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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Are Polish Women very promiscuous towards foreigners and refugees?

TheMilfman  1 | 2
3 Jun 2017   #1
I am referring to something a read in a polish newspaper some years back about one Simon Mol, that infected 40-100 young polish girls aged 20-25 with HIV-AIDS. Now the article said that the reason being was because of political correctness, the girls didn't want to seem racist or it was trendy to sleep with African guys or foreigners during that time. 40-100 young polish girls is a lot for a African refugee. What is your view on this topic?
cms  9 | 1253
3 Jun 2017   #2
I think stupidity and naivety rather than political correctness. Levels of education about AIDS were quite low in Poland after the end of communism. I know that's not the version you want to hear but it's more likely.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Jun 2017   #3
Yea I don't think the government event kept statistics on hiv/aids during the commie years. Much of the hiv that was spread though was due to drug use namely kompot. A dealer would walk around with a big syringe and sell doses out of that large syringe. Oftentimes people shared the liquid which would have some blood in it or share a needle.

Also polish girls may find foreigners unique and exotic and all but will typically settle down with their own kind. They may sleep with a foreigner for the experience just as men do with foreign women. I don't think that's unique to poland though but rather the world at large. People are generally intrigued by things and people that are different.

During communism and even the early 90s there were hardly any Africans or other foreigners in poland. There were some students from the young pioneers club from other commie/socialist countries or allies of such countries. In general though poland was even more homogenous than it is now and even now its well over 90% polish.
Alien  25 | 6353
6 Jul 2023   #4
political correctness, the girls didn't want to seem racist

Did you mean to imply that sleeping with black immigrants was politically correct in those days. In fact, I remember that my black friends from the university whom I invited to my parties all found Polish wives or girlfriends.
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Jul 2023   #5
all found Polish wives or girlfriends

women especially are attracted to what's different.... Polish women go crazy for darker complexion guys (from Spain to Africa) while Latin American women melt at the sight of blonde men...

men's taste tends to be a bit more predictable and not related to novelty so much...
Paulina  17 | 4465
6 Jul 2023   #6
@Alien, is there a reason why you're digging up such old threads? Are you so bored that you decided to become another PF troll?

while Latin American women melt at the sight of blonde men...

And men from countries with darker complexion melt at the sight of blonde, blue-eyed women, no matter whether those men are from Italy, Arabic countries or India.
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Jul 2023   #7
@Alien, is there a reason why you're digging up such old threads? Are you so bored that you decided to become another PF troll?

Exactly, Alien,. stop this resurrection azholing, :):):) it is useless, you can`t provoke me, I am very busy dealing with weed right now, I am going to return next week.
Paulina  17 | 4465
6 Jul 2023   #8
@pawian, I was wondering if he's trying to lure you back to PF lol

men's taste tends to be a bit more predictable

If you mean that they'll have sex with anything that's alive, then I guess you're right ;D But I'd say that men are also attracted to what's "exotic" to them. When I was in Italy my female friend, who's a blue-eyed blonde, was very popular among Italian males, even though she isn't really that pretty. But they were crazy about her eyes and hair - they were saying that she has a laser-blue eyes lol In her company I was pretty much invisible to them :)

and not related to novelty so much...

I don't think it's about novelty. I'm guessing it's about diversity in gene pool. Women have to be more picky about that, because they're the ones ending up pregnant and bringing children to this world.
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Jul 2023   #9
towards foreigners and refugees?

Some are, most aren`t.

@pawian, I was wondering if he's trying to lure you back to PF lol

Of course he is, very wise of him, indeed, :):):) but I have been very busy with the farm and life issues.
mafketis  38 | 11137
7 Jul 2023   #10
I'd say that men are also attracted to what's "exotic" to them

To a lesser extent, almost universally men have a preference for skin tone that is lighter than theirs.... (for example) though men are noticeably less picky than women

novelty. I'm guessing it's about diversity in gene pool

women are (more) attracted to novelty precisely to help guarantee diversity in the gene pool, or women's (greater) attraction to novelty helps guarantee diversity in the gene pool.... (six of one, really).
Paulina  17 | 4465
7 Jul 2023   #11
women are (more) attracted to novelty precisely to help guarantee diversity in the gene pool

They're attracted to diversity/rarity, not to "novelty" then. This is why blonde people with blue eyes are often considered the most "attractive" - because they're very rare. Not so much in Europe, obviously, but in the world in general - very much so. Only 2% of people in the world are natural blondes and only 8% to 10% of the global population has blue eyes.

