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Do Polish guys like girls who are shy, modest and sensitive

6 Feb 2019   #1
There's a Polish guy I like but I think he doesn't like my personality. What is the tendence in generale about Polish guy? Are they mainly interested in outgoing, spoiled girls or they could fall for an humble one, who thinks about studying and having a family
Lyzko  45 | 9751
6 Feb 2019   #2
Just my two zloty worth, but although a married American man living here in the States, my encounters with young Polish men in particular, at work and socially, is that they enjoy feeling in control! Although Polish women whom I know are on the surface highly educated, capable, multilingual etc., they'll even confess that in comparison with women throughout most of Western Europe, they continue to defer to men.

While I certainly can't judge every Polish woman vs. every Polish man, I believe my extensive experience is representative of the current situation in Poland.
Ironside  50 | 13053
6 Feb 2019   #3
I believe my extensive experience

Of talking crap.

they could fall for

They? How many are they? I have thought you like a one dude? If so, it matters what HE likes and IF there is change he will like you back. Get that straight.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
6 Feb 2019   #4
Ironside, if you have nothing of value to say, kindly button your lip unless you're willing to say something pleasant, chuck a bluff, pretend, just pretend once in a while to behave like a human being! Surprise us, why don't you
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2019   #5
they mainly interested in outgoing, spoiled girls or they could fall for an humble one, who thinks about studying and having a family

Depends on the guy, his age, etc. I would say for most Polish men that are 30+ more so family oriented and seeking a longer term relationship
pawian  226 | 27583
22 Oct 2023   #6
Plenty of new people join and then disappear very quickly when they see the tone of the place.

I sometimes wonder if people are getting more and more sensitive each year, instead of getting tougher. Watching my students, it seems the first option is taking place.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127
23 Oct 2023   #7
I believe it has a lot to do with hormones and pesticide affecting youth and kids growing up.

Compare it with all the food you grew up with and what was done to combat insects etc.

A lot of youth also doesn't build up resistance by touching earth etc and experience allergies.

If there are any "conspiracy theories" that I would be backing, it would be to reduce testosterone among young men in the west, to reduce aggressiveness and temperament (to reduce chances of rioting) but, also to reduce child birth.

Isn't it striking when at the same time this all happends, women in the west are pushed by government and media to seek out a lifestyle that would also be their own downfall?

I am fairly confident that there are groups working behind the scene to reduce number of born people in the west while advocating for massive immigration from non-western countries.

The consequence of it, is rather obvious
pawian  226 | 27583
25 Oct 2023   #8
I sometimes wonder if people are getting more and more sensitive

Yes, they are. Today youngsters are raised in greenhouse environment instead of harsh communist winter like us, oldies.

We, oldies, survived the martial law. It didn`t kills us but made us stronger.
And what did those youngsters live through?? Pandemics when they didn`t go to school and played computer games during online education?????
pawian  226 | 27583
25 Oct 2023   #9
We, oldies, survived the martial law.

  • 5f1e3eaed213d8f435d9.jpg
Paulina  19 | 4554
25 Oct 2023   #10
Today youngsters are raised in greenhouse environment instead of harsh communist winter like us, oldies.

It's better nowadays and that's what you always should wish for next generations, imho.

We, oldies, survived the martial law. It didn`t kills us but made us stronger.

I'm not sure about that "stronger", to be honest. In my opinion those generations that grew up under communism got f*cked up by those times. I defenitely wouldn't want younger Poles to be like my parents' generation. Times change, people change. My impression is that people raised in better times/circumstances are often kinder and have more empathy for others. So, everything has its pluses and minuses, as always, I guess.

And what did those youngsters live through??

Being brought up by parents f*cked up by communist times? lol

Btw, unlike the shortage of toilet paper or no "Teleranek" on Sunday morning, a pandemic can actually kill people ;/
pawian  226 | 27583
25 Oct 2023   #11
a pandemic can actually kill people ;/

Mostly oldies. Youngsters had online education and computer or smartphone games. Greenhouse kids.
Paulina  19 | 4554
25 Oct 2023   #12
And I'm not even sure about that "greenhouse environment"... Our times have their own challenges too. For example, having and keeping a job in communist times was usually a given. My parents worked in the same place all their lives. They have no idea what it's like to look for a job, because they never had to. I happen to see comments by people from older generations on social media complaining that PRL times were easier, etc. So how are those people "stronger"?
Paulina  19 | 4554
25 Oct 2023   #13
Youngsters had online education and computer or smartphone games.

