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Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up

Polson  5 | 1767
15 Jul 2013   #421
And why they could not?

Because women were meant to marry and raise children ASAP.
Now that this environmental/family/religious pressure is less and less important, more and more women 'contribute to the advancement of society'.

During the very religious Middle Ages, girls' schools were rare, and their education was quite limited, most of the time, to domestic arts.
The most educated women would end nuns in convents.

Schopenhauer understood the situation better then most, and his elucidations have become nearly prophetic in light of current trends. I don't have much too add to his excellent analysis.

Schopi wrote a lot of very interesting stuff, but also said that the woman is an animal with long hair and short-sighted. I wish you could explain this to Marie Curie-Skłodowska, Lise Meitner, Rosalind Franklin, Grace Murray Hopper, Erna Schneider Hoover, Rosa Parks (talking about obedient animals), and also Hatshepsut, Hildegard of Bingen, Catherine of Siena, Catherine II of Russia (unfortunately for Poland), etc.

This shows that women, when they have the means, ARE capable of achieving great things. And this is enough for me to disagree with Schopenhauer's slightly misogynic views on women.

Also, I don't believe in innatism. At birth, a baby is only biologically a male or a female. It will 'become' a male or a female during the first years of its life. I'm not saying there is no difference between men and women, only that these differences are not THAT significant. Some men hate football, some women love cars. Some men clean toilets, some women rule states. I honestly know very few animals that rule countries.

As to men being more intelligent than women, I found something interesting (;)).

So it is not that men are more intelligent than women, but that taller people are more intelligent than shorter people, but net of height women are more intelligent than men. Women who are 5'10" are on average more intelligent than men who are 5'10", and women who are 5'5" are on average more intelligent than men who are 5'5". But, more importantly, people who are 5'10" are significantly more intelligent than people who are 5'5", and most people who are 5'10" are men and most people who are 5'5" are women.
Just found it worth reading. Although I already know Mr ZIMMY will not agree for some reason.
sobieski  106 | 2111
16 Jul 2013   #422
Since they have no true understanding of things, everything for them has an emotional value and nothing more.

or this one

They would kick your *** anytime.

This of course undermines your fascist view of women.

Some nice quotes from your buddy Weininger can be found here: (Weininger and the Nazis)

Some other women who gladly would break your ***

They have probably more guts than you will ever meet in your entire life.

Another one who defies your fascist view of the world.

Lieutenant Catherine Tomiak is the first Polish woman who sat at the controls of a combat aircraft MIG -29 . Colleagues from 22nd Tactical Air Base in Malbork provide its full professionalism and determination. - At the beginning I was not treated seriously, but I grew up on a hard and crone - says Katarzyna .

I am now waiting for Zimmy to start moaning they take work away from male pilots.
Englishman  2 | 276
16 Jul 2013   #423
Another one who defies your fascist view of the world. I am now waiting for Zimmy to start moaning they take work away from male pilots.

Is it just me, or is there something rather sexy about female pilots? Especially Polish ones...

Not only is there the woman in this article, a military pilot, but I once flew with Ryanair and one of the pilots was a young woman who (judging by her name) hailed from Poland. In her smart uniform and hat she looked amazing :-).

I'm guessing some people here will say they're freaks and should be at home baking for their husbands and kids...
sobieski  106 | 2111
16 Jul 2013   #424
Is it just me, or is there something rather sexy about female pilots?

The Belgian F-16 pilot in the picture also wasn't exactly ugly :)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
16 Jul 2013   #425
is there something rather sexy about female pilots?

you sexist bastardd!! (jokes)
sobieski  106 | 2111
16 Jul 2013   #426
Anyway, F-16 pilots do not get their wings and grades because of their looks...of that I am sure :)
Their "toys" are a bit too expensive for that :)
And nor are they allowed to drop bombs on Khadafi or Osama because they just look cute :)
Englishman  2 | 276
16 Jul 2013   #427
you sexist bastardd!! (jokes)

I guess so. In my defence, I'm on a mission to persuade some people here that feminists are likeable, desirable women and not ugly man-haters :-)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
16 Jul 2013   #428
I know Englishman, you are OK..:)
Englishman  2 | 276
16 Jul 2013   #429
Thanks :-). I blame it on having watched Top Gun at an impressionable age...
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
16 Jul 2013   #430
Men and women in modern western society are equal in the eyes of the law.

Not in practice. In the U.S. and in most western countries women receive lesser penalties for the same crime. For example, in spousal murders, men have averaged 17 year sentences while women have averaged only 7 years. It's part of societies 'women-protected' status which I'll expound on later.

here should beTOTAL equality between men and women. It is the feminists who pick the ripe, sweet fruit for themselves ('cushy jobs, same pay for poorer performance, etc.) and leave the leftovers for the menfolk.

It's noticeable that pro feminists here are silent on this important area.

The videos made very good points.

