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Polish IQ ahead of France, USA, Canada, Israel, Ireland...

Polonius3  980 | 12275
4 Oct 2010   #1
In terms of IQ Poland shares 16th place with Hungary and Spain and outranks, the US, Canada, Israel, Ireland and others.... Why then does Poland lag in terms of scientific breakthroughs, inventions, innovative products, cultural trends, fads, crazes, etc.?

16 Hungary 99
16 Poland 99
16 Spain 99
19 Australia 98
19 Denmark 98
19 France 98
19 Mongolia 98
19 Norway 98
19 United States 98
25 Canada 97
25 Czech Republic 97
25 Finland 97
28 Argentina 96
28 Russia 96
28 Slovakia 96
28 Uruguay 96
32 Portugal 95
32 Slovenia 95
34 Israel 94
34 Romania 94
36 Bulgaria 93
36 Ireland
Ironside  51 | 13087
4 Oct 2010   #2
Hey I wasn't tested !!
trener zolwia  1 | 939
4 Oct 2010   #3
Why then does Poland lag in terms of scientific breakthroughs, inventions, innovative products, cultural trends, fads, crazes, etc.?

Retardation due to its time under Communism?
pgtx  29 | 3094
4 Oct 2010   #4
16 Poland 99
16 Spain 99

same as Spain?! *...shivers....*

Hey I wasn't tested !!

let's don't lower it.... :)
guesswho  4 | 1272
4 Oct 2010   #5
Polish IQ ahead of France, USA, Canada, Israel, Ireland...

The IQ itself doesn't make anyone more successful in life. The Germans have a nice saying: "Das ist eine brotlose Kunst" - "This is a breadless art" referring that some endeavor, most likely an honest attempt at creating something, is not going to feed you.
Marek11111  9 | 807
4 Oct 2010   #6
It's more to do with historical and economical position of Poland thought out of last 300 years.
Poles were fighting for their independence and just to stay a life, this took a lot of energy from nation
energy that could be put to use in researched and development of new ideas.
I think over all we did ok.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
4 Oct 2010   #7
Why then does Poland lag in terms of scientific breakthroughs, inventions

Does it?? Are you forgetting the fact that Poland was not on the map for a while, you’re just looking for them in the wrong country list. Plenty of Poles listed as Americans, hmmmm???

innovative products

Obviously you never visited Polish construction site, the sh*t they come up with……

cultural trends

For sure you won’t find that in US, the media simply won’t allow it where the word Polish is synonymous with …………, propagating that negative stereotype instead.


Forfiter T-shirt "Gonna give'm a cziken?"


I think the last example qualifies, don’t you?
Etc. etc.
Teffle  22 | 1318
4 Oct 2010   #8
Why then does Poland lag in terms of scientific breakthroughs, inventions, innovative products, cultural trends, fads, crazes, etc.?

Probably because the list is largely a load of donkey vomit.

By the same token: Ireland last?

When it is one of the highest ranked per capita nobel winners in the world & has contributed in science, the arts and literature to an extent greatly disproportionate to its population.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
4 Oct 2010   #9
In terms of IQ Poland shares 16th place with Hungary and Spain and outranks, the US, Canada, Israel, Ireland and others...

A link to that? Where is Germany???

If it is the one I think it is Germany is still leading together with Austria and Holland with 102
(and both are proxy Germans anyhow) :)
convex  20 | 3928
4 Oct 2010   #10
In terms of IQ Poland shares 16th place with Hungary and Spain and outranks, the US, Canada, Israel, Ireland and others.... Why then does Poland lag in terms of scientific breakthroughs, inventions, innovative products, cultural trends, fads, crazes, etc.?

Maybe because IQ tests do a **** poor job of assessing individual intelligence.

On a side note, it's interesting how no two "country IQ" lists are the same...

How many of you have taken an IQ test....and allowed the results to be used publicly? Guessing not many...all with a huge grain of salt...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
4 Oct 2010   #11
On a side note, it's interesting how no two "country IQ" lists are the same...

Sure, in this other european IQ league Germany and Holland led too (with Poland)....
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
4 Oct 2010   #12
A link to that? Where is Germany???

