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Polish women are angel

anik  1 | 2
8 Sep 2013   #1
i live in Ireland. i like polish women.polish women are beautiful. i wish i have polish girlfriend or wife.i like to marry polish women.
Ant63  13 | 410
8 Sep 2013   #2
If that's your chat up line you are likely to hit the mark in the local psychiatric institution. Elsewhere I wouldn't bother.
OP anik  1 | 2
9 Sep 2013   #3
hi if you do not like my post just avoid not try to bother any body.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
9 Sep 2013   #4
like to marry polish women.

Id like you to get out of my country, but we always dont get what we want.

Id bet bad money after good that your visa is about to expire and you need to find an EU spouse sharpish.
rock  - | 428
9 Sep 2013   #5
Another very funny thread topic :))
Marek11111  9 | 807
9 Sep 2013   #7
like a wolf in sheep clothing
Englishman  2 | 276
9 Sep 2013   #8
Something tells me Anik is not an Irishman. Unless he has been on the Guinness, of course...
Wulkan  - | 3136
10 Sep 2013   #9
Something tells me Anik is not an Irishman.

They have only one nationality, they're from Trolland.
Peter59  4 | 35
10 Sep 2013   #10
I do not know if he is Irish or not. I just do not understand how is English improved so dramatically between his two posts
puszekokruszek  1 | 4
28 Sep 2013   #11
yes they are angels. but Polish guys do not appreciate what they have !
29 Sep 2013   #12
That's why there are American guys in Poland!
Crow  154 | 9548
29 Sep 2013   #13
polish women are angel

As sooner as any man of this world admit that there woman are angels, sooner would they feel more relaxed. Why suffer, better to admit. i myself, admitted everything
sobieski  106 | 2111
29 Sep 2013   #14
i like to marry polish women.

Translation: I am from India or Pakistan, I do not live in Poland or Ireland but I am looking for a backdoor to the EU ?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
29 Sep 2013   #15
Something tells me Anik is not an Irishman. Unless he has been on the Guinness, of course...

stop racially stereotyping, Englishman, not all Irish are drunkards you know ...:)
OP anik  1 | 2
30 Sep 2013   #16
thank you for support my post.i like polish women.they are very beautiful.i am looking for polish women for serious relationship.
22 Jan 2015   #17
Merged: Hi Guys! Fallen in love with the Polish women.

Hi All,
The main intention I am here is because I have fallen for the Polish women. I am not some one who is after looks.After all,looks fade as years go on.

My little experiences with them has made me feel that they are humble,caring and make excellent wives and mothers.

I know its not going to be easy especially for an Indian man like me and although I have seen a lot of couples,I have my doubt's.I am of Roman Catholic faith born and brought up in a modern home,if at all that does make it easy.

Whilst there are excellent brides in my country too,I seemed to have fallen for the Polish women:they seem to be caring,devout,humble and elegant too. They have a cute English accent too. :)

Also to add, I am not those typical types who's here for Residency related purposes as I don't need it. Marriage is a sacred relationship after all.

My people,do you guys tend to like/dislike people of my race and color ?

Let's not be rude and harsh towards one another here,I expect a few people to trade insults but let's be nice.
Levi_BR  6 | 219
22 Jan 2015   #18
I am of Roman Catholic faith born and brought up in a modern home,if at all that does make it easy.

Yeah, it makes.
Worst case it doesn't make it harder.

Maybe some people will ask you about your faith (they asked for mine, even Brazil being the biggest catholic country of the world, they still tought i had some indigenous faith haha).

Whilst there are excellent brides in my country too

That is true. I met few indian girls before meet my girlfriend and they were awesome :P
Hrvatwithapolak  1 | 23
22 Jan 2015   #19
I too have fallen in love with a polish woman, however that was only because i long denied what i really wanted (as i'm of eastern european descent) and i was naturally attracted to what was most familiar to me. They are definitely the most loving of people, but for the love of god, learn the language so you can ask her parents permission to marry properly. Other than that, i bid you good luck sir.
22 Jan 2015   #20
Thanks for the feedback guys. How open are they to dating people like me?
Jane D  1 | 9
23 Jan 2015   #21
They are (we are) very open.Just try and you will find out ;)
mathwizard  - | 5
25 Jan 2015   #22
Jane D,
How do I open up to them? I'm a little nervous.
Levi_BR  6 | 219
25 Jan 2015   #23
How do I open up to them? I'm a little nervous.

What they like to talk about?

My personal experience:
When i met the family of my girlfriend, the first thing we talked about was how we met. After that we started talking about drinks, Vodka, jan sobieski (we jumped to Jan Sobieski's history after talk about a vodka called Sobieski), polish food, pierogi and at the end it was a great and very fun dinner.
mathwizard  - | 5
26 Jan 2015   #24

Thanks for your advice. Just to confirm,are the Polish women rude like the Russians. How do they compare with the Russians?

Are they totally different being nice and kind?

Wulkan  - | 3136
26 Jan 2015   #25
Just to confirm,are the Polish women rude like the Russians. How do they compare with the Russians?

So you in your first post you say how much in love you are with Polish women and how much you adore them for the way they are and now you ask if they are rude like Russians? troll?
mathwizard  - | 5
26 Jan 2015   #26
I have met only few people till today and they were very nice,that's what has got me interested.
But lately,I have met Russians who speak Polish too and that's got me confusing.Not been a great experience.
I do adore the Polish,but the sample size of the people I have met is too small and hence needed an opinion.
Levi_BR  6 | 219
26 Jan 2015   #27
Just to confirm,are the Polish women rude like the Russians.

I dont know a lot of Russians, but the sample that are now are a bit... complicated (with few exceptions).

So yes, i have a much favorable opinion towards Poles than Russians. Especially on the part that Polish woman (those that i know) want an independent life, to work and develop a career or business, build an equity, etc.

Meanwhile, most of the russians that i know (i repeat, not a big sample) are more towards relying on the husband to provide everything. Something that i honestly don't like.


Hahaha i tought the same thing.
mathwizard  - | 5
26 Jan 2015   #28
Thanks Levi. I was confused because some know both Russian and Polish and the former tend to be rude every time whether I meet them at a restaurant or at the supermarket.
30 Jan 2015   #29
I'd say Good luck.The one's I knew never wanted to marry outside their ethnicity. They can be rude and cold too,there is nothing like them being down to earth or anything like that.

There are quite a number of golddiggers,so know it before hand.They like their own kind, and look down on people of non white ethnicity.This is my experience,don't know of the others.

Good luck again!!
pawian  226 | 27543
30 Oct 2020   #30
Polish women are angels

Yes, true. Provided you treat them fair and not try to rule them in a typical chauvinist male style. If you hurt them, they turn into lionesses. Then beware coz they might show you a finger and tell you to fek off. ! Quite rightly.

I admire all Polish women!

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