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Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ???

dany_moussalli  13 | 259
28 Oct 2015   #31
However, oriental and Polish cultures are different so not always obvious.

I don't think nationality matters that much anymore, the tastes and traditions related to one's culture are becoming a secondary thing, young people are becoming more and more internationalized due to the internet and pop culture.. , but this is only from my personal observation in my social circle (international and polish students) .
Levi  11 | 433
28 Oct 2015   #32
I don't think nationality matters that much anymore, the tastes and traditions related to one's culture are becoming a secondary thing

Have you ever came to Saudi Arabia?

Hahahahahahahahaha It is easy to do those statements living in Paris!!!!

"He has NEVER lived in any Western European countries"

This is a forum for people that live or lived in Poland.

What does it matter that if someone never lived in West Europe??? Wanna play superiority of the West here too, while YOURSELF escaped from your beloved France where illegal immigrants burn cars and slap your woman?

Give me a break.
InPolska  9 | 1796
28 Oct 2015   #33
@Levi, I have NEVER lived in Saudi Arabia and frankly why should I and I am NOT obsessed by Saudi Arabia and Muslims the way you are obsessed by Muslims and Western Europe, where you have NEVER lived. I don't know re Saudi Arabia so I don't pretend to know whereas you have never lived in Western Europe but you pretend to know better than us who were born and whose families have lived there for a least several generations. I bet you don't even speak French, Swedish or German ...

Besides, this is called POLISH forum so why so obsession with Muslims and Western Europe where you have never been? It shows how stupid you are.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259
28 Oct 2015   #34
Have you ever came to Saudi Arabia?

Oh i'd rather not to.. , I've never been to Paris though, I'm talking about Poznan.. and the saudis i've seen here aren't an exception to what i've just said.. , people who live in countries like saudi arabia and iran where the rules are quite strict might appear strange to foreigners, but once they leave the country and interact with them, they're not really that different, they listen to similar music and enjoy similar activities..
InPolska  9 | 1796
28 Oct 2015   #35
@Dany: here, I can agree. I have a cousin in Warsaw who used to work for a Saudi investment group (I don't know the name, and it was close to 10 years ago) and according to my cousin, Saudis were wild re women and booze here ;).
Levi  11 | 433
28 Oct 2015   #36
but once they leave the country and interact with them, they're not really that different,

That is true... Saudi men, when they go to Ibiza, just go insane.... and, surprinsingly, most of them prefer gay parties (maybe a reflect of have 4 wifes back at home).

Saudi woman i never saw any of them outside Saudi Arabia (maybe because they are not allowed to travel alone), but if you say so...

Besides, this is called POLISH forum so why so obsession with Muslims

You call that obsession just because i say that once or other.

Because you are just ANOTHER POLITICAL CORRECTNESS PATROL, that loves to bash everyone that is not multiculturalist left-wing islam-lover, but if someone DARE to say ANYTHING disagreeing with you, you call the person an obsessive.

But actually you, InPolska, is the one obsessed here :)

Obsessed by PiS (you will never accept that Poles are conservatives, right? Differently than you, frenchies :) )and Obsessed by Political Correctness :)))

Anyway, time for me to leave all of you. I have a flight to Warsaw :) Maybe if you really leave in Poland, tomorrow when you breathe you will feel the air exhaling my masculinity, something that those Western Political correct internet patrols like you are not used to.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259
28 Oct 2015   #37
The only thing that can be bad, is the double standards, some saudis (and other nationalities) might appear open minded and cool, but in reality they still keep their radical thinking for themselves and will act upon it when they get back home.

Edit :

That is true... Saudi men, when they go to Ibiza, just go insane.... and, surprinsingly, most of them prefer gay parties (maybe a reflect of have 4 wifes back at home).

that's what I meant..
Levi  11 | 433
28 Oct 2015   #38
The only thing that can be bad, is the double standards, some saudis (and other nationalities) might appear open minded and cool, but in reality they still keep their radical thinking for themselves and will act upon it when they get back home.

You nailed it.

This is exactly how it is.

A lot of people from countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc... They try to look modern, moderate. But internally, they are radicals.
OP Lebanon_male  1 | 4
28 Oct 2015   #39
Dear mcrpolak

Yes i know a Polish girl , and it seems the way you answer is such an idiot way that only reflects your ignorance , its better not to say anything if you dont know how to talk and what to say , please dont anymore participate in any forum i am in , YOU ARE NOT A WELCOMED PERSON mcrpolak
Alien  26 | 6527
3 Nov 2023   #40
Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ???

jon357  72 | 23654
3 Nov 2023   #41
Probably not. She'd be unlucky if she married someone and he turned out to be one of those.

Most prospective husbands would be one of the vast majority of Lebanese men who want nothing to do with terrorism.

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