Why do I say this? Currently, organized marches in defense of TV Trwam. I would like us all to act together, but whether this cooperation, however, is possible with everyone. You can not mix the order. You can not mix different values. For me it is an important relationship to God, the Church, Polish and all patriotic movements.

There has been a demonstration in Głogow. They arrived at her well-known people who were calling for watching TV Republic. Is not that play on the emotions of people, patriotism, the love of the homeland?

I know that today will be a manifestation of such in Ostrow Wielkopolski and I am very sorry that the founder of "Band from over Baryczy" announces that during this meeting will be handing out leaflets and calling for watching TV Republic. Is this the right time when we are fighting for TV Trwam? Or maybe the idea is to rozmydlić case and say - and so we have a right-wing TV?

One more thing. Who is the president of the TV? Good to know.

Weekly "Our Polish" has prepared an interesting article which read yesterday. Despite the fact that it is a very brave article, it would not all has been revealed. So please - let's think. I am the editor of "Gazeta Polish" I have some things past, but the present. I recently wrote a book in which so to speak "nips" Radio Maria - but as I said, those who have read the book - about the owner of Polsat is not in the word.

I would be very careful. The more you preach: Poland, the more let us look at deeds and who and what it is doing business on.

Thank you for your attention

Father Tadeusz Rydzyk CSsR

It's quickly put through Google Translate, so apologies if it sounds rubbish - I'm not good enough in Polish to be able to translate it fairly.

Can anyone give more details about why Rydzyk and TV Republika seem to be feuding?
alex_delarge  - | 13
26 Jun 2013   #2
Three reasons:

1) Nobody likes competition, TV Republika (Gazeta Polska) and TV Trwam appeal to the same or similar type of audience/voters.

2) People creating TV Republika (Gazeta Polska) are usually not catholic, they only declare they respect a catholic religion and polish tradition.

3) I explained it already in my previous posts:

The main creator of Gazeta Polska and near-side media like TV Republika is Bronisław Wildstein, a Polish Jew. His son David and such people of Jewish roots like Grzybowska created a total pro-Israel propaganda tool out of this newspaper. Katarzyna Pawlak used Jewish menora as her avatar in twitter for multiple months and showed a real fanaticism in hunting for "antisemitism". Lux Veritatis is a property of polish priest Tadeusz Rydzyk - his media are isolated, niche and used by mainstream political parties like PiS to get voters.

"Gazeta Polska" is full of people of Jewish roots and Jewish sensitivity, the only thing that differs them from "Gazeta Wyborcza" is a patriotic rhetorics. The main ideas that stay behind these two newspapers are the same. Jewish neocons in the US also used christian rhetorics to gain supporters. The same thing here.

"Gazeta Polska" creates atmosphere of a total fight with non-existant danger which is usually a "Russian occupation" or supposed superhuman-influence of postcommunists who are nothing more but a bunch of old guys who are good at stealing and using their connections for their personal business. The real occupation of Poland like IMF, Goldman-Sachs, Soros foundations, USrael and all this sick and irritaitng crap doesn't exist in their media. This is not a danger at all in their minds. Moreover, it seems to be a synonime of a national liberty for them that we all are obliged to defend.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910
26 Jun 2013   #3
The main creator of Gazeta Polska and near-side media like TV Republika is Bronisław Wildstein

But I thought GP readers didn't like Gazeta Wyborca because GW was alleged to have persons of Jewish-Communist heritage at the helm??! But yet GP has Jewish folk in charge too??!

:D, that's really tickled me!
alex_delarge  - | 13
26 Jun 2013   #4
:D, that's really tickled me! and are official sites of these people. Some guys i know personally were banned from there only because they contested the reasonableness of bombing Iran (it's not a joke, i've got logs from the sites forums)

Lots of GW and GP journalists seem to be close friends on twitter, btw. Officially on TV they play roles of total antagonists of course.

GP readers and TV Republika audience aint as numberous as they claim to be, they are simply boosted today by mainstream media (usually public TV) and presented as a "new alternative". Their propaganda movies about Smolensk are aired in the prime-time in public and commercial TVs. PiS and GP are currently strongly fueled by the media and presented to Polish voters as righteous successors of PO. The idea of Smolensk aircrash being a murder comitted by Russians became kind of mainstream stuff today - if PiS comes to power again, which is already very probable, they will make a political banana republic out of Poland to even bigger degree than PO. Who takes all the political gain? I can only guess.

