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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

Strzelec35  19 | 830
4 Jan 2021   #331
look up ubisoft and what happened there and womens rights.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #332
The problem is that they never do.

There are about 7.5 billion people in the world. One third of them adult females. How many did you sleep with in the same bedroom so that you can claim they never do?

I am by doubting the leftard narrative in the first place

You have the right to doubt such notions as equality etc. But then don`t complain about the extinction of the white race, please.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Jan 2021   #333
How many did you sleep with in the same bedroom so that you can claim they never do?

Exactly as many men you lived with to notice that (1) they are racists, (2) supremacists, and (3) that they don't help around the house.
That many. Are we cool now?
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #334
that they don't help around the house.

It is simple - there are statistics for that. 6% males in partnerships help in the house in Poland. Far too few.

Do you know any statistics for getting up at night and going down to check? Sources, please.

I got you. hahaha

that (1) they are racists, (2) supremacists,

BTW, to finish it off. Where did I claim that all males are racists, supremacists, chauvinists etc. ???
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Jan 2021   #335
Do you know any statistics for getting up at night and going down to check?

As I already explained - the lesson you missed - that some things are axiomatic and do not require proof.
I don't have any statistics on how many plane crashes were caused by women pilots to know that the numbers are in single digits - if that many Why? Because I never saw a woman pilot in the cockpit. All of them were serving drinks. We call them flight attendants or, in the past, stewardesses.

Same with tire's 100% men. No links, no Wikipedias, just eyes connected to the brain.

Where did I claim that all males are racists, supremacists,

Now you hurt my feeeelings. No, I am not that stupid to touch that loaded question. Try it with somebody else...
kondzior  11 | 1026
4 Jan 2021   #336
males in partnerships help in the house

Don't you ever get bored of those retarded empty platitudes? "Partnerships ".

The western world is being dismantled precisely because of this wishy-washy sentimentalism that is death to all spirituality by virtue of it's suffocating banality.

It's like you think life is a romcom. Do you seriously, genuinely believe people have "partnerships"? That men and women are attracted to each other because they like their respective subjectivities? Don't you see there are more primal forces a work (and i don't mean merely biological ones)?
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #337
that some things are axiomatic and do not require proof.

And I already explained that it is a very stupid attitude. Nothing is axiomatic in this world anymore. Don`t claim it coz it descredits the claimer. :):)

Try it with somebody else...

That means you retreat in disarray. My fav moment in strategic games like Cossacks etc. hahahaha

The western world is being dismantled

No, the Western world is dismantled coz males are at a loss what to do with independent women. They - males- are still unprepared to be real partners for women coz they believe in that supremacy macho idiocy. At the same time they are getting more and more frustrated and insecure which also doesn`t help. Sth must be done quickly coz the number of incels is growing and the extinction of the white race is looming. But suppressing women into man`s servants like in the past is out of question, of course.
kondzior  11 | 1026
4 Jan 2021   #338
Western world is dismantled coz males are at a loss what to do with independent women

... and are replaced with with thirdworlders who refuse to be emasculated and let the masculine principle to work together with the feminine principle to create and provide for the furthering and general health of society.

In the main, I am not opposed to women pursuing which ever path they chose for themselves, whether it's science, art or whatever, as long as the principle of masculinity and the principle of femininity remain well defined entities. But that is not what is happening you see? Neither masculinity nor femininity have any meaning anymore, and women are encouraged, nay, almost arm twisted in partaking into activities which have traditionally been the domain of men and which require a level of conceptual ability most women simply do not posses, for whatever we might say about the exception, the reality of gender is the rule. For every woman who can think conceptual there are thousands more who's only concern is nurturing (yes, that's the god damn kitchen), and they will bring nurturing with them into the conceptual world of man and by extension destroying this world. That is, btw, why men are so intimidated by women, and once women begin to flock into their world, men will simply move somewhere else, until there's no where else to go at which point they will retire into idleness and self indulgence.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Jan 2021   #339
the Western world is dismantled coz males are at a loss what to do with independent women.

It's being dismantled coz it became matriarchal to the puking point. That toxic masculinity, you know. In the meantime, China and the Muslim countries are looking at the weasels like you and the Germans here and think: we didn't know it would be THAT easy!

Do you know how to tell if you are in a matriarchal mess? It's when every perversion is normal and every life is oh so precious that we should spend "whatever it takes" to save it - except for abortions, of course. Those are fine, no matter how many.

In the meantime, even young men have breasts and are too fat to serve.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Jan 2021   #340
The Bible says that the woman is the weaker vessel and should be treated as such.
Like Atch said......may I paraphrase ........If a man is taking care of his woman properly then the woman is happy seeing her man is happy.

Seems Non-Christians insist on doing it their way, instead of God's way, and fall flat on their faces.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #341
Are you undergoing some kind of teen rebelling or you are just naturally contrary?

No, I just believe that if a guy feels so strongly that having both parents working will destroy his family I completely understand and support 100% him quitting his job and taking care of his family. I'm all love.

Western world is dismantled coz males are at a loss what to do with independent women

It's actually amazing to see. It starts to look as if the two sexes will keep on separating more and more as women won't be willing to go back and man seem unwilling to adapt to the new reality. In the end it will be cooking and cleaning that will destroy modern family

The biggest part is the disbelief that women actually said fu*k that I would rather be on my own than agree to that. Up to then the shame of being single was stronger. Not anymore
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #342
Well the bible also says 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth' but these days you wd get arrested for such carry on.

