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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #361
right yes being in favour of women's rights makes you equivalent to a psychotic organisation

You should be used to it by now. It's not like it will convince this young girls to suddenly accept the situatuon
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #362
Exactly pawian.

City families don't even have cars and if they did the woman would have as much chance of diagnosing problems as the man wd. That is about zero.

These days you can't even replace a light bulb on the headlights yourself.

And we don't have lawns. We are not living inwhite picket fence suburban America are we?

So that's down to taking the rubbish out then...
2 minutes a week'?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Jan 2021   #363
, mowing the lawn, doing snow removal,

JR dont forget you talking to europos* they dont live in houses most freaking dont even know what a yard is lol 20 sq ft they call a LAWN.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #364
Even if there was half an acre of lawn mowing it a few times a year wdnt be much if a contribution wd it?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
4 Jan 2021   #365
You guys should lookmup nina adach and youll see what polish women are really like and laugh at their idea of feminism. literally i see her with a diff foreign guy every time i would see her at these meetups she goes to. in my opinion she makes a mockery of polish women and puts all women to shame.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #366
2 minutes a week'?

Exactly. And then such a fake macho bum goes around proud as a peacock and boasts of his immense contribution. And later when kids are adult and his wife leaves him coz she has had enough of being a servant, he is oh soo much surprised and cries what injustice is taking place.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
4 Jan 2021   #367
would you rather be a fake macho bum or someone like nina adach pawian?
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #368
his wife leaves him coz she has had enough of being a servant, he is oh soo much surprised

Funny you said that. I have 3 couples around with small kids and one is splitting right now and 2 others are in serious troubles. Mostly due to women having enough of all the work.and I'm not talking about silly flings but 17 years together, 10 and 7
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Jan 2021   #369
Even if there was half an acre of lawn mowing it a few times a year wdnt be much if a contribution wd it?

Seriously try with a push on lawn mower thrice a month,I bet you will never eat slim fast diet.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #370
Funny you said that

Well, it is actually life, which we know from our experience. My wife says about 2/3 of her female classmates are already divorced - disappointed with their good for nothing fake macho husbands or betrayed by them and also having enough as a result.

Now, let`s think how young boys can be reared to be of real assistance when adult. First of all, mothers have to engage their sons into housework more - even while cooking, why not? Toy kitchen set for boys! . Secondly, fathers should give a good example, too. This all takes place in our family.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #371
I don't need a slim fast diet thanks all the same.

We had one of those bloody heavy push things when I was a child at home I remember it well.

I think the parents scrapped it off at some point in about 1975 and got an electric one.

You're not still.using one are you? Lol.

My son loves shopping and planning and up after.....not so much . But he is only least he doesn't expect to be waited on.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #372
Seriously try with a push on lawn mower thrice a month

If the area is large, you get yourself a self propelled model. Simple.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #373
mothers have to engage their sons into housework more - even while cooking, why not?

Those pictures of a kid making uszka in Dyrdymalki were of a 4 year old boy. He also bakes and cooks, likes to clean (to a certain degree) . He also helps with repairs, screwing furniture together and small maintenance of the car. So hopefully one day he can be a fully independent adult that won't have to rely on a female
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #374
one day he can be a fully independent adult that won't have to rely on a female

That`s a role model to follow by other kids as well as their parents.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Jan 2021   #375
Anyone here who is not married and does not have kids, please don't speak on any subject involving men in the family life.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #376
King Rich has spoken ROFL
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #377
I am so disappointed that an unemployed young man in his early 30s is treating my daughter like a domestic appliance while he sits and plays C. of D.

Like I said if he was playing some traditional role in the family it wouldn't seem so bad but he's not....
I blame his parents tbh.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Jan 2021   #378
King Rich has spoken ROFL

Not a king... just a guy who is normal with 2 kids and 4 grandkids...and married for 50 years.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #379
Well then I am sure you have been a good husband or it wouldn't have lasted that long.
Be honest family life is a minefield and if you can cross it together and still be holding hands at the end then there's a good job done .xx
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #380
unemployed young man in his early 30s is treating my daughter like a domestic appliance while he sits and plays C. of D.