And you think that worrying and stressing out over the possibility of the parents or grandparents of those youngsters dying from the pandemic didn't affect them in any way? When I was a kid during the 90s my biggest worry and constant stress was that my parents will get fired from their jobs and that my father will turn into a complete drunk then, like the "strong" neighbour above our flat, whose wife had to borrow money from my mother. I wasn't worrying that they'll catch a virus and die after a random visit to a shop.
pawian  226 | 27583
26 Oct 2023   #14
Hmm, I get an impression you contradict yourself a few times in your recent posts.

those generations that grew up under communism got f*cked up by those times

For example, having and keeping a job in communist times was usually a given. My parents worked in the same place all their lives.

So, were the oldies fekked up or they had easy comfortable lives with stable jobs, low rents etc ????? :)::)

When I was a kid during the 90s my biggest worry and constant stress was that my parents will get fired from their jobs

You can be a youngster from a greenhouse kid generation. You didn`t experience the harsh reality of the martial law. Ha!
Alien  25 | 6412
26 Oct 2023   #15
Do Polish guys like girls who are shy, modest and sensitive

No, guys today prefer girls with big balls. Novi explained this to us all the time
Novichok  4 | 9038
26 Oct 2023   #16
Like this one...

  • Miss.jpg
Paulina  19 | 4554
26 Oct 2023   #17
you contradict yourself

Nope. I wrote that our times have their own challenges that not everyone from the older generations may understand. And some of them (not all) even think that our reality is too much for them, apparently.

So, were the oldies fekked up or they had easy comfortable lives with stable jobs, low rents etc ????? :)::)

You could say - both, I guess :)))

You can be a youngster from a greenhouse kid generation. You didn`t experience the harsh reality

Pawian, you have no idea what I experienced - I can tell you this much.
pawian  226 | 27583
26 Oct 2023   #18
You could say - both, I guess

In this way, sitting astride on the barricade, we can say anything: that black is white and white is black - when needed. :):):)

But running a discourse like that is a waste of time. That is why let`s agree to disagree although I am not sure what your real point of view is on the subject and about what you agree with me or disagree.

Never mind. :):):):)
Paulina  19 | 4554
26 Oct 2023   #19
In this way, sitting astride on the barricade, we can say anything: that black is white and white is black - when needed. :):):)

No, I'm simply acknowledging the fact that the reality is more complicated than how you picture it.

although I am not sure what your real point of view is on the subject and about what you agree with me or disagree.

I could go into more detail and explain what I meant, but I have no time right now and since you're not interested anyway...
pawian  226 | 27583
26 Oct 2023   #20
No, I'm simply acknowledging the fact that the reality is more complicated than how you picture it.

Because I picture the reality in global context, and I mean millions!!!

While you prefer to focus on individual cases like your family`s, for example.

Hence we can`t reach an understanding as we don`t know what each other means. :):):)

Goddess and History will judge who is right!! hahahaha
Paulina  19 | 4554
26 Oct 2023   #21
While you prefer to focus on individual cases like your family`s, for example.

No, you're wrong, of course.
pawian  226 | 27583
26 Oct 2023   #22
Sorry, you can`t say it yet coz you aren`t Goddess or History. :)::):)
Paulina  19 | 4554
26 Oct 2023   #23
@pawian, I think I know better than you what I "prefer to focus on" and what I'm basing my conclusions on. I don't need to be "Goddess" or "History" for that.
pawian  226 | 27583
26 Oct 2023   #24
I think I know better than you

Yes, you only think so. hahahahahaha
Paulina  19 | 4554
26 Oct 2023   #25
@pawian, I shall correct that previous statement of mine - I know better than you what I "prefer to focus on" and what I'm basing my conclusions on :)
pawian  226 | 27583
26 Oct 2023   #26
I know better than you

That`s much, much better indeed. :):):)

But now I detect the first signs of your assuming the omniscient Goddess form. Are you really ready for the full Assumption???? :):):)
Paulina  19 | 4554
26 Oct 2023   #27


pawian  226 | 27583
26 Oct 2023   #28
That was funny, indeed. :):)

But jokes aside.

When saying: I sometimes wonder if people are getting more and more sensitive each year, instead of getting tougher. Watching my students, it seems the first option is taking place.

I did recall my students. I have had some classes where one third of students have experienced psychological problems and half of those 1/3 required a regular contact with specialists. A class of 25 students and 3 of them have individual tuition cos they get so depressive when among mates. This issue wasn`t so widespread in the past.
Paulina  19 | 4554
26 Oct 2023   #29
@pawian, there was no pandemic in the past.
pawian  226 | 27583
26 Oct 2023   #30
Do you mean you corroborate my point that people are getting more and more sensitive?????? :):):)

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