Anyway it's like I said to my daughter the other don't mind a guy expecting dinner on the table etc if he is doing his bit, going out to work, being kind, .......maybe building me a house in his spare time...(jokes)

But certain guys want to play the big man without anything to back it up.
Sadly these days a lot of people aren't working at all, male or female. So it kind of makes the argument obsolete.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #343
if he is doing his bit, going out to work, being kind,

What if I go to work and am kind too?

I seriously would rather built a flat pack than clean.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #344
Like Atch said......may I paraphrase ........If a man is taking care of his woman properly

Yes, exactly. Now tell us, what can a man do to take care of a woman in the 21st century???

if he is doing his bit,

6% Polish males help in the house. 6. And women see it and decide they won`t be servants anymore.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #345
Also.... (warming to theme now) families can't survive on just one salary and it's really not fair to men to expect them to shoulder this financial burden alone is it?

Anyway why are we even having this conversation my mother who was born in 1933 worked all her life married or not, with a few years off for children in fact all our neighbouring women of that generation had jobs.

Except one and you sometimes saw her running with a trolley of clothes to the launderette even tho she had a perfectly good washing machine ....just to get away from the house. ....

I think her husband was an abusive knut now I recall.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Jan 2021   #346
Now tell us, what can a man do to take care of a woman in the 21st century???

Buy all the assets on her name with no obligations like myself:)
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #347
Anyway why are we even having this conversation

Because the alternative is silence and the dissolution of the forum as a result. :):):)
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #348
mother who was born in 1933 worked all her life married or not, in fact all our neighbouring women of that generation had jobs.

Same here. My grandma too btw.

But this is not about women going to work but guys doing their share around the house.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #349
But this is not about women going to work but guys doing their share around the house.

Yes. The problem is that 90% males aren`t able to maintain the family without their wife`s/partner`s salary. So, females have to work. Additionally, they have to cook, take care of kids, do the shopping, clean the house while the master sits on the sofa and expects to be served coz he is so tired after work and needs to relax.

That`s the situation that fekking male chauvinists are dreaming of keeping for ever.

Fekk mać! Women! Don`t allow those fake macho bums control you anymore! If it is not too late, I mean kids now, tell them to join in or get the fekk out of the house and your life. Kick them out if necessary.

Either males change their lousy attitude or the white race shall die out.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
4 Jan 2021   #350

lol investment bankers. thats what they are all expecting now every dude to be some hot shot like dirk?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #351
Pfff forget it.

That's woman's work I am afraid altho I have seen that some exceptional men can be trained, with patience and lots of positive reinforcement to do the washing up or take the bins out.

In fact my dad does the cooking and shopping in his house so I shouldn't be so cynical. I think he took over the job in order to get some edible dinners.

Plus when he retired his wife was still working full time so it didn't really make sense for him to do nothing while she ran about.

He is 85 now sadly his sensible attitude doesn't seem to have trickled down the generations.

My daughters babyfather doesn't lift a finger.

I use the term 'babyfather' rather than partner as that is all he has brought to the relationship. His c*ck.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #352
That's woman's work I am afraid altho I have seen that some exceptional men can be trained to do the washing up .

If that was the case we would have to come to the conclusion that man are actually beneath women and as a true feminist I refuse to accept that:D
Strzelec35  19 | 830
4 Jan 2021   #353
" These women didn't strike me as being especially gullible; they were just looking for love from the confines of their homes like so many others."

more like looking for a wallet and a free ride. Am I the only one who doesn't feel sorry for then?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Jan 2021   #355
man beneath women

Yes please, even less effort expended
johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Jan 2021   #356
what can a man do to take care of a woman in the 21st century???

Simple, it's the Neo Nazi Feminists that don't want to be taken care of as they would rather walk on a man in shear bitterness or have a little limp wristed weasel that squats to pee to 'control'.

You can't make those kind of females happy no matter what unless she has you hanging by your nuts in a bear trap making you as miserable as possible.

But this is not about women going to work but guys doing their share around the house.

And the guy would like a little more help maintaining the car, mowing the lawn, doing snow removal, stoking the fire to keep the house warm, playing taxi, doing maintenance on the house, and the other duties the man is expected to do.

Gender equality is not a 50/50 thing.
Selfishness is the number one reason for divorce !
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #357
My daughters babyfather doesn't lift a finger.

Yes, and then daughters and other young females see it and they come to the conclusion they don`t want to spend their lives serving a good for nothing fake macho bum. They prefer to stay on their own than be a slave.

Kondzior, how are you going to persuade women of the 21st century they should change their views?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Jan 2021   #358
Oh right yes being in favour of women's rights makes you equivalent to a psychotic organisation calling for the destruction of world Jewry.
Ok boomer.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Jan 2021   #359
Few things illustrate the ultimate irony of Pawianworld than "progressive" girls competing with and losing to the girls with prostate glands.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #360

You are shunning the answer. I asked you what a man can do to take care of a woman in the 21st century? and it implied specific examples of help.

help maintaining the car

Modern cars are too complicated to be repaired on your own. If you do it, it is your expertise hobby so don`t engage your woman into it.

mowing the lawn, doing snow removal,

Yes, but half families live in flats, not detached houses. Besides, most detached houses have tiny lawns - if a man mows it once a week for 10 minutes, is it a great help? And I could continue dealing with your arguments in that manner so let me sum up - be serious.

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