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Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events

OP pawian  226 | 27364
23 Aug 2024   #241
Yes, pregnancy is a dangerous condition.
Ironside  50 | 12928
24 Aug 2024   #242
Is not as dangerous as your degenerate derange syndrome that makes you post such nonsense.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
24 Aug 2024   #243
But everybody knows that derangement is a much less dangerous condition than murderous nationalism which killed a lot of people in Poland, especially during WW2 when Polish nationalists murdered Jews etc.
Ironside  50 | 12928
24 Aug 2024   #244
han murderous nationalism which killed a lot of people in Poland

If you are talking about Germans you might be right but that was the left-wing nationalism. And German.
Polish nationalists murdered Jews etc.

Stop your lies. They killed commies bandits and traitors.Germans, soviets, and all kinds of scum in defense of the Polish population. Good jobs.
Alien  25 | 6359
24 Aug 2024   #245
Let's get back to the topic. Women can be very valuable employees. I don't know why they always earn less. Maybe they don't know how to negotiate hard enough with employers and agree too quickly to the proposed salary amounts. Actually, they should be protected by trade unions and collective bargaining agreements.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
24 Aug 2024   #246
I don't know why they always earn less.

Because they bleed and feminists want to blame men for it.

Biological Gender Differences, Absenteeism, and the Earnings Gap

"In most countries, women are absent from work more frequently than men. Using personnel data, we find that the absences of women below the age of 45 follow a 28-day cycle, while the absences of men and of women over the age of 45 do not. We interpret this as evidence that the menstrual cycle increases female absenteeism.

The increased absenteeism induced by the 28-day cycle explains at least 14 percent of the earnings gender differential.

While family-related commitments explain part of this gender gap in absenteeism, even among unmarried workers with no children women still take significantly more sick days than men."
Novichok  4 | 8414
24 Aug 2024   #247
I am outraged...

A guy working in a coal mine or on an oil rig should be paid exactly as much as a kindergarten teacher.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
24 Aug 2024   #248
Because they bleed and feminists want to blame men for it.

Blame not for bleeding but for punishing women for bleeding and pregnancy. Male employers pay less to women to compensate for natural conditions which happen to women when her efficiency is lower. And misogynist chauvinist rightist male swine fully support such an approach. And later they complain that women refuse to have children.
Fekk you, white males! Either you improve or your stinking race will perish!! hahaha buhahaha No more whites!

I'm proud to be White. White Life Matters - so abortion is a crime.

But your pathetic white race will get extinct soon if you and your stinking misogynist lot don`t change your ways! HA!!!!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
25 Aug 2024   #249
Male employers pay less to women to compensate for natural conditions.

Feminists and their manginas like you are the ones who declared that women should be treated equally to men.

This claim has always been farcical, as demonstrated by women being accommodated with excessive time off from work without facing termination, unlike men.

But even this isn't sufficient.

What feminists and their manginas like you want is a world where women work part-time (if at all) but receive full-time salaries and benefits.

Feminism is nothing more than a rebranding of communism and for the benefit of women only.

From men according to their abilities, to women according to their demands.

No more whites!

Spoken like a true unrepentant communist who enthusiastically approves of genocide as means to eliminate ideological enemies.
Novichok  4 | 8414
25 Aug 2024   #250
Feminism is nothing more than a rebranding of communism and for the benefit of women only.

Then they added

women must be trusted
we don't need men
men are toxic

and the ultimate calamity that bit women on the ass like nothing ever before - a no-fault divorce. It was fun for women who got bored, went to family court, and walked out set for life.

The result: guys wised up, don't want to date, don't want to marry, and avoid women like I avoid venomous snakes.

They simply realized that marriage is the stupidest contract a man can sign and that 80% of divorces are initiated by women.

We see them on YouTube sobbing and lonely as they hit the wall still wondering why those 6-6-6 guys are not lined up by the door.
Novichok  4 | 8414
25 Aug 2024   #251
70 to 80 percent of rape reports are false. Only a moron would date a modern woman and risk it all.

Novichok  4 | 8414
25 Aug 2024   #252
This video is about feminism ... that gift from hell...

If that BS continues, 50% of American women will be lesbians very soon.
Alien  25 | 6359
25 Aug 2024   #253
Because they bleed

This is not enough of an explanation because they still earn less after menopause.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
25 Aug 2024   #254
they still earn less after menopause.

