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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
12 Apr 2011   #31
I am disturbed and offended by your assumption that Poland is some backward place where women have no rights.

You don't wanna know... I live in that country (if it's Norway ;))

just hire Polish women

yeah right... hahaha! Good one! Norwegians hiring a Polish women for an high income job LOL

If you go out w a girl/guy, who usually pays? Does the men always end up paying for woman on a first date, regular basis, etc?
Or is is splitted up?

Well ive been trained/learned to act like a knight :=) but it could have changed over the years...
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
12 Apr 2011   #32
In Norway we probably have one of the highest number of women in managing or senior positions in the world,

The Scandinavian countries in the long run will pay dearly for their affirmative action policies. Quotas are the antithesis of true equality.
I've often found it curious that countries like Norway who implement mandatory percentages for women in management and company board rooms somehow ignore quotas in less desirable positions. Somehow, instituting the mandatory 40% quotas in less desirable and dangerous work like: auto mechanic, electrical powerline installer, oil rig worker, welder, crane operator, hazmat diver, bomb technician, refuse material collector, etc, etc, is overlooked. The emphasis for women is only for the high level positions which is 'pick-and-choose'

feminism. Women understand this; what gets me is how long it's taking so many men (manginas) to 'get it'.

As far as communicating with men or women, in my vast experience I have found it (and studies have shown this to be true) that women take comments much more personally than men. Men at work call each other names and consider this humorous while women rarely do. In fact, saying the same thing to a man and a woman frequently gets opposing results. Perhaps your method of communications needs some work?
enkidu  6 | 611
12 Apr 2011   #33
"How do Polish men feel about gender equality?"

Well... I don't really know how the all Polish men feel about that.
I can only say what I think, and most of my Polish friends.

First - The word "equality" is not precise enough. Theoretically it is, but in real life this word has got at least two meanings.

First definition:

Gender equality means that everyone shall be entitled to get the same chances in life, the same pay for the same work, that no door should be closed in your face no matter if you are man or woman.

I feel good about it.

And I think that Poland is pretty fair country in this sense. Every woman can go to university, pursue her carrier, do whatever she wants. The sky is the limit. It's all about individual ambition and dreams. Woman can be anything she wants - a doctor, lawyer, politician, teacher or entrepreneur. There is no legal, social, cultural or any other obstacles to do it.

Second definition

This is the definition from leftist feminists liberals propaganda.
According to this definition gender is a phenomena that DOESN'T EXIST. People are not only equal. They are EXACTLY the same. Totally interchangeable.
Every job that man can do - can be done by a woman.

Maybe this is truth. But even if a woman's can do a man's job - is that mean that she shall be forced to do so? I think not.

This is a political ideology that comes straight from the Wonderland, with no connection with reality whatsoever.

We are different. Equal but different.
Of course - woman can be a solider, coal miner, mechanic or builder. But is that really suit her best?
If you take any population under consideration - let's say only a male population you will find that people are different. Equal but different.

Some of them would be artistic souls. Painters, poets, musicians. Other would be natural builders, engineers, gardeners. Others would be natural leaders.
Everyone has got his unique talent.
And the community needs them all!

I think that the average woman would be an excellent nursery teacher but lame bricklayer.

The quota system that require that the certain percentage of women shall be politicians, engineers etc is not about the equality. It's about anti-male discrimination. There shall be no obstacles for a woman to enter a world of politics for instance (hey - take example of Margaret Thatcher). But most of women are not interested in politics.

Said that: I STRONGLY DEMAND that the 50% of beds on the maternity wards shall be reserved for men! :)

The communists did already tried that. It did not work, really.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
12 Apr 2011   #34
Enkidu ... some people want to create a negative stereotype of Poles here my friend ...
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
12 Apr 2011   #35
Perhaps your method of communications needs some work?

not really, both sexes have different styles of communication and both sides need to learn to see those differences and appreciate them. You cannot change something which has been part of the evolution process - that includes that style of communication.
A J  4 | 1075
12 Apr 2011   #36
Maybe, but I *still* think we'll understand each other much better when we're able to drop all that false pretense, and communicate without making too many judgement calls, especially not when those judgement calls are being made from one single perspective without actually taking some time to take the other perspective into consideration. (Or is that psychobabble too?)

southern  73 | 7059
12 Apr 2011   #37
Gender equality is basically a man giving BJs.
A J  4 | 1075
12 Apr 2011   #38
Typically Greek.

southern  73 | 7059
12 Apr 2011   #39
Here although it may seem peculiar to you women have better status than man so I wish I could equalize.
beckski  12 | 1609
12 Apr 2011   #40
How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

