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Wow this thread has got a issue about it which makes it come floating back known again how comes it is only the negative ones that have a tendancy of doing this - everyone tends to try and make the same points over and over again x
I would say that in countries like UK, USA very commercial , money orientated, selfish and inhumane people are much more more lonely and unhappy than in Poland . And artifical smile means nothing to me. It doesn't mean that soemone is happy or likes you it is just little game, that is all.
I saw less beggars in Krakow than in New York. Poland takes care of it's poor. Maybe it is part of catholicism, I don't know
It amuses me to learn that the Finns are "sociable and open and happy" If that is so why is Finland leader in homicide rates in Europe and number two in suicide rates.
And contrary to common belief: our climate is not that bad. If you can tolerate the cold and snow that is. :) We don't have constant raining during winter, I don't know if the global warming changes that in future...
Wow this thread has got a issue about it which makes it come floating back known again how comes it is only the negative ones that have a tendancy of doing this - everyone tends to try and make the same points over and over again x
And, here I agree with Lara - the best thing that's been said on this thread - Poles can't accept criticism. (In places like Sweden & Britain - "mature countries" - people accept criticism and think what they can improve about themselves or the state. In Poland you all treat it as a personal attack, which it isn't!). Can't you all just grow up and discuss things maturely without taking it as a personal insult?
I know what you mean Dumbass. I also can't understand how people can take as a personal insult naming them “dumb” or “not human”. It truly remains a mystery for me. :)
Poles can't accept criticism. (In places like Sweden & Britain - "mature countries" - people accept criticism and think what they can improve about themselves or the state.
soooo many times i noticed that brits push a blame on someone else(usually someone weak and defenceless).why?because they don't want to admit that they've done something wrong>
Mature countries-what does it mean?the countries which have gone through everything like murders,corruption,racism ect and not have a lot of experience? you shouldn't criticise us on this matter as you are not any better
OK, I'll just rephrase my initial question slightly. It's not just the lack of smiling in Poland, it's the whole Polish psyche that's F+cked up.
i would say exactly the same about quite a few brits i saw and belive me a lot of you folks only smile when drunk(usually from thursday to tuesday).
Very few people in Poland seem to be happy with their lives.
so you are.most of the brits i know are unhappy about their lives.
One symptom is that they're all escaping to GB and Ireland - 1 million and still counting. (Last person out please switch off the lights!) And don't tell me it's just for the money.... A lot of emigrants see no perspectives for themselves in Polska. They see the country as a dead end
you are wrong again.this is the minority of people who think that way.most of us want to come back to poland after a few years.
btw i bet that a few million brits emigrated(a few millions and still counting)to australia,spain,canada ect because they see no perspectives in england
To my mind you can still be poor but happy. Poles are both poor and unhappy. Where is all the 'joie de vivre' in this country? Surely it's not just a question of cold climate. The Swedes have a far worse climate, as do the Finns, but in general they're really sociable and open and happy.
i don,t know who you hang around with but a lot of the brits are also poor and unhappy.a lot of them can't even smile cos of the state of their teeth.
i just want to tell you that you see what you want to see.that's all.
i just want to tell you that you see what you want to see.that's all.
I am Polish but have been living here for a few years so I try to be objective about any subjects concerning UK, Poland.... probably similar like you. Some people know very little about Poland, our culture....and just say lots of rubbish which is quite annoying.
I don;t mind sensible criticism but not lots of crap.
And as you said some British people are unhappy, lonely not so rich as it can look so it is always nice to look down at other country from Eastern europe it just make they feel better that is all.
But also lots British people are nice and sensible and write sensible things here.
American culture is well-known for artificial over-friendliness and exuberance. People will often tell you what you want to hear to your face.
I think Americans fear confrontation so they're just nice to everybody.
I got hired at an advertising company in Detroit and everyone was very friendly and outgoing on my first day. They talked about how it was like an extended family.
