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Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ?

mafketis  38 | 11263
16 Dec 2020   #61
doesn't ruin a perfectly happy marriage

If it were a perfectly happy marriage then the OP wouldn't be able to ruin it...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Dec 2020   #62
Your reading comprehension needs some brushing up, son.
'Before', was the key word you missed.

Well I just hope the OP has some self control and doesn't ruin a perfectly happy marriage before Christmas.

Lenka  5 | 3548
16 Dec 2020   #63
If it were a perfectly happy marriage then the OP wouldn't be able to ruin it...

Didn't you know that a guy cheating repeatedly on his wife won the last year's 'recipe for a good marriage' contest?
23 Jun 2023   #64
I like it when my Polish girl friend of 4 years cheats on me every now and then. She always seems a lot happier afterwards and that make me happy too.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2023   #65
Women are not loyal or stay loyal, they either abandon you or leave from fear of being cheated first upon.

They only need to feel a little bad, then they are gone immediately. if you get emotionally distraught or angry over them, want to break up, then reconsider then they have no forgives or love for you at all. Do not expect understanding, pity or compassion from a women.

So expect every women you meat to cheat on you basically, there are no women to marry nowadays. We are doomed
Lenka  5 | 3548
24 Jun 2023   #66
So expect every women you meat to cheat on you basically, there are no women to marry nowadays

Guys say things like that and then are surprised we don't fall straight into their arms...
Ironside  51 | 13086
24 Jun 2023   #67
WOLFGANG from usa, **** no good for you.
Aren't you too old to take it personally? Is he not allowed to express his frustration on unbalanced and not very healthy way society works especially when it comes to male/female mating.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2023   #68
I wouldn't be saying these things if I was married and had kids, somehow it's hard to state anything else after countless abandonments and no lasting romantic relationship

I bet that I am the problem and don't give enough of what is required
Paulina  19 | 4558
24 Jun 2023   #69
Do not expect understanding, pity or compassion from a women.

I think you could use a therapy, Grunni... I'm guessing that your issues with women may have something to do with your mother (and maybe also your sister).
Ironside  51 | 13086
24 Jun 2023   #70
Make some money first, then go for a woman outside European/liberal, feminist zone.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2023   #71
I start to see no other option
24 Jun 2023   #72
So expect every women you meat to cheat on you basically,

Then there is no point trying to meet any if your opinion of them is so low. Guys never cheat?

I bet that I am the problem and don't give enough of what is required

All you can do is be yourself. Don't try too hard or pretend to be someone you're not. Go on dates and have some fun without looking at the person and weighing up if they are good enough to be your potential life partner.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2023   #73
I don't give a flying **** about how other guys behave, especially if they don't love and respect women. So by adding me to their bunch it only infuriates me further.

No positive relationship increase with me "Feniks"

I have no good opinion of adulterers, male or female. It created a very deep divide between me and my best friend after he ****** a girl our other friend was together with. He said he did it to only prove that she was with our friend to get to him.

Either way, it was a betrayal. I cannot trust him to be meter's close to any of my female partners if he behaves like that.

Pretend about being somebody else? What you on about
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jun 2023   #74
All you can do is be yourself. Don't try too hard or pretend to be someone you're not

Being yourself especially when one is not very attractive in terms of character can be harmful to their chances of keeping up a relationship with a good decent partner. :):):)

I bet that I am the problem and don't give enough of what is required

Probably. Try the other way round then. Don`t be yourself in your next partnership coz your true nature might scare people off. Try to pretend your are a decent intelligent broad-minded guy. And see if it works. If it does, you may later strive to become such a man in reality. :):):):)
Lenka  5 | 3548
24 Jun 2023   #75
Aren't you too old to take it personally?

I'm not. I just said what I think about comments like that.

And what you call unbalanced I'm calling women finally not taking any crap.

As to the advice about money and going foreign- nothing speaks love and loyalty like 'hey, have a look at my bank account .

after countless abandonments and no lasting romantic relationship

Braking up is not the same as cheating or not being loyal to your partner.

As we spoke about relationships before I am aware of your 'checklist' for a women- why is it so hard to understand that you may not meet the girls checklist?

But I second Paulina. I think you could use therapy.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2023   #76
I am not going to pretend to be somebody else, I had to do that all my life in Norway. Pretending to be a normal nothing out of the ordinary. I got tired of it, I moved to Poland to be able to talk about myself freely and not have to pretend anymore.

