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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

Novichok  4 | 8485
7 Jan 2021   #511
Work on your logic again. Out of wedlock doesn't necessarily mean single

My logic is so perfect I am in awe of myself. "Out of wedlock" is an old term and means that the sperm donor is gone from the kid's life. If he is paying, it's a miracle.

Bottom line: 70% of black kids DO NOT HAVE fathers at home. Or even mothers and many are being raised by their grandmothers who are often in their forties.

Feel better now?

But statistically man are awful more often and to a bigger degree when it comes to violence

To the outsiders, not to their families. I don't know of any man who would murder his own small kids, with full premeditation, because he felt bad that day or they were an obstacle to dating.

Just one more thing...Women never learn. This includes how babies are made. How else would we explain a single woman who has four kids - each from a different sperm donor?
Lenka  5 | 3529
7 Jan 2021   #512
"Out of wedlock" is an old term and means that the sperm donor is gone from the kid's life.

No, it means parents aren't married. Not the same thing. If you used it that way fine but it's misleading

because he felt bad that day

He does it without a reason.

How else would we explain a single woman who has four kids - each from a different sperm donor?

Probably the same way as we will explain a guy having kids with different women...
johnny reb  49 | 7927
7 Jan 2021   #513
So see, men are equal to women by admission of your own reasoning.
Case closed.
Novichok  4 | 8485
7 Jan 2021   #515
Probably the same way as we will explain a guy having kids with different women...

Not even close. Men are never stuck with the kids. Women are. Yet, women are still stupid enough to ignore this statistical fact and "fall in love" with another bum while ignoring that they already have three kids with three different bums like the current one.

Yes, men are bad, but women are just plain stupid in this respect.
pawian  226 | 27475
7 Jan 2021   #516
the jobs capable of supporting a family disappear. This forced women to go to work.

Of course not. Women were forced to go to work during WW1 which was started and waged by crazy white male supremacists. A lot of them got killed on all fronts so women stayed in factories and other workplaces. Soon, they realised they could become independent through work and not rely on fake alphaville boys any longer.

I think you definitely should read more about basic social and cultural processes of 20th century and the resulting changes.

Watch this site with photos of British women

Female lumberjacks

  • Agriculture_in_Brita.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8485
7 Jan 2021   #517
Women were forced to go to work during WW1

We already have one Crow. That's enough for one forum.

My post is about the China syndrome - swallowing manufacturing from every country. Did you buy an electronic gizmo lately? Where was it made? So why do you bs me about WW1?

With the manufacturing jobs gone, what's left are service jobs that pay s**t and do not produce wealth. That is why the wives had to go to work and effectively compete with their husbands, which suppressed wages even more, not because standing by a cash register is such a challenging and stimulating occupation.
pawian  226 | 27475
7 Jan 2021   #518
That is why the wives had to go to work

Oh, I see. And you suggest it started happening in 1990s when China began to flood the world with cheap products. So, before that time, women hadn`t worked?.

Hmm, when was the last time you read sth about it?????

So why do you bs me about WW1?

I am telling you educational info but you reject it.
Lenka  5 | 3529
7 Jan 2021   #519
standing by a cash register is such a challenging and stimulating occupation.

I would definitely take it over staying at home after let's say maximum the kid's second birthday
Novichok  4 | 8485
8 Jan 2021   #520
I would definitely take it over staying at home

I totally agree. 24/7 motherhood is the most brain depleting activity ever. My point is that it's a false choice - cash register or the kitchen sink. If he makes decent money there are other choices for his wife. When he makes almost nothing flipping the proverbial burgers, her list of choices is down to one - make french fries across the street or be homeless.
pawian  226 | 27475
8 Jan 2021   #521
24/7 motherhood is the most brain depleting activity ever.

yes, that is why women expect their male partners to engage more into it.
Ironside  50 | 12946
8 Jan 2021   #522
I have noticed that I have ignored an original OP years ago - thinking it is BS.
However level of this threat just degenerated in 2021 and became even more imponent and pointless,. Between self-proclaimed genius from a liquor store and leftie no-brains with slogans.

In Norway we probably have one of the highest number of women in managing or senior positions in the world,

Wrong in would be Poland. Given the fact in Norway you have that law that makes it compulsory to put women in seniors position and Poland doesn't

My problem is that I feel that the polish workers have problems with me being their boss, since I'm a woman.

Mostly likely you are incompetent and they have noticed that.
Novichok  4 | 8485
8 Jan 2021   #523
Agreed 100%. There is no greater reward than the smiles you get when you wash their little butts in the bathroom sink.
Now, take it easy....It was about our kids so suppress the urge...
pawian  226 | 27475
8 Jan 2021   #524
it compulsory to put women in seniors position and Poland doesn't

Not yet. But the trend already present in the USA and Western Europe will surely reach Poland too.
Novichok  4 | 8485
8 Jan 2021   #525
And the difference between this idiocy and the Soviet-style partymemembersfirst rule is what exactly?
pawian  226 | 27475
8 Jan 2021   #526
Crucial. Because we need to modify your slogan - not party members first, but party members only. While with sex equality in workplaces, it is never only.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
8 Jan 2021   #527
I would definitely take it over staying at home after let's say maximum the kid's second birthday

I don't blame you.
The most crucial years of a child's learning is 2-6 years old.
Especially discipline and manners.
The terrible two's is when a mother starts earning her keep.
To skip out and palm those duties off on her husband or a nanny shows a bias gender equality.
Novichok  4 | 8485
8 Jan 2021   #528
but party members only.

BS again. My father never belonged to PZPR but still had many benefits including a flat on Nowy Swiat (47a m 4) and foreign trips but no access to the special stores.

Any affirmative action is beyond moronic as it discriminates on the basis of reproductive organs and pigment. Strangely, it is applied only where the victims are white men.
pawian  226 | 27475
8 Jan 2021   #529
My father never belonged to PZPR but still had many benefits

That`s like mine.
But you missed the point - I remodelled your slogan into party members only coz we were talking about executives/directors. Only party members could be ones.
Lenka  5 | 3529
8 Jan 2021   #531
Quoting yourself and praising it is...creepy
pawian  226 | 27475
8 Jan 2021   #532
That`s in case we missed it. :):)
Novichok  4 | 8485
8 Jan 2021   #533
You didn't miss it. You ignored it because it was inconvenient and true.
pawian  226 | 27475
8 Jan 2021   #534
Of course not. We don`t have a problem with setting quotas of women and coloured people for top positions. White males in top positions tended to choose other white males and the circle was closed. They rejected women and blacks only on the basis of reproductive organs and race, now it is forbidden. And we have our perfect balance in nature. Simple.
Lenka  5 | 3529
8 Jan 2021   #535
I ignored it because you went into your 'let's say anything to get a reaction' mode
Poloniusz  5 | 969
8 Jan 2021   #536
We don`t have a problem with setting quotas of women and coloured people for top positions.

Totally unnatural because such ideological mandates are only found only in "woke" tyrannical regimes.

White males in top positions tended to choose other white males

Asian males in top positions tended to choose other Asian males. Black males in top positions tended to choose other black males.

Completely natural. The very essence of human nature. Birds of a feather flocking together. Such freedoms of association and natural groupings are found all over the Earth.

we have our perfect balance in nature. Simple.

The programmed rhetoric of an NPC simpleton. One of Communism's biggest delusional lies is that the party can dominate and control nature especially the humanity it subjugates.
pawian  226 | 27475
8 Jan 2021   #537
such ideological mandates are only found only in "woke" tyrannical regimes.

Namely the USA. Or Norway. Yes, you are an expert on tyrannies. :):)

Completely natural.

Yes, but not all natural phenomena are beneficial to people. Earthquakes are also natural but you wouldn`t call them beneficial, right????

the party can dominate and control nature

Communist pary control over nature created the imbalance, not balance. Here we are talking about regaining balance after centuries of mistreatment of women and people of colour for no other reasons than race and reproductive organs. Simple.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
8 Jan 2021   #538
Namely the USA. Or Norway.

Good examples of feminist countries and their "woke" tyrannical agendas. Why would you want such an unnatural state of affairs for Poland?

Earthquakes are also natural but you wouldn`t call them beneficial, right????

Not just beneficial but necessary for life on Earth to exist.

regaining balance

Nope. You can't even provide a metric on how to measure this and know when you are in balance or how to maintain it.
Paulina  19 | 4458
8 Jan 2021   #539
not all men are lazy good for nothing creeps either as this thread wants to portray them.

Not all, but in Poland majority of them are (probably simply because they were raised like this) and it looks like you and some other men would like it to stay that way.

I didn't need to see those statistics because I live here and I know this from real life... but I'm posting them for those male supremacists who live in their American La La Land where women spend their husbands' money away and are more violent than men by attacking them with their 2-inch stilettos... lol

CBOS research from 2018 - table on page 2 compares data for years 2002, 2006, 2013 and 2018:

House chores in Poland in 2018:

cooking - only women - 65%
washing dishes - only women - 56%
cleaning - only women - 61%
thorough cleaning (washing windows, beating the rugs, etc.) - only women - 57%
doing the laundry - only women - 82%
ironing - only women - 81%
everyday shopping - only women - 37%

In addition it's mainly women who take care of children here. You also have to take into account the fact that majority of women work in Poland (not "some", but majority).

So, to sum it up - women work, cook, clean, are doing the laundry, take care of children, etc... and what men do?

So, doing the chores is so natural to me and I feel great with it. And I teach my sons to do them, too. .

Paw, you're seriously my personal hero right now... :)
Btw, my mother, who's from countryside, always repeated that I should learn to cook so I could cook for my husband. She never told my brother that he should learn to cook too. The irony of this is that he learned to cook before me... in the army lol So it was the army that taught him this basic life skill and not my mother. Go figure... And good that he did learn, because his wife doesn't exactly excel at cooking ;)) I think his time in the army made him more independent in general and thanks to this he isn't such a momma's boy like many men here are, who can't (or are unwilling) to do anything around the house.

Has anyone seen that show "Tata w tarapatach" ("Dad in trouble")? A grown man doesn't know how to operate a washing machine and how to do the laundry - his 5-year-old daughter had to help him... Pathetic...

I don't know of any man who would murder his own small kids, with full premeditation, because he felt bad that day

You know very little about this world then. Try watching one of those crime and investigation channels. One case from Australia that shocked the whole country - a father killed his little daughter to get back at his ex-wife (there were also his sons in the car, but he chose the girl):

Btw, the child survived the fall at first, as far as I remember, but died later on - they couldn't save her...
Novichok  4 | 8485
8 Jan 2021   #540
You can't even provide a metric on how to measure this

He will not admit the most obvious: you don't replace one discrimination with another discrimination. You stop it.
Hey, pawian, if I kill your dog, it doesn't mean you are allowed to kill mine.

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