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Why so many Poles use a second hands clothes?

OP TIT  5 | 208
7 Feb 2010   #61
it's a straight forward question. do you just like new things? being the first to use a product.

if we talk about clothes- YES
Wroclaw Boy
7 Feb 2010   #62
Perhaps I am saying blame society not the individual, our critical thinking has been stripped to a certain extent and replaced with consumer culture.

For sure we are all slaves to the system with the main evil being the monetary system.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
7 Feb 2010   #63
I don't think so for many people in the context of this thread.

Here is a man who thinks that buying new clothes means he is ''free'' and that people who buy second hand clothes are ''slaves''.

This to me is a form of mental slavery and I do not think there is much worse slavery than mental slavery. (no offence Tit, like your opinion I have mine and on this topic we do not agree).

I am not saying that money is not important, for we have given it that but I do not think you are "free" just because you have it.
Wroclaw Boy
7 Feb 2010   #64
I am not saying that money is not important, for we have given it that but I do not think you are "free" just because you have it.

As long as money exists we will never be free, its an ingenious system to enslave the human race.
OP TIT  5 | 208
7 Feb 2010   #65
are you a commie?
Wroclaw Boy
7 Feb 2010   #66
If you wish to brand me i'll take new age realist. Money doesnt work, its a time bomb. Mark my words anybody under 40 will see a major shake up of the system in their life time. The current global economic crisis is only the beginning.

Money is the root of all evil, it has to be abolished.
OP TIT  5 | 208
7 Feb 2010   #67
what about barter trade then, Ill give you a bucket of coal and you give me a bag of washing powder
convex  20 | 3928
7 Feb 2010   #68
As long as money exists we will never be free, its an ingenious system to enslave the human race.

money backed by something is great, fiat money is crap.
Wroclaw Boy
7 Feb 2010   #69
what about barter trade then, Ill give you a bucket of coal and you give me a bag of washing powder

Its difficult and the irradication of value is a tough one. No system is perfect granted but there is a better solution, its not communism. A resource based economy.

Ever since you and I were born were trained and told to make money, thats not morally right.

The question of the future should not be can we afford something, it should be do we have the resources, we have them now!

Take medicine for example, will the big drug companies cancel their patents for cancer vaccines? Will the big energy companies ever let free energy flood the market. We have the resources to power the World now without burning anything, why are we not doing it? answer - big business and corruption of the highest level.
OP TIT  5 | 208
7 Feb 2010   #70
big business and corruption of the highest level.

and this is an explanation why so many Poles wear pants and socks left to the poor by German bauer ?
espana  17 | 951
7 Feb 2010   #71
poles also steal clothes from charity shops in england and then sell it in poland
Wroclaw Boy
7 Feb 2010   #72
What they steal a couple of pairs of jeans and sell them for £2.00, forget about the £200 travel fees hey.

and this is an explanation why so many Poles wear pants and socks left to the poor by German bauer ?

what ever floats your boat Tit.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
7 Feb 2010   #73
poles also steal clothes from charity shops in england and then sell it in poland

that's an interesting fact, would you care to elaborate or are you just having one of those 'i hate everything Polish' days again. why are you even on this forum, are you in love with WB?
espana  17 | 951
7 Feb 2010   #74
that's an interesting fact

even take clothes out of recycling bins. ,,,,,,,,What next?
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
7 Feb 2010   #75
have they stolen them before you got there to have a peek yourself? aw
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
7 Feb 2010   #76
You are an enigma to me, WB. Those really are odd words coming from a man that openly confesses to being a show off. (gramma?) But you have my attention. Do you know any intersting books or documentaries on the subject?

PS: As for "lumpexy", even though the clothes are being washed beforehand it still feels awkward to wear them... Not to mention that you really have to have a lot of time on your hands to find something nice.
Wroclaw Boy
7 Feb 2010   #77
You are an enigma to me, WB. Those really are odd words coming from a man that openly confesses to being a show off.

We all like to show off a bit, no? Its part of human nature the want to be great, admired, recognised, looked up to.

Im just totally sick of money, its always a problem, wether you have it, dont have it, I'd like to be doing something else other than the nonstop obsession associated with the green stuff.

