feminists stepped over the line when they decided to start undermining the place of males in society.
Right on! The backlash to feminism has been caused by radical feminists who have launched a frontal attack on too many things. If they had concentrated on equal pay for equal job performance, they would have probably been more successful in that area and would enjoy wider public backing than trying to upset the apple cart. Instead they have attacked:
-- What they call the 'patriarchal' (meaning normal traditional) family, insisting that housekeeping and child-rearing are somehow demeaning and not worthy of a modern women, thereby alienating many females as well.
-- The language by insisting that time-honoured words and expressions be replaced with exotic thought-up neologisms: flight attendant, chairperson, humankind, etc. Will they soon be calling the manual gearbox the humanual transmission?
-- The Catholic Church which they accuse of discrimination for its fidelity to the tradition of the 12 Apostles. Will they soon be called 'apostlettes'? God the Father is to be replaced by God the Mother and Father...
- Alleged workplace inequality but bidding for cushy, well-paid, decision-making posts and leaving the hard, dirty and dangerous jobs to men. Ever heard any feminists clamouring to be allowed to work as 'dustpersons'?
-- The male half of the species with every manner of misandric notions and off-the-wall gender theories aimed at demeaning and emasculating males.
I am referring to RADICAL FEMINISTS with a chip on their shoulder, not ordinary women concerned about jobs opportunities, promotions, supporting their families. The radicals seem to be playing a game of one-upmanship, scoring points, always landing on top and trying to destroy the enemy.
Hey, we all have to live on this planet. And we are homo sapiens (sadly all too often only homo ludens!) first and foremost. Nationality, politics and gender are further down the line.