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Polish women: what do you think of Polish men? Physically unattractive?

pierogi2000  4 | 226
29 Sep 2013   #61
[quote=FlaglessPole]What similarities do Spain/Italy share?
- Warm weather
- Vacation destination
- Jobless rate

All those aspects help fuel the perception. If Spain was cloudy and raining, the perception would also be different. If Poland had beaches with men laying around all day tanning.....perception would be different.
Madzia22  - | 72
29 Sep 2013   #62
Temper tantrum...?

sorry, I forgot your English leaves a lot to be desired.

I'm mere relaying my observations which as it turns out are being confirmed by many,

and many said otherwise and you don't have to look far, just look at the answers in this topic

you're the one on a frantic defense mission to prove I must have been hallucinating and imagining things

and that indeed made me chuckle, the one is on the mission who is on the mission xD

All my friends visiting Poland say exactly the same thing; Polish women yes, Polish men meh.

and you really expect someone to believe in this horsesh1t? I mean really?
Magdalena  3 | 1827
29 Sep 2013   #63
"Ok, weird shaped faces and fat tends to build up in their cheeks. With men, fat usually evenly distributes around the body but with Polish men, it tends to concentrate in their faces. Also, it doesn't help when a lot of Polish men shave their heads."

You mean something like this?
OP McDouche  6 | 282
29 Sep 2013   #64
You mean something like this?

More like this goofy ass looking ************.

Paulina  19 | 4558
29 Sep 2013   #65
I'm a young graduate student

Ah, that explains a lot. You still have a thing or two to learn, young padawan :)

And by the way my observation doesn't get any less valid just because I'm not a Polish woman, even though the issue did come up in a few conversations while in Poland (with Polish females)

Were those Polish females ever abroad?

Because it is very noticeable, particularly for someone from outside. All my friends visiting Poland say exactly the same thing; Polish women yes, Polish men meh.

You know, the funny thing is - I don't really notice that much of a difference, or any difference at all (it depends on the country, of course, since I have my preferences) in the handsomeness of Polish men vs Western men (btw, Western men in all Western countries? Are you serious? lol)

But I do watch one Russian channel from time to time and I notice the same thing - women who work in news and actresses are often stunning and many men are far from that. I've never been to Russia so I don't know what it looks like on the ground. On the other hand, I've read comments of Russian women who live in Poland and they often prefer the looks of Russian men - they write they're more manly. And Polish women often say Western men are too metrosexual, in comparisment to Polish men lol

So, it seems the issue is a bit more complicated lol

Ok, weird shaped faces and fat tends to build up in their cheeks. With men, fat usually evenly distributes around the body but with Polish men, it tends to concentrate in their faces.

I'm sorry but that's one of the most ridiculous comments I've read on this forum ;D

Also, it doesn't help when a lot of Polish men shave their heads.

A lot of Polish men don't shave their heads :)

I don't think Polish men are any...uglier than their European counterparts, it's just that they tend to not take as much care of their look, in general. But things seem to change (they always do after all).

I suspect that's the case.

All those aspects help fuel the perception. If Spain was cloudy and raining, the perception would also be different. If Poland had beaches with men laying around all day tanning.....perception would be differen

There's some truth to it... lol

Hey you just admitted you like guys like me. Guess what? My heritage includes Native American and Italian. I have olive skin and dark hair. :P

This doesn't mean you're handsome yet ;) Besides, it's always the personality that wins for me in the end and it looks like you loose in this department :P

Guys why don't you just start a thread like : Foreign men: what do you think of Polish men? (only negative opinions welcome) and there you can circle jerk and boost your egos by bashing Polish males xD

LOL +1000

you loose in this department

lose, sorry lol
OP McDouche  6 | 282
29 Sep 2013   #66
I'm sorry but that's one of the most ridiculous comments I've read on this forum ;D

So are you saying the guy I posted doesn't have a common look of many Polish men?
Paulina  19 | 4558
29 Sep 2013   #67
Who, Kaczyński? lol No, even in Poland the two brothers were depicted as hamsters ;) Besides, he's over 60 years old - why are we even discussing him? :P
Magdalena  3 | 1827
29 Sep 2013   #68
So are you saying the guy I posted doesn't have a common look of many Polish men?