No longer having periods certainly eliminates this convenient excuse for women to take regular time off work but this still wouldn't justify giving them a pay raise over it.

Look at it this way.

A "career" woman will spend decades taking about one week off every month just to sit at home on the rag.

By the time they reach menopause, they have been mentally conditioned to expect to get more time off work than men and thus do less work.

So what do they suddenly do? Finally put in equal work to receive equal pay?

Absolutely not.

They still spend about one week off every month attending doctor appointments for menopausal health matters, both real and imagined. These issues range from osteoporosis and weight gain to mental health problems exacerbated by menopause, such as depression and anxiety.

A guy working in a coal mine or on an oil rig should be paid exactly as much as a kindergarten teacher.

Indeed, the entire gender pay gap scam is based on never comparing like with like.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
25 Aug 2024   #255
I take it that you are not married are you Poloniusz ?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
25 Aug 2024   #256
You should be the first to know the problems generated on PF when people share or probe into other people's personal lives. It's why so many threads are off topic.

So, in general, what's your experience working with adult aged women spanning different generations?
johnny reb  49 | 7888
25 Aug 2024   #257
what's your experience working with adult aged women spanning different generations?

Its Sunday and I have ben told that if you don't have anything nice to say then say nothing at all, so I choose to say nothing at all.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
25 Aug 2024   #258
Very sage advice. I recall the quote originated last century from a male writer.

Anyway, every person and every generation will have very different opinions on this matter.

Sometimes these opinions are rooted in cultural conventions, and other times they come from empirical studies or direct personal experience.

Interestingly, some societies that are not influenced by feminism have a better understanding of gender dynamics and know how to respond more effectively to problems caused by them.

Take Iran, for example. Did you know that a year ago there was a women's rights protest over there? No?

If you didn't, it wasn't due to a media blackout; it was because the protest was very short-lived.

Were all the women rounded up and jailed? No.

Instead, the Iranian authorities arrested the men who were supporting the women and executed them. The women ran away and never came back out.

Men targeted by Iranian regime as women protest for equal rights

"Experts suggest that the aggressive rate at which the regime has been imprisoning or executing men involved in the protests it's a clear sign of its awareness that if men and women unite, it will struggle to contain the movement."

The same applies to the Taliban.

This demonstrates that women only receive the society that men allow them to have.

Feminists can only succeed in implementing and enforcing gynocentric societies when there are enough browbeaten, "oh, yes ma'am!" cucks and manginas to do their bidding.

Again, many differences in how people understand and respond to gender politics will always be generational.

Novichok  4 | 8414
25 Aug 2024   #259
have a better understanding of gender dynamics and know how to respond more effectively to problems caused by them.

Gender dynamics and problems start with women who lie. All of them. All the time. This should always be the default assumption before you approach one. You will never go wrong with that attitude. "You" is editorial and not person-specific.

These bit*ches don't mind ruining a man's life if they can get ten minutes of attention and an "oh, poor you". Cops already know that it will be version 7 that will have some elements of truth.

This guy knows better now what women are about...Quoting:

Texas cop reveals he lost everything after a woman he had a pool threesome with falsely accused him of rape

The father-of-two was only saved because his friend John Marks had a security system that recorded everything and proved the sex was consensual.

Douglas is suing the Manvel Police Department and Marks' neighbor Amanda Zawieruszynski, who made the false rape and kidnapping claims.

Hey, Amanda, get breast cancer and die...
Poloniusz  5 | 969
25 Aug 2024   #260
These bit*ches don't mind ruining a man's life if they can get ten minutes of attention and an "oh, poor you".

Very true. In all these cases of false rape claims, the female 'victim' simply wants to take revenge for any given flimsy reason against the man or men they are accusing.

Women have both social and legal incentives to engage in risky behavior and then lie about what actually happens because they know they will always be believed (at least at first), and when it is proven they are lying, they know there will be little to no consequences for them.

Women have plenty of advocates and dedicated support groups who will overlook and even rationalize their abhorrent and irresponsible behavior. Men are on their own in these very serious situations with female false accusers and their attendant cheerleaders expecting men to simply move on after their reputations and livelihoods have been destroyed.
Novichok  4 | 8414
25 Aug 2024   #261
they know there will be little to no consequences for them.

