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Swedish Love for Poland

gumishu  16 | 6182
9 Jun 2024   #31
"Dziękuję, że jesteś. Z miłością ze Szwecji."

this is perfectly fine - the google translate rendition was not appropriate
Novichok  4 | 7809
9 Jun 2024   #32
Memo to Sweden: Forget Poland. Love yourself first and remove all black tumors ASAP.
Lyzko  41 | 9563
9 Jun 2024   #33
Memo to Rich: Forget Trump who really wants to take us back in time rather than forward and remove
your cancerous hatred from Polish Forums ASAP:-)
Novichok  4 | 7809
9 Jun 2024   #34
take us back in time rather than forward

How many years back?
Lyzko  41 | 9563
9 Jun 2024   #35
Certainly back to Hoovervilles and Shantytowns.
America was even more of a violent country then than than it is now.
But from 1946 or so, right after the Second World War, through around 1963,
America was about the most financially prosperous nation on earth.

Again though, this doesn't mean things were perfect or even close.
It never is.
Novichok  4 | 7809
9 Jun 2024   #36
Cut the crap.

How many years back?
jon357  72 | 22980
9 Jun 2024   #37
Sweden gave the world Bergman and Mai Zetterling

Not Sweden but its neighbour Denmark was in t( news yesterday. It was sad to see that the Prime Minister was attacked in the street. I was in Copenhagen a few weeks ago. It's not somewhere you'd expect to see trouble like that.
OP RazSwe  1 | 15
9 Jun 2024   #38
the endless path:

the endless path
is hidden in transition,
shrouded in mystery
inside our human condition.

entwined in the mechanics
of this curious place.
a symbiosis of aspects
a distortion of grace.


"death is dangerous"
an understandable conclusion.
the evidence is overwhelming
regardless hints
of its grand illusion.

as many have been there
many have had a taste,
reports of a loving light
letting no soul go to waste.


the endless path
is hidden in transition,
like silence between the tracks
on the album of a musician.

every composition
has its flavour,
a symphony of vibration
made to savour.

immersed in rhythm
as with timing,
music is a friend
that's always shining.

settle in the connection
and let it string you along,
with emotional resonance
we are one with the song.


the endless path
is hidden in transition,
subjective experience
evolving its mission.

coming to an understanding
doesn't require us to fully understand,
love in circulation
makes for lighter steps at hand.

none are born with hate
or contempt in heart,
a will willing to break
has pain as its start.

even the messiest of moments
have a return to peace,
trauma from human life
is washed away
in our origin of ease.


the endless path
is hidden in transition,
it's hard to see
past an invested vision

what rings true today
can be out of tune tomorrow,
what used to move us forward
can become a source of sorrow.

with renewal behind the wheel
and nostalgia backseat,
we drive down the road
of being existentially incomplete.

in transition between the tracks
simmers our soulful song.
infinite experience
was part of us, all along.

the endless path
is hidden in transition

OP RazSwe  1 | 15
9 Jun 2024   #39
the above song lyrics was inspired by a near death experience and its aftermath, in 2005.
OP RazSwe  1 | 15
9 Jun 2024   #40
Yeah, i hope this is taken as the art that it is, and not as me thinking i have it all figured out :P

being inspired is not the same thing as getting stuck in knowing.

stay safe, be well <3
gumishu  16 | 6182
9 Jun 2024   #41
o see that the Prime Minister was attacked in the street.

the latest news is though that it was a Polish man on drugs who did it
jon357  72 | 22980
9 Jun 2024   #42
Not good. I wonder what drug it was and whether there were any other factors.

Denmark is a strange place, neither one thing nor the other.
pawian  219 | 24792
9 Jun 2024   #43
whether there were any other factors

Yes. Booze and mental disorder.
jon357  72 | 22980
9 Jun 2024   #44

We've all been on a binge, but it's rare to visit somewhere and beat up their Prime Minister.

He must have woken up the morning after in the cell with it all coming back to him...
gumishu  16 | 6182
9 Jun 2024   #45
Denmark is a strange place

Jeg elsker Danmark :P
Lyzko  41 | 9563
10 Jun 2024   #46
Jeg ogsaa, men Kobenhavn er blevet farlig.
In '86, Olaf Palme was assassinated in Stockholm and
now this in what many once considered the most peaceful
metropolis anywhere, certainly in Europe!

What's this world coming to?

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