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How to show a polish Guy I like him

Randal  1 | 577
24 Mar 2009   #31
They should say what they mean!
Randal  1 | 577
25 Mar 2009   #33
i'm not so good with women

You're a good look lad, Cardo. I would think the girls would be throwing themselves at you! And you look sexy in that dress. :)
Sokrates  8 | 3335
25 Mar 2009   #34
Just do the same thing as you would with anyone else. Flirtation first, if that doesn't work then be more direct. My ex tried flirting with me and it didn't work and she had to literally invite me to join her in bed one night before i realised she was interested.

Wow... Just wow. I would not neccesarily admit it in the future though.
Peepops  3 | 45
3 Apr 2009   #35
You should go see that movie "Hes just not that into you" I think its still playin. Of course by now hes probably done playin you. :)
petite88  - | 7
29 Apr 2010   #36
How to show him you like him? Give him oral sex, that should do it!

oh dear... is that so? what if i give him more than that? (just kidding)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
29 Apr 2010   #37
How to show a polish Guy I like him

When you go out try buying him dinner for a change. You'll feel "empowered" and "independent"! He'll object at first (male guilt) but insist and tell him he can buy dinner next time.
Havok  10 | 902
29 Apr 2010   #38
Guys like sex, food, entertainment and most of us are very competitive… and this is what you got to work with. very basic. If you think there is more you're wasting your valuable time.

We talk to girls mostly when we're horny and hoping to get some.

Just find out what he likes to do for fun and do it with him, he's going to get horny at one point... I'm pretty sure he'll start talking to you a lot more.

Don't give him cookies right away...

overall hot girls have it easy, others have to use their brains.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
1 May 2010   #39
The best way to endear yourself to a man is to 'be yourself'. Don't play the many games, usually involving testing a man that so many women play. If your inner self is loving, caring, and thoughtful, then let it shine thru your mannerisms.

Try to be upbeat and positive. I cannot tell you how often a conversation with a woman
goes negative because the woman has to either complain about something or share her life with you in some ****** manner. As a woman, you know what I'm talking about.

If you're a feminist then share the expenses; don't be a hypocrite. If you are a traditional woman, then let those virtues shine. Don't bash men which so many so-called modern women do today; in fact, it seems to be the norm.

Look for the good in life. ... and give as much as you get.

Good luck.
nymph888  2 | 31
3 May 2010   #40
Nice advice :) yet, if a woman continue to show care, thoughfulness, and "love" to a guy, will that make the guy feel something for the woman, eventually? or it will just be another lost case? :)
Sokrates  8 | 3335
3 May 2010   #41
How to show a polish Guy I like him

Flash your tits.
natasia  3 | 368
3 May 2010   #42
he is polish, and a guy

That means he is like a guy only double it

so don't show him you are even the slightest bit interested in him

if you start being nice to him, or, God forbid, say you love him, then he will lose respect for you ... unless, that is, he hasn't had sex with you yet, and/or you are very rich.

ok, ok, i know that is only certain (Polish) guys. but seriously. don't be so daft - if he is being cool, don't do the girl thing and think that means he's shy and/or waiting for the green light. no. he is Polish, after all. if he wants to jump you, he will, no doubt about that.

so be as cool as you can and don't think he needs to hear about your feelings. he doesn't. not until he is truly in love with you.

(jeez but i am jaundiced, non?!)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
3 May 2010   #43
f a woman continue to show care, thoughfulness, and "love" to a guy, will that make the guy feel something for the woman, eventually? or it will just be another lost case? :)

Depends on the guy in question. If a woman is a genuinely nice and honest person (then) this positive quality will show, actually, shine thru. A deserving man will reciprocate. If he doesn't then move on.

he is polish, and a guy

Okay, so far so good.

don't show him you are even the slightest bit interested in him

Here we go with that disgusting female habit of gamesmanship. When I see a woman that is so phony I drop her. This is terrible advice.

f you start being nice to him, or, God forbid, say you love him, then he will lose respect for you

Women who play your games don't deserve respect because they don't give it.

i am jaundiced, non?

Well, some honesty at last.
nymph888  2 | 31
3 May 2010   #44
if you start being nice to him, or, God forbid, say you love him, then he will lose respect for you ... unless, that is, he hasn't had sex with you yet, and/or you are very rich.

hmm... this is informative :) any more thoughts?
So, does that mean, to show a polish guy i like him... i'll just sit back and relax? And wait for the next eclipse to come? :)


Depends on the guy in question. If a woman is a genuinely nice and honest person (then) this positive quality will show, actually, shine thru. A deserving man will reciprocate. If he doesn't then move on.

This, I agree... a deserving man will reciprocate. If he doesn't, then move on.... nicely said. Something to remember by, especially when he doesn't reciprocate yah :)
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
4 May 2010   #45
hmm... this is informative :) any more thoughts?
So, does that mean, to show a polish guy i like him... i'll just sit back and relax? And wait for the next eclipse to come? :)

Nymp - how would you like for a guy to show that he's interested in you? What would make you feel special and attractive yet not uncomfortable? Just curious...

PS. I just saw your reply on the other thread and will reply when I'm near a computer (using iPhone now).
Havok  10 | 902
4 May 2010   #46
and "love" to a guy, will that make the guy feel something for the woman, eventually

Lets face it. People are attracted to each other at first because of the physical appearance. All that touchy-feely stuff comes later. That's the "true" glue of a long term relationship though. Find out what that guy is really about and maybe you decide it's not worth it after all.
nymph888  2 | 31
4 May 2010   #47
Nymp - how would you like for a guy to show that he's interested in you? What would make you feel special and attractive yet not uncomfortable? Just curious...

hmm.. Different guys have different styles. I'm okay
with someone's unique ways of expressing interests so long
as it doesn't result to hurtful encounters  I shall respond accordingly...;)
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
4 May 2010   #48
but I just want to tell him that i have feelings for him, but i don't want to sound wired and desperate.

Show some initiative, most girls assume that guys should take the Lead. Times have changed, so just be straight with him, and tell him how you feel and see what his reaction is, perhaps he feels that you are in a position of strength and feel inhibited.


disregard the advice from the person mentioned.

Remember don't apologize for your feelings because you are only apologizing for the truth-as Benjamin Disraeli said.
southern  73 | 7059
4 May 2010   #49
Tell him that you hate Russians.
LAGirl  9 | 496
4 May 2010   #50
Hahaha thats a good idea because most do and I dont blame them.
4 May 2010   #51
Seriously. The majority of this advice is useless. Polish guys, like difficult girls. The ones who are easy end up crying. Common knowledge here people.
pgtx  29 | 3094
4 May 2010   #52
yeah dudes! seriously! you suck! lol ;)
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Feb 2020   #54
Jesus, how many more "HOW TO SHOW A POLISH GUY I LIKE HIM" threads will there be?

Until the last day of the PF.
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Feb 2022   #55

WIth masks on?
Novichok  4 | 8744
3 Feb 2022   #56
A woman can show how much she likes the guy even if she is wearing a mask. Do you want me to get into details?

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