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Polish guy offered me money for sex

Allura  1 | 2
9 Dec 2017   #1
I am 28 years old and from the Philippines, I was on this dating site hoping to find my partner who can accept me for who I am and there is this good looking Polish guy from Warsaw who is 42 years old. I don't mind the age gap as I want to try dating with an older guy, so he said he will come over for 3 week vacation. Needless to say I am attracted to him so I agreed to see him if he comes over, then he started offering me money, $500 a week to be with him and he has sexual demands. I was disappointed but at the same time confused, is he really looking for a relationship or just wants sex? I'm not familiar with Polish culture.
terri  1 | 1661
9 Dec 2017   #2
This has nothing to do with culture. A Polish guy will want to marry a Polish girl, but he wants to have sex with you for money. If you are willing to do that - that's your business, but then you know what that makes you. If you do not want that - tell him. What is there to think about? He does not want a relationship leading to marriage - forget that. If he wanted that he would not have offered money.
OP Allura  1 | 2
9 Dec 2017   #3
I guess he immediately assumed that all women from the Philippines are prostitutes. I was hoping to get to know him but never mind, so yeah thanks for the input. I wont be meeting him.
WaWa homie  - | 6
9 Dec 2017   #4
Well for homosexual men it's perfectly normal to exchange money for sex. It is all about the power differences in the relationship. One German queer went to Arabia and said he couldn't save any money. I later realized he was spending all of his income on male prostitutes. I also know of a British queer bloke who works in Arabia and pays young Asian men for sex. (He also claims to have received Polish citizenship recently.) He is getting old now and lost most of his hair, so he has to pay for his preferred sexual services at present.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Dec 2017   #5

Older man pay for sex esp w younger partners. Sounds like you got a sugar daddy 500 a week is a lot of money for pl esp to just give someone lol. They call it sponsorship.

If you don't want the money just tell him you're more interested in a relationship. Also he could he married or just not want people know and that could be hush money

He may have even thought you would want the money. If he's worth it to you explain you just wanted a relationship. He may have even been confused and thought u were an escort as you are a bit younger. You're my age and id never date a 42 year old but that's just me and if I were a wealthy 42 year old from pl it probably be a bit confused as to why a younger Philippina messaged me. Btw I love your culture one of my best friends is philipino.
Joker  2 | 2455
10 Dec 2017   #6
then he started offering me money, $500 a week

Thats more money than a school teacher earns in Poland!

I also know of a British queer bloke who works in Arabia and pays young Asian men for sex.

There they can exchange STDs with each other....

He`s just looking for a happy ending LoL
SigSauer  4 | 377
10 Dec 2017   #7
Unfortunately you'll be hard pressed to shake that stereotype. The majority of nurses here in the middle East region are from PL, everyone refers to them as 'Nurstitutes', and it is pretty foul and distasteful to see mid 20 year old girls with 60 year old men.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Dec 2017   #8

Yup so true lol but the Vietnamese community had been in pl a while they own a lot of small.businesses and a lot of em even speak polish

Now there's a lot more chinese and korean too that come with families our schools work for corps or make small businesses... these r the kind of migrants we want. We even have a teacher in our fam w achinese girl in her 1st grade class. Rushing middle class and wealthy to the front of the line from Asian countries is common in Canada and to an extent Hungary and pl
Joker  2 | 2455
12 Dec 2017   #9
Unfortunately you'll be hard pressed to shake that stereotype.

That me so horny stuff will never go away
SigSauer  4 | 377
12 Dec 2017   #10
Yea, the unfortunate truth is that Phillipinos are pretty racist, and there is a hierarchy based on who has the most anglo features and who is whiter. In Thailand where my boss worked previously, girls wore hoodies in the daytime so that they wouldn't get tan. On "TFC" the phillipino channel, they only put forward the PH people who are mixed or have the whitest features, we get that channel on armed forces network so I watch it occasionally. I have friends who live in Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh, and that love me long time thing is a lot less pervasive than the other asian countries, Vietnam has a booming economy and a growing middle class, and with that comes less people willing to sleep with fat ugly westerners, lol.
Joker  2 | 2455
12 Dec 2017   #11
My friend just returned from the Philippines for a medical procedure. He claims to saved about $80K compared to having it done in California.

Vietnam has a booming economy and a growing middle class.

I would love to go there for a vacation, not for suckie suckie. They do look pretty hot though:)
SigSauer  4 | 377
12 Dec 2017   #12
All of the old military trainers I work with have houses in PH, or go there on leave frequently, since flights from the middle east are frequent and cheap. Some are really old guys with giant guts (they don't PT lol), and they clean up there...there is a VA hospital there also...

Please back on topic
OP Allura  1 | 2
13 Dec 2017   #13
@Dirk diggler

I used to date a guy who is younger than me and had to deal with a lot of b***s*** and lies but I loved him so I endured it for 3 years. Since my ex was a BOY, I decidec I want a MAN. With that sad story I decided to join an online dating site where I met him. I didn't messaged him first, in fact I ignored his first message but he was persistent and kept sending more messages, and he doesn't look 42, he looks 10 years younger and handsome. But yeah he could be a lot of things, I figured he just wants a happy ending for 3 weeks. I did have a hard time ignoring him because I somehow got attached to our exchange of messages but yeah I didn't communicate with him after I declined his offer. He is probably in my country now, experiencing his happy ending 😂 Its just not the kind of happy ending that I want.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
13 Dec 2017   #14
Its just not the kind of happy ending that I want.

Good for you. One of the biggest complaints women have about men, especially western men, is that they've lost their masculinity. It's pathetic what passes off for a man nowadays.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Mar 2020   #15
Yes, it is sad that when women demand to be treated as humans, not objects, men immediately lose their masculinity.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
18 Mar 2020   #16
it is sad that when women demand to be treated as humans, not objects,

Women who don't want to be treated as objects are not treated as objects. Those who do, show their asses, soon ass*holes, in Every fu*cking day.

I would pay extra not see the parade of the attention who*res wearing dental floss as the lower part of their beachwear.

BTW, who are you trying to impress with your feminist posts? Women? Like those who make ten times your annual salary for a month of sliding down the pole in a sleazy men's club?
18 Mar 2020   #17
There they can exchange STDs with each other....

Quite. Like the "John" who likes odd numbers in his circle j*rks...
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Mar 2020   #18
BTW, who are you trying to impress with your feminist posts? Women?

No. Males like you. hahaha

I don`t think it is so bad. :):)

Home / Love / Polish guy offered me money for sex

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