This is known as "blowing sunshine up your ass".
At some point I made a comment about someone else's sloppy work that I was cleaning up and was fired the next morning by someone I'd never met. I guess the sloppy work belonged to the boss.
Of course the boss was not there, in fact the entire staff was absent except for me and the guy who fired me. What a bunch of spineless turds.
Wer just, not media influenced. We dont have to walk around with smiles on our faces just because someone says we should. Thats what I like about. And what do you mean? Im the funniest girl in my class, AND WADDAYA KNOW?! Im polish. AND DAMN PROUD. =)
I believe you might be right about confrontation, but only in a job environment.
Detroit is one of the roughest cities along side new york. new york prob being the first I live near detroit, if you are in the heart of the city you are safe, but go a few blocks into the city, there isnt anyone afraid of confrontation. it is sad too, because before 1940's it was booming and full of people. most of the people who work inside of detroit, are from the outskirts of detroit. and most people who live in Detroit, work outside detroit because of the city taxes.
what a mess huh? lol
Excuse me, I meant to say into the neighborhoods. just not a good place to be.
and my aunt lived in highland park, this was a notable Polish neighborhood at one time, but now it is run down and the city is like a war zone.
I think Americans fear confrontation so they're just nice to everybody.
Fu*k Off :) We aren't nice to everyone. Maybe in the south they display exceptional hospitality. But if you live where I live a look can get your head kicked in.
We dont have to walk around with smiles on our faces just because someone says we should.
And we all don't either. Some people chose to be fake. Let's not make generalization here. I live in NY and I don't smile everyday because some fuc*er on TV say's it's courteous.
Excuse me, I meant to say into the neighborhoods. just not a good place to be.
and my aunt lived in highland park, this was a notable Polish neighborhood at one time, but now it is run down and the city is like a war zone.
First of all there's a big difference between work life and street life. I was referring to work life not public streets.
Still, I disagree. I live in Hamtramck and think it's greatest place on earth. Also, you're mistaken about Highland Park, it was never a notable Polish neighborhood, it was the "rich" area and now the city's bankrupt because of "white flight".
come on i know thing stupid girl i hate her guts she is form ploand and is a hoe and she is only 15 she says to only white boys in my skl its not fair do still she trys to act inoccent then call then boys to her hosue
Riots, due to the Black Movement, it was at one time a nice small community, but after wards, People started moving further out, Hamtramak is still notable Polish community as well as my city, but it is sad that in some areas you have to Lock your doors while stopped at a red light and hope no one will shoot at your car. or try to carjack it. I was told by another friend "genealogists" who lived in Highland park that he used to go down there by bus to visit family, but they pretty much ran out the local police and the state Police as well as others were tossing it up in the air about who was supposed to be there in place of the citys officers. and meantime, people were getting robbed, killed, he told me and my cousin who had decided one day we would go looking for records for my aunts family, to just not bother, because you would need a army tank to pass thru safely. <~that was not good news to hear.
I think now , it is improving, but in any case, alot of run down , drug houses, unsafe areas there. Sad. was once very Polish Neighborhoods.
never a notable Polish neighborhood, it was the "rich" area and now the city's bankrupt because of "white flight".
PLeaseeeeeeee, my aunt was not rich, and I know the area where she lived was polish and White Flight happened because of the riots, people didnt want to get killed, and as of late, I am sure they finally moved in on the area to re-control it due to gangs and robberies, but, it has been like this for some time as we had some new neighbors who were from Highland park this was quite some time ago back in say 1980's and so it has been a bad area for a long time. my aunt lived there in the 40's when it was a better place, but she was not rich, maybe they did ok, and yes, Polish did stick together in certain neighborhoods thus your classic (small Polish community) hmmmmmmmmmmm.
new neighbors who were from Highland park this was quite some time ago back in say 1980's and so it has been a bad area for a long time.