On my island, a false accuser would serve twice the term the accused would if convicted.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
25 Aug 2024   #262
Absolutely. There need to be severe penalties.

Feminists fear such measures and immediately protest that these will discourage women from reporting grievances.

They deliberately omit the fact that severe penalties are crucial for eliminating fraudulent complaints. This is because feminists know that acknowledging this distinction would undermine their ideological goal of elevating women by tearing down men using any means necessary.
Novichok  4 | 8414
25 Aug 2024   #263
Feminists fear such measures and immediately protest

...just as they go apeshit about paternity tests and prenups.

Nothing sweeter than a woman caught lying.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
24 Nov 2024   #264
Patrycja Volny, the daughter of the iconic anticommunist opposition singer and poet Jacek Kaczmarski has just published a book about her father. She reveals extremely negative behaviours of him towards herself and her mother. Kaczmarski, addicted to alcohol, is described as an obsessive abuser and even molester. At one moment, mother and daughter had to leave their home and seek shelter in an institution protecting women from family abuse. It happened in 1980s while the family were staying in Australia.

The scandal is double. Firstly, the book and its content ruin the monumental status of Kaczmarski as a legendary bard of the anticommunist opposition. His songs really contributed to the collapse of communism in this part of Europe. I still remember how I recorded his concert aired in FREE EUROPE RADIO in mid 1980s. The quality was terrible coz communists suppressed the signal but it didn`t matter. Later I listened to that concert many times.

Secondly, the scandal concerns people who tried to silence Patrycja Volny and make her stop working on the book. She complains they refused to accept the suffering under her father`s boot as sth important and worth dealing with. She was supposed to shut up so that the legend could live on.
Alien  25 | 6359
24 Nov 2024   #265
legend could live on.

Legends die young, and so did he. If he were still alive he would be able to respond to these allegations.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
24 Nov 2024   #266
these allegations.

Allegations can refer to the info about molesting. That`s sth new, indeed. But his alco addiction and abuse of family are facts, proven by witnesses and state institutions in Australia.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
24 Nov 2024   #267
For the 20th time, Polish women took to the streets in the annual "Manifa" demonstration."We are the revolution. No more being nice to violent guys." is the slogan of the 20th "Manifa" march. on...blah...blah...blah

In other words, the trite feminist mantra: 'XX good, XY bad.'


Funny how this woman, who was 'silenced for decades,' is suddenly the hero. Obviously, everyone missed her 'heroic' role in history while the defamed man was busy making an actual contribution to it.

Someone needs to tell her that the #MeToo movement lost all credibility as soon as it went mainstream back in 2017, and she's pushing an outdated agenda that no one takes seriously anymore.
Novichok  4 | 8414
24 Nov 2024   #268
Someone needs to tell her that the #MeToo movement lost all credibility

..and bit women on the ass big time. When a single sentence can end a man's career, one has to be a moron to hire one or socialize with her.

That is why I would never go on a business trip with a woman.

And that bs that "women must be trusted"...Why? Because they have tits? Women lie all the time and I was raped leads on the list of lies. That's what the FBI says, not me.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
24 Nov 2024   #269
one has to be a moron to hire one or socialize with her.

Yet, thanks to stuck-on-stupid DEI quotas, activist social media's naming-and-shaming tactics, and threats of lawsuits, there's no choice but to hire them and put up with it.

Women absolutely know their toxicity has been driving men to keep their distance. So how did they respond? Did they change their own bad behavior? Of course not! Instead, they doubled down and launched campaigns demanding men take on more responsibilities to "Lean In" and support "HeForShe" - ensuring that women, and only women, are given opportunities, while men do all the work of clearing obstacles and paving the way for them.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
24 Nov 2024   #270
everyone missed her 'heroic' role in history

Exactly! The patriarchal society prefered to press women into silence over the abuse by male relatives.

back in 2017, and she's pushing an outdated agenda

Exactly, darling! Poland`s location in Central Europe always makes us late to the West by a few years when it comes to new trends. Now it is the time for the Me too trend to flourish in Poland at last!!!!

no one takes seriously

You mean chauvinist males. Decent males do.

Home / Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events

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