I don't think too many Polish men (or any men for that matter) will mind, if their woman makes more $ than he does. Especially, if she spends some of her hard-earned cash on the guy...
A J  4 | 1075
12 Apr 2011   #41
I wouldn't mind that either, although I have to say that it still looks like most girls *do* mind dating a guy who's less successful than them financially? (Or maybe that's just Holland!) Feel free to disagree with me if you're a guy, but I *really* think that most guys would prefer activities over fashion and that sort of stuff, and don't really care much about all the material fluff when they're genuinely happy with the woman they're with. I guess a lot of guys still feel like *they* should be the ones to provide for their partners though..


..and maybe some chicks reinforce that belief?

ZIMMY  6 | 1601
13 Apr 2011   #42
The quota system that require that the certain percentage of women shall be politicians, engineers etc is not about the equality. It's about anti-male discrimination.

That's correct and most people get that by now but unfortunately, the scary "politically correct" agendas are still enforced by BigGovernment and strongly influenced by male-hating feminism. Last year in other threads I've cataloged feminisms' early interest and involvements in communism.

Is Poland being affected by misandrist feminism? This piece and the subsequent opinions might be interesting to those concerned with Poland's freedoms.

The comments were indeed largely opposed to the author's suggestion that Poland's Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, should force a 50% women electoral quota, instead of backing off and requiring only 35%. But being somewhat acquainted with Poland's particular history of gender relations, and its current sociopolitical climate, I found the article to be even more fascinating.

Hopefully, Polish women will not take up this new cause their western sisters have. It seems that "slut walks" are the new symbols of feminism since they seem to have run out of things to protest about. So the new feminist empowerment is sluttiness. Enjoy....

The parents of these women must be proud.

How modern women portray and abuse their freedoms:

What they really mean:
z_darius  14 | 3960
9 May 2011   #43
But I'm thinking that this may be a cultural diffenrence. We have talked a bit about this and from what I'm hearing Poland isn't very ground breaking when it comes to equality in any forms (gender, sexual orientation, different religions etc.).

Actually, Poland was the first country in the world where women could participate in political life, if they paid taxes (18th century). Poland was the first (and for a few centuries, the only) country in Europe that invited people of various religious denominations to live, prosper and it protected them from discrimination. In 1932 Poland codified the homosexual and heterosexual age of consent equally at 15 and that was 36 years before Norway decriminalized homosexuality.

Unlike Norwegian law, Polish law had never criminalized homosexuality, although occupying powers had outlawed it in 1835. Women in Poland has always had an equal access to education and in 1808 Poles established a central supervisory board of women, whose function was to administer programs of education for girls in the Dutch of Warsaw. That was the first time in the world's history when women were charged with a task of governmental administration. I'd say these were groundbreaking, but I don't blame you for not knowing, but now you do.

I wouldn't say the gender difference are completely off the table in any country. After all that equality is codified but, let's say, eye color is not. Norwegians don't discuss equal opportunities for blue eyed or green eyed persons but they do mention the wonderful gender equality. Why's that? Is the gender equality indeed that deeply engrained in the Norwegian society if the laws have to exist to address the issue, but there are no laws making people of various eye colors equal?

Some individuals may have issues with gender under various circumstances, but talking about them in the context of the entire country of Poland is a little far fetched, to say the least.

Perhaps you are approaching the whole issue from the wrong angle and perhaps the issue is not gender by the usual micro-politics on a job site, or at any work place for that matter. I ran a construction business and I employed Poles, among others. I experienced exactly the same issues as you mention and I dealt with them with the time proven solution. I was open to constructive suggestions but ultimately I managed the jobs they performed the work as instructed. A skillful manager can be put the idea in employees' minds without confrontational undertones.
southern  73 | 7059
9 May 2011   #44
slut walks"

Slut walks are dangerous.They try to legalize dating I mean put law enforcement into dating.Till now you have legal responsibilities only after marriage.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
9 May 2011   #45
Slut walks are dangerous.

The "slut walk" that Zimmy posted about above. Has nothing to do with putting law enforcement into dating, nor is it a new feminist tactic for degrading the status of men, but rather a response to the Toronto Police Force whose spokesman claimed women who get raped are culpable for "dressing like sluts".
Sokrates  8 | 3335
9 May 2011   #46
Women are subhuman sexbots to be exploited at will.

Ps. its only rape if they can find her body.
southern  73 | 7059
9 May 2011   #47
but rather a response to the Toronto Police Force whose spokesman claimed women who get raped are culpable for "dressing like sluts".