But, it's a farce and scharade here as well. I just didn't pick up on it after living long enough in Poland. Seems like everyone, everywhere isn't true to themselves.

Well guess what, I think both of you also need therapy, guidance and do some repentance. How about that?
Lenka  5 | 3548
24 Jun 2023   #77
How about that?

Possible but unlike you we are not talking about not fitting in, having problems finding a partner, troubled relationship with mother etc. Your posts suggestyou have some hard time socially.

Also interestingthat you skipped about the part when I pointed out you have quite specific expectations of women yet don't give them the right to have expectationsof you.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2023   #78
What a bunch of nonsense, I give women right to expect something from me.

It's useally that when women don't expect something from me that I get mad
Lenka  5 | 3548
24 Jun 2023   #79
you get emotionally distraught or angry over them, want to break up, then reconsider

How about not breaking up and the trying to come back? Is that expectation enough?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2023   #80
I have to set certain boundaries somehow, fear of loss is a very clear signal of bad behaviour of the other side.

If I feel disrespected, I begin to react emotionally
Paulina  19 | 4558
24 Jun 2023   #81
@Kashub1410, I doubt that getting yourself a desperate woman from a poor country will automatically solve your problems with women... Your insecurity and other issues may come to the surface sooner or later anyway, imho...

I don't give a flying **** about how other guys behave

But you have no qualms about making sweeping generalisations about women!

So by adding me to their bunch it only infuriates me further.

He didn't "add" you to anyone. He just made a point that men cheat too.

Well guess what, I think both of you also need therapy, guidance and do some repentance. How about that?

Maybe we all do, but we're not the ones coming here complaining about having problems with relationships and the other sex :)) Don't be angry, we're just trying to give you some advice.

Btw, if you aren't mature/ready enough yet to address your issues by going to a proper therapy then maybe try this:

"Horses have a unique ability to sense emotions and react accordingly. If your are angry or aggressive, the horse may become obstinate. If you are anxious, the horse may get skittish. But when approached by someone who is open and calm, the horse is more likely to respond in kind. Witnessing the horse's response promotes self-awareness and can help people see themselves in a more realistic way."

Maybe this would calm you down a bit (because to me it looks like you're getting angry too easily).

Btw, do you have a pet at home?
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jun 2023   #82
Btw, do you have a pet at home?

Yes, a pet snake.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2023   #83
Dog, I got a dog...
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jun 2023   #84
But when approached by someone who is open and calm, the horse is more likely to respond in kind.

They should put horses in front of various institutions and test people who desire to find employment there.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2023   #85
Well you cannot get more hilarious to me now lol, I come from a family of horse riders.

I only ridden a horse once, it wasn't a challenge at all. As a kid mind you...
Paulina  19 | 4558
24 Jun 2023   #86
They should put horses in front of various institutions and test people who desire to find employment there.

That's a great idea - I'm all for it lol

I come from a family of horse riders.


I only ridden a horse once, it wasn't a challenge at all. As a kid mind you...

You're an adult now though, with adult issues.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2023   #87
Means you don't know me, and all your "prescriptions" are in fact invalid
Paulina  19 | 4558
24 Jun 2023   #88
@Kashub1410, but you wrote yourself that you rode a horse only once and when you were a kid :))

Besides, horse therapy isn't just about horse riding - it's more than that.

Means you don't know me, and all your "prescriptions" are in fact invalid

Then instead of arguing with a random woman on an internet forum :) go to a proper therapist who will get to know you well and will propose to you how to address your problems :)

Because I think that your unresolved issues (probably from childhood) may continue to sabotage your future relationships. So it's in your interest to do something about it, not mine :)

But noone can force you to do anything, of course. It's your choice.

I only gave my 5 cents and it's up to you what you're going to do with it.

pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jun 2023   #89
I come from a family of horse riders.

All Poles do. Big winged horse riders family.
Ironside  51 | 13086
24 Jun 2023   #90
Women are full of crap,those from these Liberal western feminist countries are being lied to.
Like here you don't know what it is all about but you talk about not taking any crap, you are broken.
Health relationship need to be based on a man financial stability and woman's real respect of the man.

Home / Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ?

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