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Polish women and fertility

pawian  226 | 27364
4 Jan 2025   #31
keep your books on,

Moreover, the fact that women are more likely to complete higher education is associated with a greater tendency to leave smaller towns and migrate to metropolises, and then remain there. This leads to situations in which in smaller towns and municipalities there is often a radical surplus of men over women - according to the National Census, this proportion can amount to a dozen or so percent advantage of men over their peers.

So the first reason is the fact that women do not have partners they are interested in within their reach. This cannot be blamed on too high expectations on the part of the fair sex, because the selection of couples based on similarity in status is not an invention of modernity or supposedly of "bad feminists". So we can say that the reason is objective.

Ironside  50 | 12928
4 Jan 2025   #32
higher education

higher education for women means fewer kids and is not really worth it.
pawian  226 | 27364
4 Jan 2025   #33
means fewer kids

Probably, yet it needs to be proven.

is not really worth it.

The well being of women is worth anything, after millenia of contemptible male domination over them. One day you will understand it. Ha!!
Ironside  50 | 12928
4 Jan 2025   #34
The well being of women is worth anything.

Having a big family is good for women, Zero surprises ( direct translation from Polish into English, something you like) you cannot grasp that idea.
pawian  226 | 27364
4 Jan 2025   #35
Having a big family is good for women

Not really. Most women are overburdened physically and mentally when there are too many kids. Tell us, how many siblings do/did you have??? We know about one brother. So there were only two of you. Why so few???? What was wrong with your mum?????? ):):)
Ironside  50 | 12928
4 Jan 2025   #36
So there were only two of you.

there were three of us. what was wrong with my mother it has nothing to do with you. Bugger off!
Most women are overburdened physically and mentally when there are too many kids.

Anything can be too much if it is too much it has little to do with the number of children. So cut the crap with your cheap slogans.
pawian  226 | 27364
4 Jan 2025   #37
there were three of us

Not by the same mother. The third sibling was made by your dad on the side with another woman. ha!!!
Ironside  50 | 12928
4 Jan 2025   #38
The third sibling was made by your dad on the side

F off you sick Mofo
Novichok  4 | 8410
4 Jan 2025   #39
F off you sick

That's what you get from engaging this POS.

Are you surprised?
pawian  226 | 27364
4 Jan 2025   #40

He is amaSSed! :):):P):)
pawian  226 | 27364
5 Jan 2025   #41
So the first reason is the fact that women do not have partners they are interested in within their reach. This cannot be blamed

Males are described in the following way:

All this means that men are often unable to make emotional attachments and take on responsibility, which involves skills such as restraining one's impulses, the ability to endure frustration and discomfort, the ability to delay gratification, the ability to face challenges in the professional or family sphere, or the ability to take care of the relationship with a partner.

Jonathan Haidt summed it up this way: "Boys are in trouble. Many of them have withdrawn from the real world, where they could develop the skills they need to become competent, successful, and loving men. Instead, many have been lured into a virtual world, where desires for adventure and sex can be satisfied (at least superficially) without doing anything to prepare the boys for later success in work, love, and marriage."

This means that women have a problem.

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