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How to show a Polish guy that you're interested?

AMANDAXX81  1 | 9
5 Oct 2013   #1
without being to forward how can you show a polish guy your interested in him?
(no sexual encounters either) ;-)
im a scottish woman with values and self respect so am not just going to throw maself at him plus being abit shy doesnt help.

i'll be fine, the shyness will go but i need to break the ice so to speak..HELP!!!
pierogi2000  4 | 226
5 Oct 2013   #2
Where does this Polish guy live? As in which country.
5 Oct 2013   #3
How to Impress a Woman:

compliment her,
kiss her,
caress her,
love her,
comfort her,
protect her,
hold her,
spend money on her,
wine & dine her,
listen to her,
stand by her,
support her,
go to the ends of the earth for her.

How to Impress a Man:

show up naked with beer.
5 Oct 2013   #4
do a thing like in american beauty But instead of rose petals use cabbage
enkidu  6 | 611
5 Oct 2013   #5
Well... the easiest way to impress Polish man is low neck line...
But since you are "a scottish woman with values and self respect" - there is second option:
Feed Him. Feed him good.
5 Oct 2013   #6
Just look him in the eye. That will be enough.
OP AMANDAXX81  1 | 9
6 Oct 2013   #7

Cabbages..Thats some image, haha!! why Cabbages??

i see him giving me the eye :-)
ive not had much contact with polish people but ive been researching the culture and his native town trying to understand abit more, i have to say the country is beautiful and theres something about polish men,

scottish men dont have any of the olden day morals/values/respect...where i get the impression polish guys still do which raises the bar for me definetly..

but how do polish guys see scottish woman?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
6 Oct 2013   #8

I don't recommend work place affairs. It's too dangerous for men. Even when women initiate a romance, if it breaks off it's possible the man will be charged with some sort of "sexual harassment". I've hired (and fired) people and have seen innocent ones pay the price. That's how it is in the U.S. but if Scotland hasn't gone completely "PC" then maybe, just maybe it could work.
grubas  12 | 1382
6 Oct 2013   #9
but how do polish guys see scottish woman?

Post a pic of yours and I will tell you.

without being to forward how can you show a polish guy your interested in him?

Ask him out or something.One of my exs asked me to help her with shopping for a birthday gift for her father.
OP AMANDAXX81  1 | 9
6 Oct 2013   #10
thats just americans for you!!!!

theyl take you to court for anything..if they can


How to Impress a Woman:show up naked with beer.

HaHaHaHa....It would have to be a case!!!
6 Oct 2013   #11
scottish men dont have any of the olden day morals/values/respect...where i get the impression polish guys still do which raises the bar for me definetly..

Generally I'd say they are more polite than English guys, but you can't put them in a box and label them,
Some are more respectful, some aren't.

I don't recommend work place affairs. It's too dangerous for men. Even when women initiate a romance, if it breaks off it's possible the man will be charged with some sort of "sexual harassment".

I've never heard anything so ridiculous in my life!
We're not monsters!
The only thing I could see happening if a workplace romance ended, is that it might be an uncomfortable working relationship depending on how it ended.
OP AMANDAXX81  1 | 9
6 Oct 2013   #12
but you can't put them in a box and label them,
Some are more respectful, some aren't.

i was thinking that...i suppose it dont matter where your from your going to get your good and your bad..
6 Oct 2013   #13
Exactly! I've met some lovely Polish men......and some really awful ones too.
Don't put them on a pedestal ;)
If you have your lunch breaks at the same time, just try chatting to him. Easier said than done I know, but good luck :)
OP AMANDAXX81  1 | 9
6 Oct 2013   #14
i agree with you cant go on in life thinking like that! were all individuals.. i really dont understand woman who do things like that,very nasty!
McDouche  6 | 282
6 Oct 2013   #15
Generally speaking, Polish men are probably easier than Scottish men because they're not as good at getting women. Don't be shy Amanda.
OP AMANDAXX81  1 | 9
6 Oct 2013   #16
Easier said than done I know, but good luck :)

Thanks :-)
i think al just go with the flow on this and see what unfolds, im quite an outgoing/easygoing person but also abit shy when its something like this.

if its meant to be it will happen!!!

Polish men are probably easier than Scottish men

could be...but its the language barrier that scares me..

theres not only verbal language i know..hahaha.!!

the eyes say it all. ;-)
McDouche  6 | 282
6 Oct 2013   #17
Amanda, how old is he and how old are you? Are you physically attractive? Like I said, Polish men are probably very easy so as long as you got the looks, they'll probably go for you.

