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Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up

kondzior  11 | 1026
23 Jul 2013   #481
Could there be some truth in my theory? Or is it baloney?

Very good effort, unfortunately my intellect is ahead of you anywhere from a century to nearly a millennium so I will cut your agonizing struggle short and just explain to you what is really going on.

Surfeit of calories in the diet and a lack of strong emotional experiences in adolescence suppresses amygdala growth in the brain. These conditions dominate in a civilization at the peak of it's success. Poland have been free of these conditions "thanks" to shortage on food, typical for commie countries. Most of it's western benefactors, passive citizens born with ample food and no demand for them to serve in the military where they would get a taste of real life, will begin to manifest an ugly shriveled walnut in the center of their skull where normally the critical and indispensable amygdala would be in a healthy human.

Best book on this subject found below, should have won a Nobel Prize, of course suppressed literature out of print now like all really great books nowadays:

Once the amygdala is stunted, liberals turn to extended kin relationships to compensate for missing largest part of the core of their brain:

If they get this lib stigm at a young enough age, their anterior cingulates develop in compensation to teach them how to fellate everybody around them into feeding them and not killing them as any strong society would do with such clearly defective mini-me imitation humanoid types.

Lefists grow up to be sick people whose parents missed their chance to dump them on an arctic ice floe at a young age where they would cease to be a burden to their tribe. Once they discover each other, (having overdeveloped socialization skills to adapt to missing half their brain) they begin to make demands on the tribe to feed them more and more for free so they can entitle each other and run around in circles all day jacking off the way you would expect of somebody with serious brain damage.

Once their numbers are sufficient, of course they topple their own societies from within, exposing them to invasion, complete destruction and annihilation. Since they are creatures without any real loyalties to anyone (that would be a function of the amygdala) and no sense of a moral imperative for their survival (which would be an amygdala function) they begin to undermine every single institution around them that might oppose their quest for jerking off and eating food for free while they sodomize each other. They lack any interest in parenting of their offspring, expecting society to shoulder the burden any of their hideous mutant children and so they attack any notion of parental supervision or discipline of children, lacking any basic instincts themselves to that end. All they are is a brain damaged retard that wants to run around sh*tting everywhere, jerking off and eating other people's food. This is where democrats come from.

Good coverage of this subject here:
sobieski  106 | 2111
23 Jul 2013   #482
where normally the critical and indispensable amygdala would be in a healthy human.

I thought you were talking philosophy in this thread, and not "science" ?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Jul 2013   #483
Anglo-American world has been associated with individualism

Too much individualism leads to anarchy and chaos. Millions upon millions of people thinking up their private little usually self-serving moralities, obsessed with their own selfish pleasures, priorities and self-interest create a confused and convoluted society and world. Feminism often overlooks the obvious fact that, gender aside, we are all human beings first and foremost. To be able to interact peacefully and work together effectively a balanced consensus is needed. All too often unbridled individualiusm in the form of hurray-for-our-side me-firstism replaces any possible consensus. The results can be plainly seen all around.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Jul 2013   #484
Too much individualism

Yes Polonius, we know that you prefer democratic centralism systems.

To be able to interact peacefully and work together effectively a balanced consensus is needed.

So why are you posting nothing but partisan nonsense on here every single day?
Englishman  2 | 276
23 Jul 2013   #485
If a man helps with housework and cooking, he is a feminist.
If he cannot bring himself to do it because that's "women's work", then he is a prisoner in a cage.

In that case, I'm definitely a feminist :-).

Seriously, any man who doesn't see the need to share the domestic duties doesn't deserve to share his life with a woman. And if that's the case he'll have to do all the work, not just half. And also be very lonely.
23 Jul 2013   #486
If a man helps with housework and cooking, he is a feminist.
If he cannot bring himself to do it because that's "women's work", then he is a prisoner in a cage.

I'm just glad that back in the days when I wasn't a one-woman man, Polish guys hadn't figured out that the best way to separate a Polish girl from her underwear was to cook supper for her.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Jul 2013   #487
In that case, I'm definitely a feminist

Then is a wife who paints the house, mends the roof and repairs the family car a masculinist?
Englishman  2 | 276
23 Jul 2013   #488
Very good effort, unfortunately my intellect is ahead of you anywhere from a century to nearly a millennium so I will cut your agonizing struggle short and just explain to you what is really going on.

OK... so those of us who've grown up in Western democracies have a shrivelled walnut for part of the brain, resulting in us becoming left-wing liberals and our societies floundering, whereas people who grew up with privations under communism grow stronger and eventually take over the world?

