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Polish women: what do you think of Polish men? Physically unattractive?

pawian  226 | 27817
18 Dec 2020   #151
How would you describe a Polish man attractivenes by European standard?

Do you ask as a male or a female, coz it might make a difference.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
18 Dec 2020   #152
" I already expressed my opinion about their looks.
But that's only half of their problem. Many of them are also racist, and think that the accident of their birth in Poland makes them some kind of priviledged nobility. They are dinasours.

For some reason many Polish women are able to adapt to the changing world better than the men."

some or them on here like one user in particular are also nazis while having a juden nose and being overweight so overcompensating the lack of physical goods to buying big guns. lol polish slavic nazis with a juden nose ai think describes them well haha.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Dec 2020   #153
like one user in particular are also nazis while having a juden nose and being overweight

We know the one you are talking about.
Dave Peter Polski
5 Jan 2021   #154
Polish men are pretty thick. Into politics and looking mad or sad. Crappy personalities and boring. That's why most polish women are divorced.
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2021   #155
That's why most polish women are divorced.

Not yet, the divorce rate is still lower than in the West. But if men don`t improve their ways, who knows what it might lead to???
Anna822  - | 4
6 Apr 2021   #156
I am a polish born woman. I have lived there for 23 years and then at age of 23 moved to Ireland and then UK.
I can honestly say that I have never seen an attractive or good looking Polish or Russian man in my life.

There are 3 kinds:

A working construction type of a man with very plain, undefined, primitive, beetroot (red and overdrunk) looking round face and trapeze shaped back of the head

I can recognize a Polish man from behind just looking at the back of their head.

Acting like a tough man, bold/shaved, gorilla/ bouncer looking body builder who drives BMW and always has a tiny bleached blondie by his side.

House husband a hen-pecked husband....Very a-sexual.
amiga500  5 | 1544
6 Apr 2021   #157
what about the inteligensja and sexy musicians? ie the leading man in the film Cold War? you have missed that category, also the pony tailed creative class web developer I think polish migrants in u.k has skewed your perspective.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Apr 2021   #158

Do you prefer unshaven ones?

Anna822  - | 4
6 Apr 2021   #159

Who Tomasz Kot guy? - Not for me, thanks. I am more of a Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry fan.

I just saw the photo...

lol yuck!

Good for a guy to have a bit of a hair here and there but i will pass the Italian Monkey style
Paulina  19 | 4558
6 Apr 2021   #160
@pawian, have mercy lol

I have never seen an attractive or good looking Polish or Russian man in my life.

I've seen attractive, handsome Polish men - they do exist lol And I don't mean just actors and celebrities but men you can meet in the street. I must admit that, at least where I live, they're rare though (especially those who are both well-built and handsome at the same time) and spotting them is usually a memorable experience ;) I remember that I even saw two of them on one day - that's pretty unusual lol I was waiting for a blood test at przychodnia in my neighbourhood and there was this guy who was after me in the line for the test - he was sitting quite far away from everyone at the end of the corridor, but I could see he was my type - pretty well-built (not the bouncer type though), fairly tall, dark hair, brown eyes (I think), some longer stub, somewhat tanned. He was waiting calmly for his turn, which I liked too (I don't like the nervous types, who can't sit in one place - they make me feel nervous myself lol). After the blood test I sat for some time as advised by the nurse, but that guy left right after the test. I thought he was gone, but when I left the building he was at the car park talking on the phone. I went to the other side of the street, but he was looking at me and our eyes met. I've got to say I've never experienced anything like this - I couldn't take my eyes away from his - it was as if he hypnotized me or sth lol I had to use all my will power to look away, I even frowned from all the effort! It's good there were no obstacles in front of me, because I would certainly crash into them ;D I must say I've always laughed at such scenes when they were described in romance books - until that moment lol So, there was even something more about him beyond his looks, which is even more rare.

I went back home to eat breakfast and then I went to another laboratory to pick something up from there. There was one guy walking towards the lab's entrance - he was there first so I decided to be nice and not to go ahead of him, although he was walking slowly searching/reading something on his iPhone. So I ended up walking behind him - thanks to that I could have a look at him ;) He had a V-shaped torso, thin waist in the same line as the hips, well-built legs too - he looked like a superhero taken out of a comic book - the Spider-Man type lol I remember that he had a tattoo on the right arm, brown hair and that trendy longer beard. That type of beard isn't my thing, but in general I'm sure many women would find that guy attractive. He was also walking in this calm, confident way - I somehow always pay attention to such stuff...

I also disagree with there being just 3 kinds - those guys I described were definitely a 4th type - I could tell - rare, but still... ;))

longer stub

Oops, I meant stubble beard, sorry...
Atch  22 | 4299
7 Apr 2021   #161
I can honestly say that I have never seen an attractive or good looking Polish or Russian man in my life.

