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Are Poles suspicious of Facebook?

pawian  224 | 27236
6 Jun 2019   #31
and those who present they care.

Present or pretend? Strange because S is far from T on the keyboard.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Jun 2019   #32
Pretend, of course. My bad for posting on my smartphone that is not smart enough to read my mind and me trusting its suggestions.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
6 Jun 2019   #33
Facebook is the best method of communication when you need to inform students about sth

And you still did not learn from your mistakes?
FB is not a suitable platform for teachers to interact with their students.
If you think it is, you are a poor teacher.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Jun 2019   #34
FB is not a suitable platform for teachers to interact with their students.

How the hell did I go through high school and managed to get a degree without any of that modern crap? The most advanced marvel of engineering I had back in Warsaw was a black rotary government phone...

Maybe my life is just a dream to wake up from....Or a nightmare?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
6 Jun 2019   #35
Your nightmare, so it would appear, is our pipe dream:-)
9 Feb 2020   #36

Facebook in Poland

Is it more popular for Polish to be used on social media in Poland, such as Facebook and Instagram, or English?
pawian  224 | 27236
9 Feb 2020   #37
Polish mixed with English. Why?
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Jan 2021   #38
Yes, rightists and nationalists have become very suspicious of Facebook recently after Trump and his followers lost accounts there.

I am reading now they have created a copy of Facebook called freeSlavs but on the very first day they deleted accounts of liberally thinking newcomers. Funny - they claim to fight for free speech but they don`t feel obliged to stick to it themselves, of course.
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Jan 2021   #39
Yes, rightists and nationalsist have become very suspicious.

One suspects when one does not know. We know.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 Jan 2021   #40
Funny - they claim to fight for free speech but they don`t feel obliged to stick to it themselves, of course.

It was the same with Parler (LOL, for the record). They had 'free speech', but anything other than Trumpism was removed and the poster banned.

The truth is that rightards don't want freedom of speech. They only want free speech for their own, while threatening others that speak freely.
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Jan 2021   #41
anything other than Trumpism was removed and the poster banned.

I can imagine .

The truth is that rightards don't want freedom of speech

Of course, because their fav political system is dictatorship where they can FREELY and without any constraints oppress their opponents. Now wonder they are called neo bolsheviks here in Poland.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
14 Jan 2021   #42
Even apple now is about to start hiring non white men so whether you polish people like it or not the world is becoming more left and soon you'll probably be out of a job unless your an entrepreneur or are only stuck in Poland for a Polish company if you are white and a male:

believe me those job questionnaires all firms ask what race you are and gender and sexual orientation will be soon worldwide. just accept it that the world has no room for your kind and is left or lewackie.
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Jan 2021   #43
They only want free speech for their own,

Name one leftist speaker who was forced to stop and run for his life. Never happened. It's all the leftist scum who is doing it every chance they have. Can you spell Berkeley?

Ben Shapiro makes it a point to let his opponents to ask questions first and ahead of those who agree with him.
Conservative social platforms, just like Texas, run a risk of being overrun by the leftist mob. See above.

By now, it's war. In war, you employ everything you have to win. The critical point is who fired the first shot. It was the Bolsheviks.
rtfm  1 | 62
14 Jan 2021   #44
The leftist mantra is free speech as long you agree with what we say which is pretty much the same as the media. No wonder people on the other end of the spectrum made their own forum and did the same thing.

We are sadly in times where we can no longer have adult discussions about opposing ideals without the permenantly offended screaming an "ism"

As for "diversification" in jobs, that is just another word for racism if it is selecting candidates based on race rather than merit
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Jan 2021   #45
As for "diversification" in jobs, that is just another word for racism

The level the new leftist woke fascism has reached is beyond my ability to grasp.
The question I am still struggling with is if the leftist woke fascists know that they are leftists woke fascists or if they believe in their own propaganda full of those -isms you just alluded to.

Another one is: if we delivered on everything the leftist scum wants, would they shut up and go away. I asked this question many times and never got a straight yes-no answer. Just as with gay rights.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
14 Jan 2021   #46
but theyre all doing it every big tech and even startups. unless you want to be a manual worker or kopac rowy or do construction these dwys ur fuked if ur someone like me or a young well bred white male with artistic or creative skills or really most skills unless youre exceptional lucky or have connections. i dont even know whats better to out unlisted or not answer their race and gender baiting questions (fu both paulina and anna spysz for not admitting this bias and you having it easier) or lie?
Novichok  4 | 8748
14 Jan 2021   #47
or not answer their race

That's one thing they never get from me: my race. None of their FB. Plus, my mother never told me so how would I know?
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Jan 2021   #48
The level the new leftist woke fascism has reached

No, it is rightists who promote fascism. Have you heard about that long-haired Trumpist at the riot, wearing a t-shirt with Auschwitz Camp slogans?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
14 Jan 2021   #49
I just don't buy into this modern internet culture movement bullshit. Where is the movement to legalize drugs or lift people up instead of breaking them down.

All these "movements" are just dressed up bigotry. cancel culture is bigotry against alternative non mainstream opinions. White privilege is just bigotry against white, #metoo is feminist anti male bigotry.

I assume toxic masculinity is just the response to #metoo bullshit. I am not the bitter one here. I don't give a **** about any of this fake moral self licensing.

It's like those people who change their facebook or twitter profile pictures to KONY 2012 and donate $5 to save the trees and feel better about themselves. ******* pathetic.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Jan 2021   #50
internet culture

Remember, Covid has doubled or trebled this.

Where is the movement to legalise drugs

Working nicely and achieving more and more.

Home / Life / Are Poles suspicious of Facebook?

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