@Lenka, I read at some point quite a lot about toxicity in families and I've seen many, many, really many comments by Polish people writing about their toxic parents and what I've noticed was also that many of them even went as far as moving abroad to free themselves from them (not physically, but mentally).
Depends also how many peiple such person dismisses. Just parent? 1 or 2 siblings.
That may not necessarily be an indicator either. A toxic family member can turn your whole family against you. Some may choose to fight with that, some may be too exhausted (toxic people can be really mentally exhausting) and decide to start a new life.
The family was a bit weird but not that bad in what I can see
Oh, appearances can fool you, trust me. There's been a few toxic people in my family and you wouldn't have guessed what they were (some of them are dead already) and are capable of.
was very centred about the wrongdoings of others while not lookg into mirror.
That's because this person was raised in such a family and ended up being like them probably. There may be two siblings and one may be toxic as their mother (or at least to some extent), for example, and other - the opposite. I've seen this also in real life - my aunt's two daughters, for example. Those two cousins of mine are still glued to their toxic mother and alcoholic father though (one of them lives with them still and the other helps them financially) and I can see how they're paying for this connection both mentally and physically with their health. Both intelligent, educated women with jobs...
So, yeah, as I wrote - it's always better to get to know a person.