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Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ???

Lebanon_male  1 | 4
23 Oct 2015   #1
I am a 37 years old man from Lebanon , and i am wondering if a polish girl would like to be in a relation with a man from a Lebanon ???
Wulkan  - | 3136
23 Oct 2015   #2
Are you willing to convert to Christianity for her?
Crow  155 | 9700
23 Oct 2015   #3
That`s a good question. If you aren`t willing, leave her alone. Why should she suffer
Grey  - | 3
23 Oct 2015   #4
Maybe he is a Christian already.How do you know he is not ?
nope  2 | 43
23 Oct 2015   #5
What sort of question is this ? It's a bit strange that I'm the 4-th bloke to answer to a thread that is supposed to be answered to by girls. Anyway, IMO your citizenship is irrelevant, love and respect is all the girls ( not only here, all over the world ) need.
Wulkan  - | 3136
23 Oct 2015   #6
Maybe he is a Christian already.How do you know he is not ?

Just a fair guess

It's a bit strange that I'm the 4-th bloke to answer to a thread that is supposed to be answered to by girls.

Nope, it's not supposed to be answered exclusively by girls.
nope  2 | 43
23 Oct 2015   #7
Grey is onto something here mate, a lot of christians live in Lebanon
Crow  155 | 9700
23 Oct 2015   #8
yes, man is maybe Christian and that could makes things easier. But, not that is Christianity perfect. Its not about it. Just, you know how it goes
dany_moussalli  13 | 259
24 Oct 2015   #9
if he's lebanese there is a high chance that he's christian .

Now, I don't think nationality really matters, what matters is you, in terms of looks, personality, and profession.
InPolska  9 | 1796
24 Oct 2015   #10
It just depends upon the woman and upon the man. There is NO rule. PS @Dany: 54% Muslims according to 2014 CIA World Factbook so why the he..ll do you want to change reality?;) However, even if guy a Christian, the Lebanese culture is so different from Polish culture that things may not be so easy for them.
Polsyr  6 | 758
24 Oct 2015   #11
Lebanese culture is so different from Polish culture

I know many marriages of Lebanese & Poles. There is nothing special or unique about this mix, and like all marriages, some work, some don't. They tend to have good looking, intelligent children. I know a Polish woman that married and divorced a Lebanese man, then married another Lebanese man. Both guys were Christian. Some find it hard to believe that to many people religion really doesn't matter and is a non-subject.
bazz3  - | 3
24 Oct 2015   #12
even though I am not polish but I dont think nationality matter that much, the most important think is personalty and respect. if you are in love so thats all that matters. If you dont force your culture or religion upon the other person then it will be fine.

for example my uncle who is kurdish have married a polish woman, they've been married for 24 years and up on today they are still happily married. so if you show respect and love then not only polish woman any other woman would like you..
InPolska  9 | 1796
24 Oct 2015   #13
@Bazz: it's not a matter of nationality but of culture. When cultural differences are so huge and one (= the man, usually ;)) imposes their cultural/religious code to the other, it creates problems. Back home, I have seen many Christian-Muslim or Jewish-Muslim married or unmarried couples and things could work because none of the partners was deeply in their religion. I have also met Western women married to Muslims and their life had very soon become nightmarish: need to cover their hair, not to go out, not to talk with other men. I even used to know an English girl born from Polish parents who did date a Lebanese (surgeon that she met in Montréal) and she decided to stop 6 months later. He wanted her to cover her head, to wear long sleeves even in summer ....

However, oriental and Polish cultures are different so not always obvious. I am NOT saying that it canNOT work (because everybody's grandma will come and tell me that they know 1 or 2 persons who are ok ;)) but that cultural différences do matter. I personally would feel better being in a couple with a Briton, a Norwegian or a Belgian than with an Afghan, a Tanzanian or an Eskimo ;).
beckski  12 | 1609
24 Oct 2015   #14
A woman is usually primarily concerned, with getting to know her potential mate, versus targeting a specific demographic area to encounter an ideal man.
OP Lebanon_male  1 | 4
24 Oct 2015   #15
Wulkan why you pretend i am not christian and based on that . why you started talking about religion ?? is that the first thing you start to think about ???
Wulkan  - | 3136
24 Oct 2015   #16
Wulkan why you pretend i am not christian and based on that