It's too bad that those supporting the feminist agenda cannot get through these videos because the logic seems to make their heads explode. I particularly like the ones where recovering feminists are narrating.

men should never owe back payments for children proven not to be theirs.

Some men have been mandated by the courts to do just that. It's part of our culture to continue to protect women who ironically cry "discrimination" at the drop of a hat.

You can tell just how much socialism there is in feminism by their constant cries at victim hood, a true hall mark of marxist propaganda.

That's a very fundamental point, one that is intentionally ignored by feminists and their fellow travelers.

women are not a perpetual victims or an underdog of society.

In western cultures women are favored over men by being catered to in law and custom.

I'm on a mission to persuade some people here that feminists are likeable, desirable women and not ugly man-haters :-)

""I feel that 'man-hating' is an honourable and viable political act......." Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor
That's only one of thousands of feminist anti male comments and in this case uttered by the editor of Ms Magazine which was the house organ of feminism. Amazing.
sobieski  106 | 2111
16 Jul 2013   #431
I would like to see you go in discussion with that Belgian female F-16 pilot. She defies your idea of the role of women in society completely :)

As for now you did not whine she is taking jobs from men? How strange.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
16 Jul 2013   #432
She defies your idea of the role of women in society completely :)

You don't seem to know the "role" I envision as evidenced by your false assumptions like this one....

you did not whine she is taking jobs from men? How strange.

I've never opposed anyone taking on any job they qualify for!
I oppose lowering standards for women as has already been done in the U.S. military. The following link explains what happens when that occurs...

There has been too much such social engineering which is related to 'affirmative action' when attempting to jet stream (pun intended) women into positions they didn't quality for. As to the relatively few women who do it on their own without the social political correctness, I say "congratulations" and welcome aboard.
kondzior  11 | 1026
16 Jul 2013   #433
Amazing how anybody can post a link to that liberal show piece with a straight face without their brain falling out in the process. Women cannot perform any type of military mission which would customarily be assigned by a man. Not even the most mundane. Not if you value the efficiency of your army. And the argument is a lot more profound then mere differences in physical strength. Its the same reason of why men excel in everything else they do, even activities that don't involve physical strength. Hell, men are even better at cooking when they put their minds to it. There is no way to include women in the military without lowering standards in one way or another. End of argument. Lots of liberals seem to be more then willing to give up efficiency in the name of politics, until the day the Polish army is going to fight something a bit more challenging then a bunch of desert dwellers and then the whole country is doomed.

Seriously, would you want "pilots" like that, when we have to face the Russian invasion?
Englishman  2 | 276
16 Jul 2013   #434
@ kondzior, your outrageous claims about the unsuitability of women to the military fail on at least two counts. First, while women may, on average, not be as strong or have as much stamina as men, not everyone is average. Some women are more suited to roles requiring strength and stamina than some men. Second, it is wrong to assume that such characteristics are required for all military roles. There are all kinds of roles in the forces and some of them require exceptional mental or interpersonal strengths, rather than physical ones.

Fnally, women such as the Polish F-16 pilot who win such positions despite social pressures and the remaining bigots in society who make it difficult for them deserve better than being denigrated and belittled.
sobieski  106 | 2111
16 Jul 2013   #435
I oppose lowering standards for women as has already been done in the U.S. military.

No proper air force would let somebody fly an F-16 without proper qualifications.

. Women cannot perform any type of military mission which would customarily be assigned by a man. Not even the most mundane. Not if you value the efficiency of your army.

The women who fly attack helicopters in Afghanistan (and did so in Iraq) would simply laugh in your face.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
16 Jul 2013   #436
No proper air force would let somebody fly an F-16 without proper qualifications.

With "political correctness" there was no "proper air force" for Navy Lt. Kara Hultgreen and her F-14A Tomcat fighter. She wasn't the only one and even now the pressures are on the military to incorporate women into all services.

Here's the problem: the Army for instance has separate physical fitness tests for men and women. Men must complete 75 push-ups, 80 sit-ups and a two-mile run in less than 13 minutes for a perfect score, while women must complete 46 push-ups, complete 80 sit-ups run two miles in less than 15 minutes and 36 seconds to maintain a perfect score. The "PC" gang which includes feminists 'feel' this is "equality" Despite this, the pay grades are the same.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
16 Jul 2013   #437
Yeah I remember a story on 60 minutes which aired over a decade ago about a naval pilot (iirc) who had a bit of sketchy record. A few people in the know were saying her gender was the only reason she had been passed/promoted to her there's also that.
f stop  24 | 2493
16 Jul 2013   #438
if a woman finds that the best use of her time is to point out, with her gun, the errors of others ways, then by all means, she should be allowed to try. Same as men. But, I don't think the tests should be any different.

