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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

ZIMMY  6 | 1601
6 Sep 2011   #271
I guess what I'm saying Zimmy is that there are finally measures in place to make the world a little less stratified and a little more equitable across the board for *all* minority groups (and, yes, this includes women).

Only a liberal would call a the majority of the population a "minority". With liberals everything is indeed relative.There are no truths.

your prejudice views would be wisely avoided in any workplace. God forbid you start mouthing off in the lunchroom and bring about a legal case for your employer.

My views are logical and fact-based which of course means that they are "politically incorrect" in todays western societies which have been administered by professional leftists for 4 decades now. That especially includes academia and the media.

You lunch room example is typical. I've heard women get away with comments that men would be punished for. This is no secret and anyone who works with men and women knows this empirically.

don't waste your f*cking time trying to bring OUR opinions back into the dark ages...

You're in the dark ages now and that's because your reflexes automatically discount facts which are inconvenient to you. Our cultures have lost common sense. Women are catered to in a variety of ways which omit men. Here is the latest in "political correctness" .....
Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 May 2015   #272
Merged: Women more equal than others?,1202967-Zandarmeria--czy-Fuszara-dyskryminuje-mezczyzn-ze-wzgledu-na-wzrost.html

Rzepa has reported that equality minister Fuszara had been pressuring the defence ministry to introduce inequality in their recuitment practices. Military gendarmes are required to be at least 175 cm tall, but Fuszara wanted that lowered as a special consideration to females. The paper reprorts the ministry succumbed to the pressure and has lowered the reruirement but only for females. Men still have to stand 175 cm tall. Just shows to go that feminists can eat their cake and still have it.

Rabid feminists have long been screaming for parity, but only in cushy government posts, executive positions and other well-paid and prestigious decision-making jobs. They're in no hurry to constitute 50% of all dustmen, deep-sea fishermen and coal miners.
Holly Salem
18 Feb 2016   #273
Fantastic discussion . I was enlightened by the info , Does anyone know if my assistant might be able to obtain a blank CBP 434 document to edit ?
johnny reb  49 | 7985
16 Oct 2017   #274
I am disturbed and offended by your assumption that Poland is some backward place where women have no rights.

On the contrary..............
Poland has just lowered the retirement age to 60 for women and 65 for men.
Even though women out live men this shows the inequality between men and women with women having more rights then men.
How about making 63 the age for everyone to retire ?
Another question for you Polish women, "If women do the same job for less money, why do employers hire men to do the same job for more money ?"
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Oct 2017   #275
Women tend to take on average lower paid jobs than men - especially in non educated positions. A female secretary, social worker, day care center worker, assistant, waitress, etc. will make less money than a male welder, construction worker, plumber, etc. In the same positions, women get paid around the same though.. a waitress makes the same as a waiter. All the women working in customer service, sales, accounting, etc all make the same wages as the men - they all start at the same salary for said position and increases marginally based on experience, aptitude, etc. Of course a woman in PR, HR, or in a secratarial position is going to make less than a regional sales manager, financial analyst, programmer (most people in IT are overwhelmingly men - it doesnt mean average salaries are like way higher for male programmer than female though) A female lawyer and male lawyer will make roughly the same as well. The whole 'wage discrimination' thing for the most part is bs...

Where it does exist though quite a lot is in asia and its more based on race. There's stories of black English teachers from US going to S Korea or China and being told straight up we wanted a white American/brit to teach English, not a black one...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
16 Oct 2017   #276
A female secretary, social worker, day care center worker, assistant, waitress, etc. will make less money than a male welder, construction worker, plumber, etc.

to be a social worker you need to study for at least 4 years on a degree course. Strange comparison to waitress tbh.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
16 Oct 2017   #277

I'm just using that as an example of fairly lower paid job. Social workers are educated but unfortunately underpaid - regardless of whether they're male or female. Plumbers take actually even up to 6 years of school and training int he US and just yesterday I read an article about a cute young ditsy 19-20 year girl old going into the field. I doubt she'll make much different than a male plumber as she starts going through being a journeyman, apprentice, etc.

There's people who even studied social work, art, criminal justice, or even law and are waiters in fancy restaurants because they'd make more than in whatever field they studied.
johnny reb  49 | 7985
16 Oct 2017   #278
The whole 'wage discrimination' thing for the most part is bs...

Only an intellectual as yourself doesn't stoop to such feminist propaganda that is being used to dumb down males.

Of course a woman in PR, HR, or in a secratarial position is going to make less than a regional sales manager,

Well of course Adrian as you are a very well read person to be able to have such a job above the average lay person.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
22 Nov 2020   #279
I know loads of women in senior positions and men whose bosses are female. It's not rare at all and it's viewed as completely normal.

Hmm, no.

Your old age and outdated communist wishful thinking are showing.

From November 2020:

Young people are the least likely age group to believe that women are as capable at leadership as men, according to a survey that suggests the push for gender equality is struggling.

