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How to make a Polish guy happy? (we're moving to Mexico)

Mon1982  1 | -
26 Aug 2010   #1
My boyfriend is moving to Mexico, we are gonna live together and we are extremely happy about it. I went to his house last year and I love him, and his family. What can I do to make him feel like home?
SeanBM  34 | 5781
26 Aug 2010   #2
Hello Mon1982,

And welcome to the Polish forums.

What can I do to make him feel like home?

Try to set up a cheap means of communication between where he is in Mexico and his family in Poland.
Skype is free and you can also have a webcam so he can see his family.

Every now and again try to have "Polish night" when the dinner is Polish, with Polish music and a shot of wodka ;)

Contact the Poland Embassy in Mexico and the Mexico Embassy in Poland and inform them of your move, give all your details, find out of any meetings they have of Polish ex-pats in Mexico.

Also see if there are any Polish in Mexico websites, where he can find out more information, like this one: - Polish in Mexico - Connect with Polish Expats in Mexico

Good luck!
Yucaman  - | 1
14 Sep 2011   #3
If you looking for some additional info.
You can contact me, I am here for last 10 years and Happpy
BigBrownEyes  3 | 20
23 Sep 2011   #4
Are u Mexican an he is Polish? oh that's so nice, im mexican too and i had a crush with a polish guy living here, but i think he already has a polish gf, too bad. But still he gives an eye... and i dont know why. maybe he just wants sex. But nice to hear this from u. Make him feels like home, i think the advices that SeanBM gave u are good. Have success in everything.
jusia9  - | 36
18 Jan 2012   #5
cook him Polish meals ;)
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161
19 Jan 2012   #6
What can I do to make him feel like home?

hmmm.... hard to say.

i hope ur bf isn't a druggie cuz that will be a SERIOUS problem in mexico! :O
tygrys  2 | 290
19 Jan 2012   #7
he gives an eye... and i dont know why. maybe he just wants sex

Polish guys aren't the smartest in the world. Once they leave Poland and their wives, girlfriends, their eyes start roaming. Keep away from them.
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Sep 2020   #8
maybe he just wants sex.

Of course not. Males aren`t interested in such stupidities. They prefer deep discussions about Einstein, philosophy and worldwide economy in pandemic times.
call1n  2 | 192
31 Oct 2020   #9
Generally men just like good food and sex!
pawian  226 | 27817
31 Oct 2020   #10
How to make a Polish guy happy? (we're moving to Mexico)

One advantage of moving to Mexico would certainly be food - I like hot dishes. And I like red beans, too. Mexican fast food is OK - tortillas, tacos.

The drawback would be the hot climate and semi-desert landscape - I prefer cool temperatures - I still wear a T-shirt at 12 degrees - and I am used to the greenery in the Polish countryside.
mafketis  38 | 11263
31 Oct 2020   #11
semi-desert landscape

Mexico is very varied in terms of geography, climate and temperature (a lot of it is mountains which are cooler) The coldest I've ever subjectively felt was in southern Mexico (San Cristobal de las Casas).

Lots of super green areas too...
2 Oct 2024   #12
If you love each other, first thing is to get to know better. You should not move in together until you have a wedding date set up.
Alien  26 | 6528
2 Oct 2024   #13
Ron, what planet did you fall from? Today they all live together without being married.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Oct 2024   #14
Ron, what planet did you fall from?

Planet Common Decency.
2 Oct 2024   #15
I know it seems weird, but there are plenty of examples when a woman agrees to move in with a man, have sex before marriage, and then the man leaves her. The man got what he wanted and he's going to look for more excitements with other women. There are exceptions, but it's probably 50-50.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Oct 2024   #16
There are exceptions

My wife and I are such exceptions. When we met she was 19 and I was 20. We were like animals, God forgive me! I will spare you the details, Ron, because they would shock a decent guy like you. However, after 4 years, when we graduated from our unis, we got married and have been together ever since. It was our 20th wedding anniversary in August; two kids and a havanese, and we're still in love with each other. :)

But - as you said - we are an exception; so listen to Ron, kids, and don't do what my wife and I did.
Bobko  27 | 2215
2 Oct 2024   #17
We were like animals, God forgive me

Respect - I did not expect less.
2 Oct 2024   #18
I got married as a virgin at 24 to a virgin who was 25. We've been happy together for over 20 years now. Of course, there were bumps in the road as in all marriages, but today I would never want to have sex with another woman (I had sex with only her in my whole life). This is the best gift I could get from God.
Bobko  27 | 2215
2 Oct 2024   #20
virgin at 24 to a virgin who was 25.