oops didnt get to finish, anyway, the younger of the kids who moved next to us, said hello to me one day, I said it back and asked where they had moved from, not knowing anything about highland park as I was only a teen, he said, you dont even want to know about it, put it this way, you walk out on your front porch, you would get shot at! this was a family who lived there, and might I say, they were not white either! so it was not just white flight. it was flight from possibly getting shot at while trying to go to school ,work, robbed, etc.
city's bankrupt <~because the bank probably got robbed over and over and over and over but we all know the gang leaders probably have some cash they can loan them ehh?
sorry, it was Flight of all colors, they dont know how to keep it safe apparently. and, if I call 911, I think it should only take two, three minutes to get there Vs 24 hours. sorry, I got my opinion and you got yours Dr Cherry :)
city's bankrupt -is kilpatrick running highland park?? lol. sorry, but he is not a favorite, and I am sure his whole family is enjoying those credit cards and new cars.
Dr Cherry, glad to know you are in Hamtramak. Nice Place to visit :)
The bankrupt city of Highland Park, embedded inside Detroit, is ringed by some of the World's richest suburbs. Despite this plethora of wealth, the city's beautiful library has been neglected by the the city (which has no funds) and the state. The budget was so meager as to be obscene.
The roof leaks and no major repairs have been done for over a decade
Neglected by the CITY!!! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. so was the Police Dept as well as many other educational, and much needed depts. the suburbs are still rich, <~once again, blame white flight huh? I say more like the city let it go. you would not see me live in a place where I had to put on army geer just to get to my car. But I am still upset that it is no longer what it should have been. Thriving!
Riots, due to the Black Movement
Meant to say civil rights movement. ooopsy. sorry. :)
by the way, I been working over a hundrend hours or more per paycheck so I am entitled to louse up with a excuse :) lol. Am tired, but heading to dreamland. nite nite folks.
I'm sorry but this is possibly the most ignorant statement I've heard in quite some time. The Detroit riots (the first three) were housing riots started by non-blacks.
The third in 1967 was a draft riot started by police busting a blind pig in Detroit.
The 1943 housing riot was started by non-blacks. Black's homes were cleared to build factories and tract housing was built for them. They were afraid to move in though because of pressure from the non-black community.
When the national guard was called in to allow them access to their new homes a riot started.
Damn! My ancestry is English and I just found out that I may be Polish! I have multiple personalities. :)
Why do I take more pride in knowing that I am Polish??? Is it because, in the face of adversity and opression, that Poles are strong people with pride in their country and culture???? :)
You have to be careful about this one. In my experience the Poles that left a generation ago are very very different to the poles of today. This is not just the simple generation gap. I put it down to all the false hopes that they have endured since the war.
Why do I take more pride in knowing that I am Polish??? Is it because, in the face of adversity and opression, that Poles are strong people with pride in their country and culture????
I think that English people are also strong and take pride in their country and culture when faced by adversary and oppression. If I were you, I would cherish both, your Polish and English roots. :)
You have to be careful about this one. In my experience the Poles that left a generation ago are very very different to the poles of today.
Give them an enemy, and you will see, that they will react just like their forefathers. It has to have something to do with the genes. :)
This is not just the simple generation gap. I put it down to all the false hopes that they have endured since the war. Poles are generally pesimists thats for sure.
Well, if you would give all you got and sacrifice your youth, health and all the precious things in your life in some cause for nothing, how would you feel? Theoretically Poland was on the “team” that won WWII, but practically we ended up even worse that west Germany, the country that started the whole madness in the first place. So yeah, I can understand why my grandfather became very skeptical after the war.
Poles are generally pesimists thats for sure.
Have you been here around in the 80's? I certainly was, and I perfectly remember that the most frequent answer to the question "How are you doing" was "Lepiej nie pytaj" ("Don't even ask"), while now it's "Powoli" ("Slowly")...Do you see the improvement? I do. :)
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