It's reasonable to conclude that for the Polska A crowd the attitudes would be about in line with Germany and even lower in Polska B.

Everyone knows that for self-serving feminists visibility means everything. But reality always tells another story.

When will these sapphic harridans ever realize that satisfying a HR diversity metric simply won't inspire confidence?
JacekthePole  1 | 51
22 Nov 2020   #280
What is Gender Equality? Is it equal opportunities for all? In which case I am a fan, a very big fan.

Or is equality of outcomes, i.e. positive discrimination, Mao style struggle sessions and left wing hatred of men. in which case I am most definately not a fan.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
22 Nov 2020   #281
Feminists preach gender equality but in practice they want to advance and secure female entitlement.

There is not a single feminist issue, policy or law which has sought to address and correct the imbalance of female privilege.
Ironside  50 | 12955
22 Nov 2020   #282
What is Gender Equality?

It an imaginary world where women can do all that men can but better, however women are discriminated against and hold back by the powerful organization ruled by white men. All white men disagreeing with that take on the issue are a part of the conspiracy and a part of the patriarchy.

Generally the worlds history is a history of oppression. Men were oppressing women for centuries.
pawian  226 | 27568
22 Nov 2020   #283
yes, that is why we have to stand up and fight!!

  • tumblr_p61dzvioEu1vh.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8558
22 Nov 2020   #284
I see you love riddles.
So, I will bite...Dosc of what? Please, I beg you, no cute one-liners or meaningless words like "oppression".
And who is "we"? Are you an oppressed woman?
And fight whom? Their husbands and brothers?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
22 Nov 2020   #285
I don't oppress my wife, I wouldn't dare.
pawian  226 | 27568
22 Nov 2020   #286
I see you love riddles.

Every. Single. Time. They are excellent practice for our minds. Do you want to delay your Alzheimer tomorrow? Do riddles today. That is my newest one-liner. hahaha.

.Dosc of what?

Very easy answer - enough of telling women what is morally good or bad by morally corrupt octogenarian rogues, either in purple cassocks (bishops) or grey suits (politicians.).

Shortly speaking, wypierdalać!

And who is "we"? Are you an oppressed woman?

Do you know what empathy is?

And fight whom? Their husbands and brothers?

If husbands are abusive, then yes, of course.
But I have no idea why you included those brothers - doesn`t make sense.
Novichok  4 | 8558
22 Nov 2020   #287
Every. Single. Time. They are excellent practice for our minds.

So is chanting and meditating. Just don't do it here where some poor suckers like me tend to take you seriously.

enough of telling women what is morally good or bad

Tell them not to listen and define by themselves the concept of what is morally good and what is bad. See how a brilliant mind - mine - can work miracles?

Do you know what empathy is?

Yes, but it never made me ID myself as "black", disabled, or a dinner-ready chicken.

But I have no idea why you included those brothers - doesn`t make sense.

Happy to help. I meant all men women often love and, according to you, should see as enemies - a classic feminazi attitude.
Just as with the whites. All evil, by definition.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
22 Nov 2020   #288
enough of telling women

Yep, and with that you are proving once again that entitled feminists never want to be questioned because they don't care what the other half of society thinks.

This shows that they (and you) inherently and demonstrably lack leadership skills and shouldn't be given such positions of trust.


The recent article I provided showed that it is young people across the West and in particular "progressive" European countries who find that women can't live up to what is required to be a leader.

In short, no one wants to work for bossy female brats and feminists are too solipsistic and entitled to figure this out.

Feminism, like communism, has failed because it is a mental illness which has no place in normal society.
pawian  226 | 27568
22 Nov 2020   #289
So is chanting and meditating

Nope, those are passive mind occupations, while riddles are active. Think it over. :):)

define by themselves the concept of what is morally good and what is bad

Certainly they know that telling them to bear deformed fetuses isn`t morally good, especially that they won`t get too much help and assistance with the care of a disabled child from the state which forces them to it.

I hope it wasn`t too long a sentence for you. :):)

I meant all men women often love and, according to you, should see as enemies

That wasn`t too clever of you. Think it over. Where did I say that women should see their brothers as enemies?

demonstrably lack leadership skills and shouldn't be given such positions of trust.

Those are tall stories invented and propagated by false macho supremacist losers who want to keep their control over women but aren`t able to due to being general life failures.

Feminism, like communism, has failed

I know that communism failed. As for feminism, it is news to me. Where did you read about it??
Novichok  4 | 8558
22 Nov 2020   #290
Certainly they know that telling them to bear deformed fetuses isn`t morally good

I am in total agreement here on two conditions: (1) we need to first agree on who and how decides what "deformed" means, and (2) that a woman would be sterilized after the procedure.

That wasn`t too clever of you. Think it over.

I thought it over and decided that I am clever enough. Follow this...There only two genders, not 73.