My next venture is not about making money, its about giving something to society.

A recent occurance which will most probably result in the death of a loved one which I think could have been avoided with a bribe (we didnt know at the time) it just highlights the inherant issues of the system.

Yeh check out

the zeitgeist addendum

its a documentary galvanised some opinions ive been harbouring for years.
convex  20 | 3928
7 Feb 2010   #78
My next venture is not about making money, its about giving something to society.

some of use the money we make to invest in society.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
7 Feb 2010   #79
We all like to show off a bit, no? Its part of human nature the want to be great, admired, recognised, looked up to.

No doubt about it. It's just that some people like to show off a little bit more than others,... and I thought that you are in the first group.

Either way, sorry to hear about the problems of your loved one. I also have some issues with the medical system here, and especially with the ethics of polish doctors. Not with all, but a big part of them.

Thanks for the zeitgeist, I started to watch it already. Seems interesting.
opts  10 | 260
7 Feb 2010   #80
By responding to TIT’s skewed statements, the members of this forum are promoting, perpetuating his biased views. The appropriate response is no response.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
7 Feb 2010   #81
The appropriate response is no response.


By responding to TIT’s skewed statements the members of this forum are promoting, perpetuating his biased views.

Or if you read the thread you might find we can debate and talk about our different view points.
I think not discussing issues offers no form of education or insight at all.
jonni  16 | 2475
7 Feb 2010   #82
even take clothes out of recycling bins. ,,,,,,,,What next?

You seem to know a lot about it - perhaps that's how you dress yourself.
Honest George  1 | 105
7 Feb 2010   #83
Shops with second hands cloths are everywhere, on every corner.

Not in any of the cities I've been to.

Why aren't you ashamed to lie like that?

Figure of speech ?

people are experiencing economic hardships

Polands economy is supposed to be super, so what hardships ?

Lack of money.

What lack of money, Poland has the best economy in europe.

Money is the root of all evil, it has to be abolished.


By responding to TIT’s skewed statements, the members of this forum are promoting, perpetuating his biased views. The appropriate response is no response.

Now come on, play the game.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
7 Feb 2010   #84
Polands economy is supposed to be super, so what hardships ?

What lack of money, Poland has the best economy in europe.

You are confusing growth with a strong economy.
Poland is getting stronger but it is still quite poor in comparison to many countries like France Germany and England.

Many people here do not have much money and buy from farmer's markets and second hand clothes shops.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
7 Feb 2010   #85
What lack of money, Poland has the best economy in europe.

Right now Poland has the best BNP-growth in Europe. But the ratio salary/cost of living is still low in Poland.

It's 2 completely different things.
Honest George  1 | 105
8 Feb 2010   #86
Why so many Poles use a second hands clothes?

So about 80posts ago, why didn,t someone just say, these 2nd hand clothes shops are aimed at the poorer members of society ? ........ simple.

Theres no shame in that.

It's 2 completely different things.

Tell that to Mr Tusk. lol
convex  20 | 3928
8 Feb 2010   #87
Many people here do not have much money and buy from farmer's markets and second hand clothes shops.

interestingly enough, in wealthy countries, the rich buy from farmers markets and second hand clothes stores...and the poor buy from supermarkets and shopping malls.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
8 Feb 2010   #88
Right now Poland has the best BNP-growth in Europe.

I am sure the British National Party has not got that much growth in Poland right now ;)

So about 80posts ago, why didn,t someone just say, these 2nd hand clothes shops are aimed at the poorer members of society ? ........ simple.

I did, remember? you even quoted me on it.

interestingly enough, in wealthy countries, the rich buy from farmers markets and second hand clothes stores...and the poor buy from supermarkets and shopping malls.

It has been mentioned several times on this thread that famous rich people buy second hand clothes.
I am not familiar with this practice but then again I don't know many famous people.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346
8 Feb 2010   #89
ITT: a Butt-hurt new clothes retailer in Poland.

lulzy :)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
8 Feb 2010   #90
Why so many not feel ashamed to wear pants or socks after some other people?
Shops with second hands cloths are everywhere, on every corner.

It's nothing to be ashamed of! It's a great way to save money and recycle clothing and the Poles aren't the only ones!

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