Where did you two people come from, Mars?
2 Oct 2024   #21
We met at at a collage in the US (both immigrated to the US from Poland at our teens). We were high student achievers and had no time for casual dating. I know it's not very common at all; maybe it was destiny. Still, this is for others to know that these things still can happen in this age.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
2 Oct 2024   #22
I know it seems weird, but there are plenty of examples when a woman agrees to move in with a man

Yes, living together rent-free and bill-free as if they were married, women definitely make the most of the situation; proving that women are just as and often more so opportunistic than men, with their only victimhood being the inconvenience of having to find a new partner to support their lifestyle since they can't easily claim half as there wouldn't be a divorce available to them. But don't feel bad for them. Look up the term 'female hypergamy' and you'll realize that women are actually the ones always willing to end a relationship as soon as a better provider comes along. It's never a matter of if they will, but when.
Paulina  19 | 4558
3 Oct 2024   #23
@Poloniusz, I don't know what it's like in that hell-hole where you're apparently living lol, but in Poland in majority of relationships both woman and man have jobs and so both are "supporting their lifestyle" lol Actually, I remember reading an article some years ago where it was stated that people often move in together or even get married in Poland, because life is more affordable then - they can split the bills. So both man and woman are benefiting from the situation.

Look up the term 'female hypergamy'

Men created this world for themselves - in which hypergamy was prevalent. And it was prevalent because men denied women education and jobs and so women had to find a man who would support them. This trend is reversing nowadays and the funny thing is that the misogynistic right-wingers like you are hating it lol So on one hand men like you complain how "opportunistic" women are and at the same time they're longing for the times when women had no other choice but to marry in order to survive and they had to stay married even if the husband was bad.

you'll realize that women are actually the ones always willing to end a relationship as soon as a better provider comes along.

That is obviously a lie - it's your made up fantasy not backed up by any research or statistics :)
Paulina  19 | 4558
3 Oct 2024   #24
However, after 4 years, when we graduated from our unis, we got married and have been together ever since.

Oh, so you and your wife had the opportunity to get to know each other both personality-wise, character-wise and sexually and thus you found out that you're a match. But you deny this opportunity to other people as "indecent"? How hypocritical of you!
Atch  22 | 4299
3 Oct 2024   #25
How hypocritical

Worse than that, the smugness!! Imagine having Mr & Mrs Smug for neighbours :))

To be honest, Paulina, I think he lives in his own head, if you know what I mean.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
3 Oct 2024   #26
you deny this opportunity to other people

One denies nothing. One merely strives to help others avoid the sins one committed oneself in the past.

How hypocritical of you!

Hypocrisy is a tribute that vice pays to virtue and all that.

Imagine having Mr & Mrs Smug for neighbours :)

We live in perfect harmony with our neighbours, thank you.
Paulina  19 | 4558
3 Oct 2024   #27
@GefreiterKania, thanks to those "sins" you're happily married now :)

Worse than that, the smugness!! Imagine having Mr & Mrs Smug for neighbours :))

I may be wrong, but based on what Kania wrote about his wife, I'm thinking that she may be more reasonable than him ;)

I think he lives in his own head, if you know what I mean.

Oh, I couldn't agree more :)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
3 Oct 2024   #28
thanks to those "sins" you're happily married now :)

Of course. As you can see God can sometimes derive greater good even from multiple sins! Mysterious are His ways and all that.

I have a feeling that she may be more reasonable than him

She is definitely more reasonable than I am! Why she chose me I shall never fathom. That's why I never play lottery games - I already drew my winning ticket.

Anyways, gotta do some work for a change. See you later, ladies, and don't do anything I wouldn't do! :)
Alien  26 | 6528
3 Oct 2024   #29
don't do anything I wouldn't do! :)

E.g. to make a Polish guy happy?
Paulina  19 | 4558
3 Oct 2024   #30
As you can see God can sometimes derive greater good even from multiple sins! Mysterious are His ways and all that.

Nope, that's just real life :)

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