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How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?

Novichok  4 | 8789
12 Feb 2025   #571
And where is your copy/paste with the weird capitalisation from?

From the titles, moron...Titles get caps.

The internet somewhere?

No. We get in-person briefings at 9 am sharp - both by the WH and Kremlin press secretaries.

You know...Those Mach 10 planes are amazing...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Feb 2025   #572
Novi, PLEASE, I got him by the short hair so stop your comedic butt ins.

What money?
Why would the richest continent on the planet be 'deegated' money from somewhere else?

F U jon, you are getting on my nerves.
Its "delegated"

Here, read it for yourself and then twist it into more of your denial.

Take note about the part about Poland.
funded a Polish advocacy group that encourages puberty blockers for children with gender confusion,

Now man up, (pun intended) and admit the Reb was right and you were wrong again.
jon357  72 | 23706
12 Feb 2025   #573
From the titles, moron...Titles get caps.

Not in Standard English, moron.

His copy/paste stuff is usually from dodgy websites.



Dodgy. And nothing in the way of details about the actual 'funding'. Probably 500 zl for tea and sandwiches if it happened at all.

So he's wrong as usual.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Feb 2025   #574
Hahahahaha !
Got ya again jon.
Now show us your source that says otherwise besides your worthless dodging opinion.
Your days of indoctrinating youth with your vile indoctrinating is over.
Now keep arguing so this will flip to the next new page where you can change the subject, Mr. Twister
It must really pis you off that a little hillbilly back woods boy can call you out and win the debate.
O.K., Novi, feel free to jump in because I am done with the gaping ass hole. (pun intended)
jon357  72 | 23706
12 Feb 2025   #575
Got ya again

Except you didn't did you...

your source that says otherwise besides

You're the one making the outlandish claim, which you can't back up...

As you were told, nobody in Europe gives a damn about trumpet's domestic policies.
Novichok  4 | 8789
12 Feb 2025   #576
Novi, feel free to jump in because I am done



Name three that are not "dodgy".
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Feb 2025   #577
Except you didn't did you...

Oh but I did jon and now you are in complete denial.
Our posts don't lie.

Biden Admin Spends $4.6 Million in Taxpayer Cash To Fund LGBT Activism Abroad

That was my claim.

You're the one making the outlandish claim, which you can't back up...

No jon, I posted my source to my claim. See:

You however you have just posted your made-up personal opinion with NOTHING to back your claims up.

Is Ecuador in Europe now?
You'd better buy a fücking atlas, numbnuts...

Did you miss the part about Poland Mr. Twister numb nuts ?
Keep digging jon as I am sure Novi will finish you off like he usually does.
jon357  72 | 23706
12 Feb 2025   #578
Our posts don't lie.

You lie every day.

Now give us details of this funding you claim. And not from one of your foreign fake news sites.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Feb 2025   #579
No jon, the burden is on you.
You called me a liar.
You prove that my source, 'The Washington Free Becon', is a fake foreign news site.
We keep noticing that you refuse to address my original claim that biden Admin Spends $4.6 Million in Taxpayer Cash To Fund LGBT Activism Abroad.
You claiming that his administration didn't ?
What is your source to your claim besides your dodgy opinion.
Now give us details.
jon357  72 | 23706
12 Feb 2025   #580
No jon, the burden is on you.

It isn't. This isn't some sort of creepy american debating club with 'rules' that nobody in the rest of the world knows or cares about.

As you were told, people in Europe don't care about fatrump's domestic policies.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
12 Feb 2025   #581
people in Europe don't care about fatrump's domestic policies.

I heard that inflation in the US just rose to 3.1%. And it's going to keep rising. Why doesn't that surprise me?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Feb 2025   #582
His copy/paste stuff is usually from dodgy websites.

You have worn that line out here over the years jon.
Any Conservative media to you is "Dodgy" so your line is meaningless.
Your Liberal media's are all Dodgy in my view.
See how that works.......meaningless.
It isn't.

Is is because you called me a liar, I backed up my facts and you keep doing redirects to avoid admitting I kicked your ass in that debate.
As you were told,

That is another of your pat lines over the decade that you have worn out.
You were told that biden's Admin spent $4.6 Million in taxpayer cash to fund LGBT activism abroad.
What money?
Why would the richest continent on the planet be 'deegated' money from somewhere else?

To promote and indoctrinate little kids that LBGT is normal and we must accept it is my guess, what is yours or are you still denying the biden administration delegate the $4.6 million with some of it even funded a Polish advocacy group that encourages puberty blockers for children with gender confusion.
Did ya get it that time or are you going to more redirects to avoid talking about it. Hoot !
You've been told
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Feb 2025   #583
I heard that inflation in the US just rose to 3.1%. And it's going to keep rising. Why doesn't that surprise me?