Women who want to fight their oppressors would be dumb to fight other women, presumably just as oppressed. That leaves men. So, being as brilliant as I am, I looked around, did some googling, and came up with: grandpas, dad, brothers, sons, and that evil bastard husband, now at work.

It would be hard to justify fighting men and exclude your own, wouldn't it, under the rule that all men are inherently evil - according to the movement. Plus, nepotism is evil, too.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
22 Nov 2020   #291
Where did you read about it??

OMG! This has been known across the political spectrum for years now!

On the Left, the confessions of regretful women as told in a leftwing rag!

The Case Against Contemporary Feminism

"It's a self-serving brand...a narcissistic reflexive thought process...inflecting our personal desires and decisions with political righteousness while neatly avoiding political accountability."

And on the Right!

A young person's guide to the failure of feminism

"Young people are the chief victims of feminism. No good can come of an ideology built on lies."
pawian  226 | 27568
22 Nov 2020   #292
Women who want to fight their oppressors

It seems you are going against your own words now. Didn`t you tell me before to avoid meaningless slogans and one liners??? hahaha

Please, I beg you, no cute one-liners or meaningless words like "oppression".

This has been known across the political spectrum for years now!

Really? You could spare yourself qouting your sources, coz they are useless. The best example of the victory of feminism in the USA is the election of Mr President Joe Bidem and the loss of that women hating clown.
Ironside  50 | 12955
22 Nov 2020   #293

lol! down the rabbit hole
Novichok  4 | 8558
22 Nov 2020   #294
It seems you are going against your own words now. Didn`t you tell me before to avoid meaningless slogans

Technically, you are right, so let me get out of this hole ...

The term "oppression" was first used here by Iron in 282. In your comment in 283, you did not object and, therefore, tacitly accepted it as applicable. So, I took it as if it's your own by adoption. My bad.

The best example of the victory of feminism in the USA is the election of Mr President Joe Biden

One day, future historians will conclude that great nations are built by men and destroyed by women and their unrelenting and non-negotiable demands to make safetism at all costs priority 1, with nothing close behind. Or by men who would act like women. Like today.
pawian  226 | 27568
22 Nov 2020   #295
The term "oppression" was first used here by Iron in 282

Yes, indeed. But the general term opression doesn`t mean we should include all males into it, e.g., brothers and women lovers. When you (impersonal) say you are a meat eater, does it mean you eat all kinds of meat, dog, cat or even human flesh while visiting New Guinea????

great nations are built by men and destroyed by women

Only a true women hater could contoct such a prediction. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8558
22 Nov 2020   #296
It's an old one, but here it is: Behind every man, there is a woman saying that it won't work.

Name one invention by a woman who worked on her own from scratch. We had one recently and are now awaiting her trial for fraud.

And, please, don't make me throw up with another story about Madame Curie. Start with what is in hospitals.

Back to "oppression". Who are the oppressors? Name one.
pawian  226 | 27568
22 Nov 2020   #297
Name one invention by a woman who worked on her own from scratch

hahaha a nice twist from oppressions to inventions.

But, you don`t know what you are asking for, really. It is obvious you didn`t do any research on it.

don't make me throw up with another story about Madame Curie

Certainly it wasn`t my intention. :):)

Back to "oppression". Who are the oppressors? Name one.

I already mentioned them in message 286. You are not a too careful reader - or you are, but only of your own posts. hahaha
Novichok  4 | 8558
22 Nov 2020   #298
Name the oppressors. Just one. Like John Smith. If you don't like the term, make it the enemy.

In a fight or struggle, there are always at least two adversarial parties. Who is the other party, women being one of them?

Unless, of course, women's struggle is total fabrication and bulls**t meant to extract concessions and preferential treatment, aka affirmative action, to artificially overcome their natural aversion to risk and bring the outcomes to be equal by the coercive power of judicial edicts rather than by competition.

Inventions are just a means of showing that women and men are wired differently and for a very good reason. Which makes feminazis go apeshit.

If God meant genders to be equal, He would create Adam and rest. If they are equal, why get sweaty and watch the prototype say no to every little detail God would come up with.
pawian  226 | 27568
22 Nov 2020   #299
Name the oppressors

Go back to post 286 and read it again - I hope it isn`t a too big problem for you - I named three kinds of oppressors there. Tell us who I named. And don`t mention brothers, OK? hahaha

artificially overcome their natural aversion to risk and bring the outcomes to be equal by the coercive power of judicial edicts rather than by competition.

That`s pure mumbo jumbo. Or New Speech. hahaha

Inventions are just a means of showing that women and men are wired differently

And because of that you excuse and support mistreating women?

If God meant genders to be equal

When did you last talk to God to know what/who he/she had intended to create????
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
22 Nov 2020   #300
Anyway it's not 'gender' it's sex. Some people too stupid to know the difference.

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