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Do young Polish people believe in their religion and God?

OP APF  4 | 106
31 Jan 2013   #61
You can see that in every modern, multicultural and open minded country .. where is the problem to see those things?? I heard in Poland people have serious problems with homosexuality.
jon357  72 | 23426
31 Jan 2013   #62
You can see that in every modern, multicultural and open minded country .

I've never seen people ********* in the street.

I heard in Poland people have serious problems with homosexuality.

Generally people in Warsaw don't obsess about the subject.
ismellnonsense  - | 118
31 Jan 2013   #63
I've never seen people ********* in the street.

id like to see
would be interesting

that fantasy world sounds fun
Dreadnought  1 | 143
31 Jan 2013   #64
Well Peakus, remember that I only live in this part of Poland.....but for spying and to look like an ordinary guy, you need, a cheap leather jacket, bad shirt/loud or blatantly American T shirt, jeans from one of the 'second hand charity given' clothes shops and a pair of fake label need to drive an old but good condition Audi 80 or to go rellally upmarket an older A4. You do realise that (in this part of Poland) once you have a successful established business you will be looked on as some kind of 'Lord' yes I like that it upsets Lord it is. You will be able to exploit the peasants and employ them for as little as £1 an hour (like my wife does) may only get drunks and idiots.....but hey all the good people have gone to UK, Germany etc etc, where 'the streets are paved with Gold'. I wish you well, if your product is good and your sales methods suit the area then I hope you make a good few bucks and put some back into the local economy. Ps. once you have money and employees you won,t need to go to will control them by their employment and as they are all related, what happens to one happens to them all.
Tlum  12 | 306
22 Apr 2023   #65
I asked the AI bot: Who created the Earth? The response:

"According to the Bible, God created the heavens and the earth. However, according to scientific research, Earth formed around 4.54 billion years ago by accretion from the solar nebula. Volcanic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere and then the ocean, but the early atmosphere contained almost no oxygen. Much of the Earth was molten because of frequent collisions with other bodies. Over time, Earth began to cool and oceans of liquid water formed."

"Scientific research" is a joke. If we still assume what they write above is true, then the next questions: Who created the "solar nebula," who created the air, who created the fire, who created the wind, who created the bird, who created a dog, who created the colors, who created the stars, who created the voice, who created the gravity, who created the electricity, who created emotions, etc. We can go through millions of questions and the "scientific research" has only one answer: give it some billions years and it will all be created out of nothing. The Bible is the only answer to all these questions.
Lenka  5 | 3537
22 Apr 2023   #66
If we still assume what they write above is true, then the next questions:

Who created god then?
Tlum  12 | 306
22 Apr 2023   #67
God has always existed. There's no time for God. It's right in the first chapter of the Bible if you want to find out more.
Lenka  5 | 3537
22 Apr 2023   #68
I read the Bable but if your argument start with who created this or that it is a valid question. You have problem with wind and fire but you akceptacji that god was just there...Interesting
johnny reb  49 | 8005
22 Apr 2023   #69
Who created god then?

More Rinse & Repeat.
You already wore yourself out on your silliness Linda.
Tlum  12 | 306
22 Apr 2023   #70
There is nothing greater than God so He couldn't be created because He created everything and has always existed / will always exist. The concept of time as we understand it doesn't exist for God. We cannot fully understand it.
Lenka  5 | 3537
22 Apr 2023   #71
couldn't be created because He created everything

You are of course free to believe what you want as am I but I find it not very ...logical that you question scientific findings based on cration doubt but you accept just like that that god was just there. No problem with creating there...

But as these thread is front page and I don't want to get a warning ( lol):

School attendance at religion classes is at absolute all time low and nothing seems to make the Church more popular with young Poles
pawian  225 | 27344
22 Apr 2023   #72
Who created god then?

Godess. Quite simple.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
22 Apr 2023   #73
Who created god then?

Nobody created God.
Read your Bible and learn.
Revelations 1:8
"I am the Alpha and the Omega,"
said the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."

I just shlt my pants

We smell it. P U :-(
pawian  225 | 27344
22 Apr 2023   #74
I just shlt my pants

It is OK, we don`t care. Your biblical analysis is much more important.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
22 Apr 2023   #75
I just shlt my pants

My teacher use to say, "Jezebel. did you just shlt your pants again ?" and I would say, "Yes teacher, I did."

And did you stay until your Catechism class was over or did you go change your drawers ?
Alien  25 | 6369
23 Apr 2023   #76

And who was the God's father?
johnny reb  49 | 8005
23 Apr 2023   #77
These are the things you learn in church.
It's quite obvious you have never attended a good church..
Alien  25 | 6369
23 Apr 2023   #78
quite obvious you have never attended a good church..