Because the U.S. is funding your war in Ukraine.
How much did Germany kick into NATO ?
Trump will be fixing that problem too.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
12 Feb 2025   #584
Because the U.S. is funding your war in Ukraine

Probably not, financing of the war is to be stopped. Inflation rises after tariff announcements. Tariffs mean higher prices and rising prices mean inflation.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Feb 2025   #585
Tariffs mean higher prices and rising prices mean inflation.

Thank goodness we can afford it.
After we get our jobs back home again, prices will stabilize.
The trade deficit was $235 billion with the E.U. and with China $300 billion.
Trump said we are tired of being screwed by these milk soppers.
So tariffs until the trade deficit balances out.
Poland is our friend though so I don't think Father Trump has put any tariffs on Poland.
Novichok  4 | 8789
12 Feb 2025   #586
After we get our jobs back home again, prices will stabilize.


For every gadget made in China that doesn't get sold here because it's too expansive - as they claim - there will be a new American factory making those gadgets here...

Or the price of the Chinese gadget will have to reduced to be competitive...
12 Feb 2025   #587
Father Trump has put any tariffs on Poland.

Another one who doesn't understand how the EU works. Put tariffs on a single member and the whole union will respond. Let's start by putting heavy tariffs on American services and see what happens.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Feb 2025   #588
Put tariffs on a single member and the whole union will respond.

Now I'm scared shltless.
Do you Eurps have any sense of humor at all ? Geesh !
I was being sarcastic lame brain.
Let's start by putting heavy tariffs on American services and see what happens.

Do it, I dare you.
And what country do you live in so I can throw it back at you.
Otherwise we are done.
Novichok  4 | 8789
13 Feb 2025   #589
American services and see what happens.

What services?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Feb 2025   #590
Really, what services ?
You mean our U.S. military services protecting you ?
How are you going to put a tariff on that ?
How long have you been a teenager.
Novichok  4 | 8789
13 Feb 2025   #591
Hey, Marrakesh, can you tell me if you are normal or some leftist POS? Or an LGBT scum...

Also, what country is yours...
OP Alien  26 | 6565
13 Feb 2025   #592
For every gadget made in China that doesn't get sold here because it's too expansive - as they claim - there will be a new American factory making those gadgets here.

Despite this, prices will rise. Eventually, these American companies will sell their products at higher prices in their home market. Which will drive inflation. Paradoxically, America also owes its low inflation to cheap Chinese products. My forecast, US inflation over 4.5% next year.
jon357  72 | 23706
13 Feb 2025   #593
My forecast, US inflation over 4.5% next year.

It could even be higher if the tariffs continue.

It's easy to say that people can buy domestic products however only the Chinese can open a factory and get a whole supply chain going in a month or two.
13 Feb 2025   #594
What services?

Financial and business services for example. The EU should also tax American leeches like Zuckerberg and African-American ticks like Musk. 80% for a start.

what country is yours

русский ? :))))
Novichok  4 | 8789
13 Feb 2025   #595
Which will drive inflation.

No, moron...Only governments can cause inflation...S & D law is separate and cannot cause inflation.

It can cause poverty and affect affordability but not inflation.

Inflation (def.) - a general price increase due to an increase in money supply...Duh!

See both azhole and Biden for details
OP Alien  26 | 6565
14 Feb 2025   #596
moron...Only governments can cause inflation...

No boy, you are neither right nor clueless.
cms neuf  2 | 1973
14 Feb 2025   #597
Novi's definition of inflation is bizarre even by the standards of this board

He will be in for a shock when the price of his fake rebadged Lexus spare parts jumps next year, never mind the price of eggs
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Feb 2025   #598
We may be forced to move to Poland like you did to live on the cheap if inflation gets too bad.
The difference is that a kid working at Subway in the U.S. making sandwiches is making more than you are in Poland.
cms neuf  2 | 1973
14 Feb 2025   #599
Quite possibly, but does he get 800 zloty a month from the govt to help feed his kids ?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Feb 2025   #600
Do you ?
He is not on welfare and a slave to the government like you are.
And if the truth be known his Social Security is probably three times that like $2400 a month which is not government welfare.
Throw his pension in there which most likely would be another $2400 a month.
He will be in for a shock when the price of his fake rebadged Lexus spare parts jumps next year,

Do you own a car by any chance ? No

never mind the price of eggs

Yeah the bird flu made them jump but last year at this time they were two dozen for $1.00.
I invested in the stock CALM last year when that all started and have made out like a bandit.
They will go back down in price by this fall.
How much are they in Poland ?

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