It's about as true as saying that this guy looks like a lot of English men:
OP McDouche  6 | 282
29 Sep 2013   #69
Who, Kaczyński? lol No, even in Poland the two brothers were depicted as hamsters ;) Besides, he's over 60 years old - why are we even discussing him? :P

But the shape of his face is common in Polish men...
Magdalena  3 | 1827
29 Sep 2013   #70
No, it is not. It is actually quite uncommon. Trust me on this, I am Polish after all.
Paulina  19 | 4558
29 Sep 2013   #71
But the shape of his face is common in Polish men...

Um... lol No, it isn't o_O
OP McDouche  6 | 282
29 Sep 2013   #72
No, it is not. It is actually quite uncommon. Trust me on this, I am Polish after all.

You don't have to be Polish to spot Polish men with heads shaped like cubes. :-\
Magdalena  3 | 1827
29 Sep 2013   #73;wlodarski;polscy;modele;-;top;10,3,artykul,30740.html

Rather nice and quite Polish looking :-)
29 Sep 2013   #74
again that stupidity? Why not leave judging attractiveness of males to females? Why on Earth some odd males are putting their idiotic and worthless opinion, unless you are gay and if that that case you should say it. Otherwise crawl back where you belong the well of stupidity,.

Especially Danish pastry in his Asian paradise of lady-boys and such have a cheek to talk. Why don't you put your clown costume on and say something funny for a chance.

Haven't yet occurred to you all worldly travelers and knowledgeable wise men that it depends on a point of view. Males or both sexes can be perceived as ugly by foreigners or in same cases (mostly it goes for opposite sex) as pretty.

Nothing to do with the truth. As beauty exist within the eye of the beholder.
Polson  5 | 1767
29 Sep 2013   #75
Alright, time for some cool entertainment. Here are a few pics of male celebs of Polish descent. Some are a bit surprising.
Let's just say that without Poland, Michael Jackson may have never been Michael Jackson, same with Eminem, Nicolas Cage, etc.

Charles Bronson, aka Karol Dionizy Buczynski

Matt Pokora, French singer

Jared Padalecki, American actor

...and yes...Quincy Jones!
29 Sep 2013   #76
You don't have to be Polish to spot Polish men with heads shaped like cubes. :-\

I sure think that being headbutted by a such shaped head would put some sense into you. Anyway your pin-head is not better.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
29 Sep 2013   #77
sorry, I forgot your English leaves a lot to be desired.

The question mark was a sign of my incredulity over your presumption but let's not dwell on the subject of your comprehension skills any longer

Were those Polish females ever abroad?

Of course they were, which is exactly why they were able to compare. (It's only 5 and a half hour from Warsaw to Berlin by train and many go there to party.)

We are veering off the subject here, handsome is handsome, doesn't matter where from. What I am referring to is the noticeably low numbers of handsome men in Poland. Spent a lot of time in Warsaw (various social events, night-life etc) and went on a road-trip across Poland to Prague stopping frequently (Poznan, Wroclaw, Walbrzych, Szklarska Poreba etc) Saw tons of people. I have no reason nor any agenda prompting me to make false claims. Granted it's a touchy subject as exemplified by Madzia's hysteria and ad-hominem knee-jerking but that's what happens when objectivity goes out the window.

If Poland had beaches with men laying around all day tanning.....perception would be different.

Spent some time in Mazury as well, chilling on a rather crowded grassy lake beach, nope maestro no slavic Adonises there either, just a bunch of speedophiles.
Wulkan  - | 3136
29 Sep 2013   #78
You don't have to be Polish to spot Polish men with heads shaped like cubes. :-\

I typed square head in google:

A derogatory nickname for Germans during World War I, when Germany was our enemy. They supposedly had large, square-shaped heads. See kraut.

Contrary to other beliefs, Square Head is not a reference to the WWII helmets that the Germans used. It is used in reference to the common shape in which many Germans heads are shaped. Dominating brow bones and a square jaw are what create this square look.

A late 19th century ethnic slur directed at German immigrants to North America.
Used a couple of times in that great 1980 film. "The Long Riders" by Randy Quaid's character, Clell Miller, "damn squareheads," when referring to Minnesotans.