That said, the times when we marched armies across the continents have long passed. Today, other factors such as mental agility, stability and precision might be more valuable than brute strength, and the tests should reflect that.
kondzior  11 | 1026
17 Jul 2013   #439
I don't think the tests should be any different. That said, the times when we marched armies across the continents have long passed. Today, other factors such as mental agility, stability and precision might be more valuable than brute strength, and the tests should reflect

Note that of course this is all immaterial. It doesn't matter whether women can performer as well as men on physical tests, because by their nature they still can't perform as well in actual performance (for the same exact reason why women can't perform as well as men in music, or even in cooking, fields where physical strength means nothing).

Women in the military is another sign of the inanity that pervades this civilization and is one more step towards total doom.
f stop  24 | 2493
17 Jul 2013   #440
women can't perform as well as men in music, or even in cooking, fields where physical strength means nothing

totally untrue

Women in the military is another sign of the inanity that pervades this civilization and is one more step towards total doom.

only for those that cannot see the innanity of war

i see! is a white supremacist site. Makes sense where you're coming from.
Polson  5 | 1767
17 Jul 2013   #441
women can't perform as well as men in music, or even in cooking

Music is not logic, it is subjective. How can you reasonably compare an artist/musician with another?
Same with cooking. Can you prove that men perform better than women in that matter (too)?

I understand that for someone like you who sees women as basic reproducers/breeders, it's hard to imagine them doing anything else than procreating. And being men's slaves of course.

pervades this civilization and is one more step towards total doom.

Please tell me more about that total doom (that women are (partly only?) guilty of), I'm curious.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
17 Jul 2013   #442 excel in everything else they do, even activities that don't involve physical strength.

That's an interesting comment. Anybody disagree with that and if so please be specific.

Related to this, Camille Paglia in her book "Sexual Personae" which I highly recommend noted; "There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper."
f stop  24 | 2493
17 Jul 2013   #443
Music is not logic, it is subjective. How can you reasonably compare an artist/musician with another?
Same with cooking. Can you prove that men perform better than women in that matter (too)?

kondzior and zimmy are not looking for a discussion, but to find validation for their warped views. If they really think that women's contributions are inferior, then they are too far gone for any forum discussion to make a difference.

Fact that they found each other on Polish forum is damning enough, but thankfully, from what I see, not many others here share their views.
sobieski  106 | 2111
17 Jul 2013   #444
Women in the military is another sign of the inanity that pervades this civilization and is one more step towards total doom.

Of course the countless female AK soldiers, the female SOE agents in France etc...would be very glad to read your warped views.
jon357  72 | 23426
17 Jul 2013   #445
In a tricky spot, I'd rather have the help of a woman soldier than a random man off the street.

If they really think that women's contributions are inferior, then they are too far gone for any forum discussion to make a difference.
Fact that they found each other on Polish forum is damning enough, but thankfully, from what I see, not many others here share their views.

Very, very true.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 Jul 2013   #446
fly attack helicopters in Afghanistan

How many were there? What percentage? Any links or is this just another sweeping generality?
Englishman  2 | 276
17 Jul 2013   #447
kondzior: excel in everything else they do, even activities that don't involve physical strength.
That's an interesting comment. Anybody disagree with that and if so please be specific.

I assume if you're ever unfortunate enough to get leukemia you won't be availing yourself of the cure developed by a Polish woman. She's female, so it couldn't possibly be as good as a treatment developed by a man, right?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
17 Jul 2013   #448
"There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper."

that is quite interesting actually.
men are more extreme I think.
That is not to say that some women do not excel in their fields .
an example is that there are more male tramps and hobos and more mansion owners, more very stupid men and also more male genuises.
We have a good example of the first right on this thread!
and no Z I am not referring to you.
sobieski  106 | 2111
17 Jul 2013   #449
How many were there? What percentage? Any links or is this just another sweeping generality?
She has more *** than you ever will have.
And that Belgian F-16 pilot of which you told she was cleaning latrines / peeling potatoes...her IQ and guts I would like to compare to yours...

And any afterthoughts on the female AK soldiers during the Warsaw Uprising ?
Englishman  2 | 276
17 Jul 2013   #450
Women in the military is another sign of the inanity that pervades this civilization and is one more step towards total doom.

'Total doom'? Are you sure your misogyny isn't tripping over into paranoia here?

Bear in mind the importance of averages. Yes, the average man is stronger than the average woman, but the strongest women are a lot stronger than the weakest men. So there are plenty of women with sufficient strength to perform the most physically demanding roles in the military, and plenty of men who lack it.

Also, we get our (on average) greater physical strength from our higher testosterone levels. Testosterone is also associated with aggression. Contrary to initial appearances, aggression is not a valued commodity in the armed forces, because it leads to impaired judgement. Nothing is more highly valued in the forces than being able to keep a calm head in a crisis.

And finally, as f stop has pointed out, the true victors in war are those who are smart enough to avoid it. Consider how many wars have taken place in history, the terrible consequences not only for the immediate victims and their families but also in terms of the resources that could have been deployed improving human civilization. Almost all of those wars were made by men, not women. And you still think we're superior?

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