Novelty is something that wears off. Rarity doesn't "wear off".
Paulina  17 | 4465
7 Jul 2023   #12
To a lesser extent, almost universally men have a preference for skin tone that is lighter than theirs....

Are you sure about that?:
mafketis  38 | 11137
7 Jul 2023   #13
They're attracted to diversity/rarity, not to "novelty" then

I don't feel compelled to split those particular hairs....
Paulina  17 | 4465
7 Jul 2023   #14
@mafketis, it's not "splitting hairs". I actually think men are more attracted to novelty than women, because they're the ones who want to have sex with many different women. In case of women it's more about rarity. If a woman has a preference towards certain type of look in a man, then it won't "wear off" even if she moves to a country where such look is common (unlike in her own country). That's why I'm saying it has nothing to do with novelty.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
7 Jul 2023   #15

I fully agree, mens tendency drifts very more easily towards something new. Not necesarily "rare"

While rare/excotic can be quite appealing to a women, especially if able to "catch" the guy by being able talk non stop about most people locally have No clue about.

It also gives a unique and rare form of lifestyle which makes women feel unique. Do I have to continue?
mafketis  38 | 11137
7 Jul 2023   #16
I was thinking in terms of initial attraction than in longterm relationships...

women are more attracted to phenotypes that aren't common in their normal environment than men are, Polish women will be more attracted to a Spanish or Italian guy who shows up in their environment than a Swedish blonde of otherwise similar attractiveness...

men are attracted (more) to 'novelty' in the form of new partners but that usually involves partners who are essentially interchangeable...
Lyzko  44 | 9745
7 Jul 2023   #17
Many Eastern European women in general often appear more sexually forward than most Westerners are used to from their own societies!

However in this respect, Polish women are no different from Czech, Ukrainian or Russian females whom I've encountered abroad.

Because of their constant need to survive via the Black Market during Communism, these women quickly developed ways of "dealing with" recalcitrant authorities, usually in the form of bribery and the exchange of sexual favors to get what they wanted. All too frequently, women started out as mere teenagers, later grooming themselves to appear more socially grown up than was actually the case, all this, as a shield in order to act tough, worldly-wise, sophisticated aka precocious or strong.

All this lead to a far more in-your-face attitude towards foreign men than is customary in Western Europe on the whole, save of course for the Red Light District of world class cities such as Amsterdam or Copenhagen.
Paulina  17 | 4465
7 Jul 2023   #18
Many Eastern European women in general often appear more sexually forward than most Westerners are used to from their own societies!

In case of Polish women that's a stereotype that doesn't have a confirmation in reality in Poland.

However in this respect, Polish women are no different from Czech, Ukrainian or Russian females whom I've encountered abroad.

My impression is that people in general get more "promiscuous" when abroad - that goes both for men and women. And there are differences between Polish, Czech, Ukrainian and RuSSian women. For example, the attitudes towards sex are more liberal in the Czech Republic. Poland is more conservative in this respect (as it is a more conservative country in general).

save of course for the Red Light District of world class cities such as Amsterdam or Copenhagen.

You're such a "charmer", Lyzko lol You must be "all the rage" among Eastern European women ;O🤦
mafketis  38 | 11137
7 Jul 2023   #19
In case of Polish women that's a stereotype

Kind of true. compared to the US at least... most Polish people have no idea how deeply puritanism is embedded into the collective US psyche.... making a big deal about sex is a reaction against that and you know what they say about cows that moo a lot in Poland.... (very true of Americans in general).

I remember talking to a british guy who wasn't sure if a Polish woman was into him.... (he had a history of... misjudging situations). I had never seen him and the woman in question interact so I told him to play it cool and if she's interested she'll take the initiative (and she did).

Poland in general has far fewer hang-ups about sex than the US. Mostly that's a very healthy thing.
Paulina  17 | 4465
7 Jul 2023   #20
Poland in general has far fewer hang-ups about sex than the US. Mostly that's a very healthy thing.