OP McDouche  6 | 282
29 Sep 2013   #79
(It's only 5 and a half hour from Warsaw to Berlin by train and many go there to party.)

Yes, my German friends tell me Polish women frequently go there to party and they are absolutely wild when they do. It's not unusual for them to have sex with at least two different German men in the same night lol.
Paulina  19 | 4558
29 Sep 2013   #80
Of course they were, which is exactly why they were able to compare. (It's only 5 and a half hour from Warsaw to Berlin by train and many go there to party.)

And I was abroad too. My female friends and acquaintances also.

FlaglessPole, I've been to a couple of Western countries and I'm telling you - I haven't noticed any abundance of handsome men in any of those countries. Most men look ordinary in all countries I've visited (and most men look ordinary in Poland too).

Spent some time in Mazury as well, chilling on a rather crowded grassy lake beach, nope maestro no slavic Adonises there either, just a bunch of speedophiles.

Are you telling me there are plenty of British Adonises chilling on the beaches of UK? Really? lol Or in the Netherlands maybe? Come on... ;D
Wulkan  - | 3136
29 Sep 2013   #81
It's not unusual for them to have sex with at least two different German men in the same night lol.

Those Germans also don't mind their wallets getting thiner after every night like that :-)

Granted it's a touchy subject as exemplified by Madzia's hysteria

It's quite clear that Madzia22 is the one who is laughing here, it's funny how you try to make it look other way round. According to the topic title you are not even supposed to type in here but I guess your frustration is not letting you stay silent...
OP McDouche  6 | 282
29 Sep 2013   #82
Unfortunately I have to agree with Wulkan here. As much as I agree with you FlaglessPole, I was looking for opinions from Polish women, not Danish gays lol. And I mean that in the most respectful way I can.

I don't discriminate though. We can always make a thread about what foreign men think of Polish men.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
29 Sep 2013   #83
What am I telling you is that empirically you will spot more handsome men there, Holland definitely. As my gay friend from SF, who's just been to Holland, said: Amsterdam guys -hot!

Personally I do see a lot of handsome guys from France, not to mention Scandinavia, Poland truly pales by comparison.

It's not unusual for them to have sex with at least two different German men in the same night lol.

You are probably referring to Techno party scene where MDMA flows in abundance and most of us know what a lovely (literally) effect it has. On the side note I don't understand people trying to slut-shame girls and yes I do love MDMA :) - now everybody watch Madzia laying into me with drug addiction accusations ;)
OP McDouche  6 | 282
29 Sep 2013   #84
^I meant to say Danish guys not gays lol.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
29 Sep 2013   #85
According to the topic title you are not even supposed to type in here but I guess your frustration is not letting you stay silent...

it's an open forum and I really haven't been prolific here for a long time. You would notice that this thread is a continuation from the thread about Polish women in UK having 4 times as much sex as in Poland, where fstop's post started it. Don't fret, my enthusiasm for PF will evaporate very soon but I've just returned from Poland and this is still fresh in my mind so I really couldn't care less what sort of 'rules and regulations' so-called patriots read into the thread title.
Wulkan  - | 3136
29 Sep 2013   #86
I meant to say Danish guys not gays lol.

no, you didn't :-)
OP McDouche  6 | 282
29 Sep 2013   #87
I don't understand people trying to slut-shame girls

It's just that I wouldn't like the idea of having sex with a woman who already has someone else's load inside her from a half hour ago. Even if the "preliminary" man didn't bust a nut, I'd still be disgusted by the idea of that.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
30 Sep 2013   #88
hey you'd prolly wouldn't know, it's not like she'd come over to you and say 'hey I just fvcked that dude silly but you look like you pack more, so let's have it'
Paulina  19 | 4558
30 Sep 2013   #89
Are you from Holland by any chance? lol

Personally I do see a lot of handsome guys from France, not to mention Scandinavia, Poland truly pales by comparison.

I don't know, guys, you must have some kind of different perception. As I wrote already, most men looked pretty ordinary in every country I visited.

Polish men aren't some walking Adonises, but most men in other countries aren't either.
Get your feet to the ground a bit lol
pierogi2000  4 | 226
30 Sep 2013   #90
Males don't view me as attractive. OH NO!

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