Bronislaw Wildstein, main mastermind of GP and TV Republika (next to Sakiewicz) is a son of a jewish communist and NKVD agent. The only thing that supposedly differs him from GW-guys is "patriotism". It is a weird patriotism indeed and weak basis for ideological conflict because he spreads exactly the same ideas as GW does - he is pro-EU, pro-USrael, he doesn't see anything wrong about former politicians of PiS becoming CEOs in Goldman-Sachs. The only thing he is concered about is "a very strong influence of Russia in Poland" and "beginning of Russian occupation of RP". He also gained a lot of experience in breaking rules of a public debate. He was a freemason for many years.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910
26 Jun 2013   #5
Alex many thanks, that was interesting.
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jun 2013   #6
2) People creating TV Republika (Gazeta Polska) are usually not catholic, they only declare they respect a catholic religion and polish tradition.

So, are they or aren`t they Catholic???

Bronislaw Wildstein, main mastermind of GP and TV Republika (next to Sakiewicz) is a son of a jewish communist and NKVD agent.

That is so cheap and pathetic, I must say. Another moron who judges people on the basis of their parents` ideology.

Alex many thanks, that was interesting.

No, it wasn`t, this guy smells of mad fanaticism by 1 kilometer.
alex_delarge  - | 13
26 Jun 2013   #7
Another moron who judges people on the basis of their parents` ideology.

That's exactly what PiS and Gazeta Polska do everyday, lol
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jun 2013   #8
And you copy their fanatic style like a parrot. Shame!
alex_delarge  - | 13
26 Jun 2013   #9
I simply like to know who is who in politics.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
4 Jan 2024   #11
Starve those rightists swine and teach them basic decency

Pathetic.Leftists like you don't even understand the word "Decency" and you NEVER answer questions...... you just obfuscate or lie.
Joker  2 | 2466
4 Jan 2024   #12
"Decency" and you NEVER answer questions..

Remember, he proclaimed that he would spit on people in the name of decency?

He should take decency out of his vocabulary bc he hasnt got a clue as to what it actually means.


Racist, squawks the Forum Parrot,,, Krakkkkowwww!!!!!
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
4 Jan 2024   #13

Yeah, he is just a virtue signalling Socialist parrot......I'm even beginning to question if he is even Polish......
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2024   #14

Forum mongrels and pimps desperately crow and whine while more companies are withdrawing from sponsoring the rightist TV with their commercials.
The latest list:
IKEA, mBank, Carrefour Polska, Media Expert, Adamed Pharma,, Skoda, OtoDom, Bank Millennium, Alior Bank, Santander, Master Card.

TV owners and workers try to counterattack by calling for the boycott of the afore mentioned companies.

Who will win this scuffle???

I am quite optimistic. :):):):)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138
5 Jan 2024   #15
Good to know which companies think that stop paying for people to speak openly in media is a good idea (it's a really bad idea)

These companies want extremists to find No tool to speak out with (leading to radicalization and martyrdom)

And YOU pawian is cheering this on. Do you think your pupils shouldn't have opportunity to create a school newspaper, the second you disagreed with it?
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #16
is a good idea (it's a really bad idea)

Come on, make a decision at last. :):):)

These companies want extremists to find No tool to speak out with

Why no tool? Did I mention the collapse of the rightist TV??? No, I only suggested starving those swine until they get educated and change their approach. You can read it in post 10.

And YOU pawian is cheering this on.

Exactly!!!! Starve those swine coz they got too fat on state assets.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138
6 Jan 2024   #17
Your a little behind on your research, starvation breeds criminality like crazy. Why did the French revolution happen? Lack of food! If you think they will change through starvation of freedom, the mind or something else, you are very much mistaken. Weaklings belong to the left
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2024   #18
If you think they will change

That`s the risk I am willing to take. :):):)
The most rabid wild animal turns into a gentle sheep when you starve it and then give food again. Rightists are like rabid beasts.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jan 2025   #19
TV Republika is the main medium for rabid rightists. It widely exploits rightist "values" like lies, manipulation, slander, libel, fake news, false accusations etc etc. Their hateful message brainwashes imbeciles who tend to believe it is their duty to kill non-rightists.
A few elder men who watched that TV`s programmes have already been arrested for using threats of death against decent people.

Fortunately, more and more companies are declaring the boycotte. Good!!! Enough is enough!!!

In the face of the controversy surrounding the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity , other major brands - Wawel and Oleofarm - are withdrawing their advertisements from TV Republika, joining the ranks of companies such as Lidl, Biedronka and IKEA, which have already made similar decisions.

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