I don't know whether Stalin and his successors shared your shrivelled-brain theory, but when communism and capitalism last went head to head in the West, the obese, flatulent Americans beat the emaciated Russians based on the innate superiority of their economic system. We in the UK, and you in Poland, never really bought into the extremes of either ideology, but nowadays are finding a consensus in social democracy, which is probably the best compromise between incentives to produce and a humanitarian safety net.

Meanwhile, in Asia, many North Koreans are stunted due to a lack of food (their corpulent leader and his cronies aside), while those in the South have as many Maccy Ds and KFCs as they can keep down. They also have one of the most productive economies in the world, which has given them huge successes in industries such as shipbuilding and, increasingly, consumer electronics. Do they all have shrunken brains?
23 Jul 2013   #489
Then is a wife who paints the house, mends the roof and repairs the family car a masculinist?

I believe the correct phrase is 'vibrator owner'.
f stop  24 | 2493
23 Jul 2013   #490
The two-fisted, mannish but man-hating feminists have covered the justified quest for equal rights with a negative image and odium not everyone likes to equate with.

And again, the tactic of associating feminists with those images worked on many people, for the same reason dim-witted public accepts and perpetuates the unhealthy image of women.

But that is not reality.
Most women I know are feminists, even if they don't know it.
My mother, for example. Both of my parents were working engineers, but it is my mother that always did all the food shopping, preparing, cleaning, taking us for all appointments and staying with us when we were sick. My father, occasionally did a dish, but only if it was fun, and he got enough attention. I could bet my life that he never brushed a toilet.

And she would have loved to have the satisfaction of fixing the car, or be the driver on family's vacation, but then.. what would he do??

She did all her duties beautifully, until the day she did not have to take care of us kids. That day she walked away and started a new life.

And now, whenever she feels even a little bit melancholy, she looks back just to remind herself how bad it could be, and she appreciates her life anew.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Jul 2013   #491
The point is that there were and probaly still are the tough-guy feminists as described above. Maybe only a minority but there was enough of them or they were vociferous enough to create a stereotype which IMHO is not serving the cause of women's rights.
f stop  24 | 2493
23 Jul 2013   #492
Maybe only a minority but there was enough of them or they were vociferous enough to create a stereotype

No, I don't think that is the point. They did not create the stereotype.
It was, and still, is a deliberate campaign to make the women struggle for equality as unpalatable as possible.
Straight out of the politics how-to book: liberals are lazy whiners, republicans are greedy bankers, feminists are bull-dykes.
Thankfully, younger generation is beginning to think for itself.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
23 Jul 2013   #493
left tends to think that it's the class exploitation that causes women oppression.

Can you give me example of how you are oppressed?

don't ascribe feminism to any political leanings.

In the U.S. feminists always support the Democratic Party. It's a virtual 100% support from the accepted established feminist leaders. Those who don't vote for the Democratic Party usually vote socialist or some other 3rd party associated with extreme leftism.

It was, and still, is a deliberate campaign to make the women struggle for equality as unpalatable as possible.

Would you be willing to post your alleged disadvantages when it comes to "equality"? If you do, I'll post some of the many advantages women have, at least in western cultures. Of course I'll post the disadvantages men have as well.

I only demand an honest discussion, an objective one and not the usual 'touchy-feely' nonsense filled with anecdotes instead of facts.
Englishman  2 | 276
23 Jul 2013   #494
I believe the correct phrase is 'vibrator owner'.

The best kind of woman :-).

My mother, for example.

I found your description of your mother's story very touching. She deserves her new life; I hope she is happy now :-).
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Jul 2013   #495
she appreciates her life anew.

How about your dad? Are you in regular contact with him?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
23 Jul 2013   #496
Taking care of a household is not so bad. I've been doing it even during my married days. Today, my dog helps me.

I had a neighbor who worked and his wife did the house chores. When their kids were in school she cleaned maybe once a week and usually only cooked one meal a day. Sometimes they ate out so she didn't cook at all. Additionally, sometimes they ordered food in.

She was up to date with all the soap operas she watched and she knew who the guests were on Ophra. Theirs was a division of labor although she had the better deal since she could parse her time to her personal pursuits. Her husband could not as he worked 5 and sometimes 6 days per week. He drove 25 miles each way to work. She spent - by far - most of the money on household and personal goods. Once could say that he made the money and she spent it. Her closet was 3 times the size of his (typical) and her personal needs vastly exceeded his.

Here's the corker: She joined a feminist book club and they told her how "enslaved" she was - (that) her husband should help her around the house, etc. Their personal relationship was permanently altered. She accused him of verbal assault although she was the one who frequently raised her voice. .....and so it goes.

There are many such cases described above and in various degrees of unnecessary dysfunction. I rarely provide one that is such a sketchy narrative, but it does illustrate how (too often) the modern American woman self deceives herself. Hopefully, individualist Polish women and their organizations have learned from the American feminists contribution in the destruction of families.
sobieski  106 | 2111
23 Jul 2013   #497
Taking care of a household is not so bad. I've been doing it even during my married days

And we are both pursuing careers, my wife even more as I, and doing the household and raising kids we do together, and that works out fine.