We have though to keep in mind that in feminist countries definition of rape is extended to include several cases which many men are not inclined to consider rape.(see Assange case).Really only muslims see provocative dressing as a consent to rape that is if you disregard this you are ad hoc against multi culti(like Toronto claims).

They have confused their hips as we say here.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
9 May 2011   #48
The "slut walk" that Zimmy posted about above. Has nothing to do with putting law enforcement into dating, nor is it a new feminist tactic for degrading the status of men, but rather a response to the Toronto Police Force whose spokesman claimed women who get raped are culpable for "dressing like sluts".

Well said, and factually accurate.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
9 May 2011   #49
We have though to keep in mind that in feminist countries definition of rape is extended to include several cases which many men are not inclined to consider rape

Feminists need to be raped out of their world view or killed via impaling on a brass fallus as an example and warning to all the other b*tches who think they're human and entitled to an opinion.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
9 May 2011   #50
...the Toronto Police Force whose spokesman claimed women who get raped are culpable for "dressing like sluts".

There are several "slut walks" planned this summer in various cities. Seems like the new feminism has found something to march for.
Just one question: Since these women advertise these protests as "slut walks" and they dress accordingly; is calling one of them a "slut" still oppressive?
Sokrates  8 | 3335
9 May 2011   #51
Lets gather up with cans of gasoline, douse the front ranks and set them on fire, we could also stone a few.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
9 May 2011   #52
we could also stone a few.

No need to. These women have a 'herd' mentality and are easily swayed (weak minds). They don't understand how this kind of nonsense plays out in-the-long-run. History will judge this stuff harshly and future sisters will be embarrassed by these historical (hysterical?) actions.

The future? Picture a romantic setting, candlelight, mood music, etc. The man whispers in the woman's ear; "I love you slut".

"Slut Rights"; what a concept. Thank you feminism.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
10 May 2011   #53
No need to

True we could beat em up with shovel handles and THEN stone them! Just played Postal2 i'm in a strange mood.
10 May 2011   #54
i'm in a strange mood.

No kidding

I know the method that can help you: stick your head to the blender and press on button. You will make some pretty colors.
Eurola  4 | 1898
10 May 2011   #55

"Slut Rights"; what a concept. Thank you feminism.

Jeeze, Zimmy..problem with women? LOL. Every man wants his wife to be a slut in the bedroom and Madonna everywhere also. You know, it's it's hard to fill both shoes..either a slut everywhere or a nice, modest, shy girl that nobody notice. YOU - guys, just need to know how to fix faucets, paint, fix the car...etc., don't forget to bring a nice paycheck home too. Phew, feminism...thank God. About time we stop making 76 cents (I think that's the latest) on your dollar. We are better than you anyway. Viva feminists!
Sokrates  8 | 3335
10 May 2011   #56
No kidding

I know the method that can help you: stick your head to the blender and press on button. You will make some pretty colors.

You're a woman, women as a lower lifeform are incapable of speech therefore you couldnt adress me just now!
Eurola  4 | 1898
10 May 2011   #57
You're a woman, women as a lower lifeform are incapable of speech

Incapable of speech? I thought we're the ones who keep talking and you're just the supposedly strong, silent type mute :) As to lower life form..hmm, you would not be here posting if it was not for your mother. You really should have thought a little before you post. Live up to the nic you chose, 'Sokrates". The Greeks are embarrassed now.
guesswho  4 | 1272
10 May 2011   #58
You're a woman, women as a lower lifeform are incapable of speech therefore you couldnt adress me just now!

are you serious about it?
Havok  10 | 902
10 May 2011   #59
You're a woman, women as a lower lifeform are incapable of speech therefore you couldnt adress me just now!

You're a f o c k i n g idiot. Dude please don't say that anywhere else for your own sake.

You will tell that to the wrong guy one day and you'll get your teeth knocked out. You will tell that to the wrong girl and she will taser the crap out of you.

Do you realize that there are husbands and fathers out there with daughters and wives whom they really love and would love to shoot you for saying this crap.
Eurola  4 | 1898
10 May 2011   #60
He made a very embarrassing statement. I hope he will recover from it... I listened to a Polish radio station yesterday and kids were talking. Wow! Six year olds were already saying some 'macho' things. Polish fathers tend to disrespect their wives and women in general, apparently. (Where would the kid take the ideas from?) It was funny what the boys said, but it was alarming too. I can't even imagine, and I never heard American six year old saying this kind of stuff. Pretty sad.

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