That really is utter nonsense. Russians on the whole, both men and women are much better looking than Poles and the three Polish types you mention certainly do exist but there are exceptions, and plenty of them.

there was even something more about him beyond his looks, which is even more rare.

You should have kept him under surveillance and engineered some more opportunities for accidentally bumping into him ;) God be with the days when you could drop your hankie on the pavement :)) though apparently, men were wise to that one and it would have categorized you as an outrageous slut :)) Of course, a few of the men on this forum still think that way, though I doubt that any of them are in danger of being targeted by hankie-dropping females.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Apr 2021   #162
He had a V-shaped torso, thin waist in the same line as the hips, well-built legs too -

You young girls shouldn't fantasize like that just before falling asleep as I see it was after midnight when you posted that.
Did your dream come true ?

it would have categorized you as an outrageous slut

Naw, more like another baiting horny money grubber.
Paulina  19 | 4558
7 Apr 2021   #163
You should have kept him under surveillance and engineered some more opportunities for accidentally bumping into him ;)

How? I didn't know the guy, I didn't even know if he lived in my neighbourhood - he was at a car park, so it's possible he came by a car from a different part of the city. People also from outside of our neighbourhood come to our clinic to take blood tests, because it's cheaper here, apparently. Should I follow him, stalk him or sth? ;D And, anyway, I wasn't available on the "dating market" at that time, so to speak.

it would have categorized you as an outrageous slut :))

You know, considering my thoughts after that "hypnotic" encounter, men like johnny_reb would probably categorize me as such lol

I doubt that any of them are in danger of being targeted by hankie-dropping females.

Gotta love your comments, Atch, haha ;D

You young girls shouldn't fantasize like that (...) Did your dream come true ?

Why, is there sth wrong with my description? I'm not a native speaker of English, but I think I wrote it right... That guy had a fairly unusual frame - as I wrote, he looked like a superhero out of a comic book :)) He was wearing a tight well fitted T-shirt so it was well visible. OK, maybe his hips weren't exactly in the line with his waist, but it was pretty close, as far as I remember. It wasn't a dream, a fantasy or a hallucination, I was sober and not on drugs lol - I swear before God that I saw him with my own eyes in real life :)))

I meant such frame, btw:

  • Vshape.jpg
Lenka  5 | 3548
7 Apr 2021   #164
We have different types Paulina :D I like more slender figure with longer legs.
Paulina  19 | 4558
7 Apr 2021   #165
We have different types Paulina :D

To be honest, I wasn't attracted to that second guy at all. Maybe it was because he was a bit too "petite" for my taste, I don't know how to put it - a "compact" version of Spider-Man ;) or maybe it was because I was still under the impression of that first guy. I was thinking about the first guy for quite a while after that encounter ;))

My brain "registers" most well-built men as attractive, no matter what type of frame they have or whatever - it doesn't necessarily mean that I would be personally attracted to each and every one of them.

I like more slender figure with longer legs.

I think that was the first guy that I saw on that day. But he was wearing a loose T-shirt so I wasn't able to tell what was his frame exactly.
Lenka  5 | 3548
7 Apr 2021   #166
it doesn't necessarily mean that I would be personally attracted to each and every one of them.

I know what you mean.

It's funny how attractiveness is not limited to physicality.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
7 Apr 2021   #167
what about metaphysicality or attractiveness online or over the medium of the internet?
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Apr 2021   #168
To everybody:
it is not the body but the person`s soul and mind that count. This is my latest photo. Remember - never trust appearances. Don`t judge the man by his cover.

  • Krzysztof_Kononowicz.jpg
Paulina  19 | 4558
7 Apr 2021   #169
It's funny how attractiveness is not limited to physicality.

Yeah, it was enough for that first guy to just look at me and my ovaries went into overdrive ;D

This is my latest photo.

No, it isn't ;)
Miloslaw  22 | 5222
7 Apr 2021   #170
Thanks, Milo :)

No, No, my thanks goes to you and the other women on here that stand up to the mysogynists on PF.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Apr 2021   #171
You young girls shouldn't fantasize like that just before falling asleep

Why, is there sth wrong with my description?

I think you intentionally missed my point.

men like johnny_reb would probably categorize me as such

Why do you keep projecting your insecurities with the word "probably" ?
Is that the way you young (most likely early twenties) Polish girls like you ask a man what he actually thinks ?
So my turn to project, if you aren't confidant enough in yourself to walk up to the guy and smile and say, "hi. my name is Paulina, what is yours ?"

I would project that you "probably" are not the best looking or that you are over weight or some other issue that makes you feel insecure with yourself.

Playing queen for the day on a forum will never build your confidence in yourself.
Next time your ovaries go into overdrive (quote from some romance novel) walk right up to him and introduce yourself is my advice.
Paulina  19 | 4558
7 Apr 2021   #172
the mysogynists on PF.

As you can see johnny_reb is starting already lol

I think you intentionally missed my point.