Probably an American one, the same list where Mozart is said to have an IQ of 153 while actress Sharon Stone is alleged to have an IQ of 154. Go figure. BS if you ask me.
guesswho  4 | 1272
4 Oct 2010   #13
This whole IQ discussion doesn't really make much sense. Anytime you randomly pick few hundred people of one nation, you're chancing to pick the "right" or the "wrong" ones. You might just as well pick a few hundred idiots and the whole country's average IQ number is looking obviously very bad. Besides, what's more important, some very often incorrect measured IQ number or the efficiency of one nation?
SeanBM  34 | 5781
4 Oct 2010   #14
I think that you will find that the results are in fact upside-down.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
4 Oct 2010   #15
Since Germany is on top (in Europe at least - those darn Asians don't count) I'm not complaining!
4 Oct 2010   #17

Oh please stop that stupid threads!
southern  73 | 7059
4 Oct 2010   #18
I like that polish IQ is so high because that makes Polki easier for me.Dumb women do not get humour or anything.
nott  3 | 592
4 Oct 2010   #19
If it is the one I think it is Germany is still leading together with Austria and Holland with 102
(and both are proxy Germans anyhow) :)

According to this source Germany lost 3 points from 2002 to 2006, coming down to 99. China, in the same period, gained an impressive 5, from 100 to 105. Regardless of the year, the majority of the planet's population has IQ lower than 100, which goes against the definition of IQ. This list is rubbish, nothing to get excited about.

Another tack: IQ70 is considered a border line of 'intellectually deficient'. Moron, in the Internet terms. For a racist like me it shouldn't be surprising that almost the whole Africa is below IQ70. Now I do not consider myself a moron, one particular reason being that I don't believe those people can survive at all without being able to perform basic logic on a daily basis, and hindered by a big minority of people with IQ like 30.

This list shows the average ability of passing the particular IQ test. Useless for a racist...

what's more important, some very often incorrect measured IQ number or the efficiency of one nation?

And how important is the efficiency of one nation... ?

Israel, IQ95...

Since Germany is on top (in Europe at least - those darn Asians don't count) I'm not complaining!

2002 - IQ102
2006 - IQ99
2010 - ?
MediaWatch  10 | 942
4 Oct 2010   #20
How do you define lag behind?

Its amazing how people throw around generalizations about Poland on this forum.

Although I think Poland could always do better I think for a medium size European nation it has done OK. It still has the scars of communism that its still overcoming. It shouldn't be taken for granted that great men that changed the world significantly for the better, like the past Polish pope, came from Poland.

Poland has also held its own in international Scholastic events such as winning the difficult world IBM Battle of the Brains computer programming contest. Students from Poland beat Germany, Japan, India, China and even the MIT students from the US in 2007.

2007 IBM Battle of the Brains World Computer Programming Winners are from Poland,
guesswho  4 | 1272
4 Oct 2010   #21
Good for Poland. You can only hope that it will have a positive impact on changing the life standard for average people in your country. Until then, all similar achievements are nothing but a "breadless art".

And how important is the efficiency of one nation... ?

What kind of question is that man? lol
nott  3 | 592
4 Oct 2010   #22
I mean, we are Europeans now, aren't we...

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
4 Oct 2010   #23
2006 - IQ99

Where did you get that from?

In 2006 we were at 107...

IQ league of Europe
guesswho  4 | 1272
4 Oct 2010   #25
I mean, we are Europeans now, aren't we...:)

Of course you are Europeans but stating this fact has nothing to do with one of your previous posts where you asked me your question as an answer to my question.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
4 Oct 2010   #26

Why start at 16? How about a link to see who the top 15 are? ;)

As others have said, it counts for little in reality. I know that I'm in the top 4% when it comes to IQ, but I'm single, childless, divorced, and I only earn 15% above the average. So it's hardly made me rich and famous, has it? lol
nott  3 | 592
4 Oct 2010   #27
Huh? Where did you get that from?

isn't it the same link?

But what I am saying, actually, it's crap.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
5 Oct 2010   #28
That link shows Germany at 102 (and no link where Germany tops something is there)

Ironside  51 | 13087
5 Oct 2010   #29
its all rubbish and pish !
nott  3 | 592
5 Oct 2010   #30
Of course you are Europeans but stating this fact has nothing to do with one of your previous posts where you asked me your question as an answer to my question.

My question was rhetorical. It meant I don't consider nations' achievements so vitally important, as compared to other nations' achievements. Why do you, as your question, rhetorically, suggested?

Oh, well, drop it. you know what I think about this IQ comparisons, and I am going to bed anyway. Good night.


That link shows Germany at 102

in 2002. Four years later, it's 99. Below human average, a whole point! :)

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