I was only assuming and since you didn't deny that in your last post it shows that I was right.
Wulkan  - | 3136
24 Oct 2015   #18
Would it be possible for you to merry muslim girl in Lebanon? How strict are muslims over there?
Grey  - | 3
24 Oct 2015   #19
The most important thing being away from prejudgement.Thas is why I asked that he may be a Christian.
OP Lebanon_male  1 | 4
24 Oct 2015   #20
so many christians in Lebanon are married to Muslims and they are living happily , what are you talking about man, where are you still living , Lebanon is not Afghanistan , are you understanding , please before talking about any country you understand it and understand its people , also muslim people here in Lebanonj are very open minded and dont think the stupid way you are talking about .

you are true Grey
Veles  - | 197
28 Oct 2015   #21
@Lebanon_male, now you may see how a Polish woman would think. Probably the first what will come to her mind, is a question about your religion. Many people do not know that Lebanon is "divided" in the religious context, but in case of Muslims, Poles are not much eager to start relationship. In case of Christians the situation is probably different.

In shorter ways: for many people every Muslim is the same, there are no cultural differences between countries, societies and even individuals. On the other hand, if you will meet such girl, will you be seriously willing to get yourself into relationship with an idiot? :D

If a person do not care about such stuff, she will not care about nationality either. So you must count on your personality then, appearance, etc.
mcrpolak  6 | 36
28 Oct 2015   #22
It isn't a market where you chose your nationality. Oh let me see I'm Ukrainian and I fancy marrying a Welsh girl, now get me one.

Do you even know any Polish girls? If not then stop, look in the mirror and ask yourself this question:

"Why do I ask such stupid transparent questions in a public forum?"
Levi  11 | 433
28 Oct 2015   #23
even though I am not polish but I dont think nationality matter that much

Nah, another empty state of Political Correctness stablishment.

Yes, Nationality matters. I am not saying that all people from a nationality X are the same. Of course not.

But in many cases (not all) the nationality brings together a context. And this context can be (or can be not) assimilated by the couple.

For those that were born in countries where this specific national cultural context doesn't exist (Like UK or France, Multicultural countries without any specific strong identity), it is difficult to understand.

But in the same way that me, from my national context, see normal a lot of things that for others are considered absurd (For example for brits, don't spend a christimas with family is normal. For me is out of question), for others are the opposite.

So yes, in a pragmatic view, usually nationality matters.
InPolska  9 | 1796
28 Oct 2015   #24
@levy: once more the anti-muslim obsession! For someone who has to work in Saudi Arabia to earn his bread, it's rather ... hilarious! ;). Levy, who has NEVER lived in either UK or France of course knows better that people there have NO traditions. "lol". Lévy, you should work as a clown because you are very funny ;)
Roger5  1 | 1432
28 Oct 2015   #25
For those that were born in countries where this specific national cultural context doesn't exist (Like UK or France

That level of ignorance is rare, even on PF.
InPolska  9 | 1796
28 Oct 2015   #26
@Roger: you can admit that Levy deserves the Nobel prize for stupitidy and ignorance! Do you remember about "the Polish woman supposedly beheaded by her Saudi husband and about homosexuals organizing orgies in the middle of the streets in front of churches" that he told us???? Of course, nothing on the net and no proof from him either. If he works in Saudi Arabia (for someone so anti-muslim, it makes a lot of sense "lol"), I can say that the level of qualifications requested to work there is dirt low or Levy cleans their camels' s sh...t
Levi  11 | 433
28 Oct 2015   #27
in either UK or France of course knows

Actually Even YOU told here that France and UK are multicultural. If they are multicultural, it means that their main culture, native culture, was at least partially replaced by alien cultures.

This is you that said, not me. Get your own logic straight.

@levy: once more the anti-muslim obsession!

What did i said about muslims at my ENTIRE post????

Your political correctness obsession is making you see racism everywhere. Stop it, it is becoming ridiculous.
InPolska  9 | 1796
28 Oct 2015   #28
Once more. Levy who lives in Saudi Arabia with Muslims that he pretends to hate, talks about things he does not know of. In so called multicultural societies, several cultures exist next to each other and none is replaced by any. Western Europeans have their traditions for Christmas and other events. Well, no need to keep talking to ignorant Levy. He has NEVER lived in any Western European countries but he "knows" of course better than those who were born there and who've been living there for generations.

Levy, this is called plain stupidity and it is even pathology...

Levy, instead of talking about what you don't know, do spend your free time with your great Muslim friends thanks to whom you may eat.... ;)
Rafal  - | 24
28 Oct 2015   #29
There is plenty of 30 years old second quality girls ( one child ) depended only of social help ...Pure ones still want a prince from far far away...
InPolska  9 | 1796
28 Oct 2015   #30
"second quality" ;););)

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