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Do Polish women dislike Asian women?

Somchai200  2 | 5
5 Jan 2023   #1
I'm a young Thai woman and I've been living here in warsaw for about two months. Since i got here i've noticed that a lot of the polish women will scowl at me when i walk by. I don't think i'm doing anything wrong, maybe is it because i have tendency to wear revealing outfits as an Asian woman? I have tendency to wear revealing outfits at times but I never stare at Polish women in a hostile manner, and i usually smile at pretty much everyone.

I don't expect everyone to grin at me when they see me, i just don't understand why i get nasty looks when i'm just minding my own business. I honestly don't really care but i'm just curious if this has happened to other people or if they just don't really like asian women lol
cms neuf  2 | 1958
5 Jan 2023   #2
They do that to other Polish women too :) don't worry about it - they can be competitive, and very protective once they have a boyfriend
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Jan 2023   #3
i have tendency to wear revealing outfits as an Asian woman

Interesting, earlier in another thread you criticised American women for wearing skimpy outfits and now it turns out you wear such outfits yourself? lol:

I was appalled by the way so many American women wear very skimpy outfits in social and public settings.

So, Somchai200, are you a troll or just pathologically hypocritical? :D

Btw, a memo to all the trolls out there - I have a good memory lol 😎
OP Somchai200  2 | 5
5 Jan 2023   #4
Paulina, well I wear skimpy outfits at times because I like them and there is nothing wrong about wearing them as long as u understand time and place. Rule of thumb is would I wear skimpy outfits to government offices? I don't think so. But when I go to bars for example I wear whatever I want including skimpy outfits. But as I mentioned previously, that's not the case with American women. In America all the women from teenagers up to maybe 50 years old wear skimpy outfits and I've even seen girls working at call centers wear booty shorts and I am not kidding. Anyways, it's kind of odd that so many Polish women seem very displeased to see me, I get the feeling Polish women in general hate Asian women. It seems like Polish women don't mind other white women whereas they are hostile towards me.
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Jan 2023   #5
@Somchai200, maybe Polish women simply think that you're not right in the head or that you're a prostitute, because you wear skimpy clothes during winter and hence you're getting looks?

there is nothing wrong about wearing them as long as u understand time and place.

Yeah, exactly, normally people don't wear skimpy outfits during winter time. It seems especially strange in case of someone coming from a country that has a hot climate, like Thailand.

I get the feeling Polish women in general hate Asian women.

Then you're wrong.
jon357  72 | 23654
5 Jan 2023   #6
during winter

Male or female, people get strange looks in Poland if they're not dressed like Nanook of the North in cold or cool weather.

I've seen plenty of people on public transport on a nice spring day with hats, gloves and heavy winter coats.
OP Somchai200  2 | 5
5 Jan 2023   #7
Paulina, Maybe its because Polish women perceive me as public nuisance or prostitute by just standing out too much in public and gathering people's attention. And yes I do stand out a lot when I wear skimpy outfits during winter. That could be one of the reasons why I receive so many dirty looks from Polish women. But to be honest, I doubt they would react to me in a hostile manner if I was a white woman from western country. As an Asian woman we are told that we look classless an whorish when we wear skimpy outfits such as very short booty jeans shorts in certain non asian countries. Since white women from western countries are privileged they are viewed as being pure, and clean therefore they get away with wearing less clothing. Furthermore, I rarely encountered friendly Polish women in real life so I think anti asian racism is prevalent amongst Polish women. Can u provide some insight into this?
5 Jan 2023   #8
somchai they are jealous of you, you are probably very good looking
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Jan 2023   #9
Can u provide some insight into this?

Yes, my insight is that you have some issues that you probably should work on.
You seem to have an issue with you being an Asian woman and with women in other countries. It looks to me that you're looking for a fault in the women in the country where you live - American women wear skimpy clothes when they shouldn't, Polish women hate Asian women, because they look at you... Is that all you have to say about American women after living in the US - that they wear skimpy outfits? lol Didn't you make any friends there?

Poles are a homogenic nation, so many Poles stare a lot at anyone who looks different, especially at people from different races - both men and women. That doesn't mean they're racist or that they hate you. Also, Poles aren't accustomed to smiling at strangers and many foreigners claim that they look sad or angry. That's not the case either - that's just our neutral, default look lol

As an Asian woman we are told that we look classless an whorish when we wear skimpy outfits

Sorry, but this is the first I hear of it. Where Asian women are told such things?

Furthermore, I rarely encountered friendly Polish women in real life

But you encountered plenty of friendly Polish men?

Btw, here's a profile of a Japanese woman living in Kraków:

Why don't you ask her whether Polish women hate Asian women?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Jan 2023   #10
maybe is it because i have tendency to wear revealing outfits as an Asian woman?

Post some pictures of yourself and let us decide if you are dressing too slutty.
Paulina  19 | 4558
5 Jan 2023   #11
Male or female, people get strange looks in Poland if they're not dressed like Nanook of the North in cold or cool weather.

I wouldn't go that far, but I saw once through a kitchen window a guy wearing short sleeves during late autumn or early winter and I stared at him in shock and horror lol Btw, my uncle is like that - he's capable of wearing T-shirts during winter. That's rare though and we call such people "hot-blooded" :)

people on public transport on a nice spring day with hats, gloves and heavy winter coats.

That's me *nods* ;D
5 Jan 2023   #12
it it is cold outside and you are wearing revealing clothes of course you will get some dirty looks from women, they would look the same at a Polish woman dressed the same way I think, just dress appropriate for the weather and maybe your issues will go away
Alien  26 | 6550
5 Jan 2023   #13
There are some women who have to wear revealing clothes even in winter and not only in Poland but everywhere and....they "have to" for professional reasons of course.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jan 2023   #14
the polish women will scowl at me when i walk by

Don`t mind. If it`s only looks, then you shouldn`t bother.
Do you get similar looks from Polish males??

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