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Polish Border Security Forces allowed to use deadly force on the Belarusan border

mafketis  38 | 10856
27 Jul 2024 #1
The Sejm authorizes use of (even deadly) force on the border against violent migrants...

I assume Duda will sign this.

I've said for a long time that in the absence of sensible policies (and the mechanisms for carrying them out) borders of the EU are going to get more violent....
Tlum  12 | 249
28 Jul 2024 #2
I thought the use of deadly forces on the border has been established a long time ago in Poland. I mean, a few years ago I saw Polish border patrol with guns - they looked real to me.
Novichok  5 | 7686
28 Jul 2024 #3
...but the open-borders giggling cvnt as a US president is a lovely idea?
Novichok  5 | 7686
29 Jul 2024 #4
I couldn't be more proud of Poland. If Poland has to start shooting, I will volunteer and bring my own ammo as a gift.

BTW, those migrants are your real enemy, not Russia. Remember the USSR? Poof...gone...Migrants in Western Europe will stay and, like cancer, will kill the host.

So, Western spineless weasels...This is how it's done:.

Alien  22 | 5494
29 Jul 2024 #5
Remember the USSR? Poof...gone...

A very accurate description of russia's future. I didn't know you were clairvoyant.
pawian  220 | 24946
21 Aug 2024 #6
Bel-Rus President said that most Poles and Polesses don`t support their current and previous govs` policy concerning Eastern dictatorships and the war. Amasing guy.

Home / News / Polish Border Security Forces allowed to use deadly force on the Belarusan border
BoldItalic [quote]
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