I'm bisexual and I'm going to the gay bar tonight. If I meet a Polish guy, I'll let you know how easy it was lol.
Wulkan  - | 3136
6 Oct 2013   #18
Polish men are probably very easy

where is this assumption from?
OP AMANDAXX81  1 | 9
6 Oct 2013   #19
do a thing like in american beauty But instead of rose petals use cabbage

may i ask why cabbage??

heres couple pics
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
6 Oct 2013   #20
I've never heard anything so ridiculous in my life!

You haven't worked for large companies have you? You seem to not want to believe that women would do that, well, some would and do. When I ran an advertising agency one of my directors had a 'romance' with a copy editor. They 'dated' for about 3 months. After he broke up with her she filed a false "sexual harassment" suit against him. She, and her lawyer stated that she was "sexually harassed" at work by one of her bosses. Even when it was brought out by witnesses that they were a consenting couple it didn't seem to matter and the thing was finally adjourned just days before the court day. Still, it cost my firm some money just to go through the ordeal. That's how bad the "PC" sexual harassment industry has become and it has become a billion dollar a year industry.

We're not monsters!

You don't believe that some are? One phenomena I've found is that when a woman does something bad other women seem to take it personally. Don't! It's that particular individual who is guilty not all women. Men don't seem to feel the same way about such things. Although we've all heard that "all men are jerks" now haven't we?

the only thing I could see happening if a workplace romance ended, is that it might be an uncomfortable working relationship depending on how it ended.

If only that was so but there is a reason why so many attorneys are involved in workplace "sexual harassment" cases isn't there?

This is how bad its gotten: Years ago at Motorola Company in Schaumburg Illinois, a man had a picture of his wife in a bathing suit on his work desk at his station. . A female employee complained and the man was asked to take it down and when he didn't he was suspended from work. It took him 10 months to get his job back and he was only able to do that by hiring a lawyer. Now that's "PC" run amok, it is insane but there you have it.

Male teachers have to be wary of certain female students. One such college student in Toronto accused her male teacher of "lookism", that is, she claimed that he always stared at her. Although no proof was shown the teacher was suspended for one year without pay and was not allowed a defense. Human Resource Departments are that skid-ish about such things. Now, even gay couples are accused of sexually harassing each other in a work environment.
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Feb 2020   #21
without being to forward how can you show a polish guy your interested in him?

Just like everywhere in the world. Stare at him for a dozen seconds and smile. Then turn your eyes away and after some time look and smile again. That`s enough.
Maezui  - | 1
12 Oct 2021   #22
I met a polish guy at my workplace and now I think I really like him. He has been working here since long, and for me it has just been a month. We don't really get to talk much at work as he is busy most of the times fixing machines. Worst part is, I don't even know if he is single. But he does smile at me, and ask me sometimes how my work is going. I sometimes do notice him looking at me.

Should I make the first move and tell him that I am interest in him? He is really shy and soft spoken, and he only talks to me when there is no one around. But I am equally shy. Why is it so difficult? :(

I am short with dark brown eyes and hair, would he find me attractive? Also, I am 5 years younger than him.

I am in the same situation as you. Its funny how we work at the place as well and its in scotland 😂😂 I hope it went well with you two
cms neuf  2 | 1959
12 Oct 2021   #23
Well in the old times I would have just said ask him for a coffee

Nowadays I think you have to first get his Instagram and then DM him to ask for a coffee :)
Novichok  4 | 8733
12 Oct 2021   #24
Nowadays I think you have to first...

...ask him to help you with the zipper. I meant to zip it up.
Spike31  3 | 1485
12 Oct 2021   #25
I think we have already established that most men need a clear, loud signal in order to get into the action. No subtle suggestions, innuendos, or other types of nonsense.
Novichok  4 | 8733
12 Oct 2021   #26
loud signal in order to get into the action.

Because men fear rejection more than death itself. Some killed the objects of their desires.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
12 Oct 2021   #27
most men need a clear, loud signal in order to get into the action. No subtle suggestions

I completely disagree. Subtle suggestions from women are very telling and are indeed more powerful and exciting than actions which you have called "clear, loud signals". A clear and loud signal is in a way left for idiots who are unable to pick up a woman's real intention.

A woman eliciting a "suggestion" enters the game in a most sexiest way at the same time leaving herself a safe way to withdraw in case she may be rejected. A subtle "suggestion" looks completely neutral and innocent to observers, but is cristal clear to the parties involved. I feel really sorry for you if you've never experienced such a game waiting only for "loud" signals.
Novichok  4 | 8733
12 Oct 2021   #28
How about, would you like to be my friend? Nothing to reject.
Spike31  3 | 1485
12 Oct 2021   #29
Because men fear rejection more than death itself.

I think that is even more true for women who rely on social norms and pressure more than men. A rejected woman is more lethal than a venomous snake.
Novichok  4 | 8733
12 Oct 2021   #30
But still not as lethal as one who lost her custody fight.

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