Then what did you mean when you asked whether my "dream came true"? I wasn't asleep lol I also wasn't "fantasizing", I was writing on an internet forum.

if you aren't confidant enough in yourself to walk up to the guy and smile and say, "hi. my name is Paulina, what is yours

I see you missed that part where I wrote that 'I wasn't available on the 'dating market" at that time'.

Next time your ovaries go into overdrive (quote from some romance novel) walk right up to him and introduce yourself is my advice.

Sorry, johnny_reb, but Kielce isn't New York, it's the Holy Cross region... Women have to be more subtle here with showing their interest...

And I'm not "playing a queen" - if you think that, then you have some kind of a problem. And I'm not overweight (are you projecting? ;D), I'm slim, btw *smh*
Strzelec35  19 | 830
7 Apr 2021   #173

" Sorry, johnny_reb, but Kielce isn't New York, it's the Holy Cross region"

not kielce but all ormpolqnd is just admit it.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
7 Apr 2021   #174
wat about what she has to say tho? why is she even popular or famous?

do u agree with thwt the curfew for men etc.?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Apr 2021   #175
Starting what ? Are you projecting that I started something ?

what did you mean when you asked whether my "dream came true"?

You were day dreaming about this guy just before you fell asleep so I ask you in your night dreams if your day dream came true while you were sleeping and you are very aware of that so quit being gamey and playing dumb.....or maybe you aren't playing.

I see you missed that part where I wrote that 'I wasn't available

Then why were your slobbering all over yourself over some stranger ?
That doesn't sound like you are happy in your relationship with whatever.

Women have to be more subtle here with showing their interest...

So introducing yourself to someone is a sin outside the convent ?

I'm not overweight (are you projecting? ;D), I'm slim,

Yes, I said I was projecting or did you miss that part.
You say you are slim ? Compared to what ?
Have any picture that you can post of yourself in blue jeans from the backside ?
Paulina  19 | 4558
8 Apr 2021   #176
@johnny_reb, you're starting trouble by making lame comments. I wrote something positive on this thread - about seeing two attractive Polish men and you clearly have a problem with that. The question is - why?

You were day dreaming about this guy just before you fell asleep

No, I wasn't. I wasn't even attracted to that second guy at that time, so why would I be daydreaming about him nowadays? Stop making stuff up about people.

Then why were your slobbering all over yourself over some stranger ?

Because I was single at that time and I could "slober" over him all I wanted :D

So introducing yourself to someone is a sin outside the convent ?

A woman hitting on a guy in an overt way would be viewed as "easy", a "slut" or "desperate". At best it would be considered as weird or suspicious. The last time I've seen here a female hitting on a male in a way that could be seen in some way as overt was in secondary school lol A girl from another class was hitting on a boy from our class during a break. Me and some other girls were observing this scene ;) The boy seemed to be so oblivious to what she was doing that one of the girls remarked: "Soon she'll have to sit on his lap in order to get her point across." lol

I'm slim compared to people who aren't slim - overweight people, obviously. l don't know if I have any pictures of myself "in blue jeans from the backside", but even if I did I wouldn't post it on this forum lol
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Apr 2021   #177
you're starting trouble by making lame comments.

Not true, you are projecting again to shame me when I was trying to help you out but I guess you embarrassed yourself with your comments.

so why would I be daydreaming about him nowadays? Stop making stuff up about people.

Go read your post, it was after mid-night when you made your sexually suggestive post just before falling asleep so why are you making stuff up ?

You said your ovaries went into overdrive as your eyes met which I referred to as slobbering all over him.
You embarrassed yourself badly with your sexual fantasy and now are stumbling trying to defend what you posted.
Best you drop it as you're only digging your hole deeper.
So no picture to defend your claim of being model material ?
Lenka  5 | 3548
8 Apr 2021   #178
A woman hitting on a guy in an overt way would be viewed as "desperate". At best it would be considered as weird or suspicious

Let's be honest, no matter if it's a man or a women simply introducing yourself to someone on the street would be judged as weird.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
8 Apr 2021   #179
in poland yes even saying hi they act weird. in usa everyone says hi to one another wlaking across them.
Paulina  19 | 4558
8 Apr 2021   #180
@johnny_reb, I think I know what your problem is - you're jealous! ;) Hey, if women aren't "slobbering" over you then why don't hit the gym and cut down on bacon? Maybe then you could get that V-shaped torso too lol

I didn't describe any "sexual fantasy" of mine, I only wrote about two real life encounters in my city and I gave a factual description of two Polish men that I considered to be attractive. My comments were on topic, since this thread is about what Polish women think about Polish men and their attractiveness. All you do on this thread, however, is blabbering about me and my alleged "fantasies". Maybe you could try to post sth on topic for a change?

Also, I'm not embarassed by what I wrote, even though you're trying to shame me for it :)

And I didn't claim that I'm a "model material" lol Being slim doesn't make anyone a model. Chemikiem was right - you are a liar.

@Lenka, true, that's rather unusual in Poland.

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