I think Trump, for all his rhetoric will remain loyal to Poland and NATO.
How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?
I think
No, you don`t. You only parrot aka monkey what others think .:):):)
You only parrot aka monkey what others think
That is the opinion of a smelly monkey and deserves to be ignored.
smelly monkey
How do you know how monkeys smell???? :):):)
Because I can smell your stench in London..... you smelly old ape.
I can smell your stench in London
hahahaha what you can smell is the stench of rotten dead rats in your sewer home. hahahaha buhahaha
what you can smell is the stench of rotten dead rats in your sewer home
Not at all, what I smell is a carp eating smelly ape in Poland.......
a carp eating smelly ape
Carp eats an ape in Britain??? AmaSSing! hahaha
Have you just become a new kind of an ass licker in the forum
No, you are the premium arse licker on this forum..... your tongue is right up Tusk's anus!
what I smell is a carp eating smelly ape
Carp eats an ape in Britain?
I hope you don't teach English, because your comprehension is very poor......
teach English
No worries, mongrel! I teach Monkeyish! hahahaha buhahaha
How is your lousy education going??? Spell vodka in Polish!!! hahaha
Spell vodka in Polish
Why don't you try it some time?
Or did your Stalinist parents teach you to spell it wrongly?
Why don't you
Mongrel, stop evading. Provide the Polish spelling of vodka at last. I have been demanding it for days now. ):):) What is wrong with your mongrel Ponglish?
Provide the Polish spelling of vodka at last
I don't have a Polish keyboard so I can't do the accent you dimwit.
But the internet can do everything..... wódka,..... satisfied smelly?
Just stop spelling it with a V and stop drinking so much of it!
I don't have a Polish
That is why you pass for a mongrel here. :):):)
Polish keyboard
You can use your smartphone, they have all the possible keyboards.
Trump gave Duda a friendly pat on the back... so all Poles in the US will choose Trump... or what?
so all Poles in the US will choose Trump... or what?
70 percent voted for PiS in USA, which is the inverse everywhere else in the world.
70 percent voted for PIS
Yes, this looks like a permanent PiS electorate in America. They will vote for Donald, but not Tusk.
President Biden has just closed the US border with Mexico.
Przelotnyptak1 - | 481
4 Jun 2024 #231
President Biden has just closed the US border with Mexico.
@ Alien
@ Alien
You are joking, aren't you? :::)))
Przelotnyptak1 - | 481
4 Jun 2024 #232
Trump's ramblings, have you?
How can you hear something that does not exist but to escape your constant ramblings, inspired by communist ideas, impossible to escape, painful to read.
How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?
It would happen as it is now with Hungary and was also in past in Northern Macedonia. A Protestant will become president of Poland. Poland would be excluded from the Rome`s control.
You are joking, aren't you? :::)))
Don't bother with this idiot.
Biden is a lying POS. Nobody will count anything. If they will, 10,000 a day will be let in as exceptions.
You are joking
No, they said on the BBC yesterday... don't listen to other idiots.
All is not lost yet. Biden resigned. Maybe Trump won't win.
Biden resigned. Maybe Trump won't win.
He didn't resign from his office as president, just from the election. He (and Clintons) have endorsed Harris, who, as far as I know, is not..... popular. In 2020 she pulled out of the nomination race before the first caucus because she was going nowhere.
Word is that she's Obama's candidate.... and the plan was always for her to replace him.
It's hard for me to imagine her winning. She doesn't think on her feet, I have the idea she'd be a catspaw for Obama and his horrible policies....
How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?
Will be better. Necessity of the USA to use Poland as cannon fodder will cease. But let`s wait. First, let Poland survive Biden.
Necessity of the USA to use Poland as cannon fodder will cease.
Trump would hand over Ukraine to Putin on the first day in office. Once Putin has control over the country, the 'stans on the southern Russian border plus Georgia and Azerbaijan are next. Belarus will reunite with Russia and then they will think about the Baltic republics and maybe even about Poland. If you believe for one minute that Trump will send/ keep American troops to/ in the region, I have a bridge to sell you. By then, NATO will be history.
PolAmKrakow 2 | 917
22 Jul 2024 #240
Belarus is already planning to reunite with Russia. Everything is in place for it.
Trump will force Russia and Ukraine to a negotiated peace. Ukraine will not become part of NATO and that is the "deal" to keep the US in NATO under Trump. There are well over 50K US troops in Poland now, and that would be likely to rise in number under Trump. A strong offense is the best defense has always been the Republican doctrine. Under Trump and then Vance, Europe would have twelve years of peace. Hopefully by then Putin is dead. Trump was great for Poland in his first term, and could be even better in the next. Lets remember, Poland largely followed all of Bidens COVID policy, and it was not good for the country. Granted, this was under PiS, but still, Tusk is just as likely a follower of US mandates. If Trump is strong on defense, a lot of that will be directed to Poland.
Ukraine has already lost. They will cede some territory and be made neutral. Z will be tossed on his a$$ in the next election, and then, who can complain about who leads the government when it is a legal election? Z will then be spotted fishing in Florida. Meanwhile, Russia will pay to rebuild the remaining areas Ukraine has had damaged, and pay compensation to the people who experienced losses. The world will move on for the next 15 years or so, until another retard comes to power in Russia.
Belarus is already planning to reunite with Russia. Everything is in place for it.
Trump will force Russia and Ukraine to a negotiated peace. Ukraine will not become part of NATO and that is the "deal" to keep the US in NATO under Trump. There are well over 50K US troops in Poland now, and that would be likely to rise in number under Trump. A strong offense is the best defense has always been the Republican doctrine. Under Trump and then Vance, Europe would have twelve years of peace. Hopefully by then Putin is dead. Trump was great for Poland in his first term, and could be even better in the next. Lets remember, Poland largely followed all of Bidens COVID policy, and it was not good for the country. Granted, this was under PiS, but still, Tusk is just as likely a follower of US mandates. If Trump is strong on defense, a lot of that will be directed to Poland.
Ukraine has already lost. They will cede some territory and be made neutral. Z will be tossed on his a$$ in the next election, and then, who can complain about who leads the government when it is a legal election? Z will then be spotted fishing in Florida. Meanwhile, Russia will pay to rebuild the remaining areas Ukraine has had damaged, and pay compensation to the people who experienced losses. The world will move on for the next 15 years or so, until another retard comes to power in Russia.