But that's true about Europe in general, not only about Poland. Lyzko was comparing Eastern European women to Westerners, not just to Americans.
mafketis  38 | 11137
7 Jul 2023   #21
. Lyzko was comparing Eastern European women to Westerners

For that to make sense "Eastern European" needs to be defined first.... Poland is a combination of Eastern and Central European features while Czechia is more Central.

Romania is more Eastern (with some Balkan features)....

There was a class(?) of women in Poland and other countries in the region who more or less threw themselves at westerners in hopes of improving their material condition but they weren't the norm even in the toughest times of the early 90s much less now....
Paulina  17 | 4465
7 Jul 2023   #22
There was a class(?) of women in Poland and other countries in the region who more or less threw themselves at westerners in hopes of improving their material condition

Yes, that's where this stereotype about women from former Eastern Bloc came from (+prostitution due to poverty and human trafficking). But times change and Lyzko doesn't seem to be up to date.

but they weren't the norm even in the toughest times of the early 90s much less now....

Exactly. That's my point...
johnny reb  49 | 7974
8 Jul 2023   #23
Poland in general has far fewer hang-ups about sex than the US.

What are you basing your opinion on ?

Mostly that's a very healthy thing.

Who are you trying to convince ?
Unwanted pregnancy, A.I.D.'s, sex warts, chlamydia to make her sterile, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, aren't what most people would call healthy.
Recreational sex can be emotionally devastating for a girl and leave lasting scars forever.
Girls that don't have any respect for their bodies is most likely caused by poor parenting that think that premarital sex is healthy.
mafketis  38 | 11137
8 Jul 2023   #24
What are you basing your opinion on ?

Years of living in both....

Recreational sex can be emotionally devastating for a girl

Define 'recreational sex'.... does that include sex between a married couple using birth control?

I do maintain that long-term promiscuity is very bad for anyone, male or female (the rot manifests differently for men and women but it's inevitable).

But some degree of recreational sex (the amount differs according to the individual) is fine.
Ironside  50 | 12916
8 Jul 2023   #25
But some degree of recreational sex (the amount differs according to the individual) is fine.

In general, exceptions notwithstanding promiscuity is bad for women.
mafketis  38 | 11137
8 Jul 2023   #26
promiscuity is bad for women

It's not good for men either.... the bar is probably higher (takes longer to reach the damage point) and the damage manifests differently but humans just aren't made for long-term promiscuity....
Ironside  50 | 12916
8 Jul 2023   #27
Sure,maybe but women have infinitely more opportunities than men to have sex, if we exclude prostitution as an option, most men doesn't have unlimited access to the willing females, whilst the women folk has no problem with that.
8 Jul 2023   #28
maybe but women have infinitely more opportunities than men to have sex

I don't believe that to be the case but even if I agreed it doesn't mean they will say yes. Women are generally more selective than men in who they choose to have sex with. Men are often not that choosy.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
8 Jul 2023   #29
Most men are not choosey becaouse

1. Every time a guy voices his preferences, women try to either "nip it in the bud" public ally so that other men won't voice it, with the mentality of if it isn't voiced then it doesn't exist basically

2. Men are quite open and willing to commit to a women during courtship, but the second a women becomes obnoxious or "shows" her obnoxious side or just being very argumentative hormones take over and puts her in the category: "sex" only, this is a waste of time. The second the guy understand she is not willing to sleep with him whatsoever or does not desire him as her partner he basically bails (most commonly after a sex act when hormones level out)

3. Men get sexually aroused by physical looks mainly, wanting to commit however comes in with a plethora of different requirements most women are not willing to listen to cause they are either spoiled or want it formally to not count, at least in public space. So it will be attacked verbally and combated as much as possible, leading only to men to keep quiet about it, and women to be surprised and confused that the man she wants does not commit to her whatsoever ever.

It's a problematic loophole both sides don't care about
8 Jul 2023   #30

I have no idea what you are talking about in point #1

willing to commit to a women during courtship

I'm not talking about courtship. What I presumed Ironside was talking about was one-night stands given that the subject is promiscuity. The point I was making is that men rarely turn down sex being offered on a plate, women will say no if there is something she doesn't like about a guy, whether it be looks or the vibe he gives off.

The rest of your point #2 and certain comments in point #3 suggest that you don't particularly like women.

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