Today, my dog helps me.

Why am I not surprised by this?
f stop  24 | 2493
23 Jul 2013   #498
How about your dad? Are you in regular contact with him?

My father is valiantly searching for next ex-Mrs, (5th or 6th one, I lost count) that would be blissfully fulfilled by serving him.
Our relationship is good, as it usually is when there is a 1000 miles distance between us.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Jul 2013   #499
when there is a 1000 miles distance between us

Very sad indeed!
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
24 Jul 2013   #500
women are mentally stronger on average.

Here is a "mentally stronger" American woman - not spoiled at all. Please watch the whole video (if you dare). The guy worked 60 hours that week and he wanted to do some stuff at home. His, ahem, wife shows how the "patriarchy" keeps her down. :)
f stop  24 | 2493
24 Jul 2013   #501
I think Zimmy is one of those people that are unduly influenced by media. Like someone that sees the report of the crime and believes he's going to be a victim next.

He finds a lowest denominator and insists that's how the world is.
He should spend more time watching videos of abused and exploited women to try and achieve some balance, but I don't think he's interested in that.
pawian  225 | 27344
24 Jul 2013   #502
I noticed it long ago that you tend to be quite aggressive toward male posters in PF. Why? Are you trying to get rid of some kind of trauma? Then a contact with a psychologist/counsellor might be a better idea.....
f stop  24 | 2493
24 Jul 2013   #503
lol you crack me up!
pawian  225 | 27344
24 Jul 2013   #504
You are welcome. :):):)
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
24 Jul 2013   #505
So you're saying this:

He should spend more time watching videos of abused and exploited women to try and achieve some balance

is supposed to be a remedy for this:

I think Zimmy is one of those people that are unduly influenced by media. Like someone that sees the report of the crime and believes he's going to be a victim next.

f stop, you're just not making any sense; you want Zimmy to watch media that will influence him to think differently because you don't like the way he currently thinks on the topic at hand which you believe has been influenced by the media. How is that anything but a double standard (coming from a feminist)?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Jul 2013   #506
abused and exploited women

Hey, why don't more women learn how to defend themselves against phsycial abuse? There are judo, karate and taekwondo courses they can sign up for.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
24 Jul 2013   #507
Firstly that's actually originally from f stop,
Secondly and this is to answer your question.
Because women are going to get hurt in most cases if they don't try to escape first and foremost.

Too many people take some kind of training but never put it into practice where the other person is 100% (often within a set of "rules") trying to put the other person on queer street. If you're really confident and experienced then maybe you want some "alone time" with the fool that tried to get too close but if not then the best defense is to escape and evade whenever possible and that goes for men too.

A woman who's not only trained but also experienced in terms of matches and full-contact sparring should be able to fend herself and her loved ones off from a single male, or even two if there isn't too much of a size and strength difference. The greater the size or strength difference, the better her chances are to escape. I'm not saying it's a bad idea to trust her skills and experience in a fight with a male attacker but she'll have to invest A LOT more time and energy into training to come out of it well compared to a man of even similar stature. That's just how it is.

Judo is much better than Karate as a tool for self defense btw.
Knowing how to strike is important but most people's limbs are much better suited to clutching, grabbing and choking...chucking someone on their skull is a great way to send someone the message that they're in for a fight. That being said, boxing is sorely undervalued as self-defense tool. Someone with good fast hands who knows how to control distance is a nightmare for most.

I'm not dissing Karate but in terms of full-on competition or 100% sparring, you can do that more consistently and earlier on with most grappling based arts than with striking based arts...but to whoever is being attacked, it's usually best to be loud (like crazy loud), be aggressive, think and act "kill" but always keep your eyes open for ways to escape because anything can happen during a fight.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Jul 2013   #508
In Murder City (my home town), women began walking down streets with a long (6-8 inch) hat pin dangling from her hand. When being mugged, forcefully running the pin through the mugger was said to be quite an effective defence. I haven't heard of that in years -- maybe it got outlawed or something.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
24 Jul 2013   #509
Sounds like a good idea.
Weapons are equalizers but because they're so lethal, you better be sure what you're responding to is what you think it is. For that reason, I still think escape and evasion are better first options.
jon357  72 | 23426
24 Jul 2013   #510
All she did is challenged his hugely flawed logic. Or is an assertive, opinionated woman 'aggressive' or 'traumatised'?

Hysterical even.

Small wonder there's a need for feminism...

What's wrong with being chained to a cooker all day then making yourself attractive for when hubby gets home from a day at work?

Home / Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up
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