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Why is women-hatred and stereotyping so popular in Poland?

8 Sep 2023   #1
Since 2020, abortion is almost totally banned, whenever I enter Wykop I see incels constantly hating on us, falsely accusing all of us women for having s*x with men of other phenotypes and ethnicities, Polish politicians build their votes on misogyny (e.g. Jarosław Kaczyński) etc.

Don't be surprised about the fact I will say at some point that I dislike my own country, because of the way many men treat us.

I will also refuse to have s*x with any men, because of abortion ban and racist undertones I meet with.

Nie pozdrawiam.
My favorite forum these days, BTW they won't let you in, if you are a misogynistic troll.
Alien  26 | 6551
8 Sep 2023   #2
I will also refuse to have s*x with any men

There are still women.
OP rush2112
8 Sep 2023   #3
*of not for

@Alien I don't think being a lesbian is accepted here, so I'll stay asexual, just for political reasons.
Alien  26 | 6551
8 Sep 2023   #4
I wonder how long you'll last in your decision?
OP rush2112
8 Sep 2023   #5
@Alien I know, scientists have been saying having s*x is good for longer life etc. but as well as I might get some AIDS and be forever hated by men and even women with internalized misogyny.

I will never be ashamed of my feminism.
People might call me a racist (because I refuse to have s*x with foreigners), "lewak" (because I'm liberal) etc. I don't care.

I still stand by JK Rowling, I can finally annoy both left and right.
Alien  26 | 6551
8 Sep 2023   #6
Good luck, the first 10 minutes are already behind you.
OP rush2112
8 Sep 2023   #7
@Alien I don't regret still feeling like Peter Pan at this point.

I'm so proud of being a celibate, while not being a Catholic nun and I don't like Catholicism.
Luke1410  - | 146
8 Sep 2023   #8
Have you not heard of Donald Tusk?? He is fighting your cause.
OP rush2112
8 Sep 2023   #9
Donald Tusk... stop with this lying dude...
I'd rather vote for female party, if there is any!
Ironside  51 | 13109
8 Sep 2023   #10
I don't care.

Neither I! Who the F cares? any volunteers to play with some new ...whatever? I'm out!
OP rush2112
8 Sep 2023   #11
@Ironside Found a misogynist.
Alien  26 | 6551
8 Sep 2023   #12
Catholic nun

Maybe it would be a good idea for a life, all your problems solved at once.
Luke1410  - | 146
8 Sep 2023   #13
I'd rather vote for female party, if there is any! there still time for DT to have a sex change operation? Can somebody check, I think we could be onto a winner here.
OP rush2112
8 Sep 2023   #14
@Alien No, I hate Catholics, because they hate women!
I'm serious. They have been hating on gays, too and also Jews (controversial subject in Poland).
I'd rather stay away from all the Abrahamic religions, all of them are misogynistic.

@Luke1410 Are you conservative or what? My attitude towards transgender folks could be as well pretty TERFy, but I'm not willing to harm any TIMs.
Alien  26 | 6551
8 Sep 2023   #15
they hate women!

The word hate does not exist in the Catholic language. We love everyone.
OP rush2112
8 Sep 2023   #16
The truth about treacherous and lying Donald Tusk:


A lot of evidence against the Catholic Church:
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Sep 2023   #17
hating on

Dreadful Americanism.

they won't let you in, if you are a............troll.

So how come you're a member?
jon357  72 | 23668
8 Sep 2023   #18
Dreadful Americanism.

I thought so too, however presumably the OP picked it up from seeing it or hearing it.

Donald Tusk

Too right wing for me however the Workers' movement in PL never seem to get their act together.
OP rush2112
8 Sep 2023   #19
If you all don't believe me how women-hatred is widespread in Poland, go visit and the tags #przegryw or #p0lka or #logikarozowychpaskow

I'm proud to be radfem since covid lockdowns 2020-2023
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Sep 2023   #20
who don't understand anything at all!

I've uttered precisely seven words. Not really enough to judge somebody's understanding.

You call supporting women's rights and human rights American

No dear. I was referring to your use of the expression 'hating on' which is a particularly hideous example of American English at its most inelegant. Civilised people use the verb 'to hate'.
OP rush2112
8 Sep 2023   #21
I'll wait for answers not to garbage up this thread.
I'm pretty pissed off by most Polish folks.

I'm not ashamed of spelling "favorite", instead of "favourite".
And American English is one of the English dialects, deal with it.
I like its simplicity.
Joker  2 | 2458
8 Sep 2023   #22
Rush 2112

I like this guy already!
OP rush2112
8 Sep 2023   #23
Yeah, I wonder why Rush never performed in Poland and I don't know how to cope with it.
I picked Rush and other prog bands because of the least misogynistic lyrics for rock bands and because of complexity and sophistication.

Let's get back to the main subject: misogyny in Poland.
jon357  72 | 23668
8 Sep 2023   #24

Just another internet sewer rather than real life. Stanislaw Lem's quote on the internet is still very true.

the expression 'hating on' which is a particularly hideous example of American English at its most inelegant

Vile, isn't it...
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Sep 2023   #25
I'm not ashamed of spelling "favorite", instead of "favourite".

Well you should be. You'll never be accepted by the radical feminists with that kind of attitude.
Joker  2 | 2458
8 Sep 2023   #26
They are musical geniuses... Ive been listening to them since my high school days..

Genesis is an good prog rock band, before Phil Collins, of course.

Rap music is total misogyny but if you say the truth out loud, youre accused of being a racist.
OP rush2112
8 Sep 2023   #27
@Atch Sounds like an another Pole with a low self-esteem who needs to prove that he's such a good English speaker, instead of being a decent human being.
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Sep 2023   #28
Sounds like an another Pole

But isn't.
OP rush2112
8 Sep 2023   #29
Just another internet sewer rather than real life. Stanislaw Lem's quote on the internet is still very true.

Yes, but knowing that many Polish men think like this makes me wanna vomit.
jon357  72 | 23668
8 Sep 2023   #30
makes me wanna vomit

You and me both. It's not new though and perhaps we should hope for steady change and a better next generation.

A lot of the trash talk in any country is from weak-minded small town bigots.

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