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The Pole is happy when someone else cries...

Novichok  4 | 8732
28 Jul 2023   #61
Poles were happy to be in the front when crushing the Hungarians and Czechs in the 20th century.

...and as happy to be the Soviet collaborators inside. They even found a reason to go to Iraq! As a decoration rather than a credible military force but still...They could have easily said no.

The only consolation is that Brits are a hundred times worse.
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jul 2023   #62
We remember well how you were Napoleon's torpedo,

Why blaming Poles? Blame Napoleon and the French.

you and the Ukrainians butchered each other in the 20s.

But Poles only defended what they considered Poland: Lviv and the area. Such was the thinking then. Again you missed.

crushing the Hungarians

Crushing what Hungarians???? You missed.

Three misses in one post. Not bad. hahahaha
Bobko  27 | 2236
28 Jul 2023   #64
Crushing what Hungarians????

Educate yourself about what assistance Polish brothers provided to friendly government in Moscow.

Poles were the attack dogs of the Kremlin.
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jul 2023   #65
what assistance Polish brothers

I know nothing about such assistance. Explain.
Paulina  19 | 4558
28 Jul 2023   #66
Russians are positively docile next to Poles.

What a load of bullsh1t. Don't you know your own history? You don't get to have a country as big as RuSSia by being "docile" o_O

Poles are the Chechens of Europe lol

Why Chechens?

Educate yourself

Bobko, I think you should learn by now that Poles know the history of their country better than you do lol Polish army didn't participate in quenching the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. It's you who should educate yourself.
Bobko  27 | 2236
28 Jul 2023   #67
It's you who should educate yourself.

I noticed you did not mention the crushing of the Prague Spring. I suppose your Google skills were sufficient for that.

Now, do some research into Gomulka's actions after Soviets helped him stabilize situation in Poland. What did he promise? What did he do?
Alien  26 | 6551
28 Jul 2023   #68
Poles were happy to be in the front when crushing the Hungarians

Again, you're wrong, but not completely. Poland was indeed involved in helping Hungary, namely the Hungarian insurgents, in the amount of 2 million dollars. This was the largest aid Hungary received from abroad, even greater than US aid.
Paulina  19 | 4558
28 Jul 2023   #69
I noticed you did not mention the crushing of the Prague Spring.

Because you were right about that, so I didn't have to correct you.

I suppose your Google skills were sufficient for that.

Eh? You do realise that they teach history at Polish schools, right? o_O

What did he promise? What did he do?

Sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about.
Bobko  27 | 2236
28 Jul 2023   #70
I have no idea what you're talking about

Poland and Hungary were cooperating in their little nasty mutiny. Poland got "bonked" first. Very quickly at that. Then Poland became instrumental in explaining to us how everything worked inside the Hungarian liberal camp, and in identifying the key persons to be removed.
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jul 2023   #71
in identifying the key persons to be removed.

Why are you lying like a rabid dog now??? Do I have to call you a lying putinist swine again???/
Bobko  27 | 2236
28 Jul 2023   #72
Why are you lying like a rabid dog now?

My god, why this of all the things I said? I will come home from work, and do a proper post for you about Polish collaboration in suppressing the Hungarian revolt.
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jul 2023   #73
do a proper post for you

Yes, make a post which will show how Poles are bellicose. :):):)
Paulina  19 | 4558
28 Jul 2023   #74
Then Poland became instrumental in explaining to us how everything worked inside the Hungarian liberal camp, and in identifying the key persons to be removed.

I don't think I've ever heard of that before. What are your sources for that info?
Here's an interview with a Hungarian historian about Polish response to Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and he doesn't mention what you wrote about:
Paulina  19 | 4558
28 Jul 2023   #75
in their little nasty mutiny.

Sorry, but what was "nasty" about that?

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