Catholic isn't good enough?
johnny reb  49 | 8005
23 Apr 2023   #79
@ Alien

Catholic isn't good enough?

who was the God's father?

If you have to ask questions like that what would be your guess ?
Alien  25 | 6369
23 Apr 2023   #80
@johnny reb
Actually it was a question for a baboon.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
23 Apr 2023   #81
Sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you, Alien.

School attendance at religion classes is at absolute all time low and nothing seems to make the Church more popular with young Poles

Are you surprised ?
People in this day and age don't want to put effort into anything that would make the church's teachings more popular.
It is easier to believe Satan's lies like, if you aren't hurting anyone else then it is o..k. to do, killing humans in the womb is o.k., homo sexual acts are not sin, or anything else that goes against the teachings of the church makes church very unpopular.

There are rules in life that one must follow and when you don't follow them things become helter skelter like you are seeing around the world by ignoring Gods word.

Kind of like playing a game of football without any lines or out of bounds rules.
Things would become helter skelter.
People like you though insist on turning your back on Gods rules and making up your own rules.
And that is why this world is in the mess it is.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
23 Apr 2023   #82
People in this day and age don't want to put effort into anything that would make the church's teachings more popular

Why would they?

There are rules in life that one must follow

Who gave you those rules numbskull?

People like you though insist on turning your back on Gods rules and making up your own rules.

You are making a laughing stock of yourself......who have given you God's rules you moron?
johnny reb  49 | 8005
24 Apr 2023   #83
Why would they?

Are you really that dim ?
To inherit the Kingdom of Heaven of course.

....who have given you God's rules

I believe the guys name was Moses.
See..... this is why normal people attend church, to learn these things.
Give it a try, you may impress yourself.

You are making a laughing stock of yourself....

They mocked Jesus Christ too.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
24 Apr 2023   #84
t I find it not very ...logical that you question scientific findings based on cration doubt

Science cannot answer certain kinds of questions, such as 'what is ethical' and 'what is beautiful'.
Even when it comes to questions about the natural world, which science does explore and can sometimes answer, there are different types of explanations for different things.

God no more competes with science as an explanation of the universe than Henry Ford competes with the law of internal combustion as an explanation of the motor car

There are certain conceptions of a 'god' that might be opposed to science, but not the Christian God.
There might be certain kinds of 'gods' that are invented to explain things we don't understand, but they're not Christian.
If we're being offered a choice between science and god... it is not a biblical concept of God.

I read the Bable

The only thing a statement like that are good for is mockery.
You project that religion is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.
I could easily say that, atheism is a fairy story for people afraid of the light.
Neither of those statements proves anything at all.
They're all reversible.
What lies behind all these delusion claims is that we believe what we hope to be true.
This works brilliantly providing there is no god.
But if there is a God, then atheism is wishful fulfilment.
mafketis  38 | 11162
24 Apr 2023   #85
Science cannot answer certain kinds of questions, such as 'what is ethical'

That is not the job of science..... it's the job of philosophy (of which traditional religions are one kind).

The question is: "Can human beings create a system of ethics without a supernatural element?"

I say.... yes.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1520
24 Apr 2023   #86
"Can human beings create a system of ethics without a supernatural element?" I say.... yes.

Such system of ethics, however, lacking a transcendent, eternal and unchanging point of reference would be unstable and subject to change (if men created something, men may as well change it). Stable ethical systems need a supernatural element.
mafketis  38 | 11162
24 Apr 2023   #87
Stable ethical systems need a supernatural element.

But religions absolutely do change over time... they might change a tad slower than a purely secular system might but that doesn't mean they are unchanging...

Restrict it to RC and rules for what is or isn't allowed have changed.... a lot over the last 80 years.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1520
24 Apr 2023   #88
But religions absolutely do change over time...

Unchanging reference point doesn't mean that a religion itself will remain unchanging. It will, however, survive much longer than any other system of ethics devised solely by humans with humans as the only point of reference. I have no idea why but that's how it seems to work.
mafketis  38 | 11162
24 Apr 2023   #89
will, however, survive much longer than any other system of ethics - with humans as the only point of reference

What about Confucianism? It serves as the dominant ethical system of the oldest ongoing civilization on the planet....

Daoism also doesn't seem very rooted in the supernatural....
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Apr 2023   #90
That's meraly written down observations of God's working hand in the world.

The Chinese were able to use that to their own benefit, but without the full picture they were taken aback by Europeans.

There are small elements to be found in many parts of the world, most useally regarding humans, experienced behaviour and certain spiritual secrets.

They all fall short however of God's shared message via the chosen people

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