What does she say about it? And is he at least looking for work?

Not a king

But you try to tell others what to so. If a young girl came here and said 'I'm not in a relationship because I don't want to clean and cook for a man, even my man' her opinion would be as valid as yours if not more considering we are talking about recent changes
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #381
Anyone here who is not married and does not have kids

Sorry, it isn`t a sufficient requirement. You should also add: and hasn`t witnessed such an attitude and situations in his/her own family, close and extended, as well as among neighbours and acquaintances. Didn`t I mention that young girls observe such behaviour and draw negative conclusions???

I will mercifully skip seeing it in soap operas etc.

Nevertheless, we could sum it all up into:
Anyone here who was born in the woods and raised by wolves, please don't speak on any subject involving men in the family life.

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #382
Oh she is pretty fed up Lenka I think she will leave soon. He didn't even let her stay in bed resting after EMCS she had to be up and back to normal.

He said he could have handled being sliced open perfectly well and so should she...
(EMCS - emergency cesarean section)

Probably she should have refused to get out of bed for six weeks and demanded a bit of care but we are all used to acting tougher than that. Not sure if it's to our advantage.

No he is not looking for work it's hopeless here in Wales right now and a new lockdown etc
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Jan 2021   #383
Sorry, it isn`t a sufficient requirement.

It is as sufficient as the one that says to keep your mouth shut about a movie you didn't see, the book you didn't read, or nuclear physics you didn't study. I-net is not enough.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #384
He didn't even let her stay in bed resting after EMCS

What a son of a .....! What is his nationality?

to keep your mouth shut about a movie you didn't see,

So it doesn`t apply in our debate. Didn`t I say and hasn`t witnessed such an attitude and situations in his/her own family,
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #386
Does it mean Wales has a similar problem with fake macho males as Poland? 6% helpers at home?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #387
Something like that I suspect but I wouldn't want to say that 'they're all like that'.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #388
He said he could have handled being sliced open perfectly well and so should she...

What an as*... how did she came up with him? Love is seriously blind.

Probably she should have refused to get out of bed for six weeks

That wouldn't be good for her but he should have taken almost all things on himself save breastfeeding and some cuddles with the baby. I remember seeing women after cc (that didn't go completely up to plan it seems as she was out for a long time) and the midwifes were training the dad in taking care of the twins.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Jan 2021   #389
Even if there was half an acre of lawn mowing it a few times a year wdnt be much if a contribution wd it?

Except I do mine once a week like most people with homes and it takes about 3 hours on a riding mower to do an acre after trimming between the trees and shrubs.

You want to talk about one extreme I will tall about the other one.

My wife says about 2/3 of her female classmates are already divorced - disappointed with their good for nothing fake macho husbands o

My male friends say about 2/3rds of their female classmates are already divorced - disappointed in good for nothing dead weight that text all day while their back sides get wider and wider.

Once their guts hangs over their stretch pants and they look like real pigs they quit putting make up on and taking showers on a regular bases.

They can't even get out of bed in the morning to get their kids off to school.
These worthless burdens to my males friends do nothing around the house except run up the debt on the credit cards by ordering un essentials off the internet.

And the way the laws have changed if the man dares raise his voice at these fat ass losers it constitutes verbal assault and he goes to jail while she sits home in squalor texting her loser girlfriends who have been dumped also, about how to push him into divorce so she gets the house, alimony, welfare from free health care to food stamps and a free car while the old man pays an outrageous amount child support for each child to be spent anyways the woman sees fit even if it is on her $150 a month cell phone and $150 a month cable t.v., her cigarettes and several bottles of wine a week.

Still want to provoke with your cunning remarks about the worthless man in your support for the Fem Club, Peter Pan ?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #390
Oh ok so you have a big garden and a ride on mower!
Good for you.
Can we get a picture of you sat on it in your big garden?
You could put a bag over your head if you worry about being identified.
'Most people with homes...what do you mean by that?
We all have homes.
If your big garden and ride on mower takes